Will we see Tanya and Tremor in Stoymode as NPC?
posted03/25/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)by
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04/16/2006 07:34 PM (UTC)
It has been confirmed that there will be loads of familiar faces in MKS's storymode

We already know Le Mei, Rain, Fujin and Baraka appear in the story though as of yet they are not in the game or are DLC

But we know Tanya and Tremor will be playable at a later stage

So will we see them pop up in story mode?

We know there is a place for Tanya in the netherealm war, and Tremor could pop up with Kano

This begs the question though, why is Tanya's model so rough looking

if she is in story mode then at this stage she should look more polished no? I'm really hoping the image we saw is a very rough copy as her face and hair looks awful-le Mei looked far better in that tiny snippet, yet it seems odd that we would have lots of NPC's in story mode that will never be playable?? Surely they would push their DLC with story cameos for people who aren't familiar with them
03/23/2015 08:08 PM (UTC)
The roughness of Tanya's model tells me none of the DLC will appear as NPCs. Maybe they will be alluded to, but I doubt we'll see them.

Injustice's NPCs got very nice arcade endings that explained why they weren't present in story mode and what they were doing during that time. I'm expecting the same here.
03/23/2015 08:11 PM (UTC)
The only one I could see making a cameo is Tanya, but even that im sure about.
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03/23/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
No. Because apparently...

"Their character models are not finished".
03/23/2015 08:15 PM (UTC)
The story covers 25 years, I have a feeling that we will get a lot of mentions/cameos.

They need to cover a lot of different characters, so I have a strong feeling we will hear about a lot of characters and their stories.
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03/23/2015 08:17 PM (UTC)
I'd love to see Tremor in story mode. Hopefully something lin kuei related. Then getting imprisoned by jax starting the rivalry. Then Tremor meets kano who breaks him out then aligns himself with kano til the Betrayal.
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03/23/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
Not Tanya, maybe Tremor.
03/23/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
i don't think so because the new Tanya model looked RUSHED. So it sucks that they didn't even consider Tanya for story mode. There is not enough representation of villains in MKX.

Tremor, i think he may appear as an NPC cause his model didn't look as JANKY as Tanya's. Maybe they design him way earlier. Earlier enough to make a NPC cameo at least.
03/23/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
Maybe someone will request something from Kano and he'll mention having given Tremor the job.
03/23/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)
They'll probably be standing in the background like Skarlett did in mk9
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03/23/2015 08:32 PM (UTC)
Honestly, i hope so. that'd be so legit.
03/23/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
It seems weird to me that NRS consider Tanya important enough to be DLC, but not important enough to be a NPC in story mode, where lots of past characters will make an appearance

It also seems weird from a marketing point of view

for casual fans wouldn't it make sense to have Tanya and Tremor looking really cool in story mode, so they would go, wow I wanna play as that character...
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

03/24/2015 05:27 AM (UTC)
Very doubtful. Though if Tremor makes it in, I hope it's only so that he can be killed in the most degrading, humiliating way possible by a lame, awful character like Mokap. Or maybe he can slip on Bo Rai Cho's vomit, break part of his neck enough to paralyze but not kill him, and he drowns inhaling Bo Rai Cho's vomit.

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03/24/2015 05:31 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Very doubtful. Though if Tremor makes it in, I hope it's only so that he can be killed in the most degrading, humiliating way possible by a lame, awful character like Mokap. Or maybe he can slip on Bo Rai Cho's vomit, break part of his neck enough to paralyze but not kill him, and he drowns inhaling Bo Rai Cho's vomit.

03/24/2015 05:56 AM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
It seems weird to me that NRS consider Tanya important enough to be DLC, but not important enough to be a NPC in story mode, where lots of past characters will make an appearance

It also seems weird from a marketing point of view

for casual fans wouldn't it make sense to have Tanya and Tremor looking really cool in story mode, so they would go, wow I wanna play as that character...

i heard they started working on Tanya this month :/ and the game went gold last week i think, So yeah. Slim chances. Which is stupid as hell on their part.

Most casual gamers are already unfamiliar with the 3D era characters (unless they were in Trilogy, most casual fans will likely not know them), so its going to be tougher for the non-guest DLC characters to get many sales if they are not in story mode at least. They should have made Fujin DLC instead cause
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
at least hes in story mode (which everyone will be playing)

also, Tanya sales could possibly be lower due to her new look as well. Almost all the comments on Non-MK sites hate her design and i really wish i were lying about that V_V

The reception to her has not been good at all which does worry me about her not being included in future games if she happens to sell badly.

Meanwhile Tremor (the character that is even less recognizable than Tanya) got a much better reaction than her from the general public.

It stinks because she deserves better than this.

frabn Wrote:
Very doubtful. Though if Tremor makes it in, I hope it's only so that he can be killed in the most degrading, humiliating way possible by a lame, awful character like Mokap. Or maybe he can slip on Bo Rai Cho's vomit, break part of his neck enough to paralyze but not kill him, and he drowns inhaling Bo Rai Cho's vomit.

03/24/2015 09:33 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Very doubtful. Though if Tremor makes it in, I hope it's only so that he can be killed in the most degrading, humiliating way possible by a lame, awful character like Mokap. Or maybe he can slip on Bo Rai Cho's vomit, break part of his neck enough to paralyze but not kill him, and he drowns inhaling Bo Rai Cho's vomit.

03/24/2015 10:24 AM (UTC)
I hope not, it would make little sense. Tremor needs a new story as it is, a guy made of rocks and earth should not just be a guy Jax can throw in prison and is ninja related..
03/24/2015 01:41 PM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:

also, Tanya sales could possibly be lower due to her new look as well. Almost all the comments on Non-MK sites hate her design and i really wish i were lying about that V_V

The reception to her has not been good at all which does worry me about her not being included in future games if she happens to sell badly.

Meanwhile Tremor (the character that is even less recognizable than Tanya) got a much better reaction than her from the general public.

Of course Tremor will resonate more with non-MK fans. He's a big rock monster compared to a girl they know nothing about. Also, male characters tend to be much more popular than women characters for people who don't play fighters. It wouldn't surprise me if she was the least bought DLC for those reasons alone, but things can be turned around quickly with a proper trailer once she's released.
03/24/2015 01:48 PM (UTC)
Wasn't Tanya already confirmed / leaked to have a cameo in MKX Storymode ?, with Smoke, Sindel, Rain, Bo Rai Cho, Fujin and a couple of other characters.
03/24/2015 02:13 PM (UTC)
Maybe she can have a old model like kenshi
03/24/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
Even if she wasn't fightable during gameplay (QTEs might be a different story), I could see Tanya play a more manipulative role by giving the heroes false intel, and leading them into traps.

Tremor could be a QTE opponent like *SPOILERS* Scorpion and Sub-Zero in Johnny's chapter.

Anyway, what about Goro? What are his chances of appearing in the story mode? Even if it's only as an amputee.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

03/24/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)

No, I'm not "mad bro". I just love dumping on the absurdity of the fact that Tremor is one of the all-time most popular characters from the MK franchise, despite the fact that he was never a real character in a real MK game. He's an easy target because he's so beloved, and so completely irrelevant at the same time.

Have a sense of humor about it, that's all. Honestly I have not warmed to Tremor one bit, if only because his presence represents the inability of the Mortal Kombat fanbase to let go of anything ninja related because...let's face it. If Tremor was NOT a ninja in MKSF, no one would have given to shits about him. Period. No one ever asks for Tasia or No Face...but Tremor? Since that awful game launched, Tremor has been the talk of the town. A big, dumb, brown ninja.

So again I haven't warmed to him, but I accept his presence. At least he's a "new" character, so to speak...and I do need a punching bag for training and the Fatality Trainer. :)
03/24/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
I heard that Jason is seen in the story mode. Yup, thats right. In fact, he was in the story trailer....you can see him running in the background and disappearing in a puff of smoke wink.....Trust me
03/25/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
I would be very content if the DLC's (Jason, Tanya, Tremor & Predator) have cameos/roles in the Story Mode. its the least they can do!
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