Will MK9 be a let down?
posted04/01/2009 01:06 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/08/2006 10:33 PM (UTC)
I haven't seen anybody touch up on this, so I was curious in asking about it.

I think back to the days, when I can actually recall some of the stuff said about Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon on these boards. Important things that come to mind are; complaints of plastic visuals (as where each subsequent installment was only a small upgrade from the previous), rigid animations, unbalanced fighting system, unrealistic blood and gore, characters that shared a lot of the same moves (the moves looking weird is also worth mentioning), inauthentic martial arts pertaining to the style said to be in use and the list could go on.

I personally feel some of the things I mentioned, could apply to MKvsDC as well. Such as the animations, visuals, and shared moves. I don't know how balanced the game is, or if one could actually consider it balanced after seeing some of those infinites on you tube.

Anyways, these kind of topics are always subjective but when I start seeing more than just a handful of people that actually write coherently and list the same complaints, it kind of makes you think about what's important.

Have you had your dreams shattered before about not getting the Mk you want? Do you think MK9 will be any different (better) from the rest? Please list reasons.
03/23/2009 08:45 PM (UTC)
It just really depends on what they're going to do for this game. There could be two outcomes of this game.

They could hype up everything and make it sound like brand new characters, brand new arenas, brand new stories and mini-games (if included) is something we've been dying to see. And that could have either a strong postiive effect, or a negative effect.

Either way, you're going to have an outcome and right now, I'm not going to think mostly anything about this game other than if they're really going to start from scratch again.

I just think that they should, but then we're all going to have to see people whine and bitch about how they're not going to see their favorite characters return. But like I said, we all wanted change in our lives, here's our change.

It could be a big let down, if they purposely make it. There are ways they can prevent the next game (if possible) a let down if they do so much hype for everything... that's why I thought that Amrageddon was not so good, it's becuase they gave us so much news about everything they gave us so much preivews and it's like. "Okay, why am I buying the game again when I can see pretty much what to expect in this?"

That's what I think.
03/30/2009 06:47 PM (UTC)
if mk9 is dramaticly the same as it's counterparts of the previous installments, it will be a letdown for me. if it has a nice new cast with some previous characters, detailed inviorments, detaled models of the fighters, improved gameplay systom, fresh new fatality's, and an m or ao rating that would be great.
03/30/2009 09:13 PM (UTC)
At this point, I expect that to be almost a certainty.

But then again, if one expects so little, can one still be let down?
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03/31/2009 03:58 AM (UTC)
Being a diehard fan is somewhat of a double edged sword. For one thing, anything new will never measure up to the rosey memories of the past. All I can think about with MK1 and 2 now is how much fun they were to play in the arcades and how many hours of my young life was spent kickin the crap out of my buddies at MK on home consoles.

MK:DA was a huge disappointment to me. For all of the great ideas they had, none of them seemed to be executed with the polish and overall enjoyment factor of the other, more modern fighters on the market at the time.

But even now, I look back to MK:DA and think that the arenas were really cool, the new characters were interesting and the story telling, while still relying on the lame pictures for the endings, seemed to be better and done with more care than in the past (that's probably my imagination). It felt like next gen MK.

But I don't know if I'll ever like MK vs DC. Yeah, the fighting system is decent, but it's not MK. It's just not. Slapping a T rating on, with lame fatalities, DC characters taking up half the roster, and one of the most godawful stories I've EVER seen in a video game...

Who knows though, like I said, as a fan, I'm almost always let down by what the series churns out initially.

I wonder things like:

"Why did they bring back THAT character back instead of that other character?"

"Why didn't they make the story deeper?"

"Ugh, these new characters are bland and boring."

"What's up with the combo system?"

"Why oh why do they keep putting these stupid, pointless minigames in my fighting game??"

Okay, so some gripes are legitimate from game to game. I still think that the folks at Midway REALLY need to step things up in the animation department, the fighting engine and the creativity when it comes to new characters, storytelling and the fatalities.

I still think that the MK team needs to concentrate on making more fun fighting modes or modes that relate to fighting (ie kreate a kharacter, kreate a tournament, etc) as opposed to the terrible idea of trying to make a one size fits all MK game that even fighting fans would like.

Sorry, but people that don't play fighting games aren't going to be drawn to a fighting game because of a lame tacked on mode like motor kombat. No, they'll just go play mario kart.

And there I go illustrating my own point. As a fan, it's easy to pick a game apart and dissect it to find every little flaw, mostly because as fans, we take the time to do that because we're enthusiastic about the brand or series or whatever.

Will I be disappointed in the next MK game? I'd be shocked, absolutely floored if Midway was capable of meeting half of my expectations much less my highest hopes for what I think a perfect MK game could or should be.

I try not to raise my expectations, like alot of people on this board, but eventually, as an MK games release draws nearer, I can't help but hope that the next one will be the best one. The one that fixes all of the past mistakes, tells a fantastic story, has outstanding gameplay and an overall experience that trumps my memories of the early days.

Yeah, probably won't happen. But what the heck, I'm a fan, so I guess it comes with the territory. As for the idea of a reboot of the series. Can Midway afford to take that chance right now? I'd have no problem with it so long as they can really flex their creative muscles and put together something special. I don't have much faith in that after MK vs DC, but we'll see.
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04/01/2009 01:06 PM (UTC)
I have to agree in absolutely every way with Baraka407.
I'm somewhat of a perfectionist with really high standards and I'm interested in games design. So when my favourite series seems to be getting worse and have less game content with every new installment, it really pains me to see such potential go to waste.

I want a more in-depth fighting system that woudl rival even the best out there.
I want more game modes that relate to the genre (fighting) such as: story; arcade; VS; Tournament; Survival; Team Survival; Tag team; etc.
I want new characters with unique fighting styles, moves, specials, and some new, better than ever fatalities.

Unfortunately, I don't see Midway getting even half of these done. Not in their current situation and not after seeing the down-grade MKvDC is compared to MKD or even MKDA. It would be interesting to see what another development team/company could bring to the franchise. I think it's time Midway passed the tourch.
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