whos happy with the story direction thus far
posted05/19/2005 01:12 PM (UTC)by
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06/25/2004 09:21 AM (UTC)
me personally...i think it's going great thus far....some huge plot twists lately have made major players out of people that were considered mino charactars....i.e. noob saibot is the original sub zero, quan chi and shang tsung defeat earth realm, reptile becomes the dragon king, havik resurecting shao kahn,....though i think the game cube version screwed that up(did they change havik's ending?), and not to forget scorpion becoming the elder god's enforcer...the introduction of the "one being" story was great....but....i believe that some of the charactars were very short changed....sub zero for instance...not to mention the fact that he was killed in a few endings...but his ending sucked, his bio pretty much revealed what his ending would be....this is the kind of short changing i'm not happy about.....give him a real ending....overall the story has really come along(a few plot holes aside)....

so are you happy with the way the story is going and...where would you like to see the story go...shao kahn back in power....a second game for the dragon king, or a whole new threat?
05/15/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)
I think the whole "One Being" thing really messed up MK's story...
05/16/2005 04:32 AM (UTC)
Deadly Alliance had a few problems with the story, but overall it was ok. Deception had a horrible story IMO. Ever since MK went to 3-D, though, the story has gone downhill, just like the gameplay (IMO).
05/16/2005 04:44 AM (UTC)
SonOf100Maniacs Wrote:
Deadly Alliance had a few problems with the story, but overall it was ok. Deception had a horrible story IMO. Ever since MK went to 3-D, though, the story has gone downhill, just like the gameplay (IMO).

Dude, Mk has not gone downhill since it turned into 3D models. If you listen carefully they started 3D in MK4 and continued it successfully in MKDA. MKD was kind of a letdown graphics wise and maybe even story wise, however the transfromation to 3D is excactly what should have happened to MK.wink
05/16/2005 07:48 AM (UTC)
Havik resurrected the clone, described in Shao Kahn's Bio as his decoy for fleeing into the wilderness of Outworld. wink
05/16/2005 07:56 AM (UTC)
Personally, I think MKD has ruined a lot of the good storyline developments in MKDA. Why is Liu Kang back so soon after his death? Getting this stale character out of the picture was perfect in building up guys like Kung Lao and Sub Zero for possible hero roles. Why has Kung Lao been shit on once again, all the build up he had in MKDA, then MKD reduces him and his friends to unplayable zombie slaves (and why kill them in the first place if you're just gonna ressurect them like that).

Why is Quan Chi nowhere to be seen? He's one of the major villains, came out on top in the Shang/Quan/Raiden brawl, and evidence shows he escaped the blast. Why didn't they keep Kabal as the anti hero vigilante from MK3 plus, I thought he was better like this than leading the directionless new Black Dragon. Why was Mavado, an important character in MKDA who tied in with much of the story, got rid of just like that (though we know death is meaningless, so he'll most likely be back).

And Onaga turned out a disappointment after the cool build up he'd received, more of a sub boss really. But the worst thing about MKD's plot is Shujinko. An unlikeable, move stealing old fart, forced down our throats as "the new Liu Kang" (Boon's own words), and having the MKD plot reshaped to revolve around him. On the plus side, I do like the new Dark Raiden, and hope his ending comes true, there's a lot of potential there, and we can get rid of Shujinko. I do agree that it was cool to give less established classics some much needed build up, but it's a shame they didn't all get it. Revealing Noob to actually be classic Sub Zero, and transforming Ermac from cheap pallete swap to powerful hero were great moves. But some, like Nightwolf and Tanya (she should not have returned, imo) were just kinda there.
05/16/2005 07:05 PM (UTC)
The story in MK:D was decent, but it was character development that lacked, this time. Sub-Zero's ending was a ripoff, most of the new characters sucked, and Lui Kang was brought back after only one game. So yeah, my opinion on that matter.
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05/16/2005 07:49 PM (UTC)
The positive sides of MKD:

-killing off the major good guys was a good twist, allowing to show the true menace Shang Tsung and Quan Chi provided.
-introducing the other realms. Seido and Chaosrealm is and can be a good addition.
-bad move with Shujinkos not so serious lifeline konquest. Overall his concept is good, but horribl executed.
-characteristic new kombatants (Hotaru, Havik) except for again fillers and messups (Kobra-nowhere near the distuinguishable Hsu Hao though good idea as a sociopath, Shujinko-in plotline terms wise he is weak)

-Tanyas plotline
-Sub-Zeros importance grows, but for what? No storyline climax for him?
-the endings aren't so logical and throw away the good start of certain characters to make them look like idiots.
-Seido/Chaosrealm undeveloped though very good idea.
-One Being should have remained a mystery I think -yet.

05/16/2005 08:21 PM (UTC)
red_dragon Wrote:
Personally, I think MKD has ruined a lot of the good storyline developments in MKDA. Why is Liu Kang back so soon after his death? Getting this stale character out of the picture was perfect in building up guys like Kung Lao and Sub Zero for possible hero roles. Why has Kung Lao been shit on once again, all the build up he had in MKDA, then MKD reduces him and his friends to unplayable zombie slaves (and why kill them in the first place if you're just gonna ressurect them like that).

Why is Quan Chi nowhere to be seen? He's one of the major villains, came out on top in the Shang/Quan/Raiden brawl, and evidence shows he escaped the blast. Why didn't they keep Kabal as the anti hero vigilante from MK3 plus, I thought he was better like this than leading the directionless new Black Dragon. Why was Mavado, an important character in MKDA who tied in with much of the story, got rid of just like that (though we know death is meaningless, so he'll most likely be back).

And Onaga turned out a disappointment after the cool build up he'd received, more of a sub boss really. But the worst thing about MKD's plot is Shujinko. An unlikeable, move stealing old fart, forced down our throats as "the new Liu Kang" (Boon's own words), and having the MKD plot reshaped to revolve around him. On the plus side, I do like the new Dark Raiden, and hope his ending comes true, there's a lot of potential there, and we can get rid of Shujinko.

I do agree that it was cool to give less established classics some much needed build up, but it's a shame they didn't all get it. Revealing Noob to actually be classic Sub Zero, and transforming Ermac from cheap pallete swap to powerful hero were great moves. But some, like Nightwolf and Tanya (she should not have returned, imo) were just kinda there.

Wow, I agree with absolutely everything you just said...
05/16/2005 09:17 PM (UTC)
I think in general Deceptions sotryline was pretty bad.

I mean, they killed off Kung Lao, Kitana, Johnny Cage, Jax and Sonya. Then brought them back to life as evil assassins/minions...........but completely ignored them and didnt include any of the in the story except Kitana. Especially disappointing for me....for 2 reasons.....was leaving out Kitana. Firstly on the storyline basis....she is built up as this key integral figure.....then left out. WTF!? And also she's my fave tongue

They also kinda built Sareena and Sektor in the story with MK:TE. Both were expected to be in Deception.......but again left out.

The whole one being thing was just stupid and slightly confusing and ruined Onaga.

Chaosrelam/Orderrealm storyline was so under developed that it seemed very out of place in not only MKD but the whole MK Saga.

Also the return of popular character with very weak stories was also a let down....Nightwolf, Baraka, Kabal, Smoke and Tanya all had poor stories.

And the Dark Rayden business.......completely ruined Rayden IMO. I was never a Rayden fan, but its too much of a character twist to make him basically evil. Also, he dies at the start but then is reformed and comes back. What happened to Shang Tsung and Quan Chi??? We get a hint that Shang Tsung died, but if raiden didnt die.....then surely the sorcerors didnt either. no mention of Quan Chi whatsoever.

Overall.........Deception = Disappointing.
About Me

Save a life; Kill a necromorph

05/17/2005 07:03 PM (UTC)
i was disappointed with the Noob Saibot/Classic Sub Zero connection
05/19/2005 12:17 AM (UTC)
i wouldn't say the story line went to shit but it did leave somehting to be desired i think mkda had the best storyline thus far

things mkd failed to do:
show us mavado and kabal going at it
mavado was a big part of mkda and rather popular yeat a new game comes around and he's dead... fuck that

give some of the heroes from da a more active role
especially the afformentioned kung lao.. i could give 2 shits about the rest

a BIG character feud there was really no big feud in mkd
hotaru vs. havik - wasn't even explored
hotaru vs. darrius - just sucked
hotaru vs. dairou - no real feud dairou jsut walks around killing for money
shujinko vs. scorpion- no real feud there either
we need something along like the origional subzero vs. scorpion feud... even kano vs. sonya would have been fine
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05/19/2005 04:17 AM (UTC)
MKKitana Wrote:

Also the return of popular character with very weak stories was also a let down....Nightwolf, Baraka, Kabal, Smoke and Tanya all had poor stories.

Agreed, especially concerning Kabal, Nightwolf, and Smoke. It sickens me that they revive these characters ONLY because the fans want them. If that's the only reason, then it's obvious they have no future in MK7.
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05/19/2005 05:13 AM (UTC)
It doesn't bother me that characters are brought back because the fans want them. However, it bothers me a lot when the characters are brought back with crappy, uninteresting, uninspired storylines. Baraka is by far my favorite character, but when I read his bio and saw his ending in MK:D I just sighed. Why bring him back just to kill or be killed by Mileena? Very lame.

I also agree with what alot of you are saying:

Shujinko was a so-so idea that was horribly executed and I hope that Rayden's ending comes true. No WAY should he be the next champion of Earth.

The order/chaos realms were completely underdeveloped (not to mention butt ugly in konquest) and for me, if they just scrapped those realms and never spoke of them again, it would be just fine by me.

Sub-Zero needs a make over (and I'm not just talking about the Shredder mask). His story started off fine and then went no where at all.

I like that Scorpion has a new role. I hope they expand on it (maybe even make him human again? Or a diety?)

I would like Rayden to be evil. He looks cooler and is finally doing something different for a change.

I liked the Noob twist ending. I thought that it was a stroke of genius. It gives a character who was practically a joke before an actual role.

Ermac's update was awesome. Nightwolf, Tanya, Kabal, Smoke, Liu Kang...Not so much.

Kung Lao needs to be the hero. Let Liu Kang go for at least a few more games. Say his soul traveled up to the heavens like Cage's has eight or nine times.

There needs to be new rivalries. I'd like to see:

Kano Vs Kabal (for control of the Black Dragon)
Rayden Vs Kung Lao
Sub Zero Vs Sektor

Just to name a few.

As far as what I'd like to see, I want the next game to involve the Elder Gods more. They turn against mankind for all of its failings (allowing Khan to enter Earthrealm in MK3, allowing the Deadly Alliance to reanimate the DK's army, Shujinko allowing the DK to return etc). Seeing Earthrealm as weak, corrupted, and somewhat of a failed experiment, the Elder Gods seek to destroy Earth and start over again. Scorpion is their Champion, Rayden is their general. This would bring together uneasy alliances where backstabbing is possible if not probable. Fujin is the Earth's guide, Kung Lao is the reluctant champion. The rest of my plot ideas are on a thread on this board if you'd like to check out the rest. But this is where I would like to see the plot go.
05/19/2005 01:12 PM (UTC)
Elder gods wouldn't turn against mankind, they are mere watchers and sit by and watch events, good guys against all powerful gods who turned evil=good guys lose and no more mk games. Besides elder gods don't just watch humans they watch all reamls planets and existence.

Deception wasn't all that great as it was hyped up to be. I even bought the special edition for 60 bucks and it wasn't all that great, i got the sub zero thing and it misspelled moloch as molok and it had scorpions data.

As for the game it was kinda nice to see a main staple and lead character get killed off, it would be nice to hav e him come back but after hes been gone for more than one or two games. Every game has characters that are staples, they are the ones that usually appear in the games. Each game has a mold that they have and eventually staples are put into them, and then it takes shape. You can work the mold around the staples but they each have their own individual areas that can't be disturbed. The area around the zone that can't be distrubed has to be molded around that staple or character. Eventurallly the staple can be remove and then you have an area that has been left of an imprint but can be molded over the create soemthing new. With MK, they take away and put back staples as they please. Just my talk about staples and such

-Reptile isn’t the dragon king.

-Quan chi and shang didn’t defeat earth realm they just defeated the warriors., there are stil some on earth that are going to protect it, like fujin etc.

-we don’t know if havik resurrected kahn clone yet.

I don’t think the one being, being introduced here was bad, when was he supposed to be introduced? Under what circumstances would it be more suitable? I though it was fine

I also didn’t have a problem with MK4

I didn’t like the fact that liu was back so soon after his death, kung lao and rest of earth hero’s should’ve stepped up to the role that he filled.

Don’t like how the earth heroes were easily defeated and killed in MKDA by the tarkatans when obviously in MKSM they have no problem dispatching them.

Quan and shang are dead as it was stated in one of the bios, not sure which one since I haven’t played it in like 6+ months since it became stale pretty quickly.

Don’t like how kabal is bad now and leading a new black dragon that is supposedly more “ruthless” than the old which I honestly doubt. Also don’t like how he recruits two, has them fight each other to the death which lowers the number of useful and skilled recruits. Whats to say that the new recruit won’t turn on kabal and assume leadership since kabal pretty much taught them to turn on each other just for a position in an organization. I honestly think that kabal has one of those chaos necklaces around his neck. Making him bad as just a thing to do since the games was lacking bad guy organizations. Not to mention that kabal has a habit of being left for dead, once with the extermination squads and then with mavado.

Also don’t really like “cannon fodder” characters that are introduced in one game just to get killed like hsu hao, frost, mavado, kobra. I think they just killed kobra since he looked too much like ken masters from Street fighter, a magazine even reported saying that it was a fact that ken was in the game. Also don’t like how mavado was killed offscreen, we should have been given the chance to play as him and view it from his angle and see what would’ve happen if he had won.

Like in the Intro with onaga being so powerful that not even the combined efforts of raiden quan and shang could stop him, but didn’t like how he could be easily defeated with repeated combos, or other wise killed with simple martial arts proving that raiden didn’t need to go all a-bomb on the place since if all three teamed up they probably could’ve taken him.

Didn’t mind shujinko but don’t like how hes phrased as the next “liu kang” and how from the looks of it he may be the fighter that can beat up anyone since he can absorb their fighting ability. Also didn’t like how his konquest mode made some inconsistences with the games and such etc., like we don’t have other confusing questions about other things with the story, along with how things work and such. Konquest should have been some kind of adventure game like shaolin monks. Don’t mind if he sticks around for other games.

Didn’t mind the return of nightwolf and Tanya although she shouldn’t have white eyes, I think they just do that to giver her more sinister look.

Don’t know why the DK made the fallen earth realm warriors his slaves and not have them fight for him.

Don’t mind that they have characters that don’t have much to do with the main storyline such as ashrah who can’t leave the netherealm and hasn’t left the netherealm during MKD. Or sector and noob in MKTE. They are merely side stories

Raiden is a god, just because he released his ethereal energies in a blast and reforms on earth isn’t a reason or proof that the sorcerors are alive. Him being a god leads to another confusing story issue.

Don’t mind if they bring back classics who aren’t dead, I always wonder what happened to them. Johnny cage dieing from assassination squad was overwritten.

Don’t like how they added kahn and goro as the characters for gamecube. It really messed up the story, they could’ve added others like sareena , sektor and such. Story is getting better and starting into a new arc but still falls short.
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