Why I believe Fujin will be the playable Day 1
posted04/02/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/04/2011 06:59 PM (UTC)
For sometime now we've known the official roster for MKX (or so we thought). In the last five or so Kombat Kast there has been a random select slot within the character select screen. I thought that was a weird place to put random select seeing as we've always had random select as a button like in MK9 or Injustice or up and start like back in the SNES days.

When I saw this I took it at face value. I thought well I guess there is only 25 playable characters and Fujin is just an NPC in the story. Until Ed Boon answered a tweet from a fan "there is a character that is unlocked after you beat story," said Boon

Automatically I thought well that's Liu Kang and I dismissed the thought of Fujin. But within the last week now after seeing Kang in Kombat Kast 8 and Fujin in the first 30 minutes of story mode that's been around from the numerous people that went to Netherrealm last Thursday.

In my humble opinion I think that Fujin is to well put together for him to just be a NPC and if it was going to be Kang why would they show him so early? One might say that it's because of the Shaolin trailer announced him. But think about it Jacque and Sonya have been confirmed for over a month and we still have yet to see them in gameplay.

So my thought is that the random select spot is a spot holder to fool us to believe there are only 25 playable characters. Day one I believe that spot will be blank and random select will be a button like before and you'll be able to unlock Fujin after beating the story.

Now this is just my opinion I have no facts to back this up so take it as an opinion, but it just seems so weird to have random select take up a roster spot.
04/01/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
Fujin can be the unlockable or he can't.

Different costumes doesn't mean an instant playable character, his costume is just a modified look from his MKA costume. I do believe Fujin stands a chance at being the unlockable and I hope he is but so does Rain/Havik/Reiko. Any of these characters could be the unlockable.
04/01/2015 05:47 PM (UTC)
For sometime now we've known the official roster for MKX (or so we thought). In the last five or so Kombat Kast there has been a random select slot within the character select screen. I thought that was a weird place to put random select seeing as we've always had random select as a button like in MK9 or Injustice or up and start like back in the SNES days.

When I saw this I took it at face value. I thought well I guess there is only 25 playable characters and Fujin is just an NPC in the story. Until Ed Boon answered a tweet from a fan "there is a character that is unlocked after you beat story," said Boon

Automatically I thought well that's Liu Kang and I dismissed the thought of Fujin. But within the last week now after seeing Kang in Kombat Kast 8 and Fujin in the first 30 minutes of story mode that's been around from the numerous people that went to Netherrealm last Thursday.

In my humble opinion I think that Fujin is to well put together for him to just be a NPC and if it was going to be Kang why would they show him so early? One might say that it's because of the Shaolin trailer announced him. But think about it Jacque and Sonya have been confirmed for over a month and we still have yet to see them in gameplay.

So my thought is that the random select spot is a spot holder to fool us to believe there are only 25 playable characters. Day one I believe that spot will be blank and random select will be a button like before and you'll be able to unlock Fujin after beating the story.

Now this is just my opinion I have no facts to back this up so take it as an opinion, but it just seems so weird to have random select take up a roster spot.

I've seen a few people think this, and I hope it's right! I don't want to get my hopes up just yet though, in case it does turn out to be Liu Kang or Shinnok.
04/01/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
For sometime now we've known the official roster for MKX (or so we thought). In the last five or so Kombat Kast there has been a random select slot within the character select screen. I thought that was a weird place to put random select seeing as we've always had random select as a button like in MK9 or Injustice or up and start like back in the SNES days.

When I saw this I took it at face value. I thought well I guess there is only 25 playable characters and Fujin is just an NPC in the story. Until Ed Boon answered a tweet from a fan "there is a character that is unlocked after you beat story," said Boon

Automatically I thought well that's Liu Kang and I dismissed the thought of Fujin. But within the last week now after seeing Kang in Kombat Kast 8 and Fujin in the first 30 minutes of story mode that's been around from the numerous people that went to Netherrealm last Thursday.

In my humble opinion I think that Fujin is to well put together for him to just be a NPC and if it was going to be Kang why would they show him so early? One might say that it's because of the Shaolin trailer announced him. But think about it Jacque and Sonya have been confirmed for over a month and we still have yet to see them in gameplay.

So my thought is that the random select spot is a spot holder to fool us to believe there are only 25 playable characters. Day one I believe that spot will be blank and random select will be a button like before and you'll be able to unlock Fujin after beating the story.

Now this is just my opinion I have no facts to back this up so take it as an opinion, but it just seems so weird to have random select take up a roster spot.

What if Fujin was the main bad guy.
About Me
04/01/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
Well all the other NPCs are well put together with new models, too.
04/01/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
Its going to be a character that hasnt been revealed yet through gameplay. Quan Chi was the unlockable and so was CyberSubzero and little info was released about them in MK9. My bet is Fujin since he looks pretty dope and he is a little modified from his MKA look. I really hope MKX gets two unlocks like MK9 because I'm still praying for Rain. I hold on to hope since his outfit has been remodeled unlike the rest of the revenants we've seen so far.
04/01/2015 06:00 PM (UTC)
MrInternational Wrote:
I'm still praying for Rain.

You and me both. I still want to see Rain in MKX despite me knowing he stands little to no chance at being playable. It's weird that they left Rain out, I would think that since Ed Boon likes Rain he should have been the first on the roster of MKX. Not only that but they obviously know Rain has a good amount of fans out there.

Still holding out hope for Rain but if it's Fujin/Havik/Reiko, I'd be happy as well, not as happy as if it's Rain but still happy.
04/01/2015 06:03 PM (UTC)
What if Fujin was the main bad guy.

Whoa, i never thought of that possibility.
04/01/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)
I don't think he'll be on disc as playable. If we get more dlc then yeah he'll be in.
04/01/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
iLLMatikk Wrote:
What if Fujin was the main bad guy.

Whoa, i never thought of that possibility.

It was rumored a long time ago. I can see him betraying raiden for raiden messing up and trying to save the earth realm himself just to be corrupted.
04/01/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Fujin can be the unlockable or he can't.

Different costumes doesn't mean an instant playable character, his costume is just a modified look from his MKA costume.

Fujin's design is actually a lot different than the MKA version. Some significant changes were made ; some good, some okay. It actually looks like they combined his MK4/Mythologies and Armageddon designs into one. haha

My biggest reason for hoping that Fujin is the Unlockable as opposed to DLC is that it will almost guarantee him having at least 1 alternate costume. I'd be the happiest derp in the world if that's the case.
04/01/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Fujin can be the unlockable or he can't.

Different costumes doesn't mean an instant playable character, his costume is just a modified look from his MKA costume.

Fujin's design is actually a lot different than the MKA version. Some significant changes were made ; some good, some okay. It actually looks like they combined his MK4/Mythologies and Armageddon designs into one. haha

My biggest reason for hoping that Fujin is the Unlockable as opposed to DLC is that it will almost guarantee him having at least 1 alternate costume. I'd be the happiest derp in the world if that's the case.

Sure it's not the exact same MKA costume but you can see that it isn't a whole new design like Kitana's design or Mileena's design or the other playable characters. I actually like his design, I think it's good for Fujin and I'd be happy if he is an unlockable. I've said it before, He needs to be playable in this game whether it's DLC or an actual unlockable. I would not be upset if he is.

But I still don't think his MKX design from the story is sooo different from his previous designs, I like the head thingy he is wearing, if I remember correctly he wore that in MK:SZM and I love that game.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/01/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Fujin can be the unlockable or he can't.

Different costumes doesn't mean an instant playable character, his costume is just a modified look from his MKA costume.

Fujin's design is actually a lot different than the MKA version. Some significant changes were made ; some good, some okay. It actually looks like they combined his MK4/Mythologies and Armageddon designs into one. haha

My biggest reason for hoping that Fujin is the Unlockable as opposed to DLC is that it will almost guarantee him having at least 1 alternate costume. I'd be the happiest derp in the world if that's the case.

Sure it's not the exact same MKA costume but you can see that it isn't a whole new design like Kitana's design or Mileena's design or the other playable characters. I actually like his design, I think it's good for Fujin and I'd be happy if he is an unlockable. I've said it before, He needs to be playable in this game whether it's DLC or an actual unlockable. I would not be upset if he is.

But I still don't think his MKX design from the story is sooo different from his previous designs, I like the head thingy he is wearing, if I remember correctly he wore that in MK:SZM and I love that game.

Your point? Is Raiden's design sooooooo different from his previous designs? Is Sonya's design soooo different from previous designs? No.

Not everyone received a complete overhaul in the look department. But it's clear Fujin is rocking a new design that's not just a quick mod of his MKA outfit, and the fact that you just admitted out of your own big mouth that they've went the extra mile in incorporating elements from his MK: SZM design, means something.

Do I think Fujin will be playable? Meh, who knows, but I know he damn sure looks the best he has ever had and it's more than just a "quick mod".
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/01/2015 08:31 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Well all the other NPCs are well put together with new models, too.


Seriously guys, this is getting sad now.

This same thing could be said for Rain if they was to show the entire chapter where Kotal Kahn gets dropkicked off a building by Rain.
04/01/2015 08:32 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Your point? Is Raiden's design sooooooo different from his previous designs? Is Sonya's design soooo different from previous designs? No.

Not everyone received a complete overhaul in the look department. But it's clear Fujin is rocking a new design that's not just a quick mod of his MKA outfit, and the fact that you just admitted out of your own big mouth that they've went the extra mile in incorporating elements from his MK: SZM design, means something.

Do I think Fujin will be playable? Meh, who knows, but I know he damn sure looks the best he has ever had and it's more than just a "quick mod".

Clam down, princess. I don't have a big mouth :p.

But my point is, if you compare his design to the designs in MKX you can see an obvious difference. While other designs like Raiden and Sonya are more detailed and obviously have some work put into them, Fujin's design is not that. I do think it's possible that he is playable and I hope he is, I've said it many times, this game must have Fujin, if it doesn't it would be a real shame.

I'm not against Fujin but I'm just trying to be realistic and pointing out facts.

Raiden,Sonya and all the other playable characters in MKX obviously have noticeably changed and detailed designs while others like Fujin, don't. Although to be fair, Johnny Cage in MKX has the most bland design of all the playable and non-playable characters, So I might be completely wrong about this and Fujin is in fact the unlockable which I'm hoping he is.
04/01/2015 08:34 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Well all the other NPCs are well put together with new models, too.


Seriously guys, this is getting sad now.

This same thing could be said for Rain if they was to show the entire chapter where Kotal Kahn gets dropkicked off a building by Rain.

Good for you? In a franchise with tons of secrets in its games people like to have hope that, oh I don't know, NRS didn't blow their entire wad and reveal literally every character before release.

If people want to hope, let them hope. They don't really need people pointing out whether it's "sad" or not. I'm not sitting here counting my bets on Fujin being playable, however if the unlockable is someone we've already seen then I'mma be highly pissed off.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/01/2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Well all the other NPCs are well put together with new models, too.


Seriously guys, this is getting sad now.

This same thing could be said for Rain if they was to show the entire chapter where Kotal Kahn gets dropkicked off a building by Rain.

Good for you? In a franchise with tons of secrets in its games people like to have hope that, oh I don't know, NRS didn't blow their entire wad and reveal literally every character before release.

If people want to hope, let them hope. They don't really need people pointing out whether it's "sad" or not. I'm not sitting here counting my bets on Fujin being playable, however if the unlockable is someone we've already seen then I'mma be highly pissed off.

I'm sorry, but the reason of "He has a detailed costume" is starting to bug me now. Whatever, have hope because of that reason, have hope because he had a moment in a few cinematics. I held my tongue and respect that thought when everyone basically kept saying it after IGN's 25 min chapter video got Threaded. I didn't say a thing. And trust me, I want Fujin in the game just as bad, but my hope meter is not budging, not even after that video.

But when someone says "That question mark box is a character BECAUSE of their outfit", now you're just reaching.

Is it a possibility? Of course.

But as stated, Fujin is not the only person who received the same treatment. At least remember that.
04/01/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Well all the other NPCs are well put together with new models, too.


Seriously guys, this is getting sad now.

This same thing could be said for Rain if they was to show the entire chapter where Kotal Kahn gets dropkicked off a building by Rain.

Good for you? In a franchise with tons of secrets in its games people like to have hope that, oh I don't know, NRS didn't blow their entire wad and reveal literally every character before release.

If people want to hope, let them hope. They don't really need people pointing out whether it's "sad" or not. I'm not sitting here counting my bets on Fujin being playable, however if the unlockable is someone we've already seen then I'mma be highly pissed off.

I'm sorry, but the reason of "He has a detailed costume" is starting to bug me now. Whatever, have hope because of that reason, have hope because he had a moment in a few cinematics. I held my tongue and respect that thought when everyone basically kept saying it after IGN's 25 min chapter video got Threaded. I didn't say a thing. And trust me, I want Fujin in the game just as bad, but my hope meter is not budging, not even after that video.

But when someone says "That question mark box is a character BECAUSE of their outfit", now you're just reaching.

Is it a possibility? Of course.

But as stated, Fujin is not the only person who received the same treatment. At least remember that.

I'm not expecting anything of the sort. I came to the dreaded conclusion of the 24 roster long ago, all I'm saying is don't be such a debby downer and let people have their speculatory fun. If it bugs you, then go to another thread. That simple.

As for the question mark, leaving aside whether I think it'll still be there on release because that's irrelevant, that's another bullshitty thing I don't like about this game. It's taking up ugly space when it could be somewhere else like the previous games. It's honestly an eyesore.

As a final note, outfits aside, there are certain characters whose models look like they could (note for you *COULD*) be playable due to extremely higher detail/polygons (Fujin) against models that look as if they have lower detail/polygons (Bo' Rai Cho). Whether that means an NPC fight, Tower cameo, possible DLC, hidden fighter, doesn't matter. Just the mere fact we've now seen cameos with both ends of the spectrum fuels speculation. If that sticks a pin in your ass, well then, don't know what to tell ya.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/01/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Well all the other NPCs are well put together with new models, too.


Seriously guys, this is getting sad now.

This same thing could be said for Rain if they was to show the entire chapter where Kotal Kahn gets dropkicked off a building by Rain.

Good for you? In a franchise with tons of secrets in its games people like to have hope that, oh I don't know, NRS didn't blow their entire wad and reveal literally every character before release.

If people want to hope, let them hope. They don't really need people pointing out whether it's "sad" or not. I'm not sitting here counting my bets on Fujin being playable, however if the unlockable is someone we've already seen then I'mma be highly pissed off.

I'm sorry, but the reason of "He has a detailed costume" is starting to bug me now. Whatever, have hope because of that reason, have hope because he had a moment in a few cinematics. I held my tongue and respect that thought when everyone basically kept saying it after IGN's 25 min chapter video got Threaded. I didn't say a thing. And trust me, I want Fujin in the game just as bad, but my hope meter is not budging, not even after that video.

But when someone says "That question mark box is a character BECAUSE of their outfit", now you're just reaching.

Is it a possibility? Of course.

But as stated, Fujin is not the only person who received the same treatment. At least remember that.

I'm not expecting anything of the sort. I came to the dreaded conclusion of the 24 roster long ago, all I'm saying is don't be such a debby downer and let people have their speculatory fun. If it bugs you, then go to another thread. That simple.

As for the question mark, leaving aside whether I think it'll still be there on release because that's irrelevant, that's another bullshitty thing I don't like about this game. It's taking up ugly space when it could be somewhere else like the previous games. It's honestly an eyesore.

As a final note, outfits aside, there are certain characters whose models look like they could (note for you *COULD*) be playable due to extremely higher detail/polygons (Fujin) against models that look as if they have lower detail/polygons (Bo' Rai Cho). Whether that means an NPC fight, Tower cameo, possible DLC, hidden fighter, doesn't matter. Just the mere fact we've now seen cameos with both ends of the spectrum fuels speculation. If that sticks a pin in your ass, well then, don't know what to tell ya.

Yes! Preach!
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/01/2015 09:36 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
all I'm saying is don't be such a debby downer and let people have their speculatory fun. If it bugs you, then go to another thread. That simple.

I saw a subject that looked debatable and I express my opinion on another person's opinion.
Whether or not a person see the opinions as positive or negative is all on them.
That's how a message board works.
04/01/2015 09:38 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
all I'm saying is don't be such a debby downer and let people have their speculatory fun. If it bugs you, then go to another thread. That simple.

I saw a subject that looked debatable and I express my opinion on another person's opinion.
Whether or not a person see the opinions as positive or negative is all on them.
That's how a message board works.

Yes, there's debating opinion and then there's shitting on everyone else by calling said debate sad. That was my point was to just cool off and let people have their fun.

Also, honestly wondering your views on models/polygon counts since we should bypass the outfit argument completely as its fairly obvious everyone will look updated.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/01/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Yes, there's debating opinion and then there's shitting on everyone else by calling said debate sad. That was my point was to just cool off and let people have their fun.

Right. I guess I see the negative part of my post now.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Also, honestly wondering your views on models/polygon counts since we should bypass the outfit argument completely as its fairly obvious everyone will look updated.

I don't understand.
04/01/2015 09:45 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Yes, there's debating opinion and then there's shitting on everyone else by calling said debate sad. That was my point was to just cool off and let people have their fun.

Right. I guess I see the negative part of my post now.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Also, honestly wondering your views on models/polygon counts since we should bypass the outfit argument completely as its fairly obvious everyone will look updated.

I don't understand.

The in-game models. Some look more detailed than others in the face, hair and clothing. Fujin and Bo Rai Cho look like they're both from different games almost.
04/01/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
Fujin should be in the game, he's from MK4 and has a lot of potential!! Also, I want his ending of MK4 to be real in this new timeline, thus taking over for Raiden.
Adam Ronin
04/01/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
I expect Shinnok is the bad guy, I expect him to not be on the sleet screen until after story mode completion and I expect that random select spot to remain. Don't get your hopes up.
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