Will the New Mortal Kombat be online?
posted12/16/2010 09:42 PM (UTC)by
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12/16/2010 06:50 AM (UTC)
I'd like the new game to have it so you can have online matches. I have been a MAJOR fan since the original came out, but Mortal Kombat can get kind of boring playing against the computer all the time. It's more fun when your playing a real person. It would be a little more for your money if they decided to do some kind of online multiplayer.grin
12/16/2010 06:41 PM (UTC)
They already confirmed the xbox live and psn multiplayer mode. Theyve stated that there will be a king of the hill mode where there is a lobby of players two playing and the rest observing and putting up respect points while spectating the fight. Then the winner plays the next in line and so on until someone beats him and starts again. Besides that there will be an indepht story mode where I believe they said it will be like MK vs DC where you will start the story with one character play a few "chapters" with cutscenes in between and then the campain picks up with a different character for example you could start the story as subzero fight a few people with story and cutscenes in between fights then a confrontation with scorpion and their story then you would pick up as scorpion and so on and so fourth.Also a challenge tower was discussed they havent really gone into detail about. And of course im sure there will be a straight arcade mode with the single characters story and ending like all the others had. So im pretty sure this new MK will have plenty of replay value.
About Me

I finally got a "round to it". Signature is now complete. Thank you for your patience.

12/16/2010 09:33 PM (UTC)
That's pretty sweet. I wasn't sure If I wanted to pay $50 or $60 for a fighting game, but that might be worth it. Mortal Kombat is the only fighting game I'll pay that kind of money for. Thanks!!!!!!
12/16/2010 09:42 PM (UTC)
No problem man I obviously havent played the game yet but from what ive seen its gonna almost definetly going to be worth the money.
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