Women In MKX Are Going To Suck Again...
posted08/06/2014 11:46 AM (UTC)by
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07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
Despite how excited I may be about this game, a lot of the stuff from the past week has left me salty... but most noticeably so is Kotal Kahn being the new ruler of Outworld. I like the character, I can even see him being in charge of Outworld... if not for Mileena. Hear me out here.

Many say that Mileena is in no way capable of ruling Outworld with her brain of a child. However, the truth is that there's no reason her brain couldn't grow and develop, or that the writers couldn't retcon their awful retcon of her. She was cunning and deceptive and proved she could rule in Deception, and now it not only seems that she will not rule, because of the stupid retcon that rendered her a pointless mindless punching bag with breasts, but also because a newcomer, who just so happened to be male, came over and took that place. I am not calling sexism, so please don't jump at this, but how tiring is it that the women in MK9 got some of the shittiest treatment in the game and in the next game this leads to them not being able to shine or break free of that treatment? I wouldn't want women to be in just for the sake of including women, however, with women being 1/4 of the roster in MK9, and many of them being simple punching bags and excessively revealing, I was hoping they'd work on that in MKX. So far they have, with the non-revealing outfits (at least in a tasteful way), but I really really hope that they don't just kill Mileena off 5 years into the story. If we still have Kano, she deserves a place as well.

I know we don't know all of it yet, but this is a semi-prediction... nothing hints at the women in the game not being punching bags, and so far no woman has a role as ruler or protector or anything and it's squaring up to be a punching bag fest in my opinion. D'Vorah and Ferra seem to be and I doubt Cassie Cage is going to be the leader of the EarthRealm group honestly. Plus because Sonya got old they included another young blonde female and despite the fact that her moves are closer to Johnny's, it seems like Sonya is a less safe bet. Johnny will probably be in over her. People seem so ready to say things like "well she's blonde and we're aiming for diversity!" while forgetting that it's the writers' choice Cassie is female and not male.

What happened to the Deception days when Kitana led a charge against the Deadly Alliance and Mileena ruled an army and Kira killed Kobra over and over and over again, not to mention Ashrah's outfit? I just feel like the older games were a little more equal in terms of good representation...

Just a thought.
08/05/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
Here We Go Again With The Sexist Debate...

(Then Again I Never Liked Mileena In Bandages, It Was Just Plain Ugly And Boring)
08/05/2014 06:44 PM (UTC)
We have NO idea how the characters are going to play out in the story. You are being WAY too judgemental all too early.
08/05/2014 06:55 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
We have NO idea how the characters are going to play out in the story. You are being WAY too judgemental all too early.

Except so far we have a few strong dudes with important roles... yet the women all seem to have smaller ones. Not to mention the fact that Kotal Kahn took one of these roles from another character. Female characters in MK kinda get the short end of the stick atm.
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08/05/2014 06:59 PM (UTC)

The woman power in the games don't happen. Then it does happen. Then it doesn't and then people come out and bitch right then and there.

Kitana didn't have a huge role, and then she led the Earthrealm.
Oh shit, story restart. She's dead. Let's bitch.

Mileena didn't mean shit but a punching bag for Kitana.
She's in charge of an army.
Story restarted. She's nothing again. Let's bitch.

Sindel didn't mean shit but a plot twist.
Story restarted. She owned everybody.
She's dead. That's not good enough, let's bitch.

See the pattern here?

It won't be different when MKX comes along because people will find a way.
08/05/2014 06:59 PM (UTC)
Mileena isn't an empress. MKX'S WOMENZ WIILL SUCKZZZ!!!!!
08/05/2014 07:02 PM (UTC)
So because Mileena isn't empress of Outworld, we're going to conclude all women in this game suck?

08/05/2014 07:02 PM (UTC)
Mileena and Sheeva were punching bags, but the rest of the females in MK9 weren't. I think the female presentation in the game was good, with the exception of their costumes, but sex sells i guess. And some retcons were shitty as well, such as Mileena's origin, but i doubt the team being sexist had anything to do with that.
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
We have NO idea how the characters are going to play out in the story. You are being WAY too judgemental all too early.

Except so far we have a few strong dudes with important roles... yet the women all seem to have smaller ones. Not to mention the fact that Kotal Kahn took one of these roles from another character. Female characters in MK kinda get the short end of the stick atm.

Except you don't even know what roles D'Vorah and Cassie could play in story mode.

And Kotal Kahn didn't take anyone's role. For all we know the position of Emperor was rightfully his.
08/05/2014 07:30 PM (UTC)
If you take Sheeva's ending into perspective, she's an empress of the Shokan.
I doubt she died, because she was on the bad side. Sheeva can fit into Kotal's story.
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08/05/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
Seems like of thr 4 new, Kotap Kahn is gretting popular already..... Anyways wtf are talking about. Ok i guess it is true that the girls pretty much all suck in mk9. Sonya the only exception as she is a high tier character. But yeah mileena, kitana, sindel, sheeva, jade, skarlet, they all kinda suck in mk9. Mk9 has nothing to do with if females for the most part just suck some more in mkx..... Kassi already looks like a potential high tier character, and dvorah could go either way.... Dvorah looks vey interesting to me, but i fear that her specials may have bad recovery time on block like ermac in mk9, and also afraid she might be a little slow with her normal moves like mileena. Like mileena in the way that her moves dont seem.really slow but they are...

And if just talking about story wise.... We hardly know shit about story in mkx so how can you say itll suck???

And just fyi.... A female char as main bad guy or as main hero doesnt go very well in the game industry. Yeah i think its dumb but there are actually a lot of guys out there with a dumb ass mentality that they never will use a female character... Basically female leads arent popular and usually make a game sell worst. Its sad, but i would never have a female lead in a game of mine cuz of that reason...
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08/05/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
We have NO idea how the characters are going to play out in the story. You are being WAY too judgemental all too early.

This... so much this!

You are very early to judge. As many people are about a LOT of things concerning the game this moment. All we can do is speculate, not bitch without knowing what's gonna happen.
08/05/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
I think Mileena will grow up and kick Kotal Kahn's ass.
And I don't suspect Kotal to be the main villain, I mean he's playable and would not be as surprising and intriguing as Boon promised.

Cassie will hunt down Kano.

Kitana will suck.

So... nah I don't think they'll suck this time.
08/05/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
I do think my reaction was a little harsh now guys sorry. I'm still wary but will wait for the next announcement! I just get frustrated at the lack of good females in MK9 and I just really hope it doesn't carry on to MKX.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/05/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I do think my reaction was a little harsh now guys sorry. I'm still wary but will wait for the next announcement! I just get frustrated at the lack of good females in MK9 and I just really hope it doesn't carry on to MKX.

It won't. Have faith in the team and the series. There's still so much awesomeness to come.
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08/06/2014 01:11 AM (UTC)
Oh, no. Again?

I highly doubt Mileena isn't be part of this game. Really. We, all the Mileena fans, are a little bit over-the-top anxious. If Mileena is not in this game, well, she could be part of MK XI or something. She is a classic and iconic MK character.

About K. Kahn as new Outworld's emperor, well, maybe an emperor needs a empress. The "Kahn" in Kotal Kahn's name could symbolized Kotal Kahn's needed to legitimate his rule over Outworld. And he, maybe, just took the "Kahn" in a treacherous way, just added to his name. But there's a chance he could take the throne via Mileena and added the Kahn with her legitimacy.

Shao Kahn tooks Sindel and KItana as her family to legitimate her domain over Edenia. Of course, he conquer Edenia, but it is a totally unfair conquer. He legitimate her domain over Edenia via Kitana & Sindel. Maybe the acces to the power needs a female componente. But it absolutely speculative.

I like the idea, too, Mileena and Baraka was exiled -not murdered- and she want back what belong to her. New adversaries, Mileena and Kotal Kahn. Or new allies, Mileena and Kotal Kahn. Just the time will give us an answer.
08/06/2014 01:14 AM (UTC)
There's *counts on fingers* a whopping two female characters confirmed so far. (Well, one and a half, actually.)
We don't know who else is going to be in the game or not. Jiminy Christmas, quit with these early assumptions.
I will say one thing, though: Mileena needs to go back to her MKII origins and hook back up (no, not like that) with Baraka. She was rendered absolutely useless in MK9.
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08/06/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
It's good when women suck.
08/06/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
i bet Cassie will have a main role. Shitvorah will be some forgetable lackey.
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08/06/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
It's good when women suck.

I laughed at this way more than I should've. Good job.

I honestly don't know what to tell you, OP. We don't know enough about the game yet to really judge the equality of it, not that it necessarily should be equal on all fronts.
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08/06/2014 02:42 AM (UTC)
I never got the impression that Mileena could be Empress. in the cutthroat realm of OutWorld I do not believe for a a single minute that the many powerful warriors and races would swear alligence to Mileena. She has proven nothing to be held in such regard and I do not think she has the respect either. Mileena has always followed. First Shao Kahn then Shinnok and finally Onaga. She has never led. If Mileena was Empress and I was Raiden, I would thank the Elder Gods. It would be one of the best news ever.

In a power vacuum only the strongest will rise to the top. Kotal Kahn is a demi-god and certainly looks a lot more worthy then the other candidates for Emperor.

OP, I think you are jumping to conclusions because of your admitted bitterness. First Kano being revealed and then Kotal Kahn conformed as Emperor. I would say wait. Only seven characters from a roster of over 20 have been revealed. That is less then half! It is way too early to make immediate judgements on how women will be treated.
08/06/2014 02:49 AM (UTC)
The only reason I think Mileena would fail in ruling Outworld is because she would be naive. I would totally be up for them having her brain mature faster to catch up with her body but even then her knowledge would be limited and as others have said Outworld is a cutthroat place and she is no Shao Kahn. That guy was an imposing insane soul eating realm merging sorcerer/ war lord. Mileena doesn't have that power so I don't think many would hesitate to betray and steel the throne from her and she wouldn't have the smarts to detect their deception or experience to counter a mass attack.
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08/06/2014 11:00 AM (UTC)
I'm all for diversity in games but honestly Mileena as emperor? and what does that have to do with her gender.

Honestly so far Cassie and D'Vorah are giving me a better impression than 90% of the female characters in MKs history so I'm feeling optimistic about the wiminz this time around.
08/06/2014 11:15 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
If we still have Kano, she deserves a place as well.

Once again with this "lesser" crap.

I know I'm beating a dead Motaro, but for christ sake.
08/06/2014 11:21 AM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
If we still have Kano, she deserves a place as well.

Once again with this "lesser" crap.

I know I'm beating a dead Motaro, but for christ sake.

Well, in the overall scheme of things, Kano kinda is a lesser character. Removing him from the story wouldn't change a thing. In the original timeline it might've affected Sonya's reason to join the tournament, but in the new timeline, it was because Shang Tsung had kidnapped Jax, so Kano kinda got ruled out.

However, there are alot of these characters in Mortal Kombat who don't affect the main storyline, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be there. However, they are still secondary characters.
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