Which characters would you redeem in the next MK game?
posted05/09/2011 03:23 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
There a obviously a ton of MK characters, and while some have appeared in several games, others have only appeared in one or two. Some in the MK universe have only appeared in cut scenes and some have only been referenced in the stories of others.

So when I ask "who would you redeem?" I'm mainly trying to find out who you think needs another shot or even their first real shot. Maybe it's a character that's appeared in several games, but their story turned them in to garbage in MK9.

Or maybe, as I said before, it's an underutilized character that you feel deserves a second chance or maybe even their real first chance. Maybe it's a character that appeared in one game and wasn't well received but you saw a good foundation for what could be a great character if done correctly.

Any and all of these could be possibilities, but which characters would you choose and more importantly: WHY? What do you see in those characters that have either fallen on bad times, stumbled out of the gate initially or never really got the shot they deserved to begin with?

Name as many characters you want and tell everyone why you think your characters deserve to be redeemed in the next MK and HOW you'd do it!
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05/08/2011 05:12 PM (UTC)
I'll start off:


This guy has a HORRIBLE rep with the MK community. He stole Kabal's hookswords, he introduced a seemingly needless second dragon clan, he only really had one or two special moves in MK:DA and his alt costume looks like a mix of about 10 different ideas, most of them bad.

So why would I want to bring him back? A few reasons:

1) Well, I'd give him grappling hooks instead of the elasto things he had in MK:DA, but I like the idea of a character that can zip around the arena and create all sorts of confusion for his opponents.

2) I'd also like to see a real showdown with Mavado and Kabal. No, I wouldn't give Mavado Kabal's hookswords. That was a huge mistake on the part of the MK team. I'd have him use the grappling hooks as vehicle for special moves, combos and a means to get around the arena.

3) It would also be nice to see the Red Dragon again. I know a lot of people hated the idea, but I don't think the MK team ever really sold it well. It just seemed sort of like an unnecessary addition to the story.

I'd have Mavado unseat Daegon and kill him off, taking the clan over for himself. From there, I'd establish both he and the Red Dragon as a real, legitimate terrorist threat.

4) Mavado's primary look in MK:DA was AWESOME. The trench coat, the dark expression on his face... He actually looked kinda normal and less like a cartoon fighting game character.

Personally, I'd like to see MK go for a more realistic look in the next game and people like Mavado, who can look badass without needing colorful ninja costumes or anything involving spandex would be a nice place to start.

Overall, I just think that he was sorely underutilized when he was first introduced. His move set could've been epic had they just taken advantage of the pulleys more instead of giving him what, two moves with them? Three? Only one of which actually hit the opponent.

He has a cool look and a solid background that could be fleshed out WAY more (like why he's a member of the Red Dragon, his own personal motivations and connections to characters like Kano, Kabal, perhaps he was once a love interest of Sonya, who knows).

Plus, I'd love to see the MK team really give him the FULL treatment like the MK9 characters got (I think his move set would be awesome on a 2D plane) and not the half baked idead many of the 3D era characters received.
05/08/2011 05:39 PM (UTC)

- His apearance should be like the concept art shown earlier, but with a mask instead of a veil. ( There's a concept I really love in a thread in the MK2011 forums about DLC near the last page. )


Mind Control Orb - Once again, like in MKT, It allows you to move the character in any desired direction. Left, right, up or down.
ENHANCED: It lets you control the opponent for a longer period of time.

Roundhouse Kick - Has the same effect as in MKT
ENHANCED: He kicks the opponent a second time, re-apearing on the other side.

Lightning Shock - Instead of the bolt coming from the sky, it should come from his hand.
ENHANCED: The lightning color turns purple and shoots a second bolt from his other hand, at the same time.

Teleport - Rain creates a puddle and drops down from it. Then a new puddle appears on the other side and Rain comes up from it.
ENHANCED: Does it a second time but ends up infront of the enemy.

Water Beam - Rain fires a beam of water at the opponent.
ENHANCED: He shoots it at the ground where a puddles lies. Then where ever the opponent is standing, it comes up and knocks them in the air, allowing a juggle.

Flood - Rain stomps on the ground and small waves of water go out in all directions, sending the opponent in the air. Similar to Jax's ground pound.
ENHANCED: The radious of the attack increases.

Tidal Waves - Rain creates a mini tidal wave ( but small enough to jump over ) that slides across the stage and damages the opponent.
ENHANCED: The wave is bigger and impossible to jump over.

X-Ray: Tsunami - Rain does his enhanced Water Beam move and Ultimate Roundhouse kicks them in the chest, cracking the ribcage. The opponent , on the other side, flys toward Rain and grabs them by the throat. Then holds up his other hand and fires a lightning bolt to their face, shattering their skull and sends them flying across the stage.


Drenched Shock: Rain fires a steam of water down near his feet and slowly raising his hands until it hits the opponent, leaving a trail of water behind and the opponent drenched.
Then Rain summons a bolt of lightning onto the beginning of the water trail. The electrical current runs through the trail up to the opponent electrocuting him until they explode with explit gore and blood.

Puddle of Thunder: Rain makes a puddle around the opponent's feet and summons a lightning bolt right in the middle of the puddle, slicing the opponent in half. But as the 2 halves split, there are electrical arcs from one half to the other and as the body splits even more; the arcs get longer until they break in a spark. This continues until the 2 halves are completely split and on the ground. The bones and meat are giving off sparks.

Intro: He appears by his teleport move and says. "Your death is near"

Win Pose: Raises his arms and 2 gysers appear by his side. He fires a lightning bolt at the right one. He holds up his other hand as the lightning bolt comes out the left one and into his hand and holds this pose until the screen fades

Appearance – His MKA regal wardrobe

Hand of Hell: Shinnok fires a skeletal fist at the opponent
ENHANCED: The fist opens and if it connects, grabs the opponent, crushes them and throws them in the ground.

Upwards Fist: Shinnok fires a skeletal fist into the air landing where ever the opponent is standing.
ENHANCED: If it connects, the fist pounds on them for a few seconds.

Skeletal Shield: Shinnok summons the skeletal hand and makes it revolve around him. Damaging anyone near him
ENHANCED: If it connects, the fist does an uppercut, sending them into the air.

X-Ray – Worship: Shinnok summons the skeletal hand from the ground to grab the opponent and crush them, cracking their ribs and causing internal bleeding. Then the hand throws the opponent at Shinnok and Shinnok swings his amulet staff at their head, cracking their skull.

Throw (away): Shinnok summons his skeletal hands to hold them on the ground. He snaps his fingers and the hands push down on them, crushing them. The release them and Shinnok opens a portal beneath them. They fall through. Another one opens and drops them farther away.

Throw (regular): Shinnok does the same thing. But he walks on the hands to the other side and jabs them in the face with his amulet staff. Then does the same thing.


Boney Hand: Shinnok summons the skeletal hand and makes it pick them and crushes their lower torso to nothing but mush. Blood is gushing out of the back of the hand. Then picks them up by their head using its pointer finger and thumb and pops their head like a pimple.

Judgment: Shinnok impales the opponent with his amulet staff. He performs a spell. The amulet is glowing. The result is the opponent’s flesh dripping away. He then takes the staff and raises it upwards, cutting them in half from their original wound up.
Intro: Shinnok comes up from the ground standing on a skeletal hand. As the hand descends back to the netherrealm, Shinnok stays in position and says “Bow to me, the god of the Netherrealm.”
Win Pose: Shinnok snaps his fingers and a skeletal hand comes up and holds Shinnok high as he stands on it laughing.

I'm woring on Tremor now.
05/09/2011 03:14 AM (UTC)
nitara. she is such a cool character but so misused in the series. i'd like to see her have a feud with nightwolf. i know it seems like underworld but i just like the idea. her ally could be millena. i think they would work well as a team for some reason.

special moves

blood spit projectile/enhanced would be blood spay that sprays horizontally damaging the opponet.

bite is a jump attack/enhanced would be nitara in a frenzy chew.

claw attack/enhanced would be a forward dash slash followed by a bacwards dash slash attack.

fly/enhanced would grab her opponet fly up in the air then slam him or her.

wing smack/enhanced would be an wing uppercutt using both wings.

wing slam/enhanced would be a wing slam into a wing uppercutt.

animality - turns into a bat similar to van helsing and bites the victums head off.

friendship - nitara gives the opponnet a piggyback ride in the air.

fatality 1. nitara wraps the opponet with her wings like a cocoon. she then unspins her wings causing the opponet to explode into chunks of blood and guts.

fatality 2. nitara grabs the opponet and flys upwards. she then uses the opponets face to slowdown to the ground. the fighter has his or her face ripped off by slideing across the stage.

hope you enjoyed. i might do a few more later. please comment.
05/09/2011 03:52 AM (UTC)
Mine would either be Reiko or Havik.

Reiko would make a decent character just because he's literally the least unpublicized of all of Shao Kahns high ranking men and not that bad of a character to be honest. I liked him in Armageddon a lot and I think it would be interesting to see him in MK9, what with the new mechanics and everything.

Havik I just want back in the game because he's crazy. He regenerates health by breaking his own bones! If that's not awesome, I don't know what is. Him and Noob also seem to have a lot of story going for them in MK9 and it would be interesting to see how Haviks side of that whole partnership plays out.
05/09/2011 03:23 PM (UTC)
onaga. he was pretty cool character. also he had some story with one of my favorite characters reptile. i'd like to have him build apon reptile when he needs some strength. his allys could be reptile and scorpion. his foes would be kahn and the deadly alliance.

i'd like to see reptile be able to change into onaga during gameplay by pressing a button. it could give some extra health and more damage but his moves would be slower. you could only change into onaga 1 time per round. could make for some interesting combos.

special moves

fire ball/enhanced would be fire breath.

wing clap/enhanced would be a wing grab and crush.

fly/enhanced would be an air grab and slam.

tail sweep/enhanced would be a tail grab and slam.

horn slam/ enhanced would be a horn ram.

change back to reptile by pressing the top right trigger on the ps3/360.

change back to onaga by pressing the to right trigger on the ps3/360.

xray - reptile and onaga beat the crap out of you using there acid,fire,tails,tongues,tails,and claws.

fatality1. fire breath. onaga roars out a loud scream then flys up a drops a huge fireball crushing and smushing the enemy.

fatality2. onaga lights his horns on fire then jams them into his enemy causing the flesh to boil and melt away into a pile of guts and bone leaving
blood and fire in its path.

hope you enjoyed. please comment. i might post more.
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