Which 12 characters (7 from Mortal Kombat:Deception and 5 past characters) would you want to return in MK7 and why?
posted04/18/2005 12:19 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/02/2005 12:24 AM (UTC)
Evening all. I finally decided to sign up on this site to post on these boards so here is my first question.
I'm sure that MK7 will probably have 30 characters for the most as it will be on the nextgen consoles. But who would you want to return? For me, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing all the characters from Deception return but I guess some of them might not make it due to how Boon and co. take the story.
Here are my twelve characters

ASHRAH - A new character who already ties in with several characters (Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Smoke and probably Sareena). Her design might not have been one of the best as many people already stereotyped her but I thought that she deserved a chance to shine and IMHO she soared with flying colours. I hope that even if her ending happened that like Nitara, we haven't seen the last of her.

KITANA - Kitana, Kitana, Kitana. Without her, we wouldn't have the "Kitana and friends" story that has been around since MK2. We were missing a shade of blue in MK Deception and she should come back in the infamous Fan Lift and Fan Throw combo that she had back in the days.

SAREENA - Why she wasn't in Deception is beyond me. And now that we learned what happened to the older Sub-Zero, I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before we finally see as a 3-d fighting model.

TANYA - Ah, the woman that you either loved, hated or loved to hate. When you think about it, what do we really know about her? Yes, she betrayed Edenia twice, but why? In her own MK4 ending, even it didn't happen, we never learned what she did after she betrayed Liu Kang. The only thing that is certain is that unlike Jade, Kitana and everyone else, she chose to betray her homeland in order to survive rather than fight evil as shown in her bios. A character like this is what we need and I think that many people's opinion of her has improved a lot after her return. Remember, third time's a charm (that's if you're not counting MKGold as her second appearance).

JADE - I think that it's safe to say that Jade has stepped out of the shadows (literally) of being known as "Kitana's friend" to her own character. Her new rivalry with Tanya surprised me and this can only get better depending on how the stories go.

KIRA - Hmmm. Kira definitely reminded me of several characters. Her moves were like Sonya and Kano, her story reminded me of Kano and to
me, for some reason, her alternate outfit reminded me of the Orchid from Killer Instinct 2. Well I suppose that she would probably require the most work in order to be revamped for MK7 as many people will continue to look at her like they did with Tanya and Li Mei.

SONYA - The original female and as Kerry Hoskins said, a bad @$$. Although her being Kira's only enemy doesn't surprise me, this is definitely a fresh new rivalry as they are the only two females besides Frost from Earthrealm. Sonya needs to be in the same game as Kira as I know that all you Sonya fans and Kira haters would love the opportunity for the original to beat up the "imitation".

MILEENA - Poor Mileena. Just when things were looking up for her, they take a turn for the worst. I'm sure that the second part of Baraka's ending might not be used but when will she find her happy ending? Could MK7 be the chance that she's looking for?

LI MEI - Li Mei has been given the role of surprising everyone with her story. From having her spirit taken from her, training with Bo' Rai Cho, marrying the Dragon King, what surprises could be in store for us?

SINDEL - To be honest, I don't see a reason for her returning other than the fact that she was one of the best characters that Boon and co. made playable. She should be there just to complete the "Kitana and friends" story that some of us are enjoying.

NITARA - Well she supposedly took the role of "best new character" in MK:Deadly Alliance" although I'm sure a better fatality is in store for us. Had a decent look and her styles weren't too bad. She could make a comeback with one of her friends from her realm.

KHAMELEON - The most mysterious female of all, probably tying with Tanya in terms of what little we know about her. Like Sareena, I thought that the MK team would bring her in time for Deception but time probably excluded her. It's very unlikely that she would ever return according to some but I thought it was very strange that she had a story with Reptile who had a role with the latest bad guy in the MK Universe. Maybe she can return but how? That's up to Boon and co.

Now, I know you're probably wondering why all twelve of the characters are nearly all the females in the MK Universe. I think that all of them have the potential to be in a game together and this way, most of the fans would be pleased to see their favourite females in action. There are more that I would like to return soon (Sektor, Fujin, Rain and Kai to name a few) but I guess that the females just have more of an "appeal" to me. Sorry for the inconvenice of having you read all this. I'm just enjoying being able to write on these boards.grin
About Me

04/02/2005 09:48 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Deception

HOTARU: looks mean, fights mean, and has an awesome look. Tha fags are worth everything. Traditional japanese battlefield foot soldier, and has my favourite weapon in history. Not to mention his storyline can be improved a lot, since it is left clearly open.

DAIROU: the chinese fighter had a very good fight potential in MKD and you could easily overuse the TS drop heheheh, but other than that, a lot of things stand for him. First, he and Hotaru aren't the new Sub-zero/Scorpion conflict, altough they resemble a lot. Dairous main potential comes out of the fact, that he represents the old chinese fighter stereotype.

SHUJINKO simply a must. To hell with Liu Kang.

KIRA good character but needs her own moveset. Looks may change a little bit too.

HAVIK like someone out of a Conan the barbarian movie. Cleric of chaos rules everyone.

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance:

Nitara and Mavado (Frost comes back I can feel it)
04/03/2005 06:20 AM (UTC)
Kitana:Kitana is the back bone of the game,She has ties with Mileena,Sindel,Jade,Tanya,Liu Kang,Goro,Shao Khan,Lei Mei,Bo Rai Cho,Reptile & Rain.She is one of the main characters.

Rain:Perhaps the most under used,under rated characters,I think the he's only been in Trilogy?and he was one of my favorite characters from that game.

Mileena:Mileena has been one of my favorite characters since MK 2,She may be hideously disfigured but she's still fast,vicious & deadly,Definately a must have.

Sindel:Sindel's just cool,I dont know why but she's always been one of my favorite characters & I was quite annoyed she didnt have that hair toss move from MK3.

Baraka:He adds a bit more darkness to the game.

Nitara:I'm still unsure what happened to her after DA,I know that she found that orb and went back to her home,but I still feel a little confused.She's gotta come back for MK7,Her Kama's were an awesome weapon.

Sheeva:I loved Sheeva she was my favorite character from MK3,her moves were cool and I dont know why but I was expecting her to be in DA or Deception.

Ashrah:I dont know why every one hated her costume,I personally thought it was awesome,especially her hat & she was the first woman to not look a cheap hooker.

Noob-Saibot:I've always like Noob,but was dissapointed to see him teamed up with smoke it just didnt feel right.

Ermac:Screw Kenshi,Ermac's the original Telekenetic Man,He's always been one of my favorites and need's a bigger storyline.

Dairou:I never use him on Deception but I think he has heaps of potential.

Kintaro:What ever happened to him?I tink he's pretty cool & would love to see him in MK7.
04/03/2005 07:47 PM (UTC)
I'm in a hurry, So I'll post the reasons why later...

01. Ermac
02. Havik
03. Jade
04. Kabal
05. Mileena
06. Noob-Smoke (black and ethereal)
07. Scorpion

01. Rain
02. Reptile
03. Sektor
04. Sheeva
05. Shinnok
04/06/2005 09:06 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Deception Characters
Ermac - Ermac seems to become a very pivotal character in the Mortal Kombat story after viewing his ending in Deception. Ermac is the only character as of now who is aware of the One Being's presense. Ermac has made ties with Liu Kang and now the revived Earthrealm warriors, I could see Ermac as a spiritual guru to Earthrealm's warriors and also a very formidable ally against the threats to come.

Liu Kang - Since Raiden's twist of fate at the hands of the Deadly Alliance and Onaga, Liu Kang seems to be the next in line to guide the Earthrealm warriors into their next battle. Now Liu Kang's story could go in a number of ways. Liu Kang could either side with Raiden if we all follow his ending in Deception, or Liu Kang could stay in spirit form and guide the warriors to victory hence what happened with Bo' Rai Cho in his ending. Liu Kang must return in Mortal Kombat 7 in some form because he seems too important to leave as of now.

Sub-Zero - Sub-Zero has turned into the strongest living warrior in Earthrealm in my opinion. Sub-Zero has also become a backbone character in Mortal Kombat after viewing Mortal Kombat Deception. Sub-Zero was the most notorious Earthrealm warrior in Onaga's eyes and he saw him as the biggest threat. Sub-Zero ties in alot of storylines together and the new twist in Noob Saibot's story will have to include Sub-Zero in some form. Sub-Zero still is learning to understand his origin and the potential he has cannot die yet. Also, Boon said himself Sub-Zero will be in every Mortal Kombat game untill the series finish.

Noob Saibot - Noob Saibot in my opinion the most respected under dog in Mortal Kombat up to date. Nobody is aware of him exept for Smoke and Ashrah, and I hope Ashrah is slain by him to amp up his story. Noob Saibot works on his own and his past plays a big role in his future story. Noob Saibot's story can go only upward from here. We have Scorpion, Smoke, and Sub-Zero to worry about in terms of his story and I would love to see how this all plays out. Noob Saibot has to return for Mortal Kombat 7.

Raiden - Raiden is now a very intimidating character. Raiden is ruthless and I think that his old friends will not see eye to eye with him when they are all reunited from the final battle against the Deadly Alliance. Raiden's ruthlessness was exploited when he killed Shujinko after he redeemed himself from failure on letting himself be tricked by Onaga. I don't think the Elder Gods will like what he is doing and I believe they will act upon this. I expect to see Raiden fight alot of battles in the future, the problem is who will he be fighting? Raiden seems like he won't be needing anybody to back him up anymore so he can turn on his old allies in an instant.

Scorpion - Scorpion as the champion of the Elder Gods is a new and exiting twist to his story. And knowing of Noob Saibot's true origin is very interesting in regards of Scorpion's future aswell. I believe Scorpion will have alot to deal with in the future, now that he is a pawn for the Elder Gods. Scorpion will have to deal with Raiden if the Elder Gods act against him, and also Scorpion has his own personal vendetta against Noob Saibot, whom he created. Scorpion has to return and it is the damn head programmer's favorite character so without a doubt he will.

Mileena - Mileena seems like a very important character as of now thanks to Onaga's ressurection and confusion brought forth. Mileena used her brains and faked herself to be princess Kitana. She fooled Bo' Rai Cho and an entire army into believing so. But what if the real Kitana returns? And what do you think Mileena would do if she got close to Sindel? I believe the hate Mileena has for Kitana still burns strong and she will use anything to hurt her, so what if she kills Sindel? Mortal Kombat 7 could start off with that, Kitana could loose her identity and Mileena would take everything from her. Sound familiar? Mileena has to return and I hope her story goes the way I pray it goes.

Past Characters
Fujin - If Fujin had survived Mortal Kombat 4 then where the hell has he been? Fujin was supposed to replace Raiden as protecter of Earthrealm and now that Raiden is acting upon his own, I believe he took that spot. Fujin is probably out after his brother Raiden and wishes to aid the Elder Gods as best he can. Fujin will be torn by this and would have to make the ultimate decision.

Rain - If you had read my Mileena entry then you would see the potential of Rain returning. Sindel is dead, and Kitana has nothing. Rain who has been missing since Shao Kahn's fall due to his defection would come out of hiding to aid the person he betrayed in the past. Rain could use the oppurtunity to help Kitana to repent for his cowardace in the past and help stand strong against Mileena whom is playing a fool of everyone.

Cage , Kitana , Sonya, and Kung Lao - I will consider each of these characters as one because each of them are as equally important to the storyline due to their shared fates at the final battle against the Deadly Alliance. If Ermac's ending is true then these characters would have to return. Also I mentioned before Kitana's reasons but what of Kung Lao's, Johnny Cage's, and Sonya's? The next character I mention will explain Sonya's reasons but as for the other two think about it. Kung Lao and Cage hold Raiden as a mentor and father figure and since their deaths they have not seen the changes Raiden has gone through. I believe they would be right by Liu Kang's side and support Fujin and Ermac in their future fights.

Kano - Kano could have no better time to return, I want Kano to return to continue his tradition on entering every other Mortal Kombat game. Kano could return on his own, no ties or affiliations this time. Kano could be solo, and he could this time be on Sonya's side. How can two sworn enemies join forces? Good Question. If Kano has one thing about him is wits, and the best thing for Kano to do is kill off Jax to bait out Sonya. The Red Dragon is not yet dead and they pose a big threat to Kano once they find out he survived his battle against Mavado. Kano sees Sonya in high respects so he I believe will fake his own position and play the victim this time and him and Sonya would work together to take out the Red Dragon. What better plot to take out your sworn enemy? It would be an interesting alliance to see and I hope the team could develop their retationship to one another as they fight side by side.
04/06/2005 10:25 PM (UTC)
scorpion DUH!
sub-zero if scorpion is in subby has to be in it is like a law
ermac deception really turned him into an important charactor
noob saibot and smoke seperated though the tag team was lame
liu kang deception was the only game i liked him in i would like 2 see more
baraka he was so wicked in mkd
havik cuz he was the only kewl new charator in mkd (imo)

RAIN!!! he needs to return he is the only ninja to not be in 3d
reptile do him right this mkda reptile was criminally unsatisfactory
kung lao he is so cool he needs to return once more
sektor the tekunin is a very promising plot
blaze:kool in concept, bad in execution, he has a extremely promising plot

now all i need is tremor and chameleon and i'll have all the ninjas in one game muahahahahahah

04/06/2005 11:08 PM (UTC)

Shao Kahn


Shang Tsung
Kung Lao
Quan Chi
04/06/2005 11:28 PM (UTC)

Li Mei
Liu Kang/Raiden


Shang Tsung
04/07/2005 12:16 AM (UTC)
Shao Kahn
If the next MK does have 30 characters there are going to be a lot more returning than just 12. I would say there would be about 20-22 that would return and 8-10 new characters.
04/07/2005 06:14 PM (UTC)
My 12 choices. I could name quite a few more, and narrowing it down to the options in the topic was hard. But these are the twelve I would personally give priority to.

From MKD.

1. Sub Zero- He has had so much storyline build up in MKDA and MKD. With his getting stronger each time due to the Medallion and armour, I think he could be MK's next main hero and champion.

2. Ermac- Out of the older comebacks, Ermac proved to be the most impressive. With Raiden going crazy, I see Ermac as a candidate to take over the mentor/guide role to the heroes.

3. Li Mei- Evolved a lot from MKDA to MKD, and I still think there is a lot of potential in her. She's that kind of inexperienced naive persona you don't get much in MK, something that can be built on to take her further.

4. Raiden- Always an MK staple, and his new Dark Raiden plot has a lot of potential. I'd like to see where Midway takes this, and hopefully he'll kill Shujinko first.

5. Noob- Has become too important to drop now that we've found out who he really is. Is a major enemy for Sub Zero, and could give Scorpions plot a kick up the arse, finding out his original enemy's still alive.

6. Havik- Probably the best of MKD's mainly disappointing newcomers. A chaotic wild card, there are too many possibilities with this guy to not use him. Hope they do more with his twisty bones and multiple joints.

7. Kira- Not many people like her, but I love her. Needs her own moves, but the Black Dragon are big again, and I think she has far more potential than Kabal to lead them (I love Kabal, but his comeback was weak).


8. Kung Lao- Should have been the main hero after Liu's death. Such a cool character, MKDA started to do great things for him, then MKD goes and leaves him out. Far better than Liu Kang or shitty old Shujinko.

9. Mavado- A personal favourite of mine. Needs more special moves, but he's connected to too many characters to simply disappear. He was far better than Kabal with the Hookswords, and I liked Long Fist.

10. Johnny Cage- You either love him or hate him. But to me, MK is not MK without the cocky pretty boy. He's a well rounded fighter, who lightens the MK mood just enough, but not too much. Needs a new storyline badly.

11. Nitara- Another personal favourite, how can you not love the sexy vampire chick? She was different to most typical MK women, and I think they can do a lot more with the vampirism and wings in her fighting.

12. Stryker- Someone has to stand up for the most underrated man in MK. Needs a new outfit, but I always loved how he's just a normal guy who has to use modern weapons rather than magic ninja fireballs or whatever.

04/07/2005 08:35 PM (UTC)








Refrain from posting in ALL CAPS. It's against site policy, and above all is just plain rude.
04/09/2005 03:46 AM (UTC)
About Me

R.I.P. HAIR-WHIP...We were deprived of you in Mortal Kombat: Deception.....We love you and miss you!

04/14/2005 09:14 AM (UTC)
I don't really have a long explanation for each character as to why they should brought back other than these are the ones I enjoy playing with.

12.Sindel~Now Sindel. I can tell you exactly why I want her to come back. I was so excited until I could not think straight, when I heard that Sindel was going to be in MK: Deception. I freaked out when i saw the CG graphics picture of the new and improved Sindel because she looked so awesome. The anticipation I felt in the months prior to MK: Deception's release was immense. Finally, the day came when I rushed to my local GameStop and slapped down $80 for the game, the strategy guide book and the strategy guide dvd. I flew home, tore open the game, and started playing non-stop until I unlocked Sindel. Up to this point, I was extremely happy with the game. The characters and the arenas looked awesome and the konquest mode was really fun. My best friend's favorite character is LiMei, so I fought thru konquest mode to unlock her so we could use our favorite characters to fight against each other. It only took me 5 minutes to learn that this game was the biggest dissapointment of my Mortal Kombat life. The reason for this is, because my favorite character of all fighting games, Sindel, only had 3 special moves and non of them included her signature hair-whip! furious Nor did she have her levitation move, that was given to Ermac, and her ability to levitate and shoot her star-screamer at the same time was also not there, Tanya had acquired that skill instead. Atleast she did have her star-screamer and banshee-scream, but come on, her move she is most noted for was not included. That would be like having Scorpion without his bloody spear or Sub-Zero without his ice blast. Even though the hair-whip was not a special move, I still held out hope that maybe it was one of her fatalities, but once more, to my dissapointment, it was not. I did however, love the way she levitated up from the ground after she had been defeated. After an hour or two, we stopped playing and I was so pissed off that Sindel's special moves had been jipped that I have not played the game since that night. For this reason, I would love nothing more than to see Sindel in Mortal Kombat 7...COMPLETE with ALL of her original and signature moves.
04/14/2005 02:44 PM (UTC)
The 12 I would like to come back are partly my faves and partly for storyline (or both).

Firstly the Non-Deception Characters:

1. Kitana: Kitana is very heavily involved in the storyline now, and it would be a shame if she was not to return. She is pretty much involved with the major groups of people now, and with Mileena and Kahn back she needs to be there. She has a lot to do in the next MK game. She has a lot of allies to aid and a lot of enemies to stop, and also she has to clear her name for the evil Mileena is no doubt doing while posing as her. I also think that of the Earth Warriors who were killed at the start of Deception, Kitana has the best potential for storylines. Also she was evil before, amybe the evil she done at the hands of Onaga could end up residing within her and she has to fight it too.

2. Sareena. Always been a fave of mine despite never having played as her. I thought she should ahve been in Deception. Sareena is one of the few characters who knew both Sub Zeros. She could play a very important role in the next games. She is also somewhat of a mystery. She has the potenital to be good, evil and neutral. Her look needs a little bit of work, but I like her as she is now, but Sareena has the potentail to become a main frame female.

3. Fujin. Well personally, Im not a big fan of Rayden anymoe, not that I was before but I could tolerate him. I think Rayden's stoy has pretty much run its course, and I hate the whole 'Evil/Badass Rayden' thing. Let him do his job and not be too heavily involved. Fujin on the other hand, well he has probably been overseeing things from the Heavens or been involved in other things. I reckon he si very different to Rayden, so I think he should take over as Earths Protector or at least as leader/counsellor type person of Earths forces. Will be an interesting change. Also because we know less about him thatn Rayden he has more potential to evovle storyline wise.

4. Khameleon. Again, she is a very enigmatic character and her only apperance was as a hidden fighter. She had a story, and I think it has a lot of potential, and it would pretty much revolve around Reptile. Either she and him could form an alliance and restart their race, or if Reptile dies, Khameleon could be a Kreeya/Vorpax type character (from MKConquest) in that she needs to mate with powerful individuals to reestablish her race as she would be the last one. Also could avenge her people, and Reptiles death (if he is indeed dead).

5. Shang Tsung. He has always been a favourite of mine, and for once, I would like to see him join Earth Forces, unwillingly of course from both parties, but join them to eliminate threats to everyones existence. I think this would add a bit of depth to his character, although he would probably just betray them.....but thats our Shang!!

(Id also like to see Nitara return.)

The Deception Characters.

6. Jade. I think we need to see Jade evolve into her own character more. So far she has been pretty much focussed around Kitana, she needs to become more independent, yet remain loyal to the Edenian throne.

7. Tanya. I think she has a lot of potential, and has not been given decent storylines. She could act as a good nemesis for Jade, and perhaps the stories of both could become more intertwined.

8. Mileena. Well Ive always preferred Kitana to Mileena, but I lvoe the rivalry between the two. Mileena needs to return as the rivalry between the two needs to continue, and she has to do all this evil stuff to make Kitana look bad, so that both 'sisters' get meaty storylines. I pretty much see them as the female equivalent of Scorpion and Sub Zero in terms of rivalry and interest.

9. Sub Zero. Cheating here and saying both ninjas cause they will basically be back always. Sub Zero and Scorpion are the MK trademark (although i hate Socprion.) Also the interesting thing is now that Noob Saibot is the original Sub so no doubt the will both feature predominantly in MK7

10. NoobSmoke. Although they should be seperated. They have revealed Noob as the original Sub Zero. They cant jsut leave it at that. He will return and needs to to see how the original Sub Zeors return affects people and what effect Sub Zero/Scorpin/Sareena will have on the wraith. I also think Smoke should return and become independent of masters and have his own story.

11. Ashrah. I only like two of the new characters really. Ashrah's story is again interesting and now she is free form the netherealm, will be interesting to see how the Demon Huntress will affect the major storyline, what with all the demons on the loose. (Noob, Sareena, Drahmin, Moloch, Mileena- a clone...kinda demon) and all the evilness that she is trying to eradicate. Only fear is that if Sareena is there their storylines may be too similar.

12. Dairou. Dairous story was kinda a bit lame inDeceptin, but was a good idea in my opinion. he is a mercenary, so can take either side, beocme involved with anyone. He also has his own background to deal with. Lots of potential.
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04/14/2005 04:21 PM (UTC)
7 from mkdeception

5~Liu kang

5 past

2~Kung lao
4~Shao Kahn
About Me

Mortal Kombat Deception favorites:

Liu Kang~Raiden~Scorpion

04/15/2005 03:32 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Deception ones.

Liu Kang
My favorite character of all MK. His story has potential now since he could be a new guide to the forces of good. I also think they should bring the alive one. Urrg I hated the zombie idea. Since MK has no particular main hero now and every character has something going on for him/herself, then it shouldn't be a problem to bring him back. He's too important to let him go now. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
My second favorite character of all MK. Eventhought I prefer his lighter version better, I think since his story has taken a twist now, it wouldn't make sence not to bring him back. I mean, a lot could happen to him now since he supposely killed Shujinko and went against the elder gods. He's too important now to let him go. So, I guess that just like Liu Kang, we'll have to wait and see what happens.
I think this one is self-explanatory. Too many people wants him (including Ed Boon). His story has traken a twist and many people are curious to see how he turns out. Plus theres no MK whithout Scorpion.
Another MK icon and favorite. His story is also becoming interesting. So leaving him out out of the question.
There we go again. Another MK favorite. A good and intimidating bad guy. Shouldn't be left out but his story needs a change.
Favorite new character from MKD. Insteresting story and shouldn't be left out in next game.
The guy is cool. Nice fighter and I think we should keep him a bit longer.
Noob Saibot
Another favorite. His story has taken a very nice twist. He should definately come back but by himself and with the move set he had in MKT.
I thought he was alright. I think he should comeback eventhought he might had been killed by Raiden. I think people would had liked him more if not weren't for that stupid konquest mode. He did play a big part in MK story after all.
Just like Noob. He should come back by himself.
His story should be continued. Lets see how he develops.
Not sure. Don't give a damn. Just felt like putting that here to fill space.

The Past Five.
Kung Lao
Thats a MUST. I think he's great. He must be bought back in MK7.
I really really really do want her back. I think she's great.
Heard a lots of good stuff about her. Never played Deadly Alliance but I'm very curious. So lets have her back!
I miss this guy. I'm very insteresting to see him in 3d model and if they were to bring him back, I'm insteresting to see what excuse they might make up. Since he's supposed to be dead.
Quan Chi
I'm very insterested in this character. Never played Deadly Alliance. Too bad he's dead now. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Note: I do want other characters of course. The thing is I just ran out out f space (12 MKD and 5 past characters), but to make things short, I really want to see again Kintaro, Cyrax, Sektor and SPECIALY Shinnok. Well, thats all folks. Later.

About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

04/15/2005 08:22 PM (UTC)

JADE - Edenian race and just a great character.

MILEENA - Hates Kitana and once nothing more than to kill her.

SINDEL - Kitana's mother and Kitana is always involved.

NIGHTWOLF - Classic, needs a more interesting and purposeful storyline.

KABAL(masked) -New leader of the Black Dragon Clan and also is a classic

NOOB SAIBOT - He's a ninja and has a great potential in his evil plans.

SMOKE - He's 1/3 cyborg ninjas and is partnered with Noob.


RAIN - He's a ninja, Edenian,and great character.He also is very intimidating

REPTILE(the human ninja form) - Classic and a fan favorite since MK2.

SEKTOR - He's 1/3 cyborg ninjas and a classic MK fan favorite character.

KITANA - She is like someone said earlier the back-bone of MK.

CLASSIC SUBZERO - Classic, and really needs a way to get back in the story and make a name for himself again. He should some way be seperated from Noob Saibot so that they both have differing identities.glasses
About Me

04/15/2005 08:28 PM (UTC)
Purple and intimidating? wow
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

04/15/2005 08:32 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Purple and intimidating? wow

Yup. Purple has never been so intimidating in a fighting game. furious
04/17/2005 02:12 AM (UTC)
Tough choice. Great question.

From Deception:

1. Scorpion - he is the star of the show. MK isn't MK without Scorpion. Could Scorpion become the "new Raiden" and empower Earth's warriors to defeat [insert next evil guy here]? He will fight the temptation to go back to a hell-spowned warrior looking for revenge?

2. Sub-Zero - though I prefer Sub-Zero unmasked (ala MK3/MKDA) things are going to get big for Sub-Zero. Plus there has not been a MK without Sub-Zero, why start now?

3. Baraka - only because he has many fans and he has very cool fatalities.

4. Mileena - She is the head of the deception, not Shujinko. She could be hiding more than what appears behind her "Kitana" mask.

(since we only get 7 from MKD, the next few better be new ones...)

5. Lei Mei - I can't decide if she's good or evil. She is also the forefront of what the Dragon King can truly do.

6. Kenshi - I nominate him as the new Lui Kang/Kung Lao Kenshi is an all-around good guy.

7. Havik - he is totally sick.

From the Past:

8. Kitana! Kitana! Kitana! - not only she's the most beautiful kombatant in the game, she's central to the MKDA/MKD storyline and has as many rivals as friends.

9. Raiden - I put Raiden here in this category but he fits both. Everyone thinks Raiden is going mad, really mad.

10. Shang Tsung - Shang is a cat, and he's about his 6th or 7th life. When we last saw Shang, he was actually fighting with Raiden! With Raiden going mad, could Shang find his soul switched with Raiden's? We've yet to have a "trading bodies" story line and having Raiden evil and Shang good will really throw the wrench in the works.

11. Sonya Blade - If only it had to be between Sonya, Jax, Kang, Kung, and Cage... plus she is one of my favorites and I feel that she is more central to the story, plus she is the orginal MK woman!

12. Stryker - he's one of the few MK'ers that has not been recycled yet. that could have a good update (besides maybe Rain). If not Styker, I'll take Nightwolf.
04/18/2005 09:26 AM (UTC)
1. Scorpion- i bet he will return after all he is the MAN
2. Ermac- he's got the looks, the moves, he's sooo cool just need to improve the storyline
3. Hotaru- best of the new characters in Deception, really like his moves and looks.
4.Sindel-the Queen MUST return
5.Havik- well he was wicked sick in MK:D hope he still will be if he returns in MK:7
6.Raiden- like the lightning and his hat
7.hmm... i say Baraka- like making opponents on pieces

Past MK:
1. Shang Tsung- I like everything about Shang , just want to bring back his morphs and eruption...
2. Kitana- i hated Kitana but from 3 days i cant stop playin with her on UMK3
3. Quan Chi- i liked him too hope he'll return
4. Reptile- good ninja i want him back
5. Jax- ??? dunno just bring him in MK7
About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

04/18/2005 11:19 AM (UTC)
From MK:D

1. Noob/Smoke: I'm counting them as one, though I wish there would be a way to seperate them. Great storyline twist, but if you have Noob, ya gotta have:

2. Sub-Zero: I wish they hadn't made him old, but I want to see where they take this thing with him, Noob and Smoke. I almost kinda wish they'd have a Sub-Zero 3 for the older one to be training.

3. Scorpion: The Champion of the Elder Gods. It's nice to see his role changing and I'd love to see a story where the Gods turn on mortals and he remains on the side of the Gods.

4. Rayden: A bit of darkness at the end of last game, Rayden's story is finally starting to get interesting. Always a fun character to use, I'd love to see him go bad.

5. Mileena: She's the Princess of Edenia right now, so I'd like to see where her plot goes. I wound up cutting Baraka off of my final list because I thought it might give this story a chance to grow.

6. Kira: Arguably the coolest looking female ever in a MK game, she had a so-so story, moves AND styles ripped from other characters...Ouch. She has too much potential to be discarded. The MK team needs to seriously rework her to make her unique.

7. Shao Khan: He appeared in the Cube version some I'm including him here. I don't have Xbox Live and I still get no Shao Khan? Crappy. Oh well. He was the boss in the past, and now he's scheming in the background. I'd like to see him a bit less kingly and a bit more shrouded in mystery, but I definitely want the boss back and playable.

From the Past:

1. Fujin: I'd like to see a conflict between him and Rayden over the Thunder God's new outlook. Perhaps a war between the Gods and mortals? Either way I dug him in MK4 and I don't think he gets any respect.

2. Sareena: Lots of people want her in a console game. Her story could easily tie into other plots, and she's new enough to most people to be interesting if done right. A slightly revamped look wouldn't hurt.

3. Sektor: I think that almost everyone was hoping that Sektor would return for MK:D. Now that the fans are speaking pretty clearly on it, I have a feeling he'll be back for MK7. But it's just a hunch. Another character with lots of tie ins.

4. Kano: I think it'd be cool to see him come back with some new moves, and create a mutiny in the Black Dragon over who's in control, him or Kabal.

5. Kung Lao: Will he be the Champion now that Liu Kang is out of the picture again (hopefully)? Most people like the hat, the mysterious look etc. It would be nice to see him carry the ball for a few games.

I'm not sure why 12 is the cutoff, as most MK games keep with a majority of old characters. My guess is 17 old, 7 new, and 2 or 3 hidden. With that in mind, I'm adding 5 to my list of old/MK:D characters. If it had to be capped at 12, then I'd go with the 7 and 5 above.

1. Ermac: Gotta have one telekenetic in the game. Plus, his moves and his look were awesome in MK:D. He seems to be one of the few characters tying into the next game, so hopefully he'll be around.

2. Kabal: I'd like to see something in the Black Dragon where Kira falls in love with Kabal, but must choose between fighting for him and fighting for Earth. That, and a rumble with the Red Dragon (please have it be someone better than Hsu Hao though!)

3. Ashrah: She needs her own moves, but she's still a solid character. She's also somewhat of an anomely: A female that's not jiggling out of her tiny spandex clothes. I'd give her a look that wasn't so much like Rayden's though.

4. Mavado: I loved the extendo things he had in MK:DA, but they could do a LOT more with them. A cool idea that wasn't executed to 1/1000th of its potential. Give him his own weapon and bring in another new Red Dragon face. I'd like to see a rumble with the Dragon groups.

5. Kai: Since the MK team went about fixing old characters in MK:D, I think they could bring this guy back for MK7. He had interesting moves which could easily be fleshed out in MK7's fighting system. I definitely hope to see him back.

Others that almost made my list:

Baraka: My favorite character, but the poor guy never seems to have much of a plot.

Jade: Another favorite who always seems to be in the background but never overly interesting enough plot-wise.

Rain: A fan favorite that I'd like to see come back. Stay with the colors, but lose the ninja look. Too many ninjas on this list and in general as it is.

Quan Chi: He's always doing something interesting, and he looks cool as hell. I thought for sure he'd be hidden in MK:D, but alas...

Shang Tsung: Another schemer, I never like it when he sits out too many games. I'd still like to see him revert back to his old MK1 look. Gray, haggard and wizard-like.
04/18/2005 12:19 PM (UTC)
I think MK7 will have no more than 22 characters, I'd rather have plenty of classic characters redone than 10 new characters... so I'd like that only 4 or 5 characters were new.

10 from MK Deception:

Dark Raiden

8 from past MK's:

Shang Tsung
Quan Chi
Kung Lao
Johnny Cage
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