Wow cant wait to see MK with the PS3 graphics!!
posted05/25/2005 09:39 AM (UTC)by
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07/26/2004 07:48 AM (UTC)
After seeing a preview of what Tekken will look like i really can't wait to see this! we'l get to see the character look real close to human like!! i really can't wait! i am hoping to see all the character from the past with these new graphics!!
I hope Midway leans more toward a realistic look for the characters. Try and think back to the original MK's. Everyone knows they used real people for the sprites. Todays graphics should be able to render insane models. I would like to see lean, realistic characters like back in the day!
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05/24/2005 05:26 PM (UTC)
Not to be a pessimist, but I think Midway will just make the characters and their movements like they have been doing the past couple of games: big, round, bouncy, nothing new. IMO, they have to go towards a completely new direction. No more bouncing characters when their getting their face smashed in to the ground, no more useless characters, no more Konquest & Puzzle. We need something gory and gruesome, not Wrestling with blood.
05/25/2005 05:38 AM (UTC)

first of all,the video of Tekken Next for PS3 is not ingame graphics,the sequence you see of Jin Kazama is not how the game will look like really,it's CGI rendered footage....but you can bet that the graphics of MK7 will be amazing.
05/25/2005 09:39 AM (UTC)
reptile88 Wrote:

first of all,the video of Tekken Next for PS3 is not ingame graphics,the sequence you see of Jin Kazama is not how the game will look like really,it's CGI rendered footage....but you can bet that the graphics of MK7 will be amazing.

Rumor has it that the in game graphics will in fact be like that in the preview! but we'll have to wait to find out!
I too hope they go back to using real people as Sonya looked horrible in MKDA but thats my opinion!
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