would you like vitality to be a side series of mk.
posted12/07/2011 11:06 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i think it be very cool to to play as scorpion before he was an undead ninja.
to play as various reptillian races before they were wiped out and so on.

maybe have it take place before the 1st mk tournament or even after the events of armageddon. it would have very few returning characters and mostly a new cast. it would not effect the main story at all because it's a side series. here's a few examples king of fighters maximum impact, tony hawk's downhill jam,Silent Hill: Book of Memories,street fighter alpha and etc.

this is how i'd like mk 1 that continues and another that branche's off to be quite different but remain true to the legacy of mortal kombat.

have new gods
new ninjas
new warriors
new arena's
new gameplay
+ much more

feel free to state your opinions and feel free to share your ideas. i'll check back later and give some thoughts of new characters, gameplay, and arena's.wink
11/26/2011 04:43 PM (UTC)
Could be interesting. Starting with the first vita game i'd be more interested in seeing characters that weren't introduced since the PS3 generation started instead of a completly new cast. Would make some cool characters kind of exclusive i know.

I doubt there will ever be a side series but yes. If this eventually happens, it would be cool to have that serie about different characters and plots than those that make it in the original franchise. The MK creators always seemed to bring a lot of new ideas that don't end up completed or presented after all. If i ever come up with some interesting ideas i'll post them.
11/29/2011 01:14 AM (UTC)
what types of characters would you like to see. i'd like to see a liquid character,spider character,tarkata/shokan hybrid,female cyborg,convict, and a samurai.

for new arena's i'd like to see an asylum,labratory,underground fightclub,freezer room,sewers,mall,amusement park,raging rapids platform, and a bunch others.

i think it be great if vitality became a side project like how the smackdown games are. where wwe makes a smackdown game then a year later they release an all star game. something like that would be neat.

how mk can have a main story with characters that we know and love and make a side game with a new cast to expand on the universe of mk. mabe even down the line they can even intertwine.
11/29/2011 02:37 PM (UTC)
Really good points there.

In terms of arenas your idea of an Asylum would be awesome, yet i was thinking of something out of Earthrealm. And i would love to see a really gory half human-half mutant character having that Asylum as a stage. Maybe a little like that Killer Croc character from the Batman franchise but more human like and scarier. Other arenas in the dark and gory stuff, maybe a slaughterhouse. A vampire bloodbank (Will not describe in details right now but that's gross.)

I'd also love to have something different than Ashrah and Datusha as the enemy of vampires. She's cool but i was thinking about a Gargoil type of character, much more agressive and brutal than vamps, that would have the power or will to feed of them or else to establish is superiority over them. Like a tyrant/poison to their kind if you will. To add to those 2 ideas, if they are ever gonna introduce new ninjas i would love to see a female one. I know some female chars wear masks already but i was thinking of something along the line of KOYASHA from the game Mace the dark age.
11/29/2011 03:38 PM (UTC)
a female ninja would be a great idea. i know exactly who you mean because i own mace the dark age. the females to me don't really seem ninjaish to me.

your gargoyle idea is pretty sweet to.

maybe if vitality becomes a side series it could have a save file systom similar to mass effect games. like if you beat the game with the characters in this game they transfer over to the main game, free of charge. kinda like dlc. maybe even have cameos in the next official main game.
12/02/2011 12:03 PM (UTC)
That could be pretty cool bonus stuff for both games. I took this from a game like Mace again but i wouldn't be against the idea of slow death traps. These kinds of spots a little like the acid bath from Deadly Alliance where your lifebar slowly drains when you walk in.

Characterwise i had an old idea for a male vamp. But i don't see him as the classic Dracula type. He has regenerative powers outside of feeding of blood but for the rest: He's bald and really thin. Hands are huge, making him way more agressive when he uses his nails. On one of his 2 costumes he could not feed since he wears a black/gothic muzzle. With the MK9 intro for each character in battle i thought about the fact that dude could wear the muzzle showing that he was dragged to battle or could take it off before the fight.

I also like the idea of a dead spartan warrior. I know, Havik and Scorpion already have that skull face look but he should have the helmet, weapons: Battle axe and sword. Has a shield. In terms of looks he is mostly brown and grey and he leaves a trail of ashes as he moves around. Wears a medallion representing his clan on his chest.

In terms of arenas i came up one day with an idea for the Vampirerealm, inside and outside stuff. But outside should look a little like a wasteland or land of despair. The idea of Vlad the impaler inspired me the backgrounds: Both Vamps and their victims corpses are impaled on lances stuck in the ground and others crucified but their feet to the sky and heads to the ground, mutilated.

Going to the modes, i would love to have something like story or konquest mode in which many characters would have a short adventure, but you could always choose which to do first, choosing your character each time. We could unlock characters storymode along the way. For instance: Choosing a character to start with and defeating one as a boss could unlock that particular character's adventure/storyline. Making some characters necessary rivals and they could wrapped them all up for an all character related battle (That would matter to all of them.)

For this game of course i'd love to see them go first with cool characters that were not introduced since MKA and have them in a inbetween MK9-MK10 timeline. Starting with them and some new chars they could build a pretty cool side series.
12/02/2011 06:02 PM (UTC)
maybe even have the current characters in the background. like posters,billboards,signs, actual characters be in the backgrounds.

have onaga flying in the backgrounds of the rooftops.
have scorpion appear behind the trees in the living forest.
and etc.

just a thought.
12/04/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)
I don't have any ideas to share, but I wouldn't mind a side series though.glasses
12/07/2011 11:06 PM (UTC)
you cant go wrong with a side series
im hoping vitality isnt a fighter i want some adventah
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