Will Scorpion (champion of the gods) defeat the dragon king in the intro of the next game?
posted06/24/2005 02:33 AM (UTC)by
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09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
Actually, it does say in his ending that he is the champion of the elder gods...does that mean he will take over as savior of earthrealm from Lui Kang? What about sindels ending...will she be the one to save earth by killing the body of the Dragon king?

Which characters endings will become cannon, and which wont?
06/19/2005 06:32 PM (UTC)
I think the Dragon King should make one more appearence in the next game, then Scorpion should truly kill him at the end, but then The One Being appears because Onaga already formed the Kamidogu into one piece. That's were MK8 should take off.
06/19/2005 09:47 PM (UTC)
Legacy Wrote:
That's were MK8 should take off.

Whoa, don't start talking about MK8 already, lol.
06/19/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
'Will Scorpion defeat the dragon king in the intro of the next game?'

Oh please god, NO! Not him, I hated all the endings in MKD. They weren't thought through and a lot were just excuses to fill up space. But there was one ending that I thought was actually thought through. Sindel's.
Its the longest and smartest of all endings. I really want Sindel to kill Onaga because it would make the most sence.
1. Its possible. Sindel used her head and her knowledge from Kahn's invasion to destroy Onaga.
2. It was clever. It was a lot more well thought out than Scorpions ending which wasn't smart and was just an excuse to see Onaga's ribs poking out his back.

I know I'm most defenitley going to get flamed because I choice a character with a smaller fan club than Scorpion and an ending I felt make sence. Throw any smart comment you want at me for voicing my opinion but thats what a forum is for. I've had to listen to dozen of idiotic flames at me because I think Sindel's ending was the best. And besides, its just a game, no point get worked up over anything is there? wink
06/19/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
'Will Scorpion defeat the dragon king in the intro of the next game?'

Oh please god, NO! Not him, I hated all the endings in MKD. They weren't thought through and a lot were just excuses to fill up space. But there was one ending that I thought was actually thought through. Sindel's.
Its the longest and smartest of all endings. I really want Sindel to kill Onaga because it would make the most sence.
1. Its possible. Sindel used her head and her knowledge from Kahn's invasion to destroy Onaga.
2. It was clever. It was a lot more well thought out than Scorpions ending which wasn't smart and was just an excuse to see Onaga's ribs poking out his back.

I know I'm most defenitley going to get flamed because I choice a character with a smaller fan club than Scorpion and an ending I felt make sence. Throw any smart comment you want at me for voicing my opinion but thats what a forum is for. I've had to listen to dozen of idiotic flames at me because I think Sindel's ending was the best. And besides, its just a game, no point get worked up over anything is there? wink
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06/20/2005 12:39 AM (UTC)
Sindels ending? Meh..good choice in using their heads to bind Onaga, but as a whole...seen it coming from a mile away. Not bad, but it's impor-tance is overeaaggerated by edenia fans and reptile worshippers who sim-ply rather see something cool instead of logical.

Scorpions is very well logical. He is nothing but a shell of it's formr self, and he only knows how to fight. I think the elders made a good deal with him making him a weapon. Though Scorpion is distancing from the original one with the ninja revenge line. He is becoming something bigger.
06/20/2005 02:37 AM (UTC)
yeah keith, i fully agree with you there. plus its the only one that explains that he was in retiles body. when i got the game, i was in the room with 2 cousins, 2 sisters, and my nephew. once they said that "his osul lept from Retile's body" all of my eveyone( but me) looed at each other in amazement! well, this would be one of those times where it would only be funny if u were there. also some other endings could be true, such as Jade, Bo Rai' Cho, Mileena/Baraka, Sub-Zero, Kenshi, etc. the ones that dont kill onaga.
06/20/2005 03:33 AM (UTC)

Quin Chi, Shang Tsung, and Radien Couldn't beat him, I doubt Scorpion Could. Plus I beleive His Ending might not happen!!!
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06/20/2005 03:43 AM (UTC)
I think Scorpion's makes more sense after playing through Konquest. I would like them to mix his ending with Ermac's, since Ermac's leads into MK 7 with the ressurection of the One Being and the death of the Dragon King.
06/20/2005 06:04 AM (UTC)
Makes sense.
06/20/2005 06:31 PM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
I think Scorpion's makes more sense after playing through Konquest. I would like them to mix his ending with Ermac's, since Ermac's leads into MK 7 with the ressurection of the One Being and the death of the Dragon King.

Can someone please explain to me who the one-being is, I watched Ermac's ending and Im still ignorant to who he is could he be the next boss in a future MK game? Thanks...
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/20/2005 07:45 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
I think Scorpion's makes more sense after playing through Konquest. I would like them to mix his ending with Ermac's, since Ermac's leads into MK 7 with the ressurection of the One Being and the death of the Dragon King.

Can someone please explain to me who the one-being is, I watched Ermac's ending and Im still ignorant to who he is could he be the next boss in a future MK game? Thanks...

The One Being is everything and nothing. The realms that exist in MK are made up of the One Being's consciousness. For the One Being to come back, the Kamidogou must be fused which is what Onaga was planning to do. Why would he do this? He's being manipulated by the One Being. If the Kamidogou are fused, the realms will cease to exist as the One Being is awakened again. All except the Elder gods and probably the lesser gods will cease to exist.

I've probably not explained that 100% accurately as it's a tricky concept to grasp. Paying attention to Konquests story mode should get you enough answers and others here should be able to help.

As for Scorpion defeating Onaga, I say it's 50-50 possibility right now. Though I see it as unlikely that Onaga is defeated as there isn't really another guy that could be the next boss, unless they use Shao Kahn again, which I hope they don't. killing Oanag would give Scorpion something new in his storyline, but then he'd be stripped of his new powers and after Quan Chi again. This means he'd be back to his revenge story which is very lame!
06/20/2005 07:58 PM (UTC)
Shujinko should have defeated the Dragon King, because it is his fault that these events occurred and it makes a good vengeance storyline.

Scorpion is the Elder Gods elected Champion, but he was defeated(not killed), by Shujinko in Konquest.

In Mk8, Raiden's ending should be Cannon; he would destroy Shujinko and be overwhelmed by the evil within him(Quan Chi and Shang Tsung's evil spirits have fused into Raiden) and become a corrupted threat to the realms.
Scorpion's role in the next game would still be one of a Champion; Scorpion would be involved in trying to stop Raiden... etc.
Other Characters would mingle within these plots and Raiden's closest Mortal and Immortal friends would have to fight to save the Earthrealm and more...

Please, notify me if my above idea was bollocks. glasses
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
06/20/2005 08:04 PM (UTC)
nobrainer Wrote:
Shujinko should have defeated the Dragon King, because it is his fault that these events occurred and it makes a good vengeance storyline.

Scorpion is the Elder Gods elected Champion, but he was defeated(not killed), by Shujinko in Konquest.

In Mk8, Raiden's ending should be Cannon; he would destroy Shujinko and be overwhelmed by the evil within him(Quan Chi and Shang Tsung's evil spirits have fused into Raiden) and become a corrupted threat to the realms.
Scorpion's role in the next game would still be one of a Champion; Scorpion would be involved in trying to stop Raiden... etc.
Other Characters would mingle within these plots and Raiden's closest Mortal and Immortal friends would have to fight to save the Earthrealm and more...

Please, notify me if my above idea was bollocks. glasses

That could work, but for one thing. Raiden is NOT evil!
06/20/2005 08:41 PM (UTC)
That could work, but for one thing. Raiden is NOT evil!

You're right, but you have to admit; Raiden is no longer Mentally stable.....
.....or, perhaps he's become more stable and clear than ever?

Raiden now sees Humanity for what it is; a species of wasted heroes and pathetic mortals heading for their own self inflicted annhilation.

Raiden isn't evil; he's just having a bad day. Is that what you mean?

BTW, I hope the 'post original' didn't screw up; if it did bear with me, because it is the first time I've done this.

Also, I'm sorry if any of the above makes absolutely no sense at all!
06/21/2005 01:44 PM (UTC)
the ending was not all real
they just did it because it fits the victory of the caracter

like other games like tekken only one won the battle,
each character ending was they won
but not all of them mostly but not all

the endings always fits the character
example yoshi & bryan who really won? tekken 6 holds the answer

then youll buy the game make them richer
that's buisness all the games does that
06/23/2005 12:39 AM (UTC)
Shujinko is the one who killed Onaga. Besides Sindels ending is fake cause in Ermacs ending Kitanas soul is freed by Liu Kang. That means she was never down there.confused
06/23/2005 01:46 AM (UTC)
All the endings are what-ifs. We don't know if it's true or not who's ending happened. Don't jump to conclusions so fast. You have no proof Shujinko's ending really happened. I for one think it didn't. His ending was lame. I don't think all the warriors would team up to take Onaga out. It seems to unrealistic they would all meet up together like that.
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06/24/2005 02:33 AM (UTC)
I don't know, but I want Quan Chi back, with a better Fatality of course.
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