Finishing moves video suggestion.
posted09/05/2007 09:49 PM (UTC)by
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01/03/2007 11:20 PM (UTC)
I'm going to make a complete finishing move video from all MK games. ( I don't know when)
But my question is : Should I make a separate video for the friendship or not?
03/25/2007 09:17 AM (UTC)
you should, friendships are ugly.
03/25/2007 08:06 PM (UTC)
yeah, becasue they're not neccesairly "finishing" the opponentwink
03/26/2007 12:01 PM (UTC)
No, dont, they are all "finishers"... well, kinda.
04/17/2007 03:51 AM (UTC)
you shouldn't put frendship in your video
04/25/2007 09:23 PM (UTC)
Should I add Goro and Noob Saibot's finishers from Mortal Kombat Gold as Goro has One fatality from Reiko and the other from Johnny Cage and Noob Saibot has one from Reiko and one from Sub-Zero?
04/26/2007 06:39 PM (UTC)
If you have Animalities and/or Brutalities in there with the Fatalities, then I'd say add the Friendships because then you're just leaving out one thing (And really, if you're gonna have Brutalities, then anything should be able to get into that video.). As for Goro and Noob, I'd say go for it. They still technically had Fatalities so why not? I'd also add Motaro's crappy Trilogy Fatality. Say, are you going to throw in the Fatalities from Shaolin Monks? If you are, don't forget that every boss except Ermac, Shang Tsung, and Kintaro have one they perform on you (Scorpion and Inferno Scorpion share the same thing but his face will change for the Inferno Scorpion Fatality.).

But before you really get involved with this project, let me just tell you that somebody beat you to it. I downloaded a video that has every Fatality from MK1 all the way up to MK Gold, including Stage Fatalities. While it doesn't have Goro and Noob nor the added bonus of Fatalities from Deadly Alliance and Deception (As I'm sure you'll have ones from those games...), you wouldn't be original. Of course, there are probably billions of such videos if you look in the right places so what's it matter?
04/26/2007 09:39 PM (UTC)
There are probably many video about the finishing moves but the original sound is always replaced by stupid rock songs.

I'm gonna make this with the original sound.

What I'll make is simple:

MK1: stage fatalities, then characters fatalities.

MK2: stage fatalities, characters fatalities, friendships, I still don't know for babalities.

MK3/UMK3 and MKT: stage fatalities, characters fatalities, animalities, friendships, I don't know for babalities. For brutalities, I won't add them as it's always the same over and over.

MK4/MKG: stage fatalities, characters fatalities.

MKDA: characters fatalities.

MKD: death traps, hara-kiri's, characters fatalities.

MKA: death traps, KAF (each finishing move only)
04/27/2007 01:16 AM (UTC)
That sounds interesting. As someone who has seen a Fatality video with music put in over it, I think the music adds a nice touch to keep things interesting rather than hearing the same screams and "Dun dun dun..." theme over and over and over and over again. However, some Fatalities don't make sense without their sound, especially the newer ones. I'd say go for the lack of song playing but perhaps you'd like to toy around with the consideration that music might help.

As for Babalities, I wouldn't add them because they're just like Brutalities. The only difference is that you get a different baby for each opponent.

Another suggestion: This one Fatality video I saw showed the "Press Start" screen of every game it was going to feature finishing moves from before they played them. For example, when it got to MK2, they showed the stormy clouds and the lightning hitting the Roman numeral II followed by the words "Mortal Kombat" appearing. Having those little things made it more interesting than just playing one after the other in an almost endless clipshow.
04/27/2007 09:47 AM (UTC)
I know what you're talking about but another detail: I won't make all the MK3 finishers follwed by UMK3 finishers followed by MKT finishers. I'll add the MK3 title screen followed by UMK3 title screen followed by MKT title screen. I instead will take all finishers directly from MKT. There's just one problem: The MKT characters are smaller than in MK3 and UMK3. I'll use the same work path for MK4 and MKG. Unfortunately, I don't possess MK Unchained and MK Shaolin Monks.

04/27/2007 05:13 PM (UTC)
No Shaolin Monks? That stinks. I unfortunately don't know how to record something from a video game and put it on my computer so I can't help you there. The best I can advise is buy it yourself seeing as how that game's old by now and probably doesn't cost much. Of course, if something gets old, then who knows if they still sell it? Well, you might be better off skipping Shaolin Monks because if you show the boss characters' Fatalities, people might expect you to show all of Liu Kang's and Kung Lao's Fatalities as well as the optional 2 Player mode characters and, while it wouldn't be hard to do all of them, there's a LOT of them (Notably from Liu Kang and Kung Lao). Then there's the Multalities and Brutalities which just aren't as pretty.

As for Unchained, did that game have Fatalities? I never played it but it was a handheld and Tournament Edition didn't have Fatalities, did it? And speaking of games of questionable Fatalitage, did Mythologies have Fatalities of any sort? Like cutscenes that follow after every boss battle that either show you killing them or them killing you (That's how it goes in Shaolin Monks)? If so, you might want to show those too...unless the narrator doesn't say "Fatality" at any point in time and/or if they're really cinematics and not Fatalities.
04/27/2007 07:24 PM (UTC)

The only shop were Shaolin Monks is still for sale asks too much. More than 70 $. That's too much. I wonder if I should add the sequence when the final boss is defeated such as all the souls leaving Shang Tsung's body, Shao Kahn exploding, Shinnok going into a long tunnel, Onaga and Blaze exploding.

04/29/2007 07:42 AM (UTC)
Seventy bucks for Shaolin Monks!? What the crap's up with them!? If I had the know-how to get video footage from a video game to you I'd do it right now just for that outrage. But alas, I'm clueless.

As for the boss deaths...I don't really consider them Fatalities. Granted, they're kool but they don't really fit into the category seeing as how they don't entail a button combination to be pressed to activate them and the word "Fatality" doesn't appear anywhere around those scenes. However, if you want to include them, I think an awesome way to do it is to play each game's boss' death after all of the reglar Fatalities and before going into the next game.
05/02/2007 08:38 PM (UTC)
Omfg 70$? i can get it at gamestop, for 20$.
05/16/2007 09:37 AM (UTC)

For the characters appearances, should I make them appear by alphabetical order or not?

05/16/2007 05:14 PM (UTC)
I think a better order in which to show characters would be based on where they are on the select screen. So for MK2, the first character would be Liu Kang, followed by Kung Lao (Unless you want to go from top-to-bottom or start somewhere else on the select screen...). Speaking of characters, I STRONGLY urge you not to have characters doing Fatalities to themselves. Not that I'd think you do something like that, just putting it out there because this one Fatality video I saw ended with MKGold Fatalities but it was pretty lame because they had the characters finishing their player 2 counterparts rather than other fighters. I'd suggest paring rival characters up whenever possible but that might just slow you down trying to pit Scorpion against Sub-Zero or Sonya against Kano all the time so it's really your call.

Also, I wouldn't use MK3's-MKT's Supreme Demonstration video for their Fatalities because parts of it show people killing Noob Saibot but since the screen turns black, you can't tell what they're doing. Granted, you won't be able to change the fact that Noob will be almost invisible during his own Fatalities but at least nobody else will suffer whilst doing their own.
05/16/2007 10:26 PM (UTC)

I'm not going to make characters doing fatalities to themselves as I find that unreal. Rather having a character killing his/her rival or a good/evil character killing an evil/good opponent than this horrible idea.
I already made a list in which who's gonna fatalize who for each MK game.

I just hesitate between alphabetical order and a random appearance order.

Also, this file will be in 2 parts as I can't record more than 1 hour on a tape.
And the size will be huge cause I prefer having a 640 X 480 display than 320 X 240. My digital camera has some problems with specific colors. Take the blue color as example in this vid:

I probably didn't made my settings correctly or I have to buy a better camera

05/17/2007 01:40 AM (UTC)
If the Fatality video's gonna work like that, I have mixed feelings. I like how you pair characters up with characters that they would realistically kill (I especially like how you paid attention to the Reptile/Kitana thing.) and the inclusion of the game's real sounds wasn't as annoying as I thought and actually improved the quality of the Animalities. However, the quality of the video, as you said, wasn't pure. The colors were too bright and made everything blurry, making identification of the scenery and the characters almost impossible if you didn't have prior knowledge to the game. Also, since you're recording a TV, you can see those lines going up in certaion arenas, notably the blue portal arena...was that the blue problem you were talking about?

If you want this video to be a real success, you have to address those issues otherwise people might as well watch the other Fatality videos that are already out there.
05/17/2007 11:13 AM (UTC)
I probably have to use a larger optical zoom. The max size is 18X.
Or I need to buy a TV -Converter.

If you'd like to see specific characters being victim of specific death traps/stage fatalities let me know.

05/19/2007 06:20 PM (UTC)
Hmmm...I can't think of too many characters I want to see in specific ways but here's some suggestions:

-Don't put a Shokan on Armagedon's Bell Tower's spikes. They'll still have two arms left over and that kind of ruins the image. If you go with a specifc person, could you do it to Quan Chi (I have reasons for this later on...)?

-Don't put Kabal on Armagedon's Armory's conveyor belt trap as it would just make me, and perhaps others, think "Couldn't Kabal outrun the speed of that conveyorbelt?" If anyone, I'd suggest you use Bo' Rai' Cho because he seems kind of slow to me. He'd probably also have some funny things to say whilst trying to run away from the rolling wheel.

-I guess seeing the Sub-Zeros and Frost die in lava-based death traps would be funny. Especially if Scorpion is killing Sub-Zero in his Netherrealm lair in MK3-Trilogy. And on that note, I wouldn't put Scorpion, Drahmin, Moloch, or Sareena into lava seeing as how they live in the Netherrealm and all.

-I wouldn't put Reptile, Chameleon, or Khameleon into any acid-based death traps because if they can spit it of their mouths, how does bathing in it kill them?

-If you can do MK4's Fan Fatality to Goro (Though I think you need MKGold to play as him...), I think that would be funny seeing as how someone smaller than him would have to spin him around for a while and throw him a far distance. I'd say either Johnny Cage (Since he has an unofficial feud with Goro...) or Tanya (Drives home the ridiculous-looking nature of hurling a giant Shokan if you have a woman doing it and Tanya just comes off as weaker than Sonya to me seeing as Sonya's throws normally involve lifting people as opposed to Tanya jumping up on them.).

-Don't put Raiden on any of the Death Traps in any game because he'll most likely still have electricity running through his body even though he's supposed to be dead.

-A personal request would be to throw Quan Chi into Armagedon's Battle Arena's wheel death trap. It seems to be the most painful in that arena and I hate Quan Chi...Feel free to throw him into all of the other Death Traps there too so that you won't have to change arenas and characters. But if you think doing a lot of Death Traps to the same guy can get stale, I understand.

-Don't do the Falling Cliffs' Death Trap to Nitara or anyone that can fly for obvious reasons. I guess the same goes for any Stage Fatality or Death Trap that involves people falling.

Hmmm...seems I'm more demanding than I thought. Hope this helps and doesn't bog you down with restrictions on what you wanted to do.
05/20/2007 10:11 AM (UTC)
Other glitches about death traps:

When you send a character bleeding green or black into a death, he instantly bleeds red. WTF?

And it's impossible to make the fan fatality on Goro in MK4 and Gold for 2 reasons. You can't kill him and you always fight in Goro's lair.

I already have chosen the victims for MK2,3 and MKT stage fatalities.
and I also who spares who for friendships. It's normal to have an opponent sparing a friend. Such as Johnny Cage sparing Jax.

05/21/2007 12:13 AM (UTC)
Sweetness. Glad you're putting a lot of attention and thought into this. However, that stinks that you can't Fatalitize (Patton pending...) Goro. Oh well. You're call I guess...Maybe have Jax throw someone as his mechanical arms could easily justify how he's spinning them around for so long...I don't know, are you going to put that much annal detail into this video?

For the moment, I don't have any ideas for finishes...Though if you're going to include Animalities or do a seperate Animality video like you did earlier, I'd suggest either having Scorpion and Sheeva finish each other off or at least having Sheeva finish Scorpion considering one turns into the others namesake.
05/21/2007 08:18 AM (UTC)
There are a lot of details I should take care:

In MK Gold, Sektor and Cyrax have red blood.
I take all finishers directly from MKT as the characters are smaller than MK3 and UMK3.
And MK4 and MKG fatalities have some problem with the camera. Sometimes, when the camera moves during the finishers, For example, it shows a wall. There are cases where the camera shows a wall during its rotation move only and cases where the camera stops moving in front of a wall. And the most strange case: The camera does an unexplainable 180° rotation moves. In other words, we have a fatality seen from behind.

06/18/2007 10:07 AM (UTC)
Test for MK1 & 2.

Tell me if i'd better do it again or not.

07/01/2007 09:28 PM (UTC)
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