Yet Another Story Mode Thread: Or (You Whiny Babies)
posted04/16/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
Ok, ok, ok, the title might be a little aggressive. To be totally honest, there are a lot of valid critiques being leveled at the game's story mode. Those critiques are important because, if they are numerous, someone eventually takes note of them.

My angst comes not from anyone with valid critiques, such as making formula less apparent. My issue is with those complaining about length and content.

This is a motherfucking fighting game.

The fact that we have a story mode that consists of more than captioned stills is a damn miracle. Beyond this, we're given characters with quite a bit of depth. While the depth is no-where close to the level of a standard story-based game, in comparison to Mortal Kombat 2011, it's astounding. Johnny Cage got grabby with Sonya for no real apparent reason other than that she was hot in 2011, and we're supposed to accept that one of Earth's heroes would not only do this, but proceed to beat the woman into the ground. While there are some questionable fights in MKX, the characters at least give some reasonable explanation for their actions. This is also due to the ghosts of Injustice, because to the cast comes some amazing voice talent. Troy Baker, Tara Strong, Jenifer Hale, and Phil LaMarr are voicing characters in the story mode of a God damn fighting game!

Yes there are valid criticisms, the boss reveal was a bit cheap, it's hard to imagine coming into this without having read the comics so that might be problematic, you recognize the rhythm fairly quickly which makes the fights somewhat boring, etc. etc. All valid criticisms, but calling it too short, or a let down makes no sense. I get not liking the story, that's fine, but it doesn't mean it's awful. In this genre, the story mode is a plus, and they gave us a damn good plus. It might not be Oscar material, but it's at least something more than stills in between fights. You just played a fighting game where there were times you could put down the controller and watch a cut-scene, to me that's pretty damn impressive.

This is about the end of my rant. Yes, story mode has more than it's share of problems. However, the presentation of it, the quality of it, and the amount of work that is visible in it is a feat considering its genre.
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04/16/2015 02:35 AM (UTC)
1. If it makes you feel any better, I made a positive topic dedicated to story mode.

2. Something I am getting really tired of hearing is people dismissing crutiques because, "its a fighting game." I don't understand this logic, most if not all popular games in general have a story in their game now. The team bothered to make a story and continue it, gaining lore fans over the years, more and more the story and characters are elaborated and developed, so yes I expect a story that's not half ass. If one is gonna do something, they need to do it right.
04/16/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
I thought the story was pretty good actually.

I mean I have my negative remarks....
-lack of Ferra/Torr story
-certain characters being playable just for the sake of it.
-also several questions being left unanswered.

On a positive note.......
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04/16/2015 02:44 AM (UTC)
Just finished it today myself and I loved it. The characterization, dialog, voice acting, the choreography...I have a few issues with the story but overall It's on a whole other level compared to the last game. l though it was great.

04/16/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
I'm just sick of only the faces being playable and the heels getting screwed up the rear time and time again, which is why seeing D'Vorah as a playable was a breath of fresh air.

Jax, however, had NO business whatsoever getting a chapter in the story mode. I loved him back in the day but will throw a ticker-tape parade when he's done and gone.
04/16/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
And I thought the MK 9 story was controversial. But anyway I loved the story, wish it was longer, had some things in it I didn't like and I wish every character had a story chapter but oh well...good overall wink
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