MK Legacy I-VI: The Biggest Guarenteed Combos For Every Character & Every Combo Type! [MKO Retro Strats]
posted02/05/2009 04:15 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/05/2003 06:54 AM (UTC)
MK Legacy I-VI has been released. MKL 1-5 have been severly updated with tons of new combos. The last time those movies were updated were over a year ago. So you can imagine the amount of new stuff in these videos. Not to mention, all have been rerecorded in higher bitrate. Much higher quality versions are available upon request. The FileFront links will be added to the next post.

MK Legacy VI is a ground wall tribute that was recorded before i lost everything on my hard drive. luckily, the movie was uploaded the night before it happened for JFCalibur to watch. Theres a couple new combos since then as well. Just notice the quality difference and youll know which ones are new.

This concludes my tribute to the 3d Mortal Kombat games. It has been a crazy and long road. I am very happy to be done and moving on with my life.

Special Thanks to Reo, Jago and M2Dave for their help with MK Legacy IV and MK Legacy V

MK Legacy I-VI

YouTube - MK Legacy part 1 of 2

YouTube - MK Legacy part 2 of 2

YouTube - MK Legacy II part 1 of 2

YouTube - MK Legacy II part 2 of 2

YouTube - MK Legacy III

YouTube - MK Legacy IV part 1 of 2

YouTube - MK Legacy IV part 2 of 2

YouTube - MK Legacy V

Youtube - MK Legacy VI

__________________________________________________________ UPDATE June 1 2007
JFCalibur Releases MK MaelStrom featuring all previously released seen combos by Check in MK Beyond, just with some addtional FMVS and easter eggs
Download MK MaelStrom from FileFront
MK MaelStrom part 1 of 5 on YouTube
MK MaelStrom part 2 of 5 on YouTube
MK MaelStrom part 3 of 5 on YouTube
MK MaelStrom part 4 of 5 on YouTube
MK MaelStrom part 5 of 5 on YouTube

__________________________________________________________ UPDATE MAY 05 2007:
MK Beyond, the 6th full featured MKA combo movie, is released by Check. It features 50 minutes of never before seen combos of all lengths and sizes, and is the longest MKA combo movie ever released. It features great new belltower combos, Nethership combos, Legit Air Cancel combos, and tons of new Ground combos.
Download MK Beyond from FileFront

__________________________________________________________ Mortal Kombat: Divine is Released by NukesGoBoom, it features all combos previously seen before in all the the past 3 MK games as well as Checks 3 MKA Combo Movies and 1 MKD Movie. All Combos in MKD and MKA were found by Check and are performed by either NukesGoBoom, JFCalibur, or Check.
Download MK Divine from FileFront

MK Divine part 1 of 3 on YouTube
MK Divine part 2 of 3 on YouTube
MK Divine part 3 of 3 on YouTube

__________________________________________________________ Check releases his sequel to the Online Movie, MK: Extreme. It features never before seen online combo discoveries for every fighter. Thanks to Jago and Karate for the help

Download MK Eternal from FileFront

MK Eternal part 1 of 2 on YouTube
MK Eternal part 2 of 2 on YouTube

UPDATE: FEB 14 2007 Mortal Kombat: Extreme has been released by Check and Karate. This video showcases the first ever online only combos for each playable via the GameSpy Server. It also features a soundtrack mostly done by guitar hero Joe Satriani.
Download MK Extreme from FileFront

MK Extreme part 1 of 4 on YouTube
MK Extreme part 2 of 4 on YouTube
MK Extreme part 3 of 4 on YouTube
MK Extreme part 4 of 4 on YouTube

__________________________________________________________ Mortal Kombat: Impossible has been released by Check This tribute video displays some INCREDIBLE bell gong combos! must be seen to be believed! also Stage Weapon glitches and Parry Cancel combos, the first of their kind. Features music mostly from VA Clubmix.

Download MK Impossible From FileFront

MK Impossible part 1 of 3 on YouTube
MK Impossible part 2 of 3 on YouTube
MK Impossible part 3 of 3 on YouTube

__________________________________________________________ UPDATE jan 13 2007:
Jfcalibur88 releases a MKA Tribute Movie Of Combos previously seen in other movies that were also discovered by Check. This Movie focuses only on small, non air kombat combos.
Download MKA Tribute from FileFront

MKA Tribute part 1 of 2 on YouTube
MKA Tribute part 2 of 2 on YouTube

__________________________________________________________ Mortal Kombat: Evolved is the sequel tribute video of MK: Evolution (released back in november 06). MK: Evolved features many new discoveries by Check, including his combos, his OTGs, stage combos, wall combos, and many other amazing finds from the King of MK.
Download MK Evolved from FileFront

MK Evolved part 1 of 3 on YouTube
MK Evolved part 2 of 3 on YouTube
MK Evolved part 3 of 3 on YouTube

Mortal Kombat Evolution is the prequel to MK: Evolved, and is a tribute video for Mortal Kombat 7: Armageddon. It is a combo video by nature, featuring highly developed contemporary juggles as well as creative aerial manuevers and also
08/21/2007 12:29 AM (UTC)

MK Legacy - The Biggest Guarenteed Combos Overall

MK:Legacy Part 1 of 2 On YouTube

MK:Legacy Part 2 of 2 On YouTube

MK Legacy II - The Biggest Guarenteed Combos Midscreen

MK Legacy II part 1 of 2 on YouTube

MK Legacy II part 2 of 2 on YouTube

MK Legacy III - The Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos Midscreen

MK:Legacy III on YouTube

first post updated with new youtube links

thanks to crow for having this thread stickied!!

enjoy the movies everyone
About Me
MKII is a Glorified RPG...Turn Based Chip Damage!
08/21/2007 08:40 PM (UTC)
I can't believe that NOBODY has posted in your thread Check...oh yeah, that's why I don't come here anymore. furious

Good shit bro, keep up the good work. If you need help on the conversion from HTML to BBCode, drop me a line at

08/21/2007 09:25 PM (UTC)
Cool stuff, I'm sure this thread will compete with nuke's thread on here.

08/22/2007 05:50 AM (UTC)
kelly, youve helped me more then you could imagine, noone else helped me figure out that bbcode, you had me saying "hell yea" for 10 minutes straight, lol.

i do hope more people open their eyes to these movies, considering it is the best possible combo for each character, all in perfect quality. etc etc.

im about 40 combos into the bbcode, its coming along nicely, im just worn out.

thanks for being the first person to respond bro, i know you dont come here, so that says alot.

and mkf, i thank you too man, i know you dont like most of the glitches but im sure you understand how hard it all is to do.

as for nukes thread, its being closed once i add the movies from that thread to this thread and PM crow that i did just that. his videos are and everyone elses are more then welcome here. but i will not tolerate any flaming whatsoever in this thread that pretty much ruined the last one.

i will be posting additional combos daily, and hopefully some new mka movies. im thinking about doing a similar one for online as well as bell gong/stage/stage weapon combos. but not for a little while

08/23/2007 01:28 AM (UTC)
Mileena 47%;8379207;;/fileinfo.html

first post updated

08/25/2007 06:48 AM (UTC)
Ermac 102% MidScreen;8393911;;/fileinfo.html

Kung Lao 124% Wall;8392913;;/fileinfo.html

both combos have been added and a new link for mklegacy 1 and 2 is uploaded.

these are the last definitive updates to both movies, however, there is much more to come, including jumpkick combos, stage weapon combos, and belltower combos.

much much more!! enjoy everyone!!

youtube being updated now
About Me

Energy drinks all day. Mortal Kombat also all day.

Therefore, hyper-charged ass kickings. All motherfucking day.

08/25/2007 06:24 PM (UTC)
How do I get all those punches in on the Cyrax ground combo?

Right now, the best Cyrax combo I can do is: bomb, 11, 11cs. Which does 40%.
08/25/2007 09:19 PM (UTC)
i really dont know how to answer that question

its just skill and timing, you cant teach that


this is how it works if it helps

1) it only works for player 2, meaning plug your controller into the second side and then do it

2) it only works on motaro and sheeva. i suggest you use sheeva because it works consistently on her

3) just make sure you far enough back so when you do the first 11, they are as high as possible

thats all i do to help, sorry

good luck
About Me

08/25/2007 10:19 PM (UTC)
OMG, what a list of work. I swear man, pure freaking talent. Thanks for posting an assload of combos man. Awesome stuff from you as always. I almost want to buy you a 360 just to have you on Xbox live.
About Me

Energy drinks all day. Mortal Kombat also all day.

Therefore, hyper-charged ass kickings. All motherfucking day.

08/27/2007 05:41 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the help, man.

P.S.: Damn near cried after reading your sig. Don't go, man...Mortal Kombat, and the Mortal Kombat community, needs you.
About Me

08/27/2007 10:32 PM (UTC)
I am suprised by the lack of replies. Honestly, I don't blame you at all Check. I would quit the biz too man. Clearly no one cares for the work in this game. I'll be honest, maybe it is b/c this game is not as fun or as in depth as MKD was. Watching combos you came up with in that game was 10x better than watching the MKA ones. This is just my 2cents so don't update or do crap for MKA. I want to see you return for MK8 without a doubt.
Take care amigo.
08/28/2007 10:56 AM (UTC)
ill still update this thread with others who want their movies added, but thats it.

every site i posted them in, all ignored, i mean how do you ignore THE BEST possible combos from THE GREATEST player to ever play?

good stuff

i love it actually, i love when people expose themselves for who they really are.

peace out

About Me

Play With Respect------------Play With Reg------------Play With Rage

08/28/2007 04:21 PM (UTC)
Check.....All your combos are insane. Someone should really be paying you for all the time and effort you have put in to this game.

I think you have finally maxed out this game to its fullest potential. The quality of the new movies is awesome.

I cant wait for you to expose the next MK. Someone at Midway should be bending over, begging you to come work there and test the next MK. If anyone could balance a game, it would definitely be YOU.

Just great work man.

About Me

Play Wit Respect -------------- Play Wit Reg -------------------- Play Wit Rage

08/29/2007 05:55 AM (UTC)
Check... your a Genius man !!! wink

That thread is VERY NICE that will be long to watch all these combo.

Very nice work man. I love to watch your videos. smile

08/29/2007 08:40 AM (UTC)
well noted the 2 of you.

ive added you to my sig, along with the other members around the web who have also taken a few seconds to appreciate the work of art.

seeing as so many people have chosen not to. REMEMBER, that means a great deal to me as ive said time after time again.

Laser - most definitly, there could never be another video to top it. only one just like it, like all the rest theres been. i may consider doing some various things for this thread depending on the amount of credit it gets, (deserves)

maybe in time, people will realize how much work this took along with everything else in the past 11months, where ive dedicated MY LIFE to it. i wouldnt be able to hold down a job or do ANYTHING to have done as much work as ive done in the past 11 months. probably more then they have spent making the game, and thats a FACT

its good to hear from you man, i was wondering why i havent heard from you. i hear you have some things you need to take care of also. i wish you the best, and thank you for taking the time out to show your respect.

as well nest - ive enjoyed your comments, its something ive looked forward with every vid or combo ive made. this video is no different, and i look for it even more then the rest.

the only way i will continue doing these things is if more people start showing their respect as you have, and others. as of now, the online vid is canceled till i start seeing some thanks espicially from close friends.

About Me

Play Wit Respect -------------- Play Wit Reg -------------------- Play Wit Rage

08/29/2007 10:35 AM (UTC)
I've put the link in my sig too bro... wink

I hope all MKO member will see that thread !!!
08/29/2007 03:32 PM (UTC)
thanks NEST, i dont quite see it, but i believe you its there

thats all i want, really. i cant thank you enough for that act of kindness.

i feel this thread is worth the response of every member, whether you like it or not, you cant ignore it. im sorry.


i have a online vid almost ready to go, similar to the legacies. i was gonna do it along with the others. therefore it will just be called mk legacy IV

it WILL feature 33's and AC's

should be out tommorow or friday

note: there are better combos that can be done, this was meant to be a simple, basic project. but itll be sure to "wow" you again. espicially with my new excellent quality that stands alongside either of those 2 scumbags jfcalibur or nukesthetheif.

Check Wrote:
href=";8420293;;/fileinfo.html">MK Legacy III

The Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos

Scorpion 72%
Hapkido - Spear, U4, b1, 223, b1, b1, b1, 3b1
Sub Zero 75%
Shotokan - Pillar, 12, 12, 12, 12, cs, b2
Reptile 35%
Kirihashi - d2, cs, 411b2
Rain 35%
Storm Sword - b1, cs, 1, cs, 221
Ermac 85%
Choy lay Fut - 2 lift, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 112cs
Chameleon 117%
Ninja Sword - 13, 44, 411, 411, 411, 411, 411, bf 3
Noob 79%
Monkey - Blackhole, du 3, df 3, 21, 211cs
Smoke 45%
Judo - 44b2, cs, d1, d1, 124cs
Cyrax 79%
Ninjitsu - Bomb, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, cs, 4
Sektor 95%
Kempo - ff4, 11cs, b4, b4, cs, 11cs, 3b2

Stryker 44%
Hua Chaun - (2)b1, 221, cs, b211
Kabal 57%
Sun Bin - U3, spin, cs, 114, 11b1
Dairou 34%
Mi Zong - U4, d1, cs, 11f3
Jarek 81%
Kick Axe - Lasso, 13444, 444, 444, bf 3
Darrius 51%
Gauntlets - 3, cs, 11, 11cs244
Reiko 44%
Ying Yeung - DF 3, 113, 113cs
Fujin 45%
Devastator - DF 1, 1, u2, 1, cs, 113cs
Bo Rai Cho 51%
Bojutsu - 24, 24b1, cs, 232, 22111
Mavado 111%
HookSwords - (Powerup) (21)4, 114, 114, 114, 114
Hotaru 39%
Pi Gua - 2b1, d1, d1, 22u1

Nightwolf 48%
Tomahawks - B1, 23, ff4, 123, ff4
Mokap 90%
Jeet Kune Do - b1, 113, 11, 11, 11, 11, 113, 4
Johnny Cage 58%
Shorin Ryu - (1)1cs, 11, 11, 21133
Kano 54%
Butterfly Knives - (Powerup) 2, b1b2, cs, 112csb1f2
Jax 46%
Tonfas - b2b1, cs, d1d2, cs, b211u1
Kai 35%
Moi Fah - DF 1, 114, cs, 113
Kenshi 73%
Tai Chi - 33, cs, U2, cs, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 33, bf 3
Shujinko 53%
Dan Tien Dao - Freeze, Spear, Freeze, u2, cs, 112, Teleslam, 1124
Hsu Hao 70%
Sumo - (Powerup) 12cs, cs, b2, 123
Kobra 55%
Machete - U2, 3422, cs, 1, 13cs

Taven 50%
Drakesword - b2, 3, cs, 1, 1, 1, 112cs
Liu Kang 73%
Nunchucks - b2, cs, 23, 11, 11, 11, df 3
Kung Lao 45%
Shaolin Fist - (11)3cs, b2, 11f3
Shang Tsung 37%
Straight Sword - d2, cs, 112b1
Quan Chi 45%
Escrima - 231b2, 2344cs
Shinnok 44%
Amulet Staff - u3, 2, 44, cs, 244
Raiden 39%
Nan Chaun - 21cs, cs, 2112f1
Daegon 72%
Fu Jow Pai - FD 3, 112, 112, cs, 1124
Sonya 49%
Tae Kwan Do - 2, cs, 1142, 1142
Kitana 63%
Ba Gua - u4, cs, 11, 11, cs, 1223
Mileena 47%
Mian Chuan - 2(1)B2, 4, 4, b22, b22, b22, b222
Jade 43%
Fan Zi - 3, 22, cs, 21U3
Ashrah 61%
Chou Jaio - u4, cs, 3422, cs, 221cs
Li Mei 92%
Lui He Ba Fa - FD 3, 33, 112, db 4, 112, db 4, ff2

Tanya 50%
Kobu Jutsu - b2b1, b211u1
Frost 44%
Daggers - b3, cs, 1122, 112
Sindel 93%
Kwan Do - u1, cs, 111, 11cs4, cs, 11cs4, cs, 11cs4, 443
Nitara 41%
Kama - 3b4 cs 23cs
Kira 44%
Yuan Yang - 44u3, 44, 4421cs
Sareena 48%
Demon Fang - U1, b3, cs, bf 2, 21cs

Sheeva 97%
Shokan Blades - b1, cs, 22cs1, cs, 22cs1, cs, 22cs1, 24
Baraka 56%
Blades - u3, 21, 3321, ff3
Motaro 51%
Horse - Mule Kick, 22, 3b4
Havik 44%
Morning Star - b2, 22, cs, 112f2
Drahmin 38%
Hung Gar - 11cs, d3, d1, 112
Moloch 68%
No Name - 11u3, 11u3, 11u3, 11b1
Meat 45%
Wrestling - 22cs, cs, d4, cs, 11u3
Shao Kahn 57%
Tai Tzu - 11cs, cs, 11, 112, ff2
Goro 45%
Dragon Fangs - u1, 22, cs, 113
Kintaro 47%
Tiger Fist - db 1, b2, db 1, cs, 421
Onaga 37%
Dragon - 4b1, 4b1
Blaze 41%
Flames - 12, d3, 114 Man !!! Check !!!! you air combos is amazing, but damn the Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos are just incredible!!! wowwow

I was like wtf @ every sigle combo...damn you put a little something more for all this beautiful combos!!! R2 is everywhere!!!! I need to be able do PC......!!! its very hard !!!!!

So a big ass THANK YOU for this vids of destruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
amem! ol
About Me

08/30/2007 04:21 PM (UTC)
You got my support and my vote! I do look forward to the online vid. I have a question. When it comes to A/C's offline I have no problem with it. When it comes to online I go to do my A/C right, but for some reason it's like it turns into a type of 33 towards the end. Sure it looks cool but that is not what I am meaning to do, nor is it a reliable method. How do I time the A/C's better online? My 33's are pretty good man, I can now get SubZero to 33,33, X,Y X,X,A,CS Nice damage, but I still can't 33,33,33 with him, very hard.
08/31/2007 03:04 AM (UTC)
Check Wrote:
href=";8420293;;/fileinfo.html">MK Legacy III

The Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos

Scorpion 72%
Hapkido - Spear, U4, b1, 223, b1, b1, b1, 3b1
Sub Zero 75%
Shotokan - Pillar, 12, 12, 12, 12, cs, b2
Reptile 35%
Kirihashi - d2, cs, 411b2
Rain 35%
Storm Sword - b1, cs, 1, cs, 221
Ermac 85%
Choy lay Fut - 2 lift, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 112cs
Chameleon 117%
Ninja Sword - 13, 44, 411, 411, 411, 411, 411, bf 3
Noob 79%
Monkey - Blackhole, du 3, df 3, 21, 211cs
Smoke 45%
Judo - 44b2, cs, d1, d1, 124cs
Cyrax 79%
Ninjitsu - Bomb, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, cs, 4
Sektor 95%
Kempo - ff4, 11cs, b4, b4, cs, 11cs, 3b2

Stryker 44%
Hua Chaun - (2)b1, 221, cs, b211
Kabal 57%
Sun Bin - U3, spin, cs, 114, 11b1
Dairou 34%
Mi Zong - U4, d1, cs, 11f3
Jarek 81%
Kick Axe - Lasso, 13444, 444, 444, bf 3
Darrius 51%
Gauntlets - 3, cs, 11, 11cs244
Reiko 44%
Ying Yeung - DF 3, 113, 113cs
Fujin 45%
Devastator - DF 1, 1, u2, 1, cs, 113cs
Bo Rai Cho 51%
Bojutsu - 24, 24b1, cs, 232, 22111
Mavado 111%
HookSwords - (Powerup) (21)4, 114, 114, 114, 114
Hotaru 39%
Pi Gua - 2b1, d1, d1, 22u1

Nightwolf 48%
Tomahawks - B1, 23, ff4, 123, ff4
Mokap 90%
Jeet Kune Do - b1, 113, 11, 11, 11, 11, 113, 4
Johnny Cage 58%
Shorin Ryu - (1)1cs, 11, 11, 21133
Kano 54%
Butterfly Knives - (Powerup) 2, b1b2, cs, 112csb1f2
Jax 46%
Tonfas - b2b1, cs, d1d2, cs, b211u1
Kai 35%
Moi Fah - DF 1, 114, cs, 113
Kenshi 73%
Tai Chi - 33, cs, U2, cs, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 33, bf 3
Shujinko 53%
Dan Tien Dao - Freeze, Spear, Freeze, u2, cs, 112, Teleslam, 1124
Hsu Hao 70%
Sumo - (Powerup) 12cs, cs, b2, 123
Kobra 55%
Machete - U2, 3422, cs, 1, 13cs

Taven 50%
Drakesword - b2, 3, cs, 1, 1, 1, 112cs
Liu Kang 73%
Nunchucks - b2, cs, 23, 11, 11, 11, df 3
Kung Lao 45%
Shaolin Fist - (11)3cs, b2, 11f3
Shang Tsung 37%
Straight Sword - d2, cs, 112b1
Quan Chi 45%
Escrima - 231b2, 2344cs
Shinnok 44%
Amulet Staff - u3, 2, 44, cs, 244
Raiden 39%
Nan Chaun - 21cs, cs, 2112f1
Daegon 72%
Fu Jow Pai - FD 3, 112, 112, cs, 1124
Sonya 49%
Tae Kwan Do - 2, cs, 1142, 1142
Kitana 63%
Ba Gua - u4, cs, 11, 11, cs, 1223
Mileena 47%
Mian Chuan - 2(1)B2, 4, 4, b22, b22, b22, b222
Jade 43%
Fan Zi - 3, 22, cs, 21U3
Ashrah 61%
Chou Jaio - u4, cs, 3422, cs, 221cs
Li Mei 92%
Lui He Ba Fa - FD 3, 33, 112, db 4, 112, db 4, ff2

Tanya 50%
Kobu Jutsu - b2b1, b211u1
Frost 44%
Daggers - b3, cs, 1122, 112
Sindel 93%
Kwan Do - u1, cs, 111, 11cs4, cs, 11cs4, cs, 11cs4, 443
Nitara 41%
Kama - 3b4 cs 23cs
Kira 44%
Yuan Yang - 44u3, 44, 4421cs
Sareena 48%
Demon Fang - U1, b3, cs, bf 2, 21cs

Sheeva 97%
Shokan Blades - b1, cs, 22cs1, cs, 22cs1, cs, 22cs1, 24
Baraka 56%
Blades - u3, 21, 3321, ff3
Motaro 51%
Horse - Mule Kick, 22, 3b4
Havik 44%
Morning Star - b2, 22, cs, 112f2
Drahmin 38%
Hung Gar - 11cs, d3, d1, 112
Moloch 68%
No Name - 11u3, 11u3, 11u3, 11b1
Meat 45%
Wrestling - 22cs, cs, d4, cs, 11u3
Shao Kahn 57%
Tai Tzu - 11cs, cs, 11, 112, ff2
Goro 45%
Dragon Fangs - u1, 22, cs, 113
Kintaro 47%
Tiger Fist - db 1, b2, db 1, cs, 421
Onaga 37%
Dragon - 4b1, 4b1
Blaze 41%
Flames - 12, d3, 114

Man !!! Check !!!! you air combos is amazing, but damn the Biggest Guarenteed Ground Combos are just incredible!!! wowwow

I was like wtf @ every sigle combo...damn you put a little something more for all this beautiful combos!!! R2 is everywhere!!!! I need to be able do PC......!!! its very hard !!!!!

So a big ass THANK YOU for this vids of destruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

amem! ol

lol wow wiidoshi, that was incredible man!, thanks for the awesome post! i can really tell you loved all the movies. i will try and do more, the online vid is almost ready, ima see if i can get karate to play tonight so we can finish it ; )

no problem man!! we will fight soon too! dont worry wink

and if that wasnt enough, here you go man, new combo for sub zero

sub 76%;8440920;/fileinfo.html

download the new mk legayc 2 and 3 for this new combo, heres the other for mkl 2


heres the new links to both movies

MK Legacy II;8440923;/fileinfo.html

MK Legacy III;8440926;/fileinfo.html

08/31/2007 03:15 AM (UTC)
Quest2be1 Wrote:
You got my support and my vote! I do look forward to the online vid. I have a question. When it comes to A/C's offline I have no problem with it. When it comes to online I go to do my A/C right, but for some reason it's like it turns into a type of 33 towards the end. Sure it looks cool but that is not what I am meaning to do, nor is it a reliable method. How do I time the A/C's better online? My 33's are pretty good man, I can now get SubZero to 33,33, X,Y X,X,A,CS Nice damage, but I still can't 33,33,33 with him, very hard.

it should be out soon, its ready to go.

112 33 33 33 is AWESOME!! youre gonna see alot of it from my boy karate, hes good at it. theres nothing wrong with it dude, if you can, make it reliable because it is the biggest air combo cancel you can do!

to answer your question, you gotta do the 11 after the 112 HIGHER, or else it will be too low to the ground and make it into the OTG. gotta do it higher man, it sounds like whoever youre doing it to, youre catching an awful lot of lag. just stick with 33 man, its better. but that is how to NOT turn it into a 33. still it owns, 112 33 is godly, and you will see why tommorow hopefully. ( i was thinking about sending ya a early version of the vid, if its not out tommorow, ill do that )

very nice sub combo! no pc? ; ( i hope you can learn it man, 33/ac makes doing combos easier, it gives you a minute to focus before the ground combos, and youll NEVER miss a combo due to lag on a popup. 33/ac > all!!!!!!

ill send you some stuff tommorow. i gotta update the other sites with the new links to the movies, yet again. so i gtg. ill talk to ya soon. thanks for the awesome PM brother. much love out to you and everyone that has been PMing me lately, you guys have been too kind, for real.

sub 81%;8440922;/fileinfo.html

sub 76%;8440920;/fileinfo.html

MK Legacy II;8440923;/fileinfo.html

MK Legacy III;8440926;/fileinfo.html

i have to upload youtube again still, even though i really dont want to... again, but i will ; )

peace everyone, thanks for your support!
About Me

08/31/2007 03:17 AM (UTC)
hah, nice touch of a 3 on that last one. I like the ender on that combo it looks cool and yields a lot of damage so does just 2 and is easier to pull off. How in the hell do you PC with subzero so easily he has that aggravating move that when you do Block+Back+1,2 all that happens is he throws his stupid elbow up in the air. Drives me nuts! Yeah, I gotta see that 112 33 sh!t Did not know you could 33 with subzero of anything other than pillar and rarely off of Back+2
09/01/2007 04:38 PM (UTC)
damn quest, my bad, i thought i replied back to you. maybe it was a PM, sorry man ; (

dude, sub zero PC is my favorite combo in the game, that alone i can say is why i can do it so well. but like i keep saying, just hold back during 12, then just press block and let go of back right after. i swear on my life it is easy. just control your fingers to operate. 1) your letting of back when u press block 2) press 12 right after you press block. cant make it any simpler then that dude. its just all in succession.

online vid is DONE, but i have a few other things ima try because it is in old quality. i wish i could get on xbox and practice with you man!! it is long overdue!!!!!!!! maybe one day man, thats all i do when i go online is practice combos with my buddy.


alright here we go again. i can honestly say that besides doing one more combo for MK Legacy I, that i am done with the updates besides the online vid.

here are 3 new combos, all updated into the thread and filefront links. i will get to the youtube at some point of time. thanks to karate, mr s, and para for their nice replies on youtube, i hope you guys can drop a line again ; )

Cyrax 88% ( MK Legacy III );8453739;/fileinfo.html

Sektor 97% ( MK Legacy III );8453738;/fileinfo.html

Cyrax 140% ( MK Legacy I );8453740;/fileinfo.html


MK Legacy I;8454444;/fileinfo.html

MK Legacy III;8454437;/fileinfo.html


i hope to get sektors 97% off the wall, that would put him in elite status of the 150% combos, which only sub zero, li mei, shinnok, quan chi, jarek, and mavado are in. ( i believe thats it )

first post being updated, thanks once again for your time.
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09/01/2007 05:40 PM (UTC)
Snap, I get what you are saying now. I am going to try that over and over later on in practice mode. I will let you know how that turns out. Thanks for the huge tip!

Great job on the Cyrax combo, just boring to watch ya know and really nothing I would ever care to learn. I feel the 33 principle should fall into this catagory. I would think you agree with this to some extent. Get that online vid out bro! I am really looking forward to that and applying some of those moves online. I bet it will be tight.
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