Figured a thread like this could be very helpful in the long run. In this topic we're going to post useful combos for every character in the game. Anyone can submit a combo. Just use this format when submitting a combo:
Notations (how to do the actual combo)
* Optional
Here are the notations that you should use when posting combos. The notations to use are on the left, the explanation is on the right (PS3 Pad / Xbox 360 Pad / Old Notation):
Front Punch (FP) = Square / X / 1
Back Punch (BP) = Triangle / Y / 2
Front Kick (FK) = X / A / 3
Back Kick (BK) = Circle / B / 4
F = Forward
B = Back
U = Up
D = Down
st. = Standing
cr. = Crouching
j. = Jumping
NJP = Jumping straight into the air and hitting a punch button
NJK = Jumping straight into the air and hitting a kick button
JPS = Jumping punch, which allows you to continue a combo when you land
, (comma) = the next step in the combo link. So a standard Scorpion combo would look like this: FP, FP, FP
xx = Cancel. This is when you cancel a move into another move. Example for Scorpion: FP, FP xx Spear
+ = Pressing two buttons at the same time. For example, one of Sub-Zero's combos looks like this: B+FP, BP, BK
~ = Immediately after
Corner Only: Means you can only do the combo on either edge of the screen
Here are the combos. Lets fill this thing up!:
FP FP xx spear, NJP, dash, B+BP, dash, FP FP xx telepunch, jump kick xx airthrow
JK, Airthrow (vs opp in air OR on ground if you can time it right) 3 hits, 20%. Short and elementary but for 20% for SO little effort it's extremely useful and not to be underrated.
FP, FP, xxSpear, NJP, dash, B+BP, JK, Teleport, JK, Teleport, JK, Airthrow.
JPS, FP, FP, xxSpear, NJP, dash, FP, FP, X-Ray.
JPS, FP, FP, xxSpear, NJP, dash, B+BP, dash, FP, FP, X-Ray.
(Near corner)
B+FK, FP, BP, B+FK, FP, BP, B+FK, FP, BP, Uppercut
As long as the opponent's back is to the corner, you can do this combo from near the middle of the arena
FP BP B+FP, dash, F+FP BP, F+FP BP, F+FP BP, F+FP BP xx flying kick
FP BP B+FP, dash, B+FK FP xx X-ray, dash uppercut
JPS, FP, FP, BP, Spin ~ JK, Dive Kick, JK, Dive Kick, FP, FP, BP ~ Uppercut
Corner Only
You can switch the last chain and uppercut to Kung Lao's Leg Bar if you want to.
JPS, FP, FP, BP, Spin ~ JK, Dive Kick
The best I can come up with without using the corner or Enhanced specials for now. I'm sure I'll come up with something better soon. For now, enjoy the corner!
(In Corner)
JPS, FP, FP, BP, Spin JK, Dive Kick, JK, Dive Kick, FP, FP, BP, X-Ray ~ Dash, BP, BK, FP+FK, BK
Rip people to shreds with this thing. Kung Lao is a fucking beast
(In Corner)
JPS, FP, FP, BP, Spin, JK, Dive Kick, JK, Dive Kick, JK, Dive Kick, X-Ray
Okay, this is ridiculous. The third Dive Kick is tough to land. I don't think you can follow the X-Ray up with anything. I've tried numerous times but can't land any attack after. Still, I think 61% will get the job done.
These are all from the demo, they are subject to change
JPS, B+FP, BP xx Freeze ~ JPS, B+FP, BP, BK
You can change this combo up a bit by switching the canned combo with his Kori Blade combo (BP, BP, BP) but that takes less damage, so....
*In Corner*
BP, FP, BP ~ Freeze ~ FP ~ FP, FP ~ BP, BP, BP
28%? (Haven't checked in a while)
B+FP, BP xx Freeze ~ JPS, B+FP, BP xx X-Ray
A slight variation on the first combo. I found out that if you don't do the first JPS it actually takes more damage.
B+FP BP xx freeze, NJP, dash, B+FP BP, BP FP BP xx slide
JPS, B+FP, FP, Telekinetic Slam, JK, Teleport Punch, Telekinetic Push
JPS, BP, BP, Telekinetic Slam, JK, Teleport Punch, Dash, BP, BP, Telekinetic Push
You gotta input that telekinetic push real quick to get it off. You can go with an X-Ray instead of the push. It will deal 59%.
FP BP xx TK slam, Jump kick xx telepunch, dash, FP BP xx TK push or X-ray
33%, 46 with X-ray
JPS, FP, BP, BP, Slow Force Ball, FK, BP, Fast Force Ball, FK, BP, FP, Xray
Your stance matters on this one. Your back must be facing the outside for it to work
FP BP BP xx fast forceball, FK BP xx slow forceball, FK BP FP xx slide or X-ray
34% (44% with X-Ray)
F+BP FP, F+BP xx fan throw, BK xx fan lift, dash, dash, B+BP xx fan throw, dash, fan throw, dash, BK xx cutting fan (you can replace the last fan throw with X-ray instead if you feel like you absolutely need the extra damage, but it's not worth it at all) (47%, 50 with X-ray)
F+BK,B+FK, Shadow Kick or Flip Kick
F+BK, dash, B+FK, dash, BP FP F+BP, dash, BK BK xx flip kick or shadow kick
F+BK, dash, BP FP F+BP, dash, BK BK xx flip kick or shadow kick
Same as above, just leave out the B+FK. I personally go with this one since I find the B+FK to mess up my timing. If you can land the 38% then by all means go for it, but if you're having trouble, try out this one instead.
BP FP F+BP, BK BK xx flip kick (30%)
Again, practically the same combo. Just leave out the F+BK if you're in a situation where you don't want to deal with its slower startup, because the rest still does great damage by itself.
B+FP xx staff overhead, dash, B+BP, dash, FP, dash, FP BP xx shadow kick, shadow kick (33%)
B+FP xx staff overhead, dash, B+BP, X-ray
BP FK xx roll, U+BK, FK BK xx telekick xx sai throw
U+BK, U+BK, F+BK FP+BP xx roll, jump kick xx telekick xx sai throw
JPS, F+FK, FP, Hatchet, Dash, FP, Dash, FP, Dash, FP, Rhino Charge
If you get this in the corner you can get around four FP and connect with his air grab move. The damage goes into the mid 30%
JPS, F+FK, FP, Hatchet, B+FP, Arrow, Rhino Charge
Somewhere in the thirties
(in corner)
JPS, F+ FK, FP, BP, F+FK, FP, BP, F+FK, FP, BP, Rhino Charge
Timing is critical on this. You must be in the corner to do it
FP BP BP xx hatchet, hatchet, dash, FP FP xx arrow, shoulder (33%)
FP BP BP xx hatchet, hatchet, dash, BP xx X-ray (48%)
In the corner
JPS, BP, FP, BP, Shadow Upknee, BP, FP, Shadow Upknee, BP, FP, Shadow Upknee, BP, FP, Shadow Charge
BP FP BP xx teleslam or X-ray
20% or 43% with X-Ray
SMOKE: FK D+FP BP, dash, B+BP FK xx smoke bomb, jump kick xx air throw or telepunch (you can X-ray after the smoke bomb instead)(33%, 42 with X-ray)
FK D+FP BP, dash, FK BP, jump kick xx air throw, OTG smoke bomb, jump kick xx air throw or telepunch (I'm not 100% sure this is a legit combo; I've heard conflicting reports as to whether or not a human player can block the smoke bomb. It combos on the CPU, though. Also, again, you can X-ray after smoke bomb) (39%, 47 with X-ray)
JPS, FK, D+FP, BP, Dash, FK, BP, Smoke Cloud, Dash, FK, D+FP, BP, Air Grab 41%
FK D+FP BP, jump kick xx airthrow, OTG smoke bomb, dash, FK D+FP BP, jump kick xx airthrow, OTG smoke bomb
JPS, BP, FP xx Teleport Punch, JK, EX Teleport Punch, BK, Flamethrower
SONYA: BP FP xx cartwheel, dash, B+BP FP F+BP, jump kick xx air throw or divekick (you can also do BP FP xx X-ray after the B+BP FP F+BP, but again the damage isn't really worth it) (31%, 37 with BP FP Xray ender)
B+FP BP BP, dash, FP BP xx gunshot, dash, FP BP xx baton throw (36%)
B+FP BP BP, dash, FP BP xx X-ray (44%)
JPS, B+FP, BP, BP, NJP, Gun Shot, Roll 30%
Can do 38% damage if you use both enhanced gun shot and roll. Make sure you pull off the gun shot quickly after the NJP so that the opponent is high enough to perform the roll.
(near corner)
JPS, B+FK, FP, BP ~ FK, FK, BK ~ BP, Electrocute ~ Uppercut
Really easy combo. Getting in the corner with Raiden is a lot easier with his Flying Thunder God attack
Close Ice Bomb,NJP, FK, BK, Slide.
31%, 34% with enhanced slide.
BP, FP, Ice Ball, JPS, BP, FP, FP+BP, dash, BP, FP, B+BP, BP, Slide.
37%, 39% with enhanced slide, 40% if started with fjp, 42% if started
with fjp, and finished with enhanced slide.
BP, FP, Ice Ball, NJP, JK, x-ray.
48%, 50% if started with JPS
Close Ice Bomb, NJP, JK, x-ray.
Corner combos:
2, 1, bf+1, fjp, 2, 1, 1+2, jp, 4, 3, 4, bf+4. 42%, 43% with enhanced slide, 45% if started with fjp, 46% if started with fjp and finished with enhanced slide.
2, 1, bf+1 fjp, 2, 1, 1+2, jp, fjk, x-ray. 56%, 58% if started with fjp.
fjp, 2, 1, bf+1, fjp, 2, 1, 1+2, 4, fjk, x-ray. 57%.
bb+3, 2, 1, df+1, jp, 4, 3, 4, bf+4. 39%, 40% with enhanced slide.
bb+3, f+1, 4, 4, f+1, 4. 41%. Extreme timing.
bb+3, f+1, 4, 4, 3, 4, bf+4. 42%, 43% with enhanced slide. Extreme timing.
3 hit: F+BK, B+FK, B,F,BK or D,F,FK
(pop-up roundhouse, popup back kick, shadow kick or shadow uppercut) extra damage on enhanced move use.
SUB-ZERO: B+FP BP xx freeze, NJP, dash, B+FP BP, BP FP BP xx slide (42%)
SCORPION: FP FP xx spear, NJP, dash, B+BP, dash, FP FP xx telepunch, dash, FP FP xx telepunch, air throw (42%)
JOHNNY CAGE: F+BK, dash, B+FK, dash, BP FP F+BP, dash, BK BK xx flip kick or shadow kick (38%)
MILEENA: U+BK, U+BK, F+FK FP+BP xx roll, jump kick xx telekick xx sai throw (40%)
SUB-ZERO: BP BP xx freeze, NJP, dash, B+FP BP, BP FP BP xx slide
Same as above, although I usually start with BP BP xx freeze rather than B+FP BP xx freeze due to its faster startup and the fact that it hits crouching opponents. You sacrifice a bit of damage that way, though (can't remember how much exactly, but IIRC it still does about 37-38% altogether).
SCORPION: FP FP xx spear, NJP, dash, B+BP, dash, FP FP xx telepunch, jump kick xx airthrow (40%)
Sometimes I'll have an off day where I can't seem to land the 42%, so I stick with this instead. It's super easy to do, and all you're sacrificing from the above combo is 2% and a tiny bit of meter.
JOHNNY CAGE: F+BK, dash, BP FP F+BP, dash, BK BK xx flip kick or shadow kick
Same as above, just leave out the B+FK. I personally go with this one since I find the B+FK to mess up my timing. If you can land the 38% then by all means go for it, but if you're having trouble, try out this one instead.
BP FP F+BP, BK BK xx flip kick (30%)
Again, practically the same combo. Just leave out the F+BK if you're in a situation where you don't want to deal with its slower startup, because the rest still does great damage by itself.
MILEENA: I don't really make any changes to the above combo, but here's a bonus secondary BnB instead!
BP FK xx roll, U+BK, FK BK xx telekick xx sai throw (34%)
JK, Airthrow (vs opp in air OR on ground if you can time it right) 3 hits, 20%. Short and elementary but for 20% for SO little effort it's extremely useful and not to be underrated.
FP, FP, xxSpear, NJP, dash, B+BP, JK, Teleport, JK, Teleport, JK, Airthrow. 12 hits, 49%. (though I seem to have off days where I can't seem to land the JK, Teleports often but it will still do high 20's to 30's even with messing up. I will have to give Coheed's combos a try though!)
FP, FP, xxSpear, F+BP, FP, X-Ray. I forget number of hits but it is short, easy, hard to combo break if they don't already have one ready or are damn close to it and it does 48% without needing a wall or anything so yeah.
Messed around with some Scorp JK telepunch combos today; had been avoiding them since I wasn't sure what they'd be like in the final build. After hearing they've apparently been nerfed down to one per combo in the final version, my new BnB for him is:
FP FP xx spear, NJP, dash, B+BP, Jump kick xx telepunch, jump kick xx airthrow (42%)
And here's the usual combos I use to land X-rays:
SCORPION: FP FP xx spear, NJP, dash, B+BP, Jump kick xx telepunch, dash, BP xx Xray (54%)
SUB-ZERO: B+FP BP xx freeze, NJP, dash, B+FP BP, BP FP BK xx Xray (53% i think? not sure off the top of my head.)
MILEENA: U+BK, U+BK, F+FK FP+BP xx roll, F+FK FP+BP xx Xray (53%)
Sub's and Scorp's are just their BnBs for the most part, but figured I'd throw em in anyways.
Transcribe as you wish Sub.
I'm not contributing and I'm not the creator, but here's this: The Mortal Kombat All Character Combovideo
Transcribe as you wish Sub.
er....uh yeah I don't think I'm transcribing that any time soon. If anyone wants to copy down those combos there are five nice DPs waiting for you =P
Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151
JPS, FP, FP, xx spear, NJP, dash, FP, FP, X-Ray. 10 hits, 43%.
EDIT: Using B+BP in place of the NJP reduces the damage to 37% and gives you a smaller window to do the rest of the combo. Not worth it.
EDIT 2: Totally thought xx meant enhanced. I was trying some of the other Scorpion combos and I was failing hard, lol.
EDIT 3: Slightly more difficult combo, added hit + damage:
JPS, FP, FP, xx spear, NJP, dash, B+BP, dash, FP, FP, X-Ray. 11 hits, 46%.
EDIT 4: Should you find yourself in a match with unlimited super meter:
JPS, FP, FP, xx E-spear, NJP, dash, B+BP, dash, FP, FP, X-Ray. 11 hits, 50%.
Midscreen combos:
bb+3, jp, 3, 4, bf+4. 31%, 34% with enhanced slide.
2, 1, df+1, fjp, 2, 1, 1+2, dash, 2, 1, b+2, 2, bf+4. 37%, 39% with enhanced slide, 40% if started with fjp, 42% if started with fjp, and finished with enhanced slide.
2, 1, df+1, jp, fjk, x-ray. 48%, 50% if started with fjp.
bb+3, jp, fjk, x-ray. 52%.
Corner combos:
2, 1, bf+1, fjp, 2, 1, 1+2, jp, 4, 3, 4, bf+4. 42%, 43% with enhanced slide, 45% if started with fjp, 46% if started with fjp and finished with enhanced slide.
2, 1, bf+1 fjp, 2, 1, 1+2, jp, fjk, x-ray. 56%, 58% if started with fjp.
fjp, 2, 1, bf+1, fjp, 2, 1, 1+2, 4, fjk, x-ray. 57%.
bb+3, 2, 1, df+1, jp, 4, 3, 4, bf+4. 39%, 40% with enhanced slide.
bb+3, f+1, 4, 4, f+1, 4. 41%. Extreme timing.
bb+3, f+1, 4, 4, 3, 4, bf+4. 42%, 43% with enhanced slide. Extreme timing.
Also I used my own terms: jp (neutral jump punch), fjp (forward jump punch), and so on.
And for everyone, unless adding an X-Ray in a combo leads to ridiculous damage, try not to add them to the list. As a rule of thumb, if adding the X-Ray doesn't lead to 50% or more damage then it might not be a good idea to put it in.
If you want, end the combo another way and add in the comments section that you can add an X-Ray for more damage.
Nice. Use the right notations next time tho
And for everyone, unless adding an X-Ray in a combo leads to ridiculous damage, try not to add them to the list. As a rule of thumb, if adding the X-Ray doesn't lead to 50% or more damage then it might not be a good idea to put it in.
If you want, end the combo another way and add in the comments section that you can add an X-Ray for more damage.
Some characters like Baraka can't reach that amount of damage even with X-Ray, might be wrong though, but as of now it seems like it.
Don't let that discourage you lol. I'll add whatever combo you guys write down
Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151
Yeah Baraka's damage output is pretty sad. But still, what I'm trying to do is compile a list of combos that anyone can do in a given situation. Sure, you can add X-Rays and EX moves to the combo but I would honestly prefer standard combos
Don't let that discourage you lol. I'll add whatever combo you guys write down
E-specials and X-Rays are still worth noting, though. Helps players figure out if certain X-Rays can be comboed or not.
Super meter has to be full Cyrax
Away+Y/triangle then do his endurance bombs 3 times it will make the opponent pop into the air
Then use cyraxs net then press A,A,B/X,X,Square
It's a good combo
Short electocute variations:
Moving jump Punch, BP,BP,electrocute, then:
1. FP,Fly
2. uppercut
Xray compatible with spark kicks
X-ray must be done immediately after spark kicks combo to work midscreen
Moving Jump Punch,FK,FK,BK,teleport,electrocute,FP,fly
30% without Jump Punch,
32% when fly is substituted with BK,BK
45% when FP, and fly are substituted with X-ray
Electrocute must be done as soon as humanly possible after teleport or you will miss. it is possible both the electrocute and the X-ray are single frame opportunities.
The combo strings above are a part of a larger combo the strategy guide mentions that I cant seem to pull off. that being: Moving Jump Punch, FK,FK,Teleport,FP,dash,FK,FK,fly
Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager
| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |
Signature and avatar by ThePredator151
can somebody please explain to me what is meant by "to cancel into a move".
how do i do that?
It pretty much means to do the input for the next move while the animation for the previous move is still occurring, so that the special move is part of the combo and is thus a guaranteed hit.
So it's B+BP, e-Bomb, e-Bomb, e-Bomb, Net, FK, FK, BK?
I'm not sure how that possibly works. I'd need to see that on video.
I have no video recorder but I can explain it to you
The first part will make the opponent pop up
The rockets will make the opponent pop up in succession
The net will keep them in the air then
Then last portion of the combo ends it.
can somebody please explain to me what is meant by "to cancel into a move".
how do i do that?
It pretty much means to do the input for the next move while the animation for the previous move is still occurring, so that the special move is part of the combo and is thus a guaranteed hit.
thank you kindly.
LIU KANG: FP BP B+FP, dash, F+FP BP, F+FP BP, F+FP BP, F+FP BP xx flying kick (31%)
FP BP B+FP, dash, B+FK FP xx X-ray, dash uppercut (41%)
ERMAC: FP BP xx TK slam, Jump kick xx telepunch, dash, FP BP xx TK push or X-ray (33%, 46 with X-ray)
REPTILE: FP BP BP xx fast forceball, FK BP xx slow forceball, FK BP FP xx slide or X-ray (I usually leave out the FP if I'm going for X-ray....for some reason it whiffs sometimes after the FP but it's by no means impossible to land) (34%), 44 with X-ray)
KITANA: F+BP FP, F+BP xx fan throw, BK xx fan lift, dash, dash, B+BP xx fan throw, dash, fan throw, dash, BK xx cutting fan (you can replace the last fan throw with X-ray instead if you feel like you absolutely need the extra damage, but it's not worth it at all) (47%, 50 with X-ray)
JADE: B+FP xx staff overhead, dash, B+BP, dash, FP, dash, FP BP xx shadow kick, shadow kick (33%)
B+FP xx staff overhead, dash, B+BP, X-ray (49%)
NIGHTWOLF: FP BP BP xx hatchet, hatchet, dash, FP FP xx arrow, shoulder (33%)
FP BP BP xx hatchet, hatchet, dash, BP xx X-ray (48%)
NOOB: BP FP BP xx teleslam or X-ray (20%, 43 with X-ray)
SMOKE: FK D+FP BP, dash, B+BP FK xx smoke bomb, jump kick xx air throw or telepunch (you can X-ray after the smoke bomb instead)(33%, 42 with X-ray)
FK D+FP BP, dash, FK BP, jump kick xx air throw, OTG smoke bomb, jump kick xx air throw or telepunch (I'm not 100% sure this is a legit combo; I've heard conflicting reports as to whether or not a human player can block the smoke bomb. It combos on the CPU, though. Also, again, you can X-ray after smoke bomb) (39%, 47 with X-ray)
SONYA: BP FP xx cartwheel, dash, B+BP FP F+BP, jump kick xx air throw or divekick (you can also do BP FP xx X-ray after the B+BP FP F+BP, but again the damage isn't really worth it) (31%, 37 with BP FP Xray ender)
KANO: BP FP BP, dash, BP FP BP, cannonball (25%)
STRYKER: B+FP BP BP, dash, FP BP xx gunshot, dash, FP BP xx baton throw (36%)
B+FP BP BP, dash, FP BP xx X-ray (44%)
KABAL: B+FP BP FP, jump kick xx air fireball, spindash, F+FK BP xx tornado slam (32%)
B+FP BP FP, dash, F+FK BP xx X-ray (39%)
RAIDEN: FP BP FP xx shocker, B+FK FP BP xx torpedo (or leave out the BP and just end with B+FK FP xx X-ray) (29%, 40 with X-ray)
QUAN CHI: B+BP FP, dash, B+BP FP, dash, FP FP BP xx trance, F+FP BP FP+BP (35%)
B+BP FP, dash, B+BP FP, dash, FP FP BP xx trance, BP FP xx X-ray (46%)