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10/26/2006 08:36 AM (UTC)
Pandamar Wrote:
The PERFECT Mortal Kombat game for me wouldn't include any silly mini-games to take up disk space, Nor would it feature a Konquest mode... it would be a.... FIGHTING GAME! *gasp* (Scandalous!)

It would feature eight old characters and eight well thought out new ones. Each character would have two unique fighting styles, and no weapons.

The arenas would be huge, multi-tiered, and highly interactive. You will be able to run in any direction, jump or fall to new areas, and use a large number of objects in each level to your advantage.

Gone are the days when you punch someone and a gallon of blood spills out of their face. But fear not! This game will be every bit as gory as it's predecessors, just in a new way. Mortal Kombat 8 will bring a different kind of brutality to the franchise... bones can (and will) be broken. Blood will ebb and flow from your woulds, staining your clothes and the ground in the process. If the fight goes on long enough, and you were unmerciful to your oppenent he/she will be an ugly, disfigured, bloody, unrecognizable shell of the combatant that stood before you at the begining of the match.

The fatalities wouldn't be as over the top as before, but they would definately be ...memorable. (In a sickening kind of way.)

My MK8 would be ...satisfying to say the least.

Basically my vision for the next generation of Mortal Kombat would be big on quality fighting and shockingly brutal.

I may catch a little heat for my ideas because Mortal Kombat has ALWAYS been about over the top action, but personally I would love to see the franchise grow up just a little bit. (...but not too much.smile )

Basically, Tao Feng?
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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10/26/2006 08:43 AM (UTC)
Pandamar Wrote:

Gone are the days when you punch someone and a gallon of blood spills out of their face. But fear not! This game will be every bit as gory as it's predecessors, just in a new way. Mortal Kombat 8 will bring a different kind of brutality to the franchise... bones can (and will) be broken. Blood will ebb and flow from your woulds, staining your clothes and the ground in the process. If the fight goes on long enough, and you were unmerciful to your oppenent he/she will be an ugly, disfigured, bloody, unrecognizable shell of the combatant that stood before you at the begining of the match.

The fatalities wouldn't be as over the top as before, but they would definately be ...memorable. (In a sickening kind of way.)

My MK8 would be ...satisfying to say the least.

Basically my vision for the next generation of Mortal Kombat would be big on quality fighting and shockingly brutal.

I may catch a little heat for my ideas because Mortal Kombat has ALWAYS been about over the top action, but personally I would love to see the franchise grow up just a little bit. (...but not too much.smile )

Show you right.
10/27/2006 01:18 AM (UTC)
What is Tao Feng?
10/27/2006 01:23 PM (UTC)
I agree it should have a killer way to present each character to blow us away.Remember that feeling of being blown away by mortal.Story is very important.

A very unique way of presenting the select screen.also must be very intense evil music like killer instinct, But better.Around 20-25 chracters.

The fighting engine needs to Truely mix the best of mortal with new ideas.

I don't know what it will be, But something new in the area of creating combo's

More realistic violence no comic relief in the approach to this.

Expansive konquest mode free roaming

Secrets galore

Finally in my opinion just make a game that all around has that feel of greatness,And truely blows us away it can be done.

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I regret StrykerAndBarakaRule but I don't think I can change it. Oh well.

10/27/2006 10:55 PM (UTC)
40 characters,featuring stryker and baraka.along with:sheeva,raiden(duh!)fujin,and cross overs,like cinder,sabrewulf,zasalamel,bryan fury,and others!
all have at least 5 specials and 3 styles.2 for cross overs.
huge intaractive arenas
KAF AND unique fatalaties.unique KAFs per character
konquest being like it is now,but with more combos and have it twice-or-three times as long as it is now
and one of the minigames featured in the topic by fijikungfu...preferably the FPS(by fijikungfu) or the power stone-like-game(by me)
yep...thats my dream mk...
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

10/28/2006 08:10 AM (UTC)
My perfect MK game revolves around the fighting engine, the story and the single player/multiplayer options.

For one thing, MK must get rid of the dial a combo system. I still remember Ed Boon stating before MK:DA came out that the new system would allow players to "customize and create an endless array of combo strings." Umm.... No.

MK has always been a combo based game, but it must get out of the 2D era style of gameplay where characters have special moves (projectiles, teleports etc) and then everyone has what basically amounts to the same or similar stock move sets. In the last three games, it didn't matter what styles your character had because they all had the same or similar knock down moves, pop up attacks, and style switch combos.

In EVERY 3D fighting game out on the market now, characters have a wide variety of moves within their discipline, from throws, to UNIQUE counters, to types of punches, kicks, flips etc. It's the move set that makes each character unique, not the special moves.

Don't get me wrong, MK is not MK without the projectiles, teleporting moves etc. But each character should have more of those super human type moves and they should work well with the more human special moves (double jump kicks, flip kicks etc) and regular combos. I think that extra layer would add alot to MK's gameplay.

I'm NOT saying that MK should be like other fighting games. But I think that fighting games have reached certain logical truths about the genre. 8 way mobility is better than fighting on a 2D plain for example. And MK has embraced that idea.

MK should be able to do what other games do well, and make them into MK ideas and make them better while continuing to innovate in every way possible. That's a tall order, but again, this is my perfect MK game, right?

Furthermore, the story...

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or sound angry, but the MK storyline has just gotten worse with each passing game. It began as this mysterious, "Enter the Dragon" style martial arts tournament with a chosen one and several other intriguing characters. Now it seems like half of the characters are jokes, the stories rarely make sense because you don't know what REALLY happens from game to game, and the story writers always seem to take the easy way out in every situation (how many times has Cage come back from the dead now?)

MK needs to be more adventurous with it's storytelling. First off, we need to know what happens to at least most of the characters. When it comes to the main plot, the final showdown, fine, leave us guessing. But what if characters got kidnapped after the 4th match and that's how their story ends for that game? Or a character gets drugged? Or a character simply loses to another character and must wallow in their defeat? None of these examples are great, but my point is that showing these "what if" scenarios after each character climbs what is essentially the same ladder, have some variety and actually tell us what happens so we don't have to wonder if 99 percent of the stuff we just saw actually becomes part of the story since they didn't win the tournament.

Seriously, use some more complex storytelling and avoid the same tired writing conventions. Alot of MK fans have been around since their early teen years and have grown up on the series. So why are these same people watching Baraka kill Mileena for the 20th time in one ending, then getting killed by her in her ending? It's plain, it's boring, it's been done to death. Don't just give us new characters and new stories in the upcoming game. Give us something that captures our imagination the way the first MK did. That's also a tall order, but again, my perfect MK.

My final big ingredient for my perfect game revolves around modes. As others have said countless times and Boon's team refuses to comprehend... STOP with the minigames already!! I don't need MK Chess or a kart racing game or test my whatever. MK doesn't need to be the "complete" video game.

Most MK fans would be happy enough for the next game to simply be a complete FIGHTING game.

Part of that for me is in the quality story mode, as I have already somewhat outlined. We can have the traditional ladder mode (arcade mode) as well. But how about a good practice mode? No one should have to go through Deception's waste of space konquest mode just to learn how to play the game (sorry for being so blunt).

How about a survival mode? Or a tournament mode that you alone or you and friends could set up online OR offline. How about a "winner stays" mode where you and your friends play and your character stays in with a small health recovery while your next friend comes in and tries to eliminate you. I could go over and over as your friends keep selecting characters and then jumping into the fray one at a time.

How about a team battle mode? I know, it's pretty standard, but people must play the mode if it's been in just about every fighting game since who knows when.

I'm not all about the bad though. I loved the kreate a character mode and would love to see that expanded upon in the next game. Give me tons of moves, fighting styles, special moves, outfit piece designs, weapons etc. Make this stuff unlockable by achievements in all of the other modes.

Oh yeah, one last thing... Super unlockables. I know, the idea has been beaten to death so much by those that expected SU's in the previous games. But give us a few characters that we didn't hear about before and a logical way to unlock them. MK fans love secrets, ever since the words "look to la luna" appeared in the first game we've all been looking for the next big "holy crap" moment of shock and awe.

It's all about those moments in MK. From the satisfaction of soundly destroying your opponent and finding out what happens in the tournament to showing a friend an awesome fatality or being floored by a secret that you just uncovered, MK needs to remember why it was so great, and then figure out what can be done in the future to bring that legacy back into prominence. I just gave a few suggestions, but obiously we are all filled with great ideas. Let's just hope that someone on the MK team is paying attention!
10/30/2006 03:40 AM (UTC)
my UPDATED perfect mk game:

-70 characters
- long video endings
- perfect graphics
- awesome endings
- all endings canon
- everyone has 3 alternate costumes
-long combos
- no stances
-3 fatalities for each person
-friend ships
- option for kreate a fatality
- updated kak mode with many new features
- long konquest mode, that you can team up in it co-op at home,or online
- tag team kombat
- online tag team kombat
- tournament kombat
-online tournament kombat
-3 new modes(for example: motor kombat or chess)
-playable versions of mk1,mk2,umk3,mk4,mk trilogy,special forces,and mythologies
- big as hell krypt with many unlockable videos and renders.
- 10 unlockable characters
-u can watch endings again after unlocking them.
- history record of profile which tells u how many fatalities,friendships,babalities,brutalities,and matches that u have won.
- awesome opening cinematic
- final cinematic after getting all endings.
- up to 30 profile slots
- up to 5 kaks for each profile
- 100 possible icons for profile icon
- fun fighting engine
- on ur profile it says how much time u spent overall on the game

...haha yes i am thinking out side the box

i think it would push the limits, but overall would fit on a ps3 disc, but would push the limits but i think it could work.and it would definately fit on the next gen consoles after 360,ps3,and wii. btw i think there will only be one more generation of consoles,after the ps3,wii,and 360.

i have said my piece.
10/30/2006 10:37 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Basically, Tao Feng?

Tao Feng sucked!

To say, Boon and Tobias are nothing without each other!
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um, so, um, anyway theres like this guy named Bruce.


Popeye the Sailorman

11/04/2006 06:35 PM (UTC)
90 characters (I love endings)

Air Kombat, like really Air Kombat. Seriously, guys! I'm talking as a mode! lol

9 special moves for each character

returning fighters: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, and Raiden.

movie endings not these crappy stories.

Not too hard of a boss.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero wannabe's. Like Frost and Shujinko. Well, Shujinko isn't really a wannabe anymore...


Motor Kombat

Kombat ladder returns

At least one deathtrap on every stage.

Tekken guest fighters

Tekken stages with deathtraps.

umm, thats all for now.tongue
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11/07/2006 11:27 AM (UTC)
DOA4's gameplay and graphics combined with the MK storyline.......I say no more.
11/07/2006 10:03 PM (UTC)
Shadow_the_fastest_Hedgehog Wrote:

Tekken guest fighters

How is everyone suppose to play such a game if Tekken characters are on it? That will simply put on a Play Station system, and nothing else.
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