Will Johnny Cage and Sonya outshine thier daughter?
posted03/19/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)by
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03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
I've only seen a taste of Johnny Cage's gameplay so far and I'm already thinking that his intros, dialog, moves ect are going to be more entertaining than Cassie's. Don't get me wrong I love Cassie, she's awesome. Just think NRS REALLY outdid themselves with Johnny. He's hilarious.

Sonya is shaping up to be a complete badass as well and she has a huge fanbase. Not saying that thier moves will be too similar to Cassie's. I know that NRS can handle that part 100%. I'm also glad that they are both included in MKX so that isn't the issue either. I just wanna get your thoughts or predictions on how well Cassie Cage can/will do with both of her parents in. This will be very interesting to see.

So what about you guys? Will Cassie hold her own or will she be reduced to "Johnny Cage and Sonya Blades daughter"? I certainly hope not. I know that some of you feared that this would happen a while back. Maybe things will balance out..

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03/18/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)
It's pretty much preference.

And we don't know about Sonya's variations to make any such judgments this early.
03/18/2015 01:03 PM (UTC)
Cassie's already got a much better X-ray than her father, imo. Plus there's her bubblegum fetish. And personally, between a guy with a funny personality and a girl who also has one, the girl wins. I do like Johnny in this game, I just prefer Cassie.

Sonya is another story. We've barely seen her gameplay. She and Cassie don't look drastically different. The only thing about both of them that can be compared right now is their personalities, and going with the comics, Cassie wins in that department.

Johnny definitely has better gameplay, though, since Cassie's moveset is mostly a mash-up of other characters' moves. She still looks fun to play as, but her gameplay's not that unique. Still, she gets points for not outright ripping off her parents.

So basically, no, I don't believe they completely outshine her.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/18/2015 01:09 PM (UTC)
To early to tell right now but I'm leaning towards no. I believe they'll compliment each other well.
03/18/2015 01:16 PM (UTC)
I used to be afraid that if Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade were in the game, they'll hurt their daughter's chances at gaining a good fanbase, because they'll overshadow her.

But I don't believe that's the case anymore, I actually believe it's a good thing that they are in, especially Jax and Kenshi.

If we didn't have Johnny and Sonya, we would have the Kira situation in MKD, people will start thinking that Cassie is just a cheap rip-off of Johnny and Sonya if though she isn't, they won't bother giving her a chance because they'll think she plays the same as her parents.

People(Not everyone) will hate her from the start and won't bother even trying her out, because in their mind she took the place of Johnny and Sonya, but now that Johnny and Sonya are in, people will look at Cassie differently and won't hate her before even trying her.

I don't know, I might be wrong, but that's why I think they did that, and it's a very smart move, they learned from past games.
03/18/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I used to be afraid that if Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade were in the game, they'll hurt their daughter's chances at gaining a good fanbase, because they'll overshadow her.

But I don't believe that's the case anymore, I actually believe it's a good thing that they are in, especially Jax and Kenshi.

If we didn't have Johnny and Sonya, we would have the Kira situation in MKD, people will start thinking that Cassie is just a cheap rip-off of Johnny and Sonya if though she isn't, they won't bother giving her a chance because they'll think she plays the same as her parents.

People(Not everyone) will hate her from the start and won't bother even trying her out, because in their mind she took the place of Johnny and Sonya, but now that Johnny and Sonya are in, people will look at Cassie differently and won't hate her before even trying her.

I don't know, I might be wrong, but that's why I think they did that, and it's a very smart move, they learned from past games.

You have a point. with both parents in the game, Cassie won't seem like she's aggressively shoved down the fans' throats. She'll have a better shot at being treated as her own character, and of being accepted as a replacement for both of them in future games, since fans of either parents will get to play as them one more time before they are retired for a while.

Another way of putting it is that they're passing the torch to Cassie, instead of having it forcibly taken from them. Fans of these two should feel lucky, as there are characters left out of this game whose moves have been given to others.
03/18/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
Nah, I think her difference in personality from both of them is apparent enough. She may joke around like Johnny, and that makes her funny so people like that, but she can also be serious like Sonya and people like that too so far. I think she's a good balance between them. Especially because Johnny can be very annoying even if he's funny because he literally cracks jokes in the face of a civil war and it's obvious that that can be distracting and annoying to the other characters, and Sonya can sometimes be too much of a hardass. Although Sonya gets a lot of hate but I think so far her personality (though a little abrasive at times), is perfect for her situation and circumstances and she obviously gets shit done.

Plus Cassie has got a unique moveset and doesn't play anything like Johnny, so I think people will like that too.

She's great so far and I think people will see her as separate if they keep an open mind.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/18/2015 02:26 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Fans of these two should feel lucky, as there are characters left out of this game whose moves have been given to others.

Why should they feel lucky?
It's not like these two heroes died in the MK9 Story.

The fanbase that should feel lucky is the heroes that came back from the dead, but that's a little different subject.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/18/2015 02:35 PM (UTC)
Great post Sharefrock! My pants explode a little reading that. Not much but just enough to feel it. smile
03/18/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I used to be afraid that if Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade were in the game, they'll hurt their daughter's chances at gaining a good fanbase, because they'll overshadow her.

But I don't believe that's the case anymore, I actually believe it's a good thing that they are in, especially Jax and Kenshi.

If we didn't have Johnny and Sonya, we would have the Kira situation in MKD, people will start thinking that Cassie is just a cheap rip-off of Johnny and Sonya if though she isn't, they won't bother giving her a chance because they'll think she plays the same as her parents.

People(Not everyone) will hate her from the start and won't bother even trying her out, because in their mind she took the place of Johnny and Sonya, but now that Johnny and Sonya are in, people will look at Cassie differently and won't hate her before even trying her.

I don't know, I might be wrong, but that's why I think they did that, and it's a very smart move, they learned from past games.

You have a point. with both parents in the game, Cassie won't seem like she's aggressively shoved down the fans' throats. She'll have a better shot at being treated as her own character, and of being accepted as a replacement for both of them in future games, since fans of either parents will get to play as them one more time before they are retired for a while.

Another way of putting it is that they're passing the torch to Cassie, instead of having it forcibly taken from them. Fans of these two should feel lucky, as there are characters left out of this game whose moves have been given to others.

Yeah it's another way to look at it, passing on the torch for a new generation of fighters, let's just hope they don't reboot it again after a few years, Kung Jin looks very interesting and might become a favourite of mine :).

SlickRick82 Wrote:
Great post Sharefrock! My pants explode a little reading that. Not much but just enough to feel it. smile

Haha Thanks, Well it's basically what you said as well, they will compliment each other. I'm looking forward to trying all of them out, I never really got used to playing as Johnny Cage even though he is a Rushdown and I love Rushdown characters, I just found him a bit weird to control, Sonya on the other hand became my 2nd main in MK9. I'm looking forward to trying out Sonya in MKX, I really hope they keep her EX-Kartwheel and it stays as fast as it was and armoured :p.

Cassie is also interesting, I like Stryker and from the looks of it she is the closest to him, so I'm sure I'll have fun with her as well.
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03/18/2015 03:09 PM (UTC)
I like them equally. So I hope they don't out do each other.
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03/18/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
They won't. On the contrary, in fact. Cassie, Johnny, and Sonya are there to complement each other and build each other up as characters, not the other way around. We're seeing interactions we've never seen in the MK storyline until now, witnessing new aspects of their personalities coming through because of this newly fashioned bond, and this all has a huge influence on their behavior and their motives in relation to the events of the lore. If it was just Johnny, or just Sonya, or just Cassie in this game, not only would they each respectively miss out on a big opportunity to grow and shine, so would the very game lose a large chunk of its novelty.

The only problem that might have arisen from the inclusion of all three is gameplay similarity, and it's already pretty obvious we won't be dealing with any of that. They are building the three up to be as particular and original as brand new characters.
03/18/2015 04:08 PM (UTC)
I don't think so. I like Johnny and Sonya, but ill be playing Cassie before them. She is actually in the running to be one of my mains in this game.
03/18/2015 04:37 PM (UTC)
I really like the way Johnny says "you should see your face!" (reminds me of Team Fortress 2 Scout saying the same line) during fights. Can't wait to see some intros. I don't think they wil neccesarily outshine Cassie, she has her own way to make puns, she's more modern smart ass while Johnny is more veteran comedian with classic puns.

Johnny is already one of my favorites and this game will only help to stablish him as one of them, but Cassie will shine too specially being the next gen leader.
03/18/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage, alone, outshines everyone. Like always.
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03/18/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Johnny is definitely outshining her and with Sonya there I DO feel like Cassie probably won't be taken as seriously by mainstream fans. She will be liked and most will go "Oh awesome! Sonya and Johnny's kid!" but I doubt she'll ever be able to cultivate a huge following for herself that isn't burrowed from her famous and iconic parents. It's like I stated before- People are praising the offspring characters like their golden, but some 5 years from now I doubt these newbies will amount to anything.
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03/18/2015 10:37 PM (UTC)
Sonya outshines everyone in MK anyways.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/18/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
Sonya outshines everyone in MK anyways.

I wanna feel you inside of me...
03/18/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
I think the fan reception to Cassie has been so overwhelmingly positive that there's nothing to worry about. She's the best of both worlds with her own personal touch.
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03/18/2015 10:52 PM (UTC)
SlickRick82 Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
Sonya outshines everyone in MK anyways.

I wanna feel you inside of me...

Uuh... follow-up sexual compliment that denotes agreement.
03/19/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
I feel like Cassie has more hype than Sonya ever had, i doubt she'll be overshadowed bu her mother. Now with Cage, that's another story, NRS are pushing him really hard.
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03/19/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
yeah Johnny will outshine her, that's a given. Dunno about Sonya
03/19/2015 04:05 AM (UTC)
The newbs will never outshine the originals.
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