Yes Shinnok will probably be playable.
posted03/02/2015 02:52 AM (UTC)by
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11/24/2014 02:46 AM (UTC)
A lot of people are saying Shinnok won't be playable because of the Story Trailer. The Story Trailer doesn't say anything. Here are 5 reasons why he will be playable.

1. His costume looks amazing and the best for Shinnok in my opinion, now why would NRS spend that much time designing Shinnok and not make him playable.

2. NRS knows how much we want Shinnok in MKX, and they do listen to fans so I think NRS knows what they are doing.

3. It appears that the amulet will play a big role in the story and the amulet involves Quan Chi and Shinnok and with Quan Chi already being announced and playable i'm pretty sure Shinnok will too.

4. You will probably have to fight Shinnok in order to get that scene that we see in the Story Trailer, and if you're able to choose your variation before you fight in the Story, why would Shinnok have variations and not have him playable?

5. Because he's Shinnok confused
02/28/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
I wish I was as optimistic as you
02/28/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
I would like him to be playable, many others do too, but nothing is certain at this point.
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Embrace the bullshit

02/28/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
HAHAHA you're profile pic
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/28/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
I don't see how people can skip over Shinnok'a new design
Why go through all of that trouble when they could've just used an old MK9 model like with Sindel? I bet he's either the final boss or a story mode unlockable.
02/28/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
I think he will play the role of Shang Tsung, as in he's the first boss fight. I also think his defeat will happen easily a little too easily. Perhaps he's got a plan to be trapped in the amulet and let Kotal and Mileena expend all their resources fighting eachother over it only to be revealed again and more powerful by the end for a final boss fight.
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02/28/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
If you fight him in story brush you wouldn't be picking his variations. You, be pick who your playing. Besides like other including me have said in all the other threads about story trailer..

There were only 5 reveals in the trailer. Many were NPC as confirmed on twitter.

Jaquline Briggs, Kung Jin, Takeda, Erron Black Mileena I think.

Sonya, cage, sindel, rain, shinnok non playable are my guess boss fights in story sure.

I could be wrong but
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02/28/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
I think so too.
02/28/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
If you fight him in story brush you wouldn't be picking his variations. You, be pick who your playing. Besides like other including me have said in all the other threads about story trailer..

There were only 5 reveals in the trailer. Many were NPC as confirmed on twitter.

Jaquline Briggs, Kung Jin, Takeda, Erron Black Mileena I think.

Sonya, cage, sindel, rain, shinnok non playable are my guess boss fights in story sure.

I could be wrong but

Ed did say 5 reveals. He didnt say only 5 in the trailer would be playable.
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

02/28/2015 05:44 PM (UTC)
you are forgetting that in Mk9 they kind of did Kintaro's, Goro's and Shao Kahn's costumes as well and they weren't in the roster or playable (unless you hacked it and i'm not including the challenge tower where you can play Goro)

basically everyone had a completely new outfit or it was a update from a previous game (like Sheeva's) so we just have to wait and see who is playable and not

because he has a new outfit doesn't mean he will be 100% playable. we just have to see when the game is out

02/28/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
Kitana147 Wrote:
you are forgetting that in Mk9 they kind of did Kintaro's, Goro's and Shao Kahn's costumes as well and they weren't in the roster or playable (unless you hacked it and i'm not including the challenge tower where you can play Goro)

basically everyone had a completely new outfit or it was a update from a previous game (like Sheeva's) so we just have to wait and see who is playable and not

because he has a new outfit have been doesn't mean he will be 100% playable. we just have to see when the game is out

It was obvious they wouldnt be playable everyone and their mother knew they were the bosses of the game.Also if you compare all their outfits to their prior outfits they are basically just updates. Not complete redsigns like we see with shinnok.
02/28/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
If you fight him in story brush you wouldn't be picking his variations. You, be pick who your playing. Besides like other including me have said in all the other threads about story trailer..

There were only 5 reveals in the trailer. Many were NPC as confirmed on twitter.

Jaquline Briggs, Kung Jin, Takeda, Erron Black Mileena I think.

Sonya, cage, sindel, rain, shinnok non playable are my guess boss fights in story sure.

I could be wrong but

I agree with you. I don't think that Johny cage and Sonya blade will both be playable. Ed cleary mentioned on his twitter there where 5 reveals and not 11. I think the where: Kung Jun In, Takeda, Jacky, Mileena and Shinnok. The cowboy ninja will get his later reveal.

Johny and sonya Cage will get cameo's in the game and will be playable in the roster but I dont think the will be in the roster. So there will be 7 characters to be revealed.
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02/28/2015 06:11 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I don't see how people can skip over Shinnok'a new design
Why go through all of that trouble when they could've just used an old MK9 model like with Sindel? I bet he's either the final boss or a story mode unlockable.

Agreed. His design looks good enough not to be used in MKX. I think NRS knows this is the right time to bank on Shinnok's popularity and making him playable is almost a certain.
02/28/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
I think he will be playable. Probably the replacement for Shang Tsung in this game. His outfit screams playable character. It's so detailed and different to anything we've seen him wear. Just because he gets pulled into that amulet doesn't mean he can't escape, or get freed. Maybe Tanya will free him at some point during the story. Who knows.
02/28/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
Why do people call him a cowboy ninja? A lot of gunslinging cowboy bandits wore something over their mouths, usually a bandana or clothe lol Literally just google image the word "Bandit" and you will see that's what his design is based on, nothing really ninja about him IMO.
02/28/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
BruskPoet Wrote:
A lot of people are saying Shinnok won't be playable because of the Story Trailer. The Story Trailer doesn't say anything. Here are 5 reasons why he will be playable.

1. His costume looks amazing and the best for Shinnok in my opinion, now why would NRS spend that much time designing Shinnok and not make him playable.

2. NRS knows how much we want Shinnok in MKX, and they do listen to fans so I think NRS knows what they are doing.

3. It appears that the amulet will play a big role in the story and the amulet involves Quan Chi and Shinnok and with Quan Chi already being announced and playable i'm pretty sure Shinnok will too.

4. You will probably have to fight Shinnok in order to get that scene that we see in the Story Trailer, and if you're able to choose your variation before you fight in the Story, why would Shinnok have variations and not have him playable?

5. Because he's Shinnok confused

He's in and I will main him.
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02/28/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
Honestly. I think shinnok being in the amulet will only make him stronger. Making his escape thus more practical.

I'm thinking the more people who's trapped inside the medallion with him the more people who are most likely going to either

A. Align with Shinnok forging his own alliance.
B. Grant him more power to aid his escape.

Either way whoever or whatever frees him has me hyped.

This is the BEST design I've seen out of Anyone so far!
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/28/2015 07:41 PM (UTC)
Honestly. I think shinnok being in the amulet will only make him stronger. Making his escape thus more practical.

I'm thinking the more people who's trapped inside the medallion with him the more people who are most likely going to either

A. Align with Shinnok forging his own alliance.
B. Grant him more power to aid his escape.

Either way whoever or whatever frees him has me hyped.

This is the BEST design I've seen out of Anyone so far!

Agreed Shinnok is stylin'. He looks amazing. One of the best re-designs. Can't see them letting that go to waste by him just being a story mode NPC.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/28/2015 07:57 PM (UTC)
Kitana147 Wrote:
you are forgetting that in Mk9 they kind of did Kintaro's, Goro's and Shao Kahn's costumes as well and they weren't in the roster or playable (unless you hacked it and i'm not including the challenge tower where you can play Goro)

basically everyone had a completely new outfit or it was a update from a previous game (like Sheeva's) so we just have to wait and see who is playable and not

because he has a new outfit doesn't mean he will be 100% playable. we just have to see when the game is out

Yeah but Goro, Kahn, and Kintaro were the boss and sub-bosses. So that makes sense. It would make sense with Shinnok as well if he's an unplayable boss/sub-boss. But I'm saying it doesn't make sense to give somebody a fresh and new re-design if they're only a mere cameo/NPC in story mode, otherwise they'd just get the "Sindel" treatment and just be seen in an old costume along with having an old model.

Besides even if Shinnok is a boss I'm sure he'd still be playable. He was playable in MK4 and Boon even stated that he regretted making the bosses unplayable in MK9, so he'll most likely be playable, boss or not.
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02/28/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
Shinnok's new design from what I've seen looks really good, not entirely convinced he will be playable though.
About Me

"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

03/01/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
NRS have spoiled me with Quan Chi and Shinnok, already. Just make Shinnok better, and more powerful then his MKA appearence, and we have a winner. Playable or not, Shinnok is in one way or another. Shit just got real.

Im positive Noob, Smoke, and Kabal with become accessable through my kollectors edition.
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03/01/2015 11:01 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
If you fight him in story brush you wouldn't be picking his variations. You, be pick who your playing. Besides like other including me have said in all the other threads about story trailer..

There were only 5 reveals in the trailer. Many were NPC as confirmed on twitter.

Jaquline Briggs, Kung Jin, Takeda, Erron Black Mileena I think.

Sonya, cage, sindel, rain, shinnok non playable are my guess boss fights in story sure.

I could be wrong but

Ed did say 5 reveals. He didnt say only 5 in the trailer would be playable.

On that I agree ! This is actually what I'm trying to say !furious
03/01/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I don't see how people can skip over Shinnok'a new design
Why go through all of that trouble when they could've just used an old MK9 model like with Sindel? I bet he's either the final boss or a story mode unlockable.

Good point, but to play devil's advocate he could have gotten the costume update because he is more prominently featured in story mode or is at least a major plot point. Whereas Sindel's cameo could be as big as her undead cameo in MK9's story mode. Like they are shaping up story mode to practically be a big budget holly wood production (as far as fighting games are concerned), it would be beyond lazy and silly to not update the appearance of the major players. Sindel probably plays an extremely small part in story mode (mindless Quan lacky with no lines) so there isn't much need to redesign her appearance.

BruskPoet Wrote:
4. You will probably have to fight Shinnok in order to get that scene that we see in the Story Trailer, and if you're able to choose your variation before you fight in the Story, why would Shinnok have variations and not have him playable?

This is confusingly stupid. Bizarrely written and based on a concept that doesn't make sense.

Overall, as much as I want Shinnok in the game, I'd say its still a 50/50 at this point. His new design in the story mode for sure bumped up his odds tho
03/02/2015 12:41 AM (UTC)
Playable, absolutely.

First, there's his whole new outfit (new red jewels, textured crown, chainmail neck, and all). We all know the MK team generally doesn't make new character models/designs unless the character is playable. If this happens this time, it'd be a first outside of unplayable bosses, and Shinnok is not going to suddenly become unplayable for some reason. I remember people having this fear about Shang in MK9, too.

This one is just a hunch, but the game feels like it needs a good, solid, magical zoner type. Shang, Sindel, and Ermac in MK9. Raven, Sinestro, and Zatanna in Injustice. Why not Shinnok in MKX? He's clearly a going to be a magical zoning type. I mean, look at him.

03/02/2015 12:51 AM (UTC)
He's obviously gonna be in.

Honestly I like this costume but I actually liked his MKA robe thing he had going on. That costume was so tight and I really liked his MK4 as well. I hope we can see one of the two possibly revamped for his alt costume.

Other than that, he's the #2 character I want most for MKX so i'm pretty happy about seeing him in the trailer. I don't believe that NRS would put that much detail into him if he was only in one cut-scene of the story, it's obvious he will show up again at some point.

My main for sure if Fujin isn't in, secondary otherwise.
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