You know what...
posted08/18/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/13/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
...I think I'll sit out for MKX and MK in general until MK11 rolls around. Don't get me wrong, MKX looks nice but I'm overall not so enthusiastic about the whole "next generation" thing, I feel like the game will just be Mortal Kombat in name only.

The new characters are kinda...meh, they don't feel like MK characters and they seem like they were sourced from all those MK rip-offs from back in the 90s. But I guess that's just me.

Many of you "MKO/TRMK forum experts" keep telling us, who've been faithful to the series even during it's darkest days (MKDA-MKA) to go play the previous games or to even forget about MK all together if we don't like "MK for the new generation". So I guess that's what I'll do...after I post this message and log out for good, I'm going to throw away all MK related games, dvds, and memorabilia I own that I've diligently collected since 1996.

MKX and everything around it, right now, has killed it for me. Michael Bay didn't even need to touch it, but a huge part of my childhood has died and it's time for me to move on without Mortal Kombat.
08/17/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
So you've made up your mind to abandon the franchise entirely because of a game you've neither played nor know everything about. Sounds like we're all better off without you.
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
So you've made up your mind to abandon the franchise entirely because of a game you've neither played nor know everything about. Sounds like we're all better off without you.
08/17/2014 03:39 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
So you've made up your mind to abandon the franchise entirely because of a game you've neither played nor know everything about. Sounds like we're all better off without you.
08/17/2014 03:43 AM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
...I think I'll sit out for MKX and MK in general until MK11 rolls around. Don't get me wrong, MKX looks nice but I'm overall not so enthusiastic about the whole "next generation" thing, I feel like the game will just be Mortal Kombat in name only.

The new characters are kinda...meh, they don't feel like MK characters and they seem like they were sourced from all those MK rip-offs from back in the 90s. But I guess that's just me.

Many of you "MKO/TRMK forum experts" keep telling us, who've been faithful to the series even during it's darkest days (MKDA-MKA) to go play the previous games or to even forget about MK all together if we don't like "MK for the new generation". So I guess that's what I'll do...after I post this message and log out for good, I'm going to throw away all MK related games, dvds, and memorabilia I own that I've diligently collected since 1996.

MKX and everything around it, right now, has killed it for me. Michael Bay didn't even need to touch it, but a huge part of my childhood has died and it's time for me to move on without Mortal Kombat.

Pretty pathetic, I'd say. Why even come back when MKXI rolls around? There will be less and less iconic characters in the games in the feature.
08/17/2014 03:44 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
So you've made up your mind to abandon the franchise entirely because of a game you've neither played nor know everything about. Sounds like we're all better off without you.
08/17/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
Suit yourself.
About Me
08/17/2014 03:48 AM (UTC)
What a true fan you are. This game looks amazing, but feel free to NOT play it. Go ahead and wait like 6 or more years until MK11 and then it'll be even worse for you.
08/17/2014 03:51 AM (UTC)
This guy is so Troll...
08/17/2014 03:54 AM (UTC)
Well, Mr. Chivalry, that is your choice. I don't see a reason to announce it on an MK forum other than try to stir up some trouble amongst MK loyalists though, because in the end it doesn't really matter to anyone else than you.

But see you.
08/17/2014 03:56 AM (UTC)
How will we actually know if the OP will actually do this? Probably is trolling...
08/17/2014 04:00 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
...I think I'll sit out for MKX and MK in general until MK11 rolls around. Don't get me wrong, MKX looks nice but I'm overall not so enthusiastic about the whole "next generation" thing, I feel like the game will just be Mortal Kombat in name only.

The new characters are kinda...meh, they don't feel like MK characters and they seem like they were sourced from all those MK rip-offs from back in the 90s. But I guess that's just me.

Many of you "MKO/TRMK forum experts" keep telling us, who've been faithful to the series even during it's darkest days (MKDA-MKA) to go play the previous games or to even forget about MK all together if we don't like "MK for the new generation". So I guess that's what I'll do...after I post this message and log out for good, I'm going to throw away all MK related games, dvds, and memorabilia I own that I've diligently collected since 1996.

MKX and everything around it, right now, has killed it for me. Michael Bay didn't even need to touch it, but a huge part of my childhood has died and it's time for me to move on without Mortal Kombat.

Pretty pathetic, I'd say. Why even come back when MKXI rolls around? There will be less and less iconic characters in the games in the feature.

Ed Boon said they have no idea what they'll do with the next game, they don't have a direct sequel to MKX planned, and for all we know, the next game could be MKT 3.0. Stop with those baseless claims.
08/17/2014 04:01 AM (UTC)
Lmao is this some sort of joke? If you are going to abandon the series because of a few new characters then I don't believe you were an actual fan to begin with. Everything can't stay the exact same forever. I grew up with the first 3 games, so naturally any characters from MK1,2 3/UMK3/MKT I love, they are and always will be my favorite characters. Id love to see them all return in every game but that's not reasonable, other people will get tired of seeing the same faces over and over and NRS would get flack and people would claim they are "rehashing the same game over and over". I have said it before, I would have been fine if there were ZERO new characters in MKX but you don't see me whining about there being new characters or whatever you problem is. I am just happy we are getting a new MK.

Anyway im not sure what the hell somebody could have possibly said or done to make you want to just skip out on MKX entirely but get over it. I'm sure this is a troll post anyway so its whatever lol
About Me

... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

08/17/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
Sure developing new characters can be fraught with problems but it can be done right.

I get that you think this MK game lacks the classic feel. Personally some things seem off to me as well. Sub Zero and Kano really have brutal moves that are more suited to Killer Instinct or as a brutalities variation. What you deem as mistakes may not overshadow the other praiseworthy parts of the game. I at least acknowledge KI and MK are fun so they deserve credit where credit is due.

I overlook or limit my disappointment to that specific portion of the game.
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08/17/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
So you've made up your mind to abandon the franchise entirely because of a game you've neither played nor know everything about. Sounds like we're all better off without you.
08/17/2014 04:13 AM (UTC)
I don't know why you guys care that he won't get MKX. It doesn't affect you one bit.
08/17/2014 04:21 AM (UTC)
My $0.02:

1. OP: Don't turn your back on MKX already when it's light years away from release and so little information about it even exists.

2. Not here for posters attacking the OP as "pathetic" or whatever. Like JR said, the decision doesn't affect you.

Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
How will we actually know if the OP will actually do this? Probably is trolling...

How do we know he also doesn't wash himself in a birdbath every day? Whether he does or doesn't, it's not our business. Same principle.
About Me

... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

08/17/2014 04:24 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't know why you guys care that he won't get MKX. It doesn't affect you one bit.

I replied because I was bored and it kept me briefly occupied.
08/17/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't know why you guys care that he won't get MKX. It doesn't affect you one bit.

I don't think people are annoyed with him because he won't buy MKX.
It's his ridiculous preemptive logic on why it will inevitably suck (in his eyes) and his over-dramatic manner of airing his grievances.

"I think we should all lower our expectations for MKX itself and prepare ourselves for disappointment on release day."
Regardless, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
fijikungfu Wrote: ...

He went back to that thread and explained (or whatever,) "FYI, the article ain't in this issue, it's from a back issue that GS still had in stock."
His other posts don't really give any indication he has been trolling. He started posting in the MKX forum just before E3, sounding fairly pleased, giving little news-y tidbits, before quickly turning pessimistic. That's generally not how a troll behaves. I hesitate bringing up hankypanky1, but (whether or not he was entirely serious) he epitomized a troll poster.

If TC is a troll, he's an absolutely awful one.
About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

08/17/2014 04:30 AM (UTC)
Guys this is that gameinformer troll... Why do you folks keep falling for him lol?
About Me

... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

08/17/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Guys this is that gameinformer troll... Why do you folks keep falling for him lol?

My excuse is that I am relatively new around here.
08/17/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
JasonVPred Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
Guys this is that gameinformer troll... Why do you folks keep falling for him lol?

My excuse is that I am relatively new around here.

08/17/2014 04:49 AM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
So you've made up your mind to abandon the franchise entirely because of a game you've neither played nor know everything about. Sounds like we're all better off without you.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/17/2014 05:11 AM (UTC)
"I don't like the new generation.
Better throw away my old shit."

08/17/2014 05:14 AM (UTC)
Quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've read all week.
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