You know how people often discuss MK crossing over with SF?
posted03/14/2011 02:01 AM (UTC)by
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Member Since
04/20/2008 04:32 AM (UTC)
I realized recently, that wouldn't be the best fighting game franchise in Capcom's stable for MK to crossover with.

No, you know what would work really well given their styles? Darkstalkers.
03/07/2011 04:39 AM (UTC)
TheAdder Wrote:
I realized recently, that wouldn't be the best fighting game franchise in Capcom's stable for MK to crossover with.

No, you know what would work really well given their styles? Darkstalkers.

That's a pretty good idea! I think that would be an interesting crossover and DS fans would go nuts. Another good crossover with MK would be Killer Instinct. Who's your favorite DS character?
03/08/2011 12:34 AM (UTC)
Here is how I imagine the Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat

Opening cinematic starts off showing Ryu meditating, thinking back to his early training, while we here the words of Gouken instructing Ryu through various training exercises. Jump to Ryu wincing in his meditation flashing back to his first meeting with Sagat, while we hear Gouken telling Ryu how important it is to never be overcome by the Satsui no Hadou, while Ryu is getting the fuck stomped out of him by Sagat. We see Ryu's eyes glow red and deliver the Shouryuken that scarred Sagat's Chest.

Ryu screams awaking from his meditation. BOOM ! The door flys open and its Sakura frantic, " Ryu ! Its master Gouken " . Master Gouken collapses in a pool of blood, completely wrecked, at the door way. MASTER GOUKEN ! Ryu shouts.

We now see Ryu holding Gouken asking him what happened. All we can hear is master gouken whispering , " Ryu, you must ... find Ken, find the others ... there is another tournament .... but its not .... its not ..... and Gouken passes out as he is spitting up blood.

Ryu instructs Sakura to get water. We now see Ryu gearing up, putting on head band and gloves. He tells Sakura to stay with master gouken. Do not follow me Sakura ! Ryu instructs. I need you take care of the Master. She nods in agreement.

We now see Ryu walk up the hillside as we pan out on Ryu in his journey, with the street fighter theme playing . As we fade out to where you can barely see Ryu, we hear Sakura's voice. " Master Gouken ? What are ... no ! AAAHHHH. Her screams fade to silence.

We now see Master Gouken in the door way looking out onto the hillside. Sakura is laying at his feet in a pool of blood. We pan in closer to his eyes as we hear his voice. " Go Ryu, find Ken ... find the others .... find them all .... " . We now pan back out off of his eyes to reveal Shang Tsung ... " Your souls .... WILL BE MINE ! "


FUCK YEA ! Tell me that don't make you think Street vs Mortal Kombat would kick ass ?

I see Capcom's version looking like Street Fighter IV , but with less Cell Shading. Use the same engine, but ending the match in an Ultra Combo would trigger a different animation leading into a fatality version of their Ultra combo. Use meter for combo breakers, and the game would be more juggle friendly.

Yea, I got it all planned out. Someone get me a job producing this game QUICK !

03/08/2011 07:29 PM (UTC)
I see your Darkstalkers and raise you Soul Calibur.

I mean Demonic swords, a man that constantly resurrects himself, impossibly large boobs and a zombie pirate.

Its like they are made for each other.

Capcom Vs Mortal Kombat would be interesting. You'd still get the Street Fighters plus Some Resi, Devil May Cry and Darkstalkers in there.

Failing those - Deadpool Vs Mortal Kombat.

While Scorpion is chopping him up he is still insulting him.
03/08/2011 08:57 PM (UTC)
To elaborate on my point, the reason I say Darkstalkers is because the two series just mesh so well. As far as atmosphere they both have this dark mystical element backed by rich mythologies.

Storywise they wouldn't even have to do a TWO WORLDS COLLIDE type story The Realms are just another set of dimensions to the DS world, no different from Makai. And the DS world and Makai are just two realms outside of the One Being's influence to the MK realms.

Characterwise they just fit so perfectly. With all of the numerous peoples of The Realms running around, Darkstalkers can fit right in (with the big exception being DS Vampires since they're different from MK Vampires).

Also, if Capcom were to let any series have an increase in the level of gore, which do you think they're more likely to do it with? This or SF?

Only real problem I see is that fatalities being in would cause one of the most interesting DS characters to be excluded (BB Hood, as she looks like a child).
03/13/2011 02:23 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:

Failing those - Deadpool Vs Mortal Kombat.

While Scorpion is chopping him up he is still insulting him.

This. Right here. This needs to be made.
03/13/2011 07:02 AM (UTC)
The only game I would ever want to see Mortal Kombat have a crossover with would be Killer Instinct. Should MK and Street Fighter become a crossover, you know what's going to happen? Another MK game with a Teen rating... I do not support the idea.
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03/13/2011 04:08 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
The only game I would ever want to see Mortal Kombat have a crossover with would be Killer Instinct. Should MK and Street Fighter become a crossover, you know what's going to happen? Another MK game with a Teen rating... I do not support the idea.

I see your "only game I would ever want to see Mortal Kombat have a crossover with" and raise you a "NEVER want to see Mortal Kombat have a crossover".

Plus, c'mon. Killer Instinct? Only old fogeys like me even remember that game and most people who do remember it never played it in the arcade.
03/13/2011 09:15 PM (UTC)
Bezou Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
The only game I would ever want to see Mortal Kombat have a crossover with would be Killer Instinct. Should MK and Street Fighter become a crossover, you know what's going to happen? Another MK game with a Teen rating... I do not support the idea.

I see your "only game I would ever want to see Mortal Kombat have a crossover with" and raise you a "NEVER want to see Mortal Kombat have a crossover".

Plus, c'mon. Killer Instinct? Only old fogeys like me even remember that game and most people who do remember it never played it in the arcade.

Heeey, I'm only 24 (soon 25) years old, and I remember it clear as day and stil play it from time to time. One of my favourite fighting games of all time. ^^

True, MK crossovers have never been a good idea, but IF they were to make one, the only game I would want a MK to make a crossover with would be KI... With emphasis on "IF". ;)
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03/13/2011 09:51 PM (UTC)
If MK crosses over with KI, people would be like "......WTF is that?"

The only crossover that would ever truly work would be MK vs SF for the simple fact that they are both popular and well known. Soul Calibur MAYBE, but SC is nowhere near as popular as SF.
03/13/2011 11:30 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
If MK crosses over with KI, people would be like "......WTF is that?"

The only crossover that would ever truly work would be MK vs SF for the simple fact that they are both popular and well known. Soul Calibur MAYBE, but SC is nowhere near as popular as SF.

Have you ever played Killer Instinct? Because if you have, then you should realize how much it has in common with Mortal Kombat. It's a perfect fit.

It isn't about popularity. ^^
About Me
03/14/2011 12:18 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It isn't about popularity. ^^

But marketing & sales is. MK vs KI would be a nice game if done right, but it wouldn't sell as much as MK vs SF would.
03/14/2011 02:01 AM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It isn't about popularity. ^^

But marketing & sales is. MK vs KI would be a nice game if done right, but it wouldn't sell as much as MK vs SF would.

So you want them to make a crossover based on the financial potential rather than everything else, like the equal aesthetic and gameplay values that KI shares with MK?

That's rather cynical, don't you think?
Yes, Mortal Kombat VS Street Fighter would have the potential of being a massive hit which would bring in alot of cash... But it would still not be a crossover I'd want to see. As said, it would become another Teen-rated game... Street Fighter's don't murder people in brutal ways, except for maybe a few of the bad guys, however, not even those characters show such murderous intent in-game. And I doubt Capcom would agree on making it an 18+ game, as it would leave lots of under-aged fans disappointed.

No, it would just be another MKvsDCU failure. The Street Fighter community would be the ones getting the treats while the MK community would get another watered down version of the franchise we know and love.
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