Yes or NO.
posted01/31/2007 08:14 PM (UTC)by
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01/21/2007 11:11 PM (UTC)
Lets decide how mk8 should run... Simply vote on the subjects with a yes or no.

1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

3.Kreate a fighter

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

5.More joke characters

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.
01/27/2007 02:15 PM (UTC)
01/27/2007 02:41 PM (UTC)
1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.
I am a bit iffy on this one,yes because the fatalities need originality but no because if the kaf system had more enders to it it might be alot better

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)
No,out with the old with the new...also in the newer games there are alt costumes to choose from unlike the older games

3.Kreate a fighter
Yes,this mode is what i use the most in MKA and its fun to use....i will be very disappointed if it doesnt return....also it could possibly give those who actually want older style costumes the chance to create characters not in the new game.

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...
I agree they should be locked from being playable until unlocked somehow through playing the game but not meeting requirments such as rounds won or must be able to play online.

5.More joke characters
i really dont care if they make more but if they do,dont make them to look stupid like mokap....make them look like something out of a horror a crazy looking jester,a psycho clown or maybe even the burger king guy lmao...honestly though...i would rather see a much darker,more serious mk....i think that humor has become a part of mk so if we have more in the future i guess i can deal with it.

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.
yes,room needs to be made for the next generation of fighters....maybe some of the fighters can have some relatives come into the scene or some of the older fighters have children an so fourth....besides if kreate a kharacter comes back you can create the ones that are missing.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend
cant answer that one because some characters could be worked around...some it would really mess things up...

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.
No,what is the sence of have games like mk trilogy and armageddon with almost all the characters
01/27/2007 04:33 PM (UTC)
1. Hard to decide. KAF was too generic, but the classic fatalities got boring as hell. Frankly, I would prefer an improved KAF system, one that includes each character having specific enders.

2. Depends. Raiden wearing white I agree with. I think Liu should stay a zombie. I don't want Kahn to return.

3. Yeah, Kreate-A-Fighter has been one of my favorite modes. Frankly, I want some vast improvements and additions (literally every move, and some new weapons)

4. Exactly. I want characters that are challenging to unlock. I wouldn't mind a few characters that needed to be unlocked like Reptile in MK1.

5. No. Most of the joke characters were lame.

6. Exactly. Get rid of all the characters that don't have a purpose.

7. Naw, I liked some of the plot elements from Armageddon. The endings sucked, but the bios seem to be decent.

8. Why? Hell, most of the MK4 characters sucked worse than the MKDA/MKD characters.
About Me

01/27/2007 05:19 PM (UTC)
1. Yes, yes, yes!!!

2. Hmm... I think some characters should ger their old looks as alternate outfits. But the main costumes should be new and modern.

3. I think it will be impossible with PS3 graphics.

4. I agree.

5. No, we don't need such characters as Mokap anymore!

6. Yes, there are many persons MK should get rid of. But most of classic characters should remain.

7. Hey, Armageddon is not that bad ;)

8. No, there are some worthy persons among MKDA-MKD newbies!
About Me

I hate this place.

01/27/2007 06:40 PM (UTC)
1. Yep. The Kreate a Fatality seems dumb, everyone has the same moves.

2. Yep, No Shao Kahn or Liu though, unless they remake the game.

3. Yep. More styles and things to choose from though.

4. Yep. Makes the game more fun

5. No, have secret characters, not joke characters.

6. Yep. A fresh start.

7. No. Why would there be a completely fresh MK?

8. NO! Kenshi rocked with a few others. Besides, no one but Sub and Scorp is returning.
01/27/2007 06:59 PM (UTC)
I really don't think create a fatality will ever return, it was probably just something added in there becuase this is the last of the old-gen thing. so that's gone

make sure that Sub-Zero will not look like Shredder from TMNT... seriously

they should bring back most of the old arenas, im an old school person and i loved the Dead Pool level.

for the characters, i really hope they do something impressive with the storyline, after MK4 they really messed it up.

and if someone is suppose to die can they stay dead and not brought back to life? i'm pretty sure everyone is sick and tired of Cage's ability to come back to life and get killed again.

and ps. if no one ever really cared but i'm back from like a five month absence. i came back to life with a new attitude and promised what i said in all the other forms will not come back to haunt anyone you guys.
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|||||||*|SUCK IT!
01/27/2007 10:22 PM (UTC)
1.I'm not really sure right now.


3.Yes, improve it

4.Sub-Boss required to unlock and play, no playable Boss.

5.Hell no

6.Yes, maybe even more

7.I'm not really sure right now, but I'd say no.

About Me

01/27/2007 11:11 PM (UTC)
01/27/2007 11:59 PM (UTC)
1- Yes.
2- No.
3- Yes.
4- I don't care.
5- No.
6- Yes.
7- No.
1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.

Yes. Some like this(as do I), but majority rules - and they hate it to hell.

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

No. That would trample the current story really hard.

3.Kreate a fighter

Yes. Let the team learn from their mistakes and make a better mode.

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

Yes. Make them unlockables and bring back the feel of accomplishment.

5.More joke characters

No. They're annoying now, and they will be annoying later.

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.

Yes. The roster is too large, and the story is suffering because of it. I've agreed with Bezo on this issue for quite a while.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

No. It's been confirmed as canon, so we can't escape it.

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.

No. I'd like to see some fresh faces and continuity of old ones as well.
01/28/2007 08:32 AM (UTC)
1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.

NO: Make KAF be more detailed. Have more comboes and finishers. Have the fninishers very gory in depth. Every character can use their weapon. They can use specific moves eg Sub-Zero can freeze and shatter the opponent, Kung Lao can cut soeone vertically in half with his broadswords etc. With the right cmboes in KAF you can execute finishers similar to classic fatalities.

2.Restore older characters looks(Raiden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

YES: Have traditional attires for their alt attires.

3.Kreate a fighter

YES: If its more detailed, more clothing, body changing eg fat characters, clothes worn by MK characters. However if its online then it must be KAK vs KAK only. No cheap bullshit.

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

NO: They shouldn't be locked. I also want the boss unplayable unless via gameshark etc.

5.More joke characters

NO: Simple as that.

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.

YES: There are some characters that need to die/retire. I say have 30 chars for MK8. Only have about 5 new chars max.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

NO: MK:A is canon. Now for the bios.

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.

NO: Some chars from MK 5 to 7 should be in it.
01/28/2007 04:31 PM (UTC)
1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.
No, KaF has brilliant potential, it just needs alot of work

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)
No, the new looks are part of the character's developement

3.Kreate a fighter
Yes, KaK is a fantastic mode, it just needs alot more depth

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...
No, they shouldn't be playable at all

5.More joke characters
Yes, just one or two though, and they'd be very hard to unlock, and top tier fighters

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.
Yes, actually it should be more like 50

7.Pretending armageddon never happend
No, retcon's are worse than shoddy stories

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters
No, MK needs to move forwards and the bulk of the pre DA cast is just treading water
01/29/2007 02:12 AM (UTC)
1337Beet Wrote:
Lets decide how mk8 should run... Simply vote on the subjects with a yes or no.

1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

3.Kreate a fighter

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

5.More joke characters

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.

1. Yes..without a doubt..KAF got old for me after the first few times.
2. Yes and No...Add thier originals as alt. Lui Kang's is in MKA.
3. Yes, KAK was awesome, just maybe a few more options and it would be flawless.
4. Yes.
5. Nope, out with them. I'm all for humor in a MK game, but keep it in the extra's section.
6. yes. New characters ASAP.
7. Ehh...that would be kinda hard..essentially turning Armaggedon into a big "what if" game, when it was seriously meant to bring closur to most of the characters. no.
8. characters as much as humanly possible, with only four or five classics (Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile, Fujin, Kung Lao)
01/29/2007 03:08 AM (UTC)
1337Beet Wrote:
Lets decide how mk8 should run... Simply vote on the subjects with a yes or no.

1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

3.Kreate a fighter

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

5.More joke characters

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.

1. Undecided. KAF is more fun to use, though the regular fatalities are fun to watch. Two fatalities, an animality and a friendship would be total awesomeness though.

2. Depends if it is relevant to their storyline. I dont want Liu Kang to suddenly look like a human if in his story he is a zombie (in fact I dont want him around at all), just as long as it is relevant. For Sonya, old looks are a MUST.

3. Yes, though it should have more features. I like how you can change colour, that is dont flawlessly, though I think more options from every character in the game would be better. Also, the KAKs shouldnt be as broken.

4. Yes, but other characters should be locked as well. About half of the cast all up should be locked from the beginning IMO.

5. No. If Chameleon or Meat make it through, I will be annoyed. Mokap I dont see so much as a joke, he is okay, but I dont think he deserves to go through over other more interesting options. Maybe Mokap, and that is it for "joke" characters.

6. Yes. I think that only around 20 should return, with about 12 new characters in MK8.

7. No. I think that is quite rediculous actually.

8. No. There are some characters from beyond MK4 I would like to see return - Dairou, Ashrah, Kenshi, Li Mei immediately come to mind.
About Me
01/29/2007 07:21 AM (UTC)
2. No
3. No
4. Nada. And if bosses are in the next game, they better be balanced this time. Moloch, Onaga, and Blaze are so broken in MKA.
5. Nope. Maybe one.
6. Yes. I think the next game should only have around 20 characters and focus more on fixing the gameplay.
7. Numero uno, baby. There is still some plot to Armageddon and it's what is needed to give MK8 it's mood.
8. Nunca! I'd rather see more of the characters that haven't been explored as much yet who need to be improved.
01/30/2007 02:28 PM (UTC)
1. Yes. Either that or not make the KaFs so generic.

2. I don't care much for appearance and I think their looks should be the ones that fit their story better. So, if Raiden will be stricter now, his look must be darker. So, I say no.

3. Yes... but it needs some improvement (and the possibility to make all the characters that won't be in the next gen).

4. Yes. Either that or not make the bosses so powerful like Blaze, Onaga and Moloch in Armageddon.

5. No. I'm not a big fan of them...

6.Yes. Specially the stale classic ones.

7. I'll wait to see all the bios to decide about that.

8. NO WAY! In fact, I think that those new characters from MKDA and MKD didn't have their chance yet. We have a lot of potential here and banning them would be a step backwards.
01/30/2007 06:13 PM (UTC)
1337Beet Wrote:
Lets decide how mk8 should run... Simply vote on the subjects with a yes or no.

1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

3.Kreate a fighter

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

5.More joke characters

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.

1. It should stay though they should provide character specific finishers. Yes for the 2 original finishers too.
2. It all depends on their storyline though new looks would be better.
3. Perhaps but requires more options unlike the one in MKA.
4. Yes.
5. God, NO.
6. Yes, only a few select should return.
7. No. I will be looking forward to the bios though.
8. Hell NO. Why? Most of them are already getting dull- let them die or retire already. There were some great characters from MKDA-MKA like Kenshi, Li Mei, Havik, Nitara, Dairou, Ashrah, Daegon and Hotaru. Some *cough* Tanya *cough* were complete jokes imho.
01/30/2007 08:54 PM (UTC)
1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.
YES, but make it 3.

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

3.Kreate a fighter

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

5.More joke characters

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.
This is supposed to be a new MK with New Characters. Why cut 20 out??

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.
Hell NO. Dont get me wrong I love all characters from MK but I personaly
think that bringing new characters and creating a whole new game is an
awesome idea.
01/30/2007 09:07 PM (UTC)

1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.
*yes,also for fatalities are good

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...) *yes but like alternative outfits

3.Kreate a fighter

hell yessss!

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...


5.More joke characters


6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.


7.Pretending armageddon never happend


8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.

yes if you mean only returnng characters.
About Me

01/31/2007 08:14 PM (UTC)
1.Get rid of Kreate a fatality and give back 2 original finishers per character.

2.Restore older characters looks(Rayden wearing white,lu kang being alive,shao kahns MK2 look...)

3.Kreate a fighter

4.Making all Sub bosses/Bosses Locked and need a requirment to be executed...

5.More joke characters

6.Cutting more then 20 characters out.

7.Pretending armageddon never happend

8.Using only MK1 to MK4 characters.
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