Your idea on the introduction video to MK7?
posted10/03/2005 09:32 PM (UTC)by
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09/21/2004 12:51 AM (UTC)
One day i was watching the shaolin monks opening video and was just wondering that what would The Mortal Kombat 7 intro look like. So I stopped the Intro and thought about. So when I am finished with my idea just give out like a scripted introduction video.

Raiden narrates the story saying about how the fight went down.

Fade in
around Dragon Kings arena you see dragon king sitting in his thrown and on the arena is Shujinko. Dragon king then gets up and screams and jumps onto the arena. Shujinko gets in his position. Dragon king goes for his first strike and shujinko ducks and goes for a punch on dragon king. Dragon King only flinched. Shujinko gives a sigh of how his hand hurts from punching dragon king. Dragon King all the sudden just starts whipping on shujinko. Using all his moves. Blood all over the place until shujinko sees the kamidogues around the arena and smashes one and goes after dragon king. Gives him a few punches and kicks then dragon king smacks him in the face. Sending him flying through the air. More blood drawn. Shujinko slowly gets up. Dragon King laughs until shujinko breaks the next komidogu. So now he charges harder this time and punches him fast in the stomach and giving him a round house kick hard into his face. Dragon King almost went down. So now he charges with anger. He misses everytime and as it goes on shujinko keeps on continuing what he does. Breaking the next komidogu and giving him a couple punches and kicks. Then on the last one. before shujinko could get to it. Dragon King quickly spits out a fireball hitting shujinko and flying him back into the spike around his arena. Luckily it was only his leg that was on the spike. Dragon king grabs shujinko holding him in his arm in the air. Laughs. Untill he goes for his final kill. But before dragon king could do that. Shujinko uses all his might to break through his hand. He then did that and did a flip kick to his face. Then going for the last komidogu. Hits it down. His fist are now glowing different colors. He screams and runs down to dragon king. Dragon king panicks. Shujinko knocks punch after punch knocking dragon king down and down. Until the final blow killed dragon king. Leaving his blood all over his arena. Shujinko leaves to talk to raiden.

Cut to

a top of the moutain where raiden is standing. Raiden tells him of his mistake. and then kill shujinko by electrucuding him and sending him off the mountain. Raiden now teleports to see the dragon king from a view.

Cut to.

Dragon kings dead body. then it shows a foot stepping in and it zooms out to see havik. He looks at his body and digs his hand into his chest and then ripping out his heart.

Raiden narrating shao kahn's resurrection

Cut to

Shao kahns throne room shown from Deadly Alliance. Havik screams an enchantment spell and raises the heart that shoots out a green beam to shao kahn's body and resurecting him and pulling up his body. The camera then zooms into shao kahns face. Then all you could see was just his helmet and two dark holes. Those two dark holes were not dark no more. They then glowed red and a dark evil laugh occurs and the intro ends

end of intro

so those are my 2 cents. Any comments. Share ideas. give your 2 cents. That would be coolfurious
About Me
The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
09/29/2005 05:20 PM (UTC)
Shao kahns is not dead but rest of it is good
09/29/2005 07:08 PM (UTC)
thank you for your comment. oh yea i forgot about that. I wasnt thinking about the Cube version. I was just thinking about the PS2 and XBOX one.
10/01/2005 10:32 AM (UTC)
Have a video shot of Onaga's throne room and already Shujinko is engaged in battle with Onaga. Many warriors from Deception are just watching the battle unfold as Onaga is pummeling Shujinko and vise versa.

Onaga would toss Shujinko back into warriors such as Sub-Zero and Kenshi, and Shujinko would slowy get up with the aid of the good guys from Deception that were in Outworld. Onaga would then leap into the air and all the warriors would scatter. Each warrior would have a turn at Onaga in the same fashion as how the warriors fought against Goro in Shaolin Monks.

We would watch Sub-Zero get smacked around, same as Kenshi, Bo' Rai Cho, Jade, Sindel, and then they would go to Li Mei.

Li Mei would be standing above Bo' Rai Cho staring at Onaga and Bo' Rai Cho would look up to her trying to get up and holding his hand out. Li Mei would take her foot and stomp down on Bo' Rai Cho's head. Onaga would laugh and continue his assault with Li Mei at his side.

The warriors would again attack Onaga and Li Mei would be knocking them down left and right also. Then out of nowhere have Shujinko grab Li Mei and toss her across the room and have her crash through a Kamidogu onto one of the spikes.

Li Mei would spurt out blood and then her life would fade out of her body. The Kamidogu essense that she smashed through would evaporate out of the ruins of it and then we would see Onaga's reaction to the Kamidogu. Shujinko's face would change as he was now aware that Onaga's power lie in the Kamidogu.

Shujinko would wave his hands to his allies that they must distract Onaga. Shujinko would break off from the rest that are fighting Onaga still and Shujinko would run by and break each Kamidogu with his hands. We only see Shujinko running around and when all th Kamidogu are broken you see Onaga standing over the bodies of all his defeated opponents.

Onaga would be looking tired and Shujinko would crack his neck and get in his fighting stance. Again both Shujinko and Onaga would engage in battle throwing punches left and right and Shujinko dodging most of them. Then Shujinko would be hit on the ground and he'd roll back and be unconcious.

Onaga would stand over all his defeated opponents and hold his hands out with a huge laugh. Then slowly, each of the warriors one by one would climb to their feet. Sub-Zero would be first and he would hold his hands out. Suddenly his ice powers would leave his hands and pour into Shujinko. Then Kenshi would rise and hold out his hand while his blue Telekenetic powers pour into Kenshi. Same With Bo' Rai Cho, Sindel, Jade, and then out of nowhere Ermac, Liu Kang, and the Earthrealm warriors you thought dead would raise their hands and pour all there power in Shujinko.

Then Shujinko would open his eyes and power would surge through the old warrior. Onaga would do his leap move and knock everyone down on their backs but their power still is flowing through Shujinko. Shujinko would let out a grunt and then charge Onaga. Onaga would then charge at Shujinko and in slow motion you would see Shujinko take his fist filled with every warriors energy and Ram it through Onaga's chest. Blood would fly out of Onaga's chest in slow motion while they are still in the air. And Shujinko would land with Onaga grabing him.

Shujinko would then dig his other hand in Onaga's chest and with all his might rip out Onaga's heart. Onaga would scream in pain while Shujinko rips out Onaga's heart and then blood would pour out of his mouth and his eyes would go blank. The Dragon King Is Dead.

Shujinko would throw down Onaga's heart next to his dead body and then The Dragon King would start to decompose revealing an unconcious Reptile. Shujinko all beaten and bruised would raise his hand up in victory while powerful victory music would play. The warriors would gather around Shujinko and applaud him.

The screen would fade out to Shujinko climbing up a cliff during a cloudy and thunderous storm. Shujinko would be on his kness pleading for forgiveness just like Shang Tsung in MK2. Raiden would be levitating above Shujinko and water would pour down on both of them. Raiden would nod his head no and electrocute Shujinko to death. Shujinko would fall off the cliff and you would not see where his body went. Then the screen would focus on Raiden's dark red eyes and the Dragon Symbol would rise up to the screen.

Of course all of this would be narrated and explain the story better, but what I described was the images that you see.
10/01/2005 06:06 PM (UTC)
i like that one. Its very good. Although it is a little similiar to mine but its still awesome. Any more?
10/01/2005 08:15 PM (UTC)
Great ideas so far. Mine is based on an idea I had a few months ago for MK7's storyline. Like most people, it does feature Dark Raiden in a big role, and the death of crappy old Shujinko.

Working Title- Mortal Kombat: Warfare. Narration from Kung Lao, who I think should be the next MK hero.

Opening shot shows the end of the battle against Onaga in his temple, with Shujinko striking the killer blow, with the help of Li Mei, Kenshi and Sindel. In the background, the dead bodies of Nightwolf and Bo Rai Cho can be seen, along with broken Kamidogus.

In another part of the temple, Ermac and Liu Kang stand over Kung Lao, Kitana, Johnny Cage, Sonya and Jax. The five heroes had been defeated, but are free from Onaga's spell.

"After a long battle, and many deaths on both sides, Shujinko and his allies had finally managed to defeat the Dragon King. The Kamidogu, the items with which Shujinko had unwittingly helped his invasion were destroyed with him. My friends and I, had finally been freed from Onaga's control by my Shaolin brother Liu Kang, and the warrior Ermac. I had guessed that our victory would be short lived, but the next threat came from a most unexpected individual, our guide and mentor, Raiden. Blaming Shujinko for Onaga's return, and threatening the realms, the Thunder God mercilessly murdered him."

Dark Raiden confronts Shujinko sometime after the battle. With his full power, Raiden electrocutes Shujinko, over and over, like the Emperor did to Luke in Return of the Jedi, only 'Jinko is killed. Raiden disappears and an ancient, weak looking man approaches the body of Shujinko. In reality, this man is Shang Tsung, badly weakened from before. He steals the newly killed Shujinko's soul, and turns into the Shang Tsung we all know and love.

"Raiden's actions, and his view that all who threatened Earth, even by accident, must be killed caused argument among our allies. Some, like my good friend Liu Kang, and the Princess Kitana had decided that Raiden was right, and sided with him. Other have chosen to stay out of the disagreements either way, focusing on their own battles. I was the first to openly defy the Thunder God, which caused me to fall out with Liu for the first time. I will not fight under the guidance of a madman, even if he is a god, so had no choice but to leave the group. Fortunately, I was not alone in my views about Raiden's insanity."

Shot to Edenia somewhere. Kung Lao and Raiden face off, eyeing each other up. On Raiden's side are Liu Kang, Kitana and Sindel. With Kung Lao are Johnny Cage, Li Mei and Ermac. Other heroes, such as Sub Zero and Jade stand in the background watching the situation, but not part of either group. Words are exchanged between Kung Lao and Raiden, and the god threatens him.

"Raiden beleived that anybody who did not follow his orders was a danger to Earth, and threatened us with death if we got in his way. I must find a way to bring our former guide to his senses, and I must do it fast. We have learned of multiple new threats to all our realms, our division could not have come at a worse time. Old enemies are returning, more powerful than ever. Some come out to fight us in the open, others hide in the shadows, waiting to pick us off. "

Cut to the Netherrealm. We see Quan Chi, with his Living Weapon (a head on a staff, planned for MKD). With him are a ressurected Mavado, Baraka, and an army of Brotherhood of Shadow assassins. All the others salute Quan Chi. A portal then appears in front of them, and with Quan, Mavado and Baraka leading the way, they all march through.

Next scene is a town in Edenia. Buildings are on fire, and people are being killed by a different evil army. An Edenian melts in acid, and Reptile appears from being invisible. Reptile is the general of this army. When the village is destroyed, Shao Kahn steps in to examine the destruction.

We now go to the Edeian palace, with Raiden's group. Kitana leaves the group suspiciously. She walks through a secret passageway into a small room. "Kitana" removes her mask, revealing herself to actually be Mileena. Also in the room is Shang Tsung, with the real Kitana chained up. Using magic, Shang morphs Mileena's mutant face into an exact copy of Kitana's. (Note: neither Raiden's or Kung Lao's groups know about Mileena)

"We have learned that both Shao Kahn and Quan Chi are leading armies that threaten to destroy us all. Not only that, but I must face the possibility of having to fight Raiden himself, if I cannot convince him to end this madness. Previously, we battled alongside each other as allies to fight off invasions. Now, when our work is more important than ever, we find ourselves on opposing sides. How will we be able to face the forces of Kahn and Quan Chi if we cannot even work together? Didided, we are weaker than ever, and I fear that if I don't succeed in uniting us once again, we will be destroyed, and Earthrealm and Edenia will fall with us."

Final shot of Kung Lao alone in the Living Forest, training. After a few moves and combos, he shatters a tree that tries to attack him to pieces, killing it. Scene closes with him walking off into the distance.

"I must prepare myself for a new style of Kombat. I must be ready to face threat from many groups and individuals. I must engage them in Warfare."
10/03/2005 08:52 PM (UTC)

I think that introduction for mortal kombat is cool. Good story line
10/03/2005 09:10 PM (UTC)
Title: Mortal Kombat The Final Battle This is my mortal kombat 7 introduction. Before i typed this, I was thinkin. What if the evil people won instead of the good? So hear it is! The video shows everybody fighting Onaga. Every worior was knocked down by onaga accept for raiden, Li Mei, and Shujinko. Shujinko and Raiden began to attack Onaga with all there mite. But what about the comidogues? Why didn't anybody knock them down? And why was Li Mei just standing their? Shujinko told Li Mei to destroy the comidogues. There was barely any time left. Onaga's strength was too much for Raiden and Shujinko and they fell as well as the other woriors. Li Mei steps in and it looks like she wants to fight Onaga. Instead, she attacks Raiden and Shujinko. She has betrayed them. She is no longer good. Raiden and Shujinko slowly rise to their feet and they fight Onaga with Li Mei on Onaga's side. The chance of defeating Onaga is smaller and Raiden and Shujinko are defeated. The comidogues are merged and Li Mei has way more power now. Onaga looks to be unstoppable. But something hapened in another realm. Liu Kang is back alive again. Ermac and Liu Kang have stopped the inslaved fighters and they are back to normal. But mean while the realms are merged and there is a lot of chaos. The fallen woriors must train and fight. It's not about just the control of Earthrealm, Outworld or other realms. They are fighting for their lives. This time, they must fight the final battle or all that is good is destroyed.
About Me
The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
10/03/2005 09:32 PM (UTC)
i like red_dragon introduction video idea
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