Post your own fatality ideas here
posted11/04/2011 03:35 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/04/2011 02:45 AM (UTC)
It's an MK site, it's the fan submission forum, it's missing a fatality idea thread. Basically it's what the title says. Post your own fatalitys here.
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Touching wires causes instant death. $200 fine.

10/20/2011 07:46 PM (UTC)
Well, i think Jade should have a fatality where she throws her pole at you and it pierces your heart or something, that would be sweet. grin
10/20/2011 09:58 PM (UTC)
Here is one for Baraka: He cuts you in the throat, then rips your windpipe out.

Here's one for Jax: He punches you in the stomach, then brings his elbow on your head, breaking your skull, and causing your head to explode.
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10/21/2011 03:26 AM (UTC)
Unless someone's posting a picture of their ideas, this would go into the General MK Forum.
10/21/2011 03:35 AM (UTC)
Oh yeah, forgot to post this, an ENTIRE FUCKING DOCUMENT!

Hell Hath No Fury: Scorpion grabs the blade of his spear and heats it up. He then stabs it right in the opponent’s upper mouth. The opponent’s eyes are wide open from the pain they are suffering from. Scorpion is laughing maniacally. The opponent grabs hold of his heat, and then the head blows up in a gory display.

Death’s Cold Embrace: Sub-Zero creates an ice sword and impales them, puncturing out their spleen. The spleen is stuck on the end of the sword. When they get impaled, they knocked back a little but still managing to keep balance. Then Sub-Zero manipulates the ice sword so it freezes the opponent and the spleen. Then grabs it and twists it, making a hole in their stomach, then rotates it so the sharp edge is facing upward and lifts it, shattering the mid torso, chest and head. The only things that left are his legs, arms and from the shoulders down to the waist. Sub-Zero holds up the ice sword in victory with the frozen spleen still attached to it.

Acid Shower: Reptile’s is special. His is an X-Ray Fatality. Reptile pukes the acid all over the opponent. They are suffering from un-describable pain. Already the victim is in a dismembering state. The X-Ray portion is now showing the bones and organs melting and steaming while still contained in the opponent’s body. Then the arms start to fall off slowly and painfully. The X-Ray portion is now finished. The ribcage is exposed and melting off. Once it’s done melting and is nothing but a steaming puddle, the melted organs fall out. Now the opponent is nothing more than a red and green steaming puddle of human components.

Telekinetic Transplant: Ermac uses his telekinetic abilities to make a giant gaping hole in the opponent’s chest revealing the rib cage and lungs and such. Then opens the rib cage and pulls the intestines out through the hole. The opponent is screaming in pain. Then rips off the head and brings it to him. The camera is panned closely to the back of the head. Then all of a sudden the head is glowing with hado energy and it rips in two, revealing Ermac's pissed off face.

Thank You For Smoking: Smoke forms a smoke cloud around the opponent's face. The opponent is coughing up a massive amount of blood. Then their face starts to melt off. Their eyes melt like wax and slowly drip down from the eye sockets. They start screaming in terror. Chunks of skin and muscle are rapidly melting off his face. Smoke proceeds to do the same thing to the arms and legs. Then kicks them to the ground with the limbs separated from the torso.

SSSSSSSSSMOKIN: Smoke does his teleport multiple times. Each time, Smoke grabs and organ and the cloud would get bloodier. He grabs the intestines, then the stomach, liver, both kidneys, spleen, lungs and finally the heart.

Noob Saibot

Shadow’s Torcher: Noob Saibot fires his disabler so the opponent can’t move. Then opens a black hole. Noob Saibot grabs the opponent by the back of their head and tries to drop them down the hole. Once the disabler wears off. The opponent resists and grabs puts their hands on the ground outside of the black hole. Noob is forcefully trying to push them down. But then the black hole closes and half of their body is cut in half along with their arms.

Drowning Shock: Rain makes a puddle of water then summons a lightning bolt on it. Then grabs the opponent by the back of the head and throws their face into the puddle, he quickly gets up for a literally a second. A quick glimpse of muscle and tissue can be seen. Then Rain puts his foot down on his head into the electricity-charged puddle. The opponent is resisting and struggling to get out. The puddle is turning red with the enemy’s blood. Then Rain takes his foot off and the opponent lifts his head up revealing a skull coated in blood.

Trail of Lightning: Rain fires a steam of water down near his feet and slowly raising his hands until it hits the opponent, leaving a trail of water behind and the opponent drenched.
Then Rain summons a bolt of lightning onto the beginning of the water trail. The electrical current runs through the trail up to the opponent electrocuting him until they explode with explit gore and blood.

Puddle of Thunder: Rain makes a puddle around the opponent's feet and summons a lightning bolt right in the middle of the puddle, slicing the opponent in half. But as the 2 halves split, there are electrical arcs from one half to the other and as the body splits even more; the arcs get longer until they break in a spark. This continues until the 2 halves are completely split and on the ground. The bones and meat are giving off sparks.

Fossil Impalement: Tremor knocks the opponent onto the ground, then pounds on the ground. A crack trail starts from his fist to the opponent. Then a giant spike made of rock emerges and impales them.

Earthquake: Tremor makes an earthquake with the floor cracking. Then manipulates the crack and opens up the ground. Grabs the opponent and descends them down to their torso, then closes it. This separates the upper torso from the lower torso, and then opens it up again. The opponent is hanging on for dear life, and then closes it once more, cutting off the head and hands.

Liu Kang
Shaolin Rage: Liu Kang preforms his bicycle kick to the opponent’s face for about 15 kicks. Then kicks and back flips off their face, causing them to fall down. Then proceeds to do the bicycle kick on their face while still on the ground like in his MK vs. DC Fatality. Their face is bloody, mangled and dented in. Then Liu Kang connects a kick with a backflip with one kick and stomps on their face, popping it like a pimple.

Wolf’s Bite: Nightwolf creates 2 spirit tomahawks and throws them down to the ground, stabbing the opponent’s feet and keeping them in place. Then Nightwolf creates a spirit dagger and makes a large wound on their belly. He walks around them, grabs their arms and kicks their back, causing the vast majority of their organs to pour out onto the floor steaming and surrounded by blood and stomach acid. Liver, spleen, left & right kidneys, stomach, pancreas and the large & small intestines.

Shang Tsung
Soul Steal: Shang Tsung starts to steal the opponent’s soul, but in layers. Slowly the skin is being sucked away from the opponent revealing the muscles and tendons. The opponent is screaming and suffering from the pain. Then the muscles peel away revealing the blood soaked skeleton with all the organs and veins in place. The digestive system is clearly visible. Then all the organs and veins are sucked out through the skull’s mouth. From the lungs, heart with veins running along with it, stomach, intestines and much more until the opponent is nothing more but a blood soaked skeleton.

Take my Hand like a Bitch: Shinnok summons the skeletal hand and makes it pick them and crushes their lower torso to nothing but mush. Blood is gushing out of the the holes in the back of the hand. Then picks them up by their head using its pointer finger and thumb and pops their head like a pimple.

Judgment: Shinnok impales the opponent with his amulet staff. He performs a spell. The amulet is glowing. The result is the opponent’s flesh dripping away. He then takes the staff and raises it upwards, cutting them in half from their original wound up.

Cyber Barbeque: Sektor opens a portal and fires a missile into it. Another one comes up below the opponent, as they fall, they are shot back up into the air by the missile. Sektor then activates his flamethrower and aims it down the portal and comes up the other in a giant fire gyser, frying the opponent. The opponent then falls down the portal still on fire, comes up the first portal and sektor catches them by the throat while still on fire.

Cyber Surgery: Cyrax grabs the opponent by the neck and slams them down on the ground. He converts his hand into his saw blade and slowly descending to their stomach. He slowly slices a vertical wound into their stomach. Their intestines are visible. He converts his saw blade back to a hand and grabs a bomb from his chest and plants it into the wound, then teleports to a safe distance. The opponent is spazzing out trying to get the bomb out, but fails and blows up with blood, bones and organs flying everywhere.

Edenian Wrath: Kitana takes her unopened fans and stabs them right in the belly. Then slowly opens the fans making 2 giant gaping holes in their torso, and then pulls them out of the opponent. Then the camera is looking right through the holes and we see her closing the fans and putting them away.

Edenian Staff: Jade extends her staff and throws it like a spear, hitting the opponent right in the left eye the right end of the staff is dripping with blood and chunks of brains falling off. They scream in horror as they suffer, trying to get it out. Jade walks over and grabs the staff and quickly and forcefully lifts it up, decapitating them. While still in the same action of lifting the staff, she slams it on the ground with the head upside down and the skull cap cracks and breaks clean off and the brain further down the staff.

Johnny Cage
Practical Effects: Johnny Cage grabs the opponent by the throat and punches them in the face five times with his fist glowing green energy until they fall down. Then he jumps up in the air. Then he charges with a red glow around his body. He then stomps on the opponent’s torso like a rocket, cutting them in half horizontally.

Judge, Jury & Executioner: Stryker takes a grenade and shoves it into the opponent’s mouth, then rams another one into their stomach. The head blows up first then the entire body.

Ear To Ear: Kano takes out his knife and fires his eye laser to heat it up until it’s glowing, then throws it into the opponent’s chest. The knife is sizzling and giving off smoke. The opponent is screaming in agonizing pain as the knife is burning and eating away at their flesh. Then Kano walks up to them and takes out the knife. Then proceeds to slice their neck from ear to ear. You can hear a loud sizzling noise as the knife slowly scrapes along their neck.

Tarkatan Terror: Baraka takes one of his blades. and make a giant wound of the top of the head ( he would swing his arm like a machete ) then dig his fingers in the cranium and pull and the entire skull splits in half revealing the brain resting on the neck stub. He then would aim a fist at it and stab the brain and it would be stuck in the blade.

Shokahn Rage: Goro takes his lower arms claps them together on the opponents torso, splitting it horizontally in half. When the upper half is separated, it pops up like a cork and Goro’s upper arms grab the head and crushes it into mush with brains oozing out of his hands. The torso then drops to the ground.

Eye of the Tigrar: Kintaro grabs the opponent with his lower arms and hold them up, then with his upper arms, punches through their chest. Then with his lower arms, twists the lower torso around so that it’s facing away from him. You can hear the bones crunching as he does this. Then rips it off, gore and blood are falling from the upper half.

Tag Team Fatalitys

Rain and Sub-Zero: Rain fires a stream of water in the victims face, Sub-Zero freezes the water. Then Rain hits the ice resembling the stream, shattering it and the victims head
11/04/2011 03:35 PM (UTC)
Yo check this...

Noob Saibot opens a portal and chest kicks the opponent in and the opponent is just going in and coming out repeatedly. Noob sends a shadow to jump in the bottom portal while the enemy still loops through. He closes the portal right after the shadow jumps in. A couple seconds later, he opens a portal and blood is released from the portal and after all the blood is out, Noob's shadow jumps out of it and lands on him to combine once again.......
Hope u like
08/05/2024 01:51 PM (UTC)Edited 08/05/2024 02:05 PM (UTC)

Raiden - I'd call this fatality Capital Punishment. He kicks opponent in to an electric chair, straps them in while they're dazed, then activates it as they explode killing the opponent. Another thing fatality unrelated, Raiden would get mental power from an electric chair headpiece (similar to the Jinsei), whereas it kills others.

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