Why MK would probably stop at 10
posted01/10/2006 09:46 PM (UTC)by
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02/28/2004 06:50 AM (UTC)
Alright, as legend has it in the story, if one realm wins 10 straight victories against Outworld, then the dimensional gates will open and the two realms will be binded in some way. I mean, if Earth wins 10 straight victories, wouldn't Outworld all of a sudden be open to them, and it becomes part of Earth? I mean, I dunno......something would have to happen at 10 like that.
01/09/2006 11:11 PM (UTC)
Possibly. But if it lasts until MK7 I'll breathe a sigh of relief.wink
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I am a happy well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, and for some reason all the raiden sprites keep staring at me I mean it tell them to stop, they are scaring me hides

my friend pred gave me this one, and the avvy that goes with it, but I love the ones flameshang and darkryder gave me too, so expect a cycle of these three folks

01/09/2006 11:31 PM (UTC)
the tourament hasn't come up in the games all that much since mk2 or 3 I think, so I don't think we have too much to worry about, and they may not stop at ten, you know how these chains work
01/09/2006 11:35 PM (UTC)
Guys, the thing is........all the games have been tournaments.

It's just MK1 was the only one STRUCTURED as a tournament.

But Mortal Kombat is Mortal Kombat, and each one counts. Even if it is a ragtag game of chess, as it has been for the past 4 games or so. Each one counts as a tournament cause it involves fighting for one's realm. I mean, that's what the story says.
01/09/2006 11:38 PM (UTC)
They have mentioned in almost every game that the game itself is another tournament. I think MK2 and MK3 where the most obvious.
01/09/2006 11:40 PM (UTC)
Well, in any case, I think 10 is going to be something crazy. Sorry, this is just a thought I had all of a sudden. I really shouldn't be too focused on that.
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01/09/2006 11:50 PM (UTC)
PsychoFight Wrote:
Alright, as legend has it in the story, if one realm wins 10 straight victories against Outworld, then the dimensional gates will open and the two realms will be binded in some way. I mean, if Earth wins 10 straight victories, wouldn't Outworld all of a sudden be open to them, and it becomes part of Earth? I mean, I dunno......something would have to happen at 10 like that.

Isn't that built more on structure, and less on things like Shinnok running amok, and Shang Tsung & Quan Chi deciding to try to kill everyone?

I think the very nature of the Mortal Kombat games has adapted in a way that's removed itself from that, regardless of who has what medals.
Guys the only games to have tournaments were MK1 and MK2 (or this was either a diversion so Sindel could be resurrected, but take it as you will) MK3 and onward were strictly wars between good and evil. Besides wouldn't it be weird for duing Kahn's invasion of Earth in MK3 to suddenly say "Hey let's have a tournament!" WHEN HE'S ALREADY GOTTEN CONTROL OF EARTHREALM?
About Me

I am a happy well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, and for some reason all the raiden sprites keep staring at me I mean it tell them to stop, they are scaring me hides

my friend pred gave me this one, and the avvy that goes with it, but I love the ones flameshang and darkryder gave me too, so expect a cycle of these three folks

01/10/2006 02:39 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
Guys the only games to have tournaments were MK1 and MK2 (or this was either a diversion so Sindel could be resurrected, but take it as you will) MK3 and onward were strictly wars between good and evil. Besides wouldn't it be weird for duing Kahn's invasion of Earth in MK3 to suddenly say "Hey let's have a tournament!" WHEN HE'S ALREADY GOTTEN CONTROL OF EARTHREALM?

he could have been bored, I mean evil dictators get bored too you knowtongue
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Now known as Clarifying_Rain.
01/10/2006 02:53 AM (UTC)
As I recall Raiden was able to declare Mortal Kombat on Kahn... Or was that against Shinnok in MK4? Or against Shang Tsung and Quan Chi in Deadly Alliance...?!

Somehow it seems Mortal Kombat is declared throughout the games, in one way or another... Unless I'm mistaken.
01/10/2006 04:07 AM (UTC)
Every game was a tournament.

In the case of MK1 (and maybe MK2) - the tournament was actually structured as a tournament.

In the case of MK3,4,DA,D - Mortal Kombat's idea of tournament is a literal game of chess. But a victory is a victory in the eyes of the gods. To actually break down the barriers between realms is the only thing they fight for - the opportunity to invade. A full conquering is not guaranteed. Even if Earthrealm loses all hope, they still have the opportunity to fight back once an invasion starts. That is Mortal Kombat, the tournament, in and of its own. Such was the case of MK3.
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Now known as Clarifying_Rain.
01/10/2006 04:45 AM (UTC)
It's a pity the impending tenth tournament hasn't been a more significant aspect of the story. But then, if you're fighting to save existence as you know it for the seventh time, you might not consider it very important!
01/10/2006 09:04 AM (UTC)
PsychoFight Wrote:
Alright, as legend has it in the story, if one realm wins 10 straight victories against Outworld, then the dimensional gates will open and the two realms will be binded in some way. I mean, if Earth wins 10 straight victories, wouldn't Outworld all of a sudden be open to them, and it becomes part of Earth? I mean, I dunno......something would have to happen at 10 like that.
PsychoFight Wrote:
Alright, as legend has it in the story, if one realm wins 10 straight victories against Outworld, then the dimensional gates will open and the two realms will be binded in some way. I mean, if Earth wins 10 straight victories, wouldn't Outworld all of a sudden be open to them, and it becomes part of Earth? I mean, I dunno......something would have to happen at 10 like that.

what the hell are u people talking about it was stated if kahn won 10 then the portals will open they have won 9 thx to goro but i believe it never stated how many times the goods guys won so point being that good guys can win 30 times as long as the bad guys dont win 1 but in mk 3 i believe kahn broke the rules of the tournment and since then it was never focused on as strongly as mk 1 and 2
01/10/2006 06:59 PM (UTC)
This is an interesting way to see the “endâ€? of Mk, similar things have happened to other things, for example: The Harry potter series are ending in book 7, because 7 is considered the most magical number.

Like I said, an interesting way to end the game, BUT, I would like it to end when there really isn’t any more hope for Mk.

I mean, I love the game, the story and all, when there really isn’t anymore to do, then I guess it would be ok to finish the series. Also, 10 could be the official end, but who knows, maybe after many years they start to develop a new Mk and get people interested again.

shadowcat Wrote:
what the hell are u people talking about it was stated if kahn won 10 then the portals will open they have won 9 thx to goro but i believe it never stated how many times the goods guys won

I think its pretty obvious to assume the rules were equal for both realms/sides.

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01/10/2006 07:22 PM (UTC)
Well MK has now survived over 4 gaming console generations, Itsone of Midways trump cards, and it will always sell.

Aslong as we are willing to pay, they are willing to make.

I was bored at work and decided to watch the deadly alliance video review for fun, The reviewer made a damn good point about fighting games not normally having a strong background.

I often complain about the MK story, totally disregarding the fact that its a fighting game, not an RPG. I also tend to forget that having an okay story is a compliment to the fans of the series.

Long sory short, MK will always be around in gaming.
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01/10/2006 09:27 PM (UTC)
RussoRoss Wrote:
It's a pity the impending tenth tournament hasn't been a more significant aspect of the story. But then, if you're fighting to save existence as you know it for the seventh time, you might not consider it very important!

A) People convinced there are ways to wrap the story into being tournaments are probably pushing it farther than it can go. The action has devolved into threats, and responses. It's really removed itself from any tournament structure, or any position of subsequent rule laid down and/or enforced by the Elder Gods, who some people see as flippantly disinterested now.

B) If you're crazy enough to believe each game was a tournament - the Deadly Alliance won. Since Earth beat Onaga, we have until game nineteen now.

They have to be consecutive wins.
01/10/2006 09:46 PM (UTC)

Haha, sorry peeps. Forgot about that entirely.

I still stand by what I said - Mortal Kombat is Mortal Kombat. It doesn't always have to be a tournament. From what I can gather, the rules are these -

1) Every 50 years it happens. ANYONE can compete from either realm. If one realm has 10 straight victories over the other, then the dimensional barriers will be broken and the losing realm will be open to the victorious realm to enter and conquer if they so choose.

2) There is a way around rule one - a realm can challenge another realm at ANY time if they can find a way to get into it (such an occassion has been the case for the past 5 games). If such an occassion occurs, the realm HAS to accept the challenge or they forfeit themselves.

3) Just because you win 10 straight victories doesn't guarantee your conquering - only your access to the realm. Should you win and the portals open to you, the losing realm will still have an opportunity to defend themselves through warfare or Mortal Kombat.
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