Why I think NRS should go all out with DLC character packs
posted03/23/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)by
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

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08/08/2005 04:00 AM (UTC)
Because there's really no reason not too. As I have stated in other threads- we're possibly looking at another four year hiatus in between MKX and MK11, why not spend some of that time releasing DLC to keep the interest in MKX going? Seriously, there's no reason to not support MKX for as long as possible. I mean with MK9, I can understand us only getting 4 characters, that was NRS' first time ever doing DLC and they were testing the waters. But now, they've been around the rodeo more than once, so why not do as much DLC as you can? The cash and fan demand is there. Milk it, as the big wig studio suits would say!

It's DLC, they can take their time with future packs/characters- It's not like they have to rush it out, so we'd still get quality for all those worrying about "Quality Over Quantity". I mean getting 3 character packs or possibly even 4 over a 4 year wait is more than doable, come on.

Here's what I truly want-

Pack 1-


Pack 2- Release date: Fall 2015

4 Mortal Kombat warriors. Perhaps two 3D era and two "classic"? That's probably more realistic than having all 3D era.

Pack 3- Release Date: Spring 2016

4 more MK warriors. Two more "classics" and two more 3D era.

So when all said and done, we'd have 10 more MK fighters added to the roster + Jason & Predator and counting Quan Chi, Kenshi, Shinnok, Tanya, and the four other DLC "3D Era" returnees we'd have a total of 8 characters representing that era! It's perfect.

Yes, I know adding all this up it seems like too much, but as I said, this could be spread out over the next year and there's no reason NOT to do it because fans obviously want more fighters and it means more money for NRS. Hell, they could even crack a fourth and fifth pack if they truly wanted too. I mean there's nothing but time.

I know someone will come in here and call me "greedy". But if wanting to see this game kept alive and supported for as long as possible with new characters added every so often in a world where other game franchises does it all the time is "greedy", then so be it.

Thoughts? What is your ideal DLC character count? What do you think we'll end up getting?

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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/23/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
I'm not counting on anything beyond this first wave of DLC. NRS has Injustice 2 to get started on. Can they have a dedicated "MK DLC" team while they launch Injustice 2 production? Yes, it's possible. But at the present time, I feel Injustice 2 will hold more weight over multiple waves of MK DLC.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 02:31 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
I'm not counting on anything beyond this first wave of DLC. NRS has Injustice 2 to get started on. Can they have a dedicated "MK DLC" team while they launch Injustice 2 production? Yes, it's possible. But at the present time, I feel Injustice 2 will hold more weight over multiple waves of MK DLC.

Very well, but if that's the case I'm at least hoping we'd get one more pack. I mean MK9 had 4, Injustice had 6, the least they could do is give us a solid 8 for MKX rather than just leaving it at Tanya, Tremor, and two guests.

Even with them having to start on Injustice 2, I still don't think there's any excuse for us not to at least get a second pack "Kombat Pack".

That, I do not buy.
03/23/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
Killer Instinct is a game that's pretty much based entirely on DLC, and they seem to be doing fine. With the new online mode, I think they could conceivably keep releasing DLC over the course of two years to keep interest in the game going. Its not like they're short on characters either.

About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/23/2015 02:43 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
I'm not counting on anything beyond this first wave of DLC. NRS has Injustice 2 to get started on. Can they have a dedicated "MK DLC" team while they launch Injustice 2 production? Yes, it's possible. But at the present time, I feel Injustice 2 will hold more weight over multiple waves of MK DLC.

Very well, but if that's the case I'm at least hoping we'd get one more pack. I mean MK9 had 4, Injustice had 6, the least they could do is give us a solid 8 for MKX rather than just leaving it at Tanya, Tremor, and two guests.

Even with them having to start on Injustice 2, I still don't think there's any excuse for us not to at least get a second pack "Kombat Pack".

That, I do not buy.

like I said, a second pack is possible. We have to play the waiting game.

I also think we have to think about the law of diminishing returns here. With each character and Kombat Pack added, I feel the variations will get repetitive or odd. It's already happening now with the initial roster.I'm seeing a lot of familiar/samey zoning and rush down variations. Does Takeda really need light sabers? Does Kung Jin really need a Chakram?

Not hating on Takeda or Kung Jin; I'm greatly looking forward to them. I just think we might have reached the maximum amount of return from the variation system here. Anything beyond the first Kombat Pack might feel like redundancy. Plus, they need to save characters for MK11. I don't want this roster to evolve into an overpopulated Armageddon-type roster.

Basically, quality over quantity. I suspect NRS will have superbly balanced the 2 after the first Kombat Pack.
03/23/2015 02:46 PM (UTC)
I'm not expecting more than 6 characters really.
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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

03/23/2015 02:54 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
I'm not counting on anything beyond this first wave of DLC. NRS has Injustice 2 to get started on. Can they have a dedicated "MK DLC" team while they launch Injustice 2 production? Yes, it's possible. But at the present time, I feel Injustice 2 will hold more weight over multiple waves of MK DLC.

I think they're already working on Injustice 2 IIRC. One of Boon's tweets hinted that they maybe already working on it.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/23/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
Human-Smoke-4-ever Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
I'm not counting on anything beyond this first wave of DLC. NRS has Injustice 2 to get started on. Can they have a dedicated "MK DLC" team while they launch Injustice 2 production? Yes, it's possible. But at the present time, I feel Injustice 2 will hold more weight over multiple waves of MK DLC.

I think they're already working on Injustice 2 IIRC. One of Boon's tweets hinted that they maybe already working on it.

Yea, they probably started Injustice 2 in January, if not earlier.
03/23/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
This would extend the Lifetime of the game a lot!!

Games like Street Fighter do this all the time, But even then Some fans bitch about this because they want that the story of the game continues instead of staying in the same point.

I dont se more tha 2 characters making to DLC after the Kombat Pack. I wouldn ́t mindif they decide to go for an extended period of DLC because NRS is not going to saturate the Market with MK, but i dont see this happening now.

However, they are putting a lot of efort in the MOBILE VERSION of the game, they even keep realising characters for Injustice, maybe if all that effort where focus into the console ́s version, they could have give us more characters or at least more Skins.

I hope they get creative for this one, I would be Blown up if one the Cross plataform unlocks is a character for the Game.

I still hope for Fujin and Havik
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03/23/2015 03:58 PM (UTC)
I really think we wont be getting more DLC, these characters are way more complex and expensive to make but the good thing is we should be getting that answer through data-mining once the game gets released. At this point, this threads are wishful thinking. I understand that it would be great for them to keep ditching out more characters but NRS might have other future projects to think about.

03/23/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.
03/23/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
So when all said and done, we'd have 10 more MK fighters added to the roster + Jason & Predator and counting Quan Chi, Kenshi, Shinnok, Tanya, and the four other DLC "3D Era" returnees we'd have a total of 8 characters representing that era! It's perfect.

8 3D era characters in nowhere near perfect. There are at least 15 characters from that era that are better and more interesting than Kano, Jax, Kung Lao, Sonya etc.

At the least 15! Not counting the likes of Mavado, Taven, Kira that have a few fans as well.

They f***** up this game. Sorry to say it I had faith but now that fate is gone from me.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 04:45 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.

Exactly. I just don't see that happening. It may not be as many as I'm hoping, but at least 4 more MK fighters becoming DLC is more than possible and likely. Especially since TWO spots are being occupied by guests. Seriously, if this would've been it I'm sure they would have opted for ONE guest instead of two.

You can't tell me they're money hungry enough to put Predator and Jason both up as DLC and not money hungry enough to release at least a second Kombat pack. Come on. NRS is a huge company, they can definitely multi-task, to suggest otherwise is pretty insulting.
03/23/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
We'll probably get a second wave. Beyond that, nope.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
So when all said and done, we'd have 10 more MK fighters added to the roster + Jason & Predator and counting Quan Chi, Kenshi, Shinnok, Tanya, and the four other DLC "3D Era" returnees we'd have a total of 8 characters representing that era! It's perfect.

8 3D era characters in nowhere near perfect. .

Considering the fact that we were on the verge of just having Kenshi and Quan Chi to represent that era(yet again)- you better get down on your knees and kiss the ground NRS walks on if we even got 6 3D era characters.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/23/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.

Exactly. I just don't see that happening. It may not be as many as I'm hoping, but at least 4 more MK fighters becoming DLC is more than possible and likely. Especially since TWO spots are being occupied by guests. Seriously, if this would've been it I'm sure they would have opted for ONE guest instead of two.

You can't tell me they're money hungry enough to put Predator and Jason both up as DLC and not money hungry enough to release at least a second Kombat pack. Come on.

You keep bringing up the money angle. I don't think NRS does this because they are "money hungry". They do it because they are a fan-service oriented studio, and they like to shock, surprise, and do things that set them apart from their competition. The money influx is just icing.

Nevertheless, if you want to label them as "money hungry", then that is all the more reason for them to move onto Injustice 2 after the first Kombat Pack. They will make more $$$ from a full fledged sequel to their other lucrative franchise than creating 3 MKX Kombat Packs.
At this point, NRS is in a blessed position (thanks, WB) where they are going to get money regardless of what they do. They don't need to be "money hungry".
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03/23/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
With MKX being on ps4 and the capabilities they now have running this game on new hardware I'd guess 8 dlc.

Mk9 4 dlc
Injustice 6 dlc
Mkx 8 dlc

It's the 2 that has me inclined to think so.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.

Exactly. I just don't see that happening. It may not be as many as I'm hoping, but at least 4 more MK fighters becoming DLC is more than possible and likely. Especially since TWO spots are being occupied by guests. Seriously, if this would've been it I'm sure they would have opted for ONE guest instead of two.

You can't tell me they're money hungry enough to put Predator and Jason both up as DLC and not money hungry enough to release at least a second Kombat pack. Come on.

You keep bringing up the money angle. I don't think NRS does this because they are "money hungry". They do it because they are a fan-service oriented studio, and they like to shock, surprise, and do things that set them apart from their competition. The money influx is just icing.

Nevertheless, if you want to label them as "money hungry", then that is all the more reason for them to move onto Injustice 2 after the first Kombat Pack. They will make more $$$ from a full fledged sequel to their other lucrative franchise than creating 48264384 Kombat Packs.

For fucks sakes, by money hungry I'm meaning they're a BUISNESS. I'm not meaning it in a nasty or disrespectful way, but they're a business- you can't get around that. Of course they do this for fan service, which exactly ties back into why they should at least knock out a second Kombat pack. The game needs to be supported and kept alive and adding new characters is definitely something that would do that. The insane amount of cash they would get from it is a fucking plus. As I said above, insuiating that NRS can't multi-task in creating Injustice 2 AND supply a few DLC packs for MKX is idiotic. And stop hyper bowling- I said 2 or 3 character packs. That's hardly 485665556599.

All I'm saying is- If they have the resources, fan demand, and time- why not try and provide as much DLC as possible? Neathrealm Studios is a huge company, they've come along way since being under Midway, they can definitely provide more than just four DLC characters- two of which are guests.

There's nothing "negative" in what I'm saying. Either way, if NRS is going to release 15 Kombat Packs or just this one- It's all mute anyway considering they most likely already got everything planned and set in stone either way. Still doesn't mean we can't discuss our hopes.
03/23/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
What if they threw another curveball by only releasing 7 characters? Slightly more than Injustice but not a full pack.
03/23/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.

Exactly. I just don't see that happening. It may not be as many as I'm hoping, but at least 4 more MK fighters becoming DLC is more than possible and likely. Especially since TWO spots are being occupied by guests. Seriously, if this would've been it I'm sure they would have opted for ONE guest instead of two.

You can't tell me they're money hungry enough to put Predator and Jason both up as DLC and not money hungry enough to release at least a second Kombat pack. Come on.

You keep bringing up the money angle. I don't think NRS does this because they are "money hungry". They do it because they are a fan-service oriented studio, and they like to shock, surprise, and do things that set them apart from their competition. The money influx is just icing.

Nevertheless, if you want to label them as "money hungry", then that is all the more reason for them to move onto Injustice 2 after the first Kombat Pack. They will make more $$$ from a full fledged sequel to their other lucrative franchise than creating 3 MKX Kombat Packs.

Exactly! I dont see them as "money hungry evil studio" i think they are one of the most fan supporting fan developers ever.

The only thing that stops them for making another MK trilogy/Armaggedon is the fact that they have a Schedule to acomplish and a Big Company that has multiple rolls, that gives them much more responsabilities aside from MK.

So they try to include in the Game many things as posible to please fans, because that ́s what they do for a living, try to make something that people can enjoy. But in order to go foward, to evolve and to make a diference. They have to make decisions.

If they can Make another DLC characters, They will. I ́m really hoping two more characters after Goro and the Kombat pack, maybe we will get some new Skins as well, But i don ́t think that we will get another Full Kombat pack.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/23/2015 05:16 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.

Exactly. I just don't see that happening. It may not be as many as I'm hoping, but at least 4 more MK fighters becoming DLC is more than possible and likely. Especially since TWO spots are being occupied by guests. Seriously, if this would've been it I'm sure they would have opted for ONE guest instead of two.

You can't tell me they're money hungry enough to put Predator and Jason both up as DLC and not money hungry enough to release at least a second Kombat pack. Come on.

You keep bringing up the money angle. I don't think NRS does this because they are "money hungry". They do it because they are a fan-service oriented studio, and they like to shock, surprise, and do things that set them apart from their competition. The money influx is just icing.

Nevertheless, if you want to label them as "money hungry", then that is all the more reason for them to move onto Injustice 2 after the first Kombat Pack. They will make more $$$ from a full fledged sequel to their other lucrative franchise than creating 48264384 Kombat Packs.

For fucks sakes, by money hungry I'm meaning they're a BUISNESS. I'm not meaning it in a nasty or disrespectful way, but they're a business- you can't get around that. Of course they do this for fan service, which exactly ties back into why they should at least knock out a second Kombat pack. The game needs to be supported and kept alive and adding new characters is definitely something that would do that.

All I'm saying is- If they have the resources, fan demand, and time- why not try and provide as much DLC as possible? Neathrealm Studios is a huge company, they've come along way since being under Midway, they can definitely provide more than just four DLC characters- two of which are guests.

There's nothing "negative" in what I'm saying. Either way, if NRS is going to release 15 Kombat Packs or just this one- It's all mute anyway considering they most likely already got everything planned and set in stone either way. Still doesn't mean we can't discuss our hopes.

Not to get all technical and stray from the debate, but "money hungry" is indeed a negative, shady phrase. I get what you mean, now; thanks for clarifying.

Yes, they are a business with a lot of great resources, as you pointed out. They also have to delegate those resources to two franchises that are blessed with fan demand, hence why I don't think we'll be getting multiple Kombat Packs. Again, its possible, and we'll see.

I think just the one Kombat Pack feels inadequate because of the intrusion of 2 guest characters. This I do agree with. I feel that if the Kombat Pack had been 4 MK characters, we wouldn't have a number of people clamoring for a second pack.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
Dantesd94 Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.

Exactly. I just don't see that happening. It may not be as many as I'm hoping, but at least 4 more MK fighters becoming DLC is more than possible and likely. Especially since TWO spots are being occupied by guests. Seriously, if this would've been it I'm sure they would have opted for ONE guest instead of two.

You can't tell me they're money hungry enough to put Predator and Jason both up as DLC and not money hungry enough to release at least a second Kombat pack. Come on.

You keep bringing up the money angle. I don't think NRS does this because they are "money hungry". They do it because they are a fan-service oriented studio, and they like to shock, surprise, and do things that set them apart from their competition. The money influx is just icing.

Nevertheless, if you want to label them as "money hungry", then that is all the more reason for them to move onto Injustice 2 after the first Kombat Pack. They will make more $$$ from a full fledged sequel to their other lucrative franchise than creating 3 MKX Kombat Packs.

Exactly! I dont see them as "money hungry evil studio" .

What the fuck? Where you people getting "money hungry evil studio" from? Because you're certainly not getting it from me. If I thought they were a money hungry "evil" studio, don't you think I would be hating the idea of more DLC than actually wanting it? Logic doesn't work on MKO, I should know that by now.

I simply was using the term "money hungry" as just a way of saying they're a business. Businesses make money. There's nothing "evil" in that.

Actually read the entirety of my posts and not just a few sentences before skipping off and replying.
03/23/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)
The predator pack is awesome. If you're going to do guests then the skins that fit the theme are the way to go, adding actor likenesses are even cooler imo. The horror pack sounds great too. To me the non mkx characters sound like the more interesting ones. I wouldn't mind more movie characters and skins to fit the theme. Cage needs an ash skin if he can't get his own character.
03/23/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
The predator pack is awesome. If you're going to do guests then the skins that fit the theme are the way to go, adding actor likenesses are even cooler imo. The horror pack sounds great too. To me the non mkx characters sound like the more interesting ones. I wouldn't mind more movie characters and skins to fit the theme. Cage needs an ash skin if he can't get his own character.

Hail to the king, baby wink
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I agree with Ahnka. And I definitely think there will be more DLC characters. Finishing MKX DLC with only 2 MK characters? Nah.

Exactly. I just don't see that happening. It may not be as many as I'm hoping, but at least 4 more MK fighters becoming DLC is more than possible and likely. Especially since TWO spots are being occupied by guests. Seriously, if this would've been it I'm sure they would have opted for ONE guest instead of two.

You can't tell me they're money hungry enough to put Predator and Jason both up as DLC and not money hungry enough to release at least a second Kombat pack. Come on.

You keep bringing up the money angle. I don't think NRS does this because they are "money hungry". They do it because they are a fan-service oriented studio, and they like to shock, surprise, and do things that set them apart from their competition. The money influx is just icing.

Nevertheless, if you want to label them as "money hungry", then that is all the more reason for them to move onto Injustice 2 after the first Kombat Pack. They will make more $$$ from a full fledged sequel to their other lucrative franchise than creating 48264384 Kombat Packs.

For fucks sakes, by money hungry I'm meaning they're a BUISNESS. I'm not meaning it in a nasty or disrespectful way, but they're a business- you can't get around that. Of course they do this for fan service, which exactly ties back into why they should at least knock out a second Kombat pack. The game needs to be supported and kept alive and adding new characters is definitely something that would do that.

All I'm saying is- If they have the resources, fan demand, and time- why not try and provide as much DLC as possible? Neathrealm Studios is a huge company, they've come along way since being under Midway, they can definitely provide more than just four DLC characters- two of which are guests.

There's nothing "negative" in what I'm saying. Either way, if NRS is going to release 15 Kombat Packs or just this one- It's all mute anyway considering they most likely already got everything planned and set in stone either way. Still doesn't mean we can't discuss our hopes.

Not to get all technical and stray from the debate, but "money hungry" is indeed a negative, shady phrase. I get what you mean, now; thanks for clarifying.

Yes, they are a business with a lot of great resources, as you pointed out. They also have to delegate those resources to two franchises that are blessed with fan demand, hence why I don't think we'll be getting multiple Kombat Packs. Again, its possible, and we'll see.

I think just the one Kombat Pack feels inadequate because of the intrusion of 2 guest characters. This I do agree with. I feel that if the Kombat Pack had been 4 MK characters, we wouldn't have a number of people clamoring for a second pack.

Definitely agreed. I mean I love Jason and all, but there were definitely two other solid highly demanded MK characters that could've had those spots. That's why it would truly suck if this was the only pack we got before having to wait 4+ years for MK11.
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