Will MKX gonna have Arcade mode and endings?
posted03/10/2015 10:32 AM (UTC)by
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my name is reiko and i am cosplayer of shao kahn

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03/09/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
did they ever explain i never saw in gameplay trailers or menus
03/09/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
I'm sure it will, every main MK game has had an arcade ladder and character endings.
I think so... and we've already seen it, right?

There's a pic from the towers that are the arcade mode, WHICH IS NICE BECAUSE I LOVE THE TOWER CONCEPT YASSS

I think this is a Living Tower photo but there's one from the arcade towers and we can see the difficulty of them.
03/09/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
Hate to sound like a dick, but no shit.

If we got both for every single MK fighter, what makes you think we're not in this game?
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03/09/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
What the hell kinda question is that? Doesn't every fighting game have one, even non-canon crossover bullshit like Mahvel?
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/09/2015 04:07 PM (UTC)
I think the Killer Instinct reboot didn't have it at first, but was added later on. MKX will have it on launch though, so you're good.
03/09/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
I wonder though, when are they going to bring back the endings MK4 style. They were quite good.
03/09/2015 04:20 PM (UTC)

The arcade towers were shown in the factions trailer.
We even have several to choose from this time.
Novice, Warrior and Champion and even a survival tower and even a endless tower!

I've always wanted a endless and survival mode for Mortal Kombat, incredibly exited we're finally getting them :)
sharefrock Wrote:
I wonder though, when are they going to bring back the endings MK4 style. They were quite good.

I wish, but Ed already deconfirmed them. He said they'd love to do it but it would consume a lot of space in the game... and money.
03/09/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
No it won't. Arcade mode is stupid and should never be in fighting games again
03/09/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
Lol... If they left out arcade endings I would genuinely be pissed after I stared at the credits for 2 minutes with my wtf face.
03/09/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
OP how old are you?
03/09/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
Lol... If they left out arcade endings I would genuinely be pissed after I stared at the credits for 2 minutes with my wtf face.

I know, right? I remember when we found out Armageddon would have katas instead of pictures during endings. furious

"What If?" endings are a staple of the fighting games genre since the arcade days. They've been in every Mortal Kombat games so far. Arcade mode with endings is a necessity. You don't mess with that.
03/09/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Lol... If they left out arcade endings I would genuinely be pissed after I stared at the credits for 2 minutes with my wtf face.

I know, right? I remember when we found out Armageddon would have katas instead of pictures during endings. furious

"What If?" endings are a staple of the fighting games genre since the arcade days. They've been in every Mortal Kombat games so far. Arcade mode with endings is a necessity. You don't mess with that.

ugh the armageddon endings fucking sucked. I understand why they did it but it was still horrible
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/10/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)
I could tolerate the kata, but the endings themselves were mostly junk. Only a few really had any intrigue or substance -- Bo' Rai Cho, interestingly, had one of the best ones. I did think it was cool when Smoke turned the whole realm of Edenia into a nanobot cloud, though.
03/10/2015 09:23 AM (UTC)
You dont have to worry about mk and its arcade ending, that said pretty sure doa5 didnt have because of its story mode
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03/10/2015 10:04 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I wonder though, when are they going to bring back the endings MK4 style. They were quite good.

While it was nice to see them in full motion video for the first time, it did kind of create a problem.

By being single animated scenes, you couldn't really get much scope. You got one moment in time and that was that. With pictures and text, you can (if written well) condense a whole bunch of exposition and imply a lot more than just with video.

What I'd prefer, instead of 'what ifs', is just to give every character a canon story, tangential to the larger picture.

So, for example, in MK9, instead of having that ridiculous crap about Sonya's dad, I would have explained what she did during the MK3 section - her fight with Kano, perhaps.

And the same with the other characters. Still canon, but adding to the story without having to be a slave to 'so this is what would've happened if they beat Shao Kahn'
03/10/2015 10:22 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I wonder though, when are they going to bring back the endings MK4 style. They were quite good.

While it was nice to see them in full motion video for the first time, it did kind of create a problem.

By being single animated scenes, you couldn't really get much scope. You got one moment in time and that was that. With pictures and text, you can (if written well) condense a whole bunch of exposition and imply a lot more than just with video.

What I'd prefer, instead of 'what ifs', is just to give every character a canon story, tangential to the larger picture.

So, for example, in MK9, instead of having that ridiculous crap about Sonya's dad, I would have explained what she did during the MK3 section - her fight with Kano, perhaps.

And the same with the other characters. Still canon, but adding to the story without having to be a slave to 'so this is what would've happened if they beat Shao Kahn'

I agree with MK4 endings being limited, but I'd much rather have the "what if" endings than canon ones. They are usually more interesting and most them are different. If they were canon the characters who are involved with each other's endings would be very similar because it would be the same story. People are way to obsessed with canon nowadays. Being fun and entertaining should always come before everything else.
About Me

03/10/2015 10:32 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I wonder though, when are they going to bring back the endings MK4 style. They were quite good.

While it was nice to see them in full motion video for the first time, it did kind of create a problem.

By being single animated scenes, you couldn't really get much scope. You got one moment in time and that was that. With pictures and text, you can (if written well) condense a whole bunch of exposition and imply a lot more than just with video.

What I'd prefer, instead of 'what ifs', is just to give every character a canon story, tangential to the larger picture.

So, for example, in MK9, instead of having that ridiculous crap about Sonya's dad, I would have explained what she did during the MK3 section - her fight with Kano, perhaps.

And the same with the other characters. Still canon, but adding to the story without having to be a slave to 'so this is what would've happened if they beat Shao Kahn'

I agree with MK4 endings being limited, but I'd much rather have the "what if" endings than canon ones. They are usually more interesting and most them are different. If they were canon the characters who are involved with each other's endings would be very similar because it would be the same story. People are way to obsessed with canon nowadays. Being fun and entertaining should always come before everything else.

I just hate the 'missing out' part of the what if scenarios... Like when you hear about a really good ending and then 'bam' actually that's not true... Like the cool Johnny Cage endings in relation to his history and power and Seido and that crap.

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