X-Rays for MK10!
posted01/17/2012 06:50 AM (UTC)by
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
Member Since
08/18/2006 02:46 AM (UTC)
It's been a minute since I've commisioned a thread.

With any luck X-Ray Attacks will be returning for the sequel and I just wanted to hear some ideas for new/alternate ones in that game. God, I hope they let you select one of 2 next time. And I hope thy name them, so I will. smile

I'll only use characters I know survived.

Scorpion(in the hopes that he's more agile): I think it should be initiated with his spear, pulling the opponent in for a hard boot to the face, finished with a teleport catching and snapping the opponent's neck in mid-air. Get Over Here, Bitch.

Ermac: I got nothing.

Reptile: Initiated by shooting his tongue he latches onto their leg and slams their face into the ground. Finished with whipping them into the air in his proximity to kick them in the chest/back similar to his current move. Playing With Food.

Johnny Cage: I Got Nothing.

Mileena: Short reach strike like the current move that leads into a violent groin kick and is finished with a teleport behind the opponent wrapping around their waist and plunging two sai in their back then kicking them to the ground. Sai Surprise.

Cyrax: Intitiated by throw. Pulls out a bomb and crashes it into the opponent's face *boom* they're air-borne. Cyrax teleports behind them grabbing their head and driving the back of their skull into his knee as he lands on the ground. Fly The Cy Skies.

Sektor: I got nothing.

Sonya: I got nothing.

Baraka: I got nothing.

Raiden: Extended shock grab, followed by a sweet knee to the cranium and finished with an Electric Fly! Power Trip.

Sheeva: Initiated by throw. Bottom arms, bear hug. Top arms, neck snap. Toss limp body to top arms and finish off with a brutal headbutt! Breaking Bad.

Quan Chi: I got nothing.

Anyone else got ideas?
01/02/2012 02:46 AM (UTC)
Pretty cool ideas. I like the Mileena one especially.

Fujin: Uses his tornado special move to lift the opponent in mid air, the wind makes him spin and once he's released, back breaker on Fujin's knee.

Nitara: Starts with her throw (Jumps on the opponent). Drives her nails throught his skin and sinks her teeth deep in his neck. When she's done well i'm undecided. Weather she'd snap his neck or push him back and stand on her hands to mule kick him at the chin.

Bo Rai Cho: A mix of headbutts and bellybutts basically.
01/02/2012 03:03 AM (UTC)
scorpion - he hurls his kunai around the opponets legs and drops them to the floor. goes to xray. he then telaports above the opponnet in the air. he drop's down from the sky stabbing the opponnet in there eye with his kunai. goes to xray. walks over then kicks them in the head.

reptile - reptile sticks out his tongue. he wraps it around the opponnet. flips the fighter onto there back. goes to xray. bounces the fighter into the air. flip kicks him a few times then ends it with a jumping spinning roundhouse kick. goes to xray.

sub - zero - he creates an ice dagger then stabs the fighter in there ribs 2-3 times. goes to xray. he then jumps up with a flying knee to the skull. goes to xray. he then grabs there leg and freezes them and pulls them down.

rain - he puts the fighter into a bubble. blasts them with a beam of water sending them into the wall. goes to xray. jumps forward grabbing there neck shocking them. slamming them down with a chokeslam. ends with rain effects around him.

hope you enjoyed. please comment.
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
01/02/2012 03:28 AM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Pretty cool ideas. I like the Mileena one especially.

Fujin: Uses his tornado special move to lift the opponent in mid air, the wind makes him spin and once he's released, back breaker on Fujin's knee.

Nitara: Starts with her throw (Jumps on the opponent). Drives her nails throught his skin and sinks her teeth deep in his neck. When she's done well i'm undecided. Weather she'd snap his neck or push him back and stand on her hands to mule kick him at the chin.

Bo Rai Cho: A mix of headbutts and bellybutts basically.

Nitara's should go X-ray once she sinks in the teeth and since they're fucked up from being sipped on she could end it by flying up with the victim and piledriving the shit out of them.
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
01/02/2012 03:30 AM (UTC)
These things are always so vague. Try and keep it simple or be more in-depth.
01/02/2012 03:40 PM (UTC)
ermac - he uses tk to lift the opponnety upside down in the shape of the cross. he levitates over to them and puts his feet on both arms. he then drops down landing on ther skull and neck. goes to xray. he then uses tk again but throws them across the side. floats up and does a kick.

cyrax - he drops a bomb sending them in the air. goes to xray. he then jumps up and utilizes his dreadlocks. goes to xray. performs the green net in mid air. causes opponnet to fall. goes to xray.

sektor - he releases an oil spill to drop the fighter onto his back. goes to xray. punches under the ribcage and shoots his flamethrower. goes to xray. spinning back elbow to end it.

frost - walks over and grabs there arm freezing him. ducks down and performs a high jump kick sending them in the air. goes to xray. jumps up and perfoms various pokes to the body. goes to xray. falls down crashing with a stiff karate chop.

hope you enjoyed. please comment. wink
01/02/2012 08:10 PM (UTC)
I really like these ideas Acid. Ermac looks pretty cool and brutal to me.

Kobra: Uses kickboxing, performs a low kick in the shin, goes to X-Ray. Grabs the opponent by the chin and snaps the neck, goes to X-Ray. Takes one arm to make the opponent fall over him and smashes the char's waist under his foot. Goes to X-Ray.

About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
01/02/2012 08:37 PM (UTC)
Some of it is still hard to understand. What is Cyrax doing with his dreads? What are the transitions?

I think I'll post more for potential characters. (Kai, Frost, etc.)
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01/02/2012 09:03 PM (UTC)
I hope to see Kai in the next MK. For his X-Ray I would like to something that would involves a repetative kick like in sonyas current one but have his move from MK4 where he does the handstand and spin kicks. Maybe having him snapping there neck with the final kick.

I'm not sure for the other characters at the moment, but you mentioned Kai and I had just thought about MK4.
01/02/2012 09:35 PM (UTC)
to answer your questions. after i say goes to xray it continues on in a non bone breaking viewpoint. which is sped up to continue the move. hope this helps.

also to answer your question about cyrax. he uese his dreadlocks as whips that act like a quick barrage of attacks. hope that helps.

here's some more.

stryker - he charges at the fighter with his nightstick. cracks them over the jaw. goes to xray. spays the fighter in there eyes with mase. backs up and tazers the opponnet and kicks them away with an xray.

jax - walks over and does an uppercut. goes to xray. pulls out machine gun and fires a clip into the opponnet. goes to xray. jumps at the fighter perfoms a handclap that has a shockwave effect.

sonya - performs an upward bycycle kick. goes to xray. pulls out a combat kinfe and stabs a few times. goes to xray. ends it with a frankensteiner.

night wolf - turns into a wolf and bites there leg. goes to xray. changes back to human form and sweeps the fighter onto his back with the tomahawk. goes to xray. walks over and shoots an arrow in there face.

hope you enjoyed. i'll post more.
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
01/02/2012 10:41 PM (UTC)
Those are....weird.

I like the Idea of Kai doing the kick thing....hmm...

Kai:Initiated by an underground fireball (a la MK4/Armageddon). They fly in his direction and he does a helicopter kick to their jaw (X-ray) flipping them in place. It's then finished with a feint backflip kick to devastate the jaw once more (X-ray). For reference on that part, think Reptile vs Liu Kang in the first movie. Face, Meet Foot.

I had an awesome idea for Frost. It's old so I'll just copy & paste.

Frost: (counter activated) Claps the opponent's head, freezes her forearm and strike's their knee, (that's where the x-ray kicks in and the ice breaks from her arm as this happens) She then grabs their head, flips behind them and knees them in the back. (x-ray) She then finishes by quickly tossing them (by the head) behind her.

01/03/2012 12:42 AM (UTC)
@ Acidslayer Ouch!! Sonya's frankensteiner! Awesome.

Also love your Frost's X-Ray J-Spit.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
01/03/2012 01:38 AM (UTC)
Shinnok: Summons two large skeletal hands to grab the opponent by the waist. The hands send them back into the ground crushing their back and spine. Then he has them jerk to them to the front breaking their face and ribs.
01/03/2012 01:54 AM (UTC)
here are some more. hope you enjoy.

jade - she throws her staff in the air. it flips a few times and lands on her foot. she then kicks it at the fighters head. it goes to xray. it bounces off and she performs her shadow kick sending the staff right into there chest. goes to xray. walks over and neck snaps to finish the move.

kitana - she takes her fans and dings the fighters head. it goes to xray. she then lifts the fighter up with the fans. places the fans into the ground. the levitation wears off and the opponnet lands onto the fans. goes to xray.

baraka - he bite's there face. goes to xray. he then punches with a barrage of blows. the blades extend out with every punch. goes to xray. final blow ends with the blades to the eyes.

mileena - she pulls out her sais and stabs the fighter a bunch of times. it goes to xray. she then throws a bunch of nails on the floor. she throws the fighter onto the nails. it goes to xray. walks over and punts there head.
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01/03/2012 06:32 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I was sort of thinking something like that for Kai, J-spit. I just was not sue how to put it. I try and think up some more. My mind is kinda brewing on Quan Chi.
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
01/03/2012 04:41 PM (UTC)
B-bump. B-bump.
01/03/2012 05:16 PM (UTC)
Havik: Breaks his own knee with his crouch move, goes to X-Ray. Gets up and breaks his own neck twice, goes to X-Ray.:P

No, but each time he does one of these painful moves on himself, his opponent gets sort of under his control and does the same to his own body. Goes to X-Ray each time one limb is breaking.
About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
01/03/2012 05:19 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Havik: Breaks his own knee with his crouch move, goes to X-Ray. Gets up and breaks his own neck twice, goes to X-Ray.:P

No, but each time he does one of these painful moves on himself, his opponent gets sort of under his control and does the same to his own body. Goes to X-Ray each time one limb is breaking.

Now that was entertaining!
01/03/2012 05:33 PM (UTC)
i want to see jax brake some arms and than hammer stomps you like he did back in UMK3 tongue
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Khameleon Wins! Credit to whoever made the Jade pic.

01/03/2012 08:52 PM (UTC)
Jade: Throws a razorang(High) and hits them and then comes back into an x-ray. The razorang is stuck in the back of their head. She takes her staff and hits them in each knee. They are now on their knees and she hits them in the side of the head with her staff.

Ermac: Uses his tk to pull their arms away from their body making them be dislocated. He then teleports behind them and knees them in the back but quickly catches them and slams them straight down with their body flat, breaking ribs and their face.

Sonya: Starts off with the kiss move, she then does her leg grab, but instead of throwing them she grabs on tho them while she is on them she punches them in the face twice and kicks them away causing them to fall to the ground, they try to get up but she slams their face into the ground. (I dunno about this one)

Stryker: Tazers them and then hits them with the baton in the face. They fall to the ground and he shoots them in the knees.

01/03/2012 10:03 PM (UTC)
I will provide X-ray ideas a little later to this topic but I just wondered that could the X-ray moves get inspiration from the Sherlock Holmes fight scenes or the bullet-time from Max Payne? I'm sure that once we'll get to see the X-rays the next time, there will be some new tweaks added.
01/03/2012 11:15 PM (UTC)
here's a few more

sheeva - she punches the fighter in the face and releases 3 fire blasts. goes to xray. walk over kicks them in the jewels. jumps up and down stomping them into the ground. goes to xray.

goro - grabs the fighter and does his ground pound. goes to xray. fighter stumbles back. goro does a big boot. goes to xray. throws them down and curb stops them. goes to xray.

kintaro - curls up into a ball and his hair raises. the hair is spikey. it jabs the fighter. goes to xray. he then sucks the air sending the fighter to him. kicks the fighter away. goes to xray.

motaro - raises his hind legs and kicks the fighter into there face. goes to xray. then he shoots 2 projectiles out of his tail. he then charges at the fighter crashing his ram against the fighters skull. goes to xray.
01/08/2012 04:22 AM (UTC)
Stryker- aims gun at knee shooting out the kneecap. He than tosses a grenade throwing the opponent face-forward into styrkers boot.

Liu Kang- Strikes the opponent in different pressure point causing them to fall on their knees where Liu Kang flying kicks them breaking their neck and slamming them back toward the ground.
01/15/2012 11:54 PM (UTC)
here's few more idea's. enjoy.

shinnok. he summons a hand from under the ground to crush the fighters legs. goes to xray. a hand gets summoned above them snapping there neck. goes to xray. teleports behind them and connects with a back fist.

quan - chi. quan - chi summons his skull wall. he grabs a skull from the pile and craks them in the chest. goes to xray. grabs another skull and smack them in the jaw. goes to xray. he then grabs a skull and throws it at the fighters face. goes to xray. walks over and performs his skull projectile.

shao kahn. dashes with a headbutt. goes to xray. he then takes out his hammer and cracks the fighter behind his leg sending them onto the floor. goes top xray. walks over and stomps his foot onto there chest.

reiko. takes out a bunch of ninja stars. throws them at the fighters chest and stomach. goes to xray showing it piercing internal organs and such. walks over and performs a telaport slam.
About Me

Thanks to MINION for the sig! My name is Ian, if you really care to know.

01/17/2012 06:50 AM (UTC)
I think Shinnok should have an x-ray attack that's exactly like his grab move from MK4.
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