Wiping the slate clean?
posted01/23/2006 04:21 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
Wow, some big words by Ed Boon. According to the MK team leader, the next MK game after Armageddon will be on next gen consoles and he wants to start with a clean slate and have as much "newness" as possible. He can't picture an MK game without Scorpion or Sub-Zero, but he certainly implies that the possibility exists. He also says that the Shang Tsung tournament will be coming to an end. Of course, all of this is from the GameInformer article, but this leads to alot of questions.

My questions to you guys would be...

1) What do you want to see from the next gen MK game?
2) If he wants "newness," what new and unique ideas would you want for the next game?
3) What type of characters or story would you like to see?
4) If MK is going to be switching alot of things up, what would make you happy?
5) What would offset the losses of your favorite characters and the story that we have all known for over a decade?
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
01/14/2006 01:22 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Wow, some big words by Ed Boon. According to the MK team leader, the next MK game after Armageddon will be on next gen consoles and he wants to start with a clean slate and have as much "newness" as possible. He can't picture an MK game without Scorpion or Sub-Zero, but he certainly implies that the possibility exists. He also says that the Shang Tsung tournament will be coming to an end. Of course, all of this is from the GameInformer article, but this leads to alot of questions.

My questions to you guys would be...

1) What do you want to see from the next gen MK game?
2) If he wants "newness," what new and unique ideas would you want for the next game?
3) What type of characters or story would you like to see?
4) If MK is going to be switching alot of things up, what would make you happy?
5) What would offset the losses of your favorite characters and the story that we have all known for over a decade?

1) I'd like to see a brand new engine and if the there are to be new characters, we need an all new tournament and a new story direction. The cast and the realms need to be more diverse. The game itself needs to be worked upon in depth and the fighting made more realistic and the Fatalities need work as well as character models, clothing etc. We need wake up games, throw escapes, a decent counter/reversal/parry system and all the rest of the stuff needed to take MK into the current generation of fighting games. It's behind in so many ways.

2) I have many ideas for the new MK's. I've posted many, but the ideas I have wouldn't make it into MK, or they could, but given what they've managed, they wouldn't be implemented well. I made a thread on aerial Kombat, but the aerial kombat they're using for MKA is vastly different and not as in depth as my own ideas. However, if you must know what I'd like to see and what my own ideas are, then I'll link you to some of my past threads.

Here is my take on Aerial Kombat. It's more in depth than what they're doing.

I wanted to see Steering projectiles in battle.

Cartwheels, Dives, Flips, Rolls and Wall Jumps would add to the atmosphere of battles and make them more realistic. They'd add new dimensions on attacking, evading and countering.

I mentioned a wake up game briefly along with a new ability to catch projectiles and hurl them back at the opponent in the following thread. Ground attacks and Projectile catching.

For the future, involving the factor of the Weather could add new elements to the battles.

Stages and Environmental Hazards need to be explored more also.

A Focus type move like Soul Calibur's Soul Charge would be nice to see also.

You'll see I had many ideas for MKD and future MK games. Such things are what I'd like to see in an MK game.

3) The story and characters needs to be more in depth and diverse. We need more realms and a wider range of peoples. More emphasis needs o be placed on the saving of Earth realm which is what MK was supposed to be all about. They decided to stray off course in the more recent gamesand the story seems to have suffered a little for it. Characters also need to be more involved with one another and they need to stop doing retcons and make everything flow and work.

4) If anything is switched, they should switch the engine and have it changed. I've said why already. If there was a different meaning to that question, please elaborate on it.

5) I'm not sure what you mean by this question. It doesn't make sense to me.
01/14/2006 03:10 PM (UTC)
Heres what i want in succession to the new series.

Character Types

Johnny Cage - We need a joke character like him in the series.

Sonya - She had original compared to the other girls, I say we need a girl like her. She would be the first good girl of the series.

Subzero - A good ninja character like Subzero the 7th, maybe he also harnous the power of ice or another power.

Scorpion - We need are anti-hero ninja who falls in the neutral, there diffintly need to be another ninja character like him. With a completely different story of course.

Noob Saibot - There has to be that third Ninja thats the master of shadows and darkness and is evil. Note: This is the last ninja type i'll be asking for.

Kano - We need a character like him who is just plain rotton and would kill his own mother to save his own skin.

Li Kang - What is mortal kombat without a hero in training. We need a liu kang type.

Reptile - We need a Monster character in the series. Doesn't reallyu have to be a reptile,it could be a Oni character. Not like Moloch mind you.

Kira - We need a bad girl like her to start off the series.

Mileena & Kitana - I'd wait before bring characters like them into the series.

Jax - We need a character him. Minus the getto part.

Raiden - We need a good god like Raiden to come into the series.

Shang Tsung & Quan Chi - We need duo sorcerors like them in the series.

Shao Khan - We need are BOSS character like him. And new boss to follow afterwards. because the same boss can get boring.

Goro - Whats a boss without a sub-boss, Shokan proven to make good sub-boss.

Thats all that comes to mind for right now! But whats do you guys think?

01/16/2006 05:45 AM (UTC)
I think its the best move for MK to start over. Some of us will definately miss the old MK, but its been repeating itself for years and years now. Its time to either make it or break it when it comes to MK's future, and Armageddon is a good place for this generation of MK to end.

However, I would like to see at least a few characters return. These being people like Reptile, Scorpion, Smoke, Kitana, and Fujin as Earth's new protector. Scorpion is always gonna be there because 1.He can come back from the dead at about anytime he wants...and 2.Its just not MK without some people, and one of them is Scorpion. If Smoke came back in his human form though, I could do without Scorpion. Kitana could be the Queen of Edenia now instead of Princess.

Who I think should be killed off for good after Armageddon, well, I think I would have to say Shao Kahn, Shinnok, Goro, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kabal, Sindel, Noob Saibot, young Sub-Zero, Mileena, Jade, Raiden, Onaga, Blaze, Mokap, Dairou, Hotaru, Sheeva, Shang Tsung, and the list goes on. As much as I like some of these people, I think the series can lose them, replace them, and be reborn with very good results.
01/16/2006 03:24 PM (UTC)
Everyone should be killed off in Armageddon.

No returning characters for next-gen combat.
No, not even Subs or Scorps.

A fresh start with completely new characters and plot. That would rock.

Prepares to be flamed. Toasty!furious
01/16/2006 08:58 PM (UTC)
1) What do you want to see from the next gen MK game?

An engine that's a mixture of UMK3, MKG and MKSM - possibly with the 3 styles kept from mkda and d, one of which should be weapon, one new and one classic - a style that incorporates all the ground combos for a character from the MKT days.
Like ty, I'd also like to see a new tournament, set in Earthrealm though.

2) If he wants "newness," what new and unique ideas would you want for the next game?

More interaction with the stage and your surroundings. You should be able to manipulate the arena dependant upon which character you are using.

3) What type of characters or story would you like to see?

Samurai, proper honourable, kick-ass, deadly, "Last Saumrai" style samurai, two preferably.

More godly involvement, preferably the Earthrealm elementals. More Elder God storyline too, but not in the fights.

Gorbak & Durak, Goro's bro and dad.

Possibly the guy who steers Shang Tsung's boat. The undead ferryman...




4) If MK is going to be switching alot of things up, what would make you happy?

A decent, pretty balanced fighting engine, test the characters extensively! Cheating online to be banned somehow. Darker aura. Secrets, proper bloody, old school MK style secrets. No combo breakers.

5) What would offset the losses of your favorite characters and the story that we have all known for over a decade?

Nothing, I'm all set for something new, I wouldn't mind a prequel. Then some charactes could return (Scorpion etc.) and we could have ancestors of others (Sub Zero etc.) and lose ppl like Sonya, Jax, Cage etc. with no problems...
01/17/2006 04:52 AM (UTC)
maybe it would be like street fighter three where only the few characters that define the game return. in street fighter tree only ken ryu and chun li return that's it. it would be ok if in MK8 sonya, cage, sub and scorp could come back and all the others could be new but only if the new characters were original. As for suggestions for new characters i think they should try to put in more people from earth realm to make it seem more real such as gangters, army, school girlgrin along with all the fantasic outworld characters. even though i would't expect any boss characters to return i would expect the boss would be huge and different
01/17/2006 05:19 AM (UTC)
I know what I want in the next game.....body damage.I'll give you an example with Sonya in her MKDA outfit.After the first round there will be a little bit of cuts.Second round,depending on the beating her jacket will be either ripped or completely shredded.Now how about a seven round battle?After those harsh grueling rounds her jacket is non-existant, destroyed.And her shirt is just in ruins barely staying on hanging on to her torso.Now it's round 8.Oh crap her shirt is just shredded showing her eye-popping shape while her bra is flimsy.After ANOTHER round she is a WRECK she has various cuts and bruises her jacket is ripped off her shirt is tathered clinging around her waist her bare stomach has a harsh wound and her bra is shredded clinging desperately until in the harsh wind it flies off revealing breasts as her constant bleeding flows over her
bare unclothed nipples.One of her pant legs is ripped and her shoes are shredded.Sonya stands victorious after her battle despite being heavily wounded (and bare chested).If realstic damage like that makes it to the game It will be one brutal, realistic and cool game.
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01/17/2006 06:59 AM (UTC)
Hmm...Well 6volt, substitute Cage for Sonya, and add about 4 more rounds and tell me how much you'd like to see the whole clothes shredding body damage idea at work? I'm not ripping on you, but after a while I think the AO rating starts to come out and no one wants that.

As for my questions...

1) I'd like to see a new character list where everyone has unique moves for them. I'd like to see one hand to hand and one weapon style, but both should be character oriented and deep in the move list department. I want graphics that would blow me away. I'm talking Gears of War graphics, where the violence and gore is both visceral and realistic. No more plastic looking characters or fireballs that look like they were animated. I want arenas that feel more encompassing and interactive. No, I don't just mean that I can pick up a sword or get knocked into a death trap. I want levels that connect to other levels in a more natural way.

2) If we're talkin unique ideas, I'd go with a control scheme like this:

Contols (Xbox360):

X= Punch
Y= Kick
A=Counter/Reprisal: Every non-special move should have a countermove. The first part (for example down/back and A) traps the attack. The animation on screen is not the awkward counter that stops and shakes the two characters while a fist is held. But rather it could be slapping an incoming punch away.

Up/back or down/back and A (traps attack) then A = Counter attack with attack

Up/back or down/back and A (traps attack) then RB = Counter attack with throw

Up/back or down/back and RB (traps throw) then A = Counter throw with attack

Up/back or down/back and RB (traps throw) then RB = Counter throw with throw

The trick is, you can't press up/back or down/back and A to trap the throw. You have to press up/back or down/back and RB to trap the throw. You have to figure out right away whether the the opponent is coming in with a high or low punch or kick or high or low throw. Some moves may look like throws, but they'd be disguised attacks and vice versa. Also, players will be able to do fake attempts at throwing but then punch or kick. Similarly, players will be able to fake punch or kick and then go into a throw.

Reprisals are countering a countermove. It's the same principal, only the original attacker that had his/her move turned against them by a counter gets the chance to counter as well. Reprisals work the same way as counter attacks, counter throws, or escapes with one exception: The person that now must counter after being counter attacked has less of a time window to counter. Trap time slightly decreases, and after the initial attack is countered, and the counter receives a reprisal, the next reprisal slightly increases in speed. They continue to get slightly faster.

Reprisal moves can go back and forth until either one player opts to escape or someone lands a hit/throw. Combos cannot be countered in mid air. Traps appear as a very brief pause (a grabbing of a fist or ankle or a movement that would block a throw) while the player that's performing the counter/reprisal enters the command. As soon as the counter/reprisal begins movement-wise on the screen, the other player has the chance to reprise the move until their character is hit or grabbed by the other character. You only guess once though. If you're tapping up/back and A because you're expecting a high attack, you can't start tapping down/back and RB because you're now certain it's a low throw.

Weapon Counters:
LB & Toward = Block weapon attack and push enemy back
LB & Back = Block weapon attack and pull enemy toward you
A then RB = Counter weapon attack into a throw
A then A = counter weapon attack, put away weapon and attack with fists or feet.

B & directions = Escape/Evade (whether it be rolling to the side, flipping backwards, hopstepping backwards or summersaulting, each character would have three ways of evading attacks with the B button, but speed and fighting style would determine how adept they would be at dodging attacks)

Pressing back, up/back, or down/back and B as a counter to a punch, kick or throw would be an escape move. This move pushes back your opponent and briefly staggars them, but damage is significantly less (almost nothing) than a counter move and neither player comes away with positional advantage. These can also be done as reprisal moves.

RTrig = Neijin (charge up for temporary stronger attacks)

RB& A/X/Y (and directions) = Throw (joint lock, flip, takedown depending on style)

LTrig = Style Change

LB = Block (note, block can no longer be held down. You must press it when you are about to be hit. If someone goes to do a five hit combo on you, you must press Block five times accurately to block each attack. No more turtling. Also, you must have your weapon drawn in order to block a weapon attack.

LB & LTrig = Quick draw weapon block: Instantly brings weapon out and into the blocking position. This may only be done when the attackers weapon is drawn. Either way, it's completely goofy to me to see a character in MK blocking a sword attack with his arms.

Toward toward = Dash forward

Back back = Dash backwards
Note: For throws, not every character will have a large array of throws. Also, throws are not only initiated with R&A, R&X, R&Y. One character may only use R&A and R&Y, but they will have variations such as “Toward, Toward, R&Aâ€? and “Toward, Back, Down, R&Y.â€?

Combos should be simpler and easier to pull off. It always felt like the combo structure of the last few games was too slow, too rigid and too awkward. There seemed to be a small delay between imputting a few commands and then seeing them on the screen. I'd make the combos a bit closer to dead or alive (X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y) instead of (X, A, L, B, L, B, X, B). Yeah, no more manual style switches in a combo either. Talk about unatural feeling. If combo (X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y) up there has sword parts, maybe the second Y automatically draws the sword out while the 3rd and 4th Y combo attacks use the sword. No more pressing a sensitive trigger during a combo for me please.

I'd also return to what MK began with incorporating throws into combos as an end piece on a good pop up combo. Jax's backbreaker and Scorpion's air throw are two examples that go all the way back to MK2. Similarly, some throws should set up punch/kick combos.

Also, can we get a real ground game? I'm talkin kip ups, flip ups, rolling on the ground, moving from your back to your stomach, getting up with a high or low kick etc. Please? How about kicks, punches, joint locks or other types of throws to a person on the ground? How about counters to those kicks, punches and throws?

3) As for the storyline:

My MK game would look something like this:

The Main Plot:

The Earth trembled, shifted, and sighed for weeks as the reunification of the One Being absorbed all other realms into the reality of Earthrealm.

Eons ago, before the existence of time and space, the One Being was shattered into pieces by the Elder Gods and their weapons; the six kamidogu. His ruptured consciousness formed the many realms and the vast architecture of all realities. The fragile balance between order and chaos among this fragmentation was maintained by the Mortal Kombat tournament.

Many fought with valor and bravery in an attempt to destroy Onaga. Working though the Dragon King, the One Being brought down every warrior that stood in the way of his reemergence. As the realms slowly began to collide with one another, the Elder Gods once more interceded. They dispatched Fujin, the God of wind to rally the forces of the many realms against Onaga’s legion of tarkatans, vampires and his own forgotten warriors.

But the Battle of Realms quickly fell into a stalemate, as neither side could gain the upper hand. The One Being’s increasingly powerful hold on this reality was weakening Fujin's massive army. When Kung Lao was killed by Onaga, the Elder Gods knew that the time for action was at hand. Without a chosen warrior, the Elders imbued the hell-spawn ninja specter Scorpion with their powers, making him their servant and battlebrand. The battle between Scorpion and Onaga was brutal, but without the six Kamidogu, he was unable to defeat the Dragon King.

In the end, the many realms faded into the collective memory of the One Being. Billions lost their lives as the warriors and denizens of these realities were once again stitched into Earthrealm: The One Being. Mortal Kombat, as it was once known, is no more.

However, Onaga himself wasn’t able to survive what happened next…

As the fabric of all realities blended together, a dark figure emerged from the shadows. His onyx armor was alive with the force of pure unmitigated power. The Elders saw the figure, but immediately knew its true nature. He was the Harbinger, the physical manifestation of the One Being.

He approached Onaga, who bowed before his master. In one quick motion, the Harbinger cleaved the demon king in two with his mighty sword. With the realms completely merged, Onaga was of no further use to the One Being. The Kamidogu were also destroyed. Never again would the true force of power be reduced by seperation. The Elder Gods had failed.

Mortal Kombat would begin once more, but this time the threat would not come from petty sorcerers or emperors from other realms. Now, the very Earth itself challenged man for the right to exist.

Let the Mortal Kombat tournament commence, and woe be to the mortal that loses and rains the fires of destruction down upon thee...

I'd go into characters, but this thead is already getting massive. That will be another post for another day.

4) TGrant, this question refers to what would make you happy if the MK team didn't go forward with your specific ideas. I know, this question was vague before and it's not much better now, but I meant something like this: I'd just be happy if the MK team decided to implement a new kombat system and make the characters more unique and individual. I'd be happy with next gen graphics. Sure, I'd love to see my ideas about the control scheme and reprisals and deep kombat and a ground game etc, but if they decide to go a completely different route, the three things I mentioned about gameplay, uniqueness and graphics would satiate my needs for a new MK game enough to be happy with a purchase. It's the bare minimum that would keep me pleased.

5) As for what would offset the losses from the past, I would have to say that a robust create a character mode that would allow me to create everything from characters to storylines would help. Again, probably not the best question, but I guess if I'm going to lose alot of what I liked about MK before, I'd hope for certain things to make me happy about getting a game that could turn out to be completely different from what I've known for the last decade.
01/18/2006 12:23 AM (UTC)
Yeah I know what you mean but it (the body damage)should be to a POINT like in my example after Sonya's bare-chested and has a ripped pantleg she can't get any worse same goes for the dudes,so don't expect to see TOO much of Cage or any of the other guys.
01/23/2006 02:44 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Wow, some big words by Ed Boon. According to the MK team leader, the next MK game after Armageddon will be on next gen consoles and he wants to start with a clean slate and have as much "newness" as possible. He can't picture an MK game without Scorpion or Sub-Zero, but he certainly implies that the possibility exists. He also says that the Shang Tsung tournament will be coming to an end. Of course, all of this is from the GameInformer article, but this leads to alot of questions.

My questions to you guys would be...

1) What do you want to see from the next gen MK game?
2) If he wants "newness," what new and unique ideas would you want for the next game?
3) What type of characters or story would you like to see?
4) If MK is going to be switching alot of things up, what would make you happy?
5) What would offset the losses of your favorite characters and the story that we have all known for over a decade?

1) Get away from the action figure/comic book look and go back to more 'realism.' With the next generations graphics there is no reason to have such fake looking characters. I know this is minor, but the first thing that drew me to MK was the fact they used live actors originally and I know that isn't really possible...but other games have already started creating more realistic looking characters why not MK?

2)New and unique is nice but one of the things I've always liked about MK is that it 'borrowed' from other media (mainly movies and TV) and they kept a few key elements throughout the series. Most of the new things I would like would end up making MK more a RPG than a Fighter (Sorry MK is really the only fighting game I play these days the others are just too stupid or too anime. I love anime but not in fighting games.)

3) Ok now I would like remakes of the originals, AU (Alternate universe) style. Sorry MK just isn't MK without them. As for new kind of characters I would like a few more non-humans and more female characters that are more than just eye-candy for you guys. Also, since MK should encompass the entire Earth please have more characters from other countries than just China, Japan and US. I love living in the US but I know its not the whole world (in spite of what the government might like us to think)

4) Outworld is the same as done for so lets drop the whole realm already. Outworld was created before the whole concept of multiple realms came to light for the MK universe. Break it up or something but Earth needs a new threat without the so-called shadow of Outworld being there. Maybe start all new storyline but keep some of the 'classic' characters in a AU (alternate universe) setting. Keep the tournament saving the world idea, but have it from the beginning but a darker threat. Remember the whole Outworld threat only really started in MK2 in MK1 the tournament was that only a tournament. This way it would be easier to keep the storyline straight and they don't have the writing themselves into the corner problem they have had the whole series.

5) Some of the characters are best gone. Most of the more recent ones especially. The storyline has been changed so much over time it isn't even connected to the story in MK1 anymore. It's for the best to do completely away with it but some of the ideas that has developed could be kept. ie Lin Kuei, Sworn Protector, Elder Gods. Now to get rid of all the characters would be a bad move on Midways part. If they did it would just be another fighting game and NOT Mortal Kombat. Can remember the name but one of the original creators of MK already tried and look what happened.

01/23/2006 04:21 AM (UTC)
LadyRaiden Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Wow, some big words by Ed Boon. According to the MK team leader, the next MK game after Armageddon will be on next gen consoles and he wants to start with a clean slate and have as much "newness" as possible. He can't picture an MK game without Scorpion or Sub-Zero, but he certainly implies that the possibility exists. He also says that the Shang Tsung tournament will be coming to an end. Of course, all of this is from the GameInformer article, but this leads to alot of questions.

My questions to you guys would be...

1) What do you want to see from the next gen MK game?
2) If he wants "newness," what new and unique ideas would you want for the next game?
3) What type of characters or story would you like to see?
4) If MK is going to be switching alot of things up, what would make you happy?
5) What would offset the losses of your favorite characters and the story that we have all known for over a decade?

1) Get away from the action figure/comic book look and go back to more 'realism.' With the next generations graphics there is no reason to have such fake looking characters. I know this is minor, but the first thing that drew me to MK was the fact they used live actors originally and I know that isn't really possible...but other games have already started creating more realistic looking characters why not MK?

2)New and unique is nice but one of the things I've always liked about MK is that it 'borrowed' from other media (mainly movies and TV) and they kept a few key elements throughout the series. Most of the new things I would like would end up making MK more a RPG than a Fighter (Sorry MK is really the only fighting game I play these days the others are just too stupid or too anime. I love anime but not in fighting games.)

3) Ok now I would like remakes of the originals, AU (Alternate universe) style. Sorry MK just isn't MK without them. As for new kind of characters I would like a few more non-humans and more female characters that are more than just eye-candy for you guys. Also, since MK should encompass the entire Earth please have more characters from other countries than just China, Japan and US. I love living in the US but I know its not the whole world (in spite of what the government might like us to think)

4) Outworld is the same as done for so lets drop the whole realm already. Outworld was created before the whole concept of multiple realms came to light for the MK universe. Break it up or something but Earth needs a new threat without the so-called shadow of Outworld being there. Maybe start all new storyline but keep some of the 'classic' characters in a AU (alternate universe) setting. Keep the tournament saving the world idea, but have it from the beginning but a darker threat. Remember the whole Outworld threat only really started in MK2 in MK1 the tournament was that only a tournament. This way it would be easier to keep the storyline straight and they don't have the writing themselves into the corner problem they have had the whole series.

5) Some of the characters are best gone. Most of the more recent ones especially. The storyline has been changed so much over time it isn't even connected to the story in MK1 anymore. It's for the best to do completely away with it but some of the ideas that has developed could be kept. ie Lin Kuei, Sworn Protector, Elder Gods. Now to get rid of all the characters would be a bad move on Midways part. If they did it would just be another fighting game and NOT Mortal Kombat. Can remember the name but one of the original creators of MK already tried and look what happened.

Very well said points from an MK vet.I am excited to see the fighters of the next generation but I wish they could do more with the fighters that made MK what it is.
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