Where will MK10 story end?
posted04/13/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/24/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
Shinnok's invasion, the deadly alliance, the return of Onaga, and finally Armageddon; these are the primary story lines of MK4-MKA. Just how far will Netherrealm Studios go in to the time line of the previous games and at what point will story mode end? There were some changes in the new time line (Cyber-Sub, Raiden killing Liu Kang), so I'm wondering how far the new time line will veer off the previous one.

My prediction is the story will end with another cliffhanger like the last game, this time with the Dragon King emerging as the new threat for MK11.

What say you?
04/05/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
On a cliffhanger we'll have to wait another 5 years to see resolved.
04/05/2014 02:46 AM (UTC)
After Shinnok, some dumbass excuse to have a new forthcoming villain like Onaga that'll have to wait for another 4 years. God why didn't they just continue from where the Armageddon storyline left off and do something innovative with it instead of that whole "time travel reboot" bullshit excuse in 2011? -_-
04/05/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
After Shinnok's defeat, the fallen warriors are resurrected back to normal.

Everyone celebrates, except Liu Kang (though happy), who hides in the shadows.

Kai & Kitana finds Liu and look for him. Liu tells Kai that someday, if Mortal Kombat ever returns, he hopes that there'll be someone like Kai to defeat him and take his title as the new champion of MK. As Liu leaves in his hooded cloak, Kitana watches him disappear in the winds and wishes in her heart, that someday Liu can live with her in Edenia as the new king of Edenia.

As for Sub-Zero & Scorpion. Though Scorpion learned the real truth and Quan Chi ended up in Shinnok's hands in death, both warriors of fire and ice thought of their futures.

Scorpion is left without purpose now that Quan Chi is gone and his family & clan avenged. Sub-Zero and Scorpion made an alliance with each other, but Scorpion vanishes and tells Kuai that he'll be watching him and protecting him.

I can also see Havik appear and revealing the events yet to come with Onaga & Shujinko. And perhaps the One Being... if ever.
Well it could end with Onaga/Deception or Blaze/Armageddon. It could also end with an entirely new story too.

But that should only be done when they have a good one that's been thought out and not rushed to shit or done well enough liiiiike Onaga/Deception or Blaze/Armageddon.

04/08/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
Most likely, it will end with the beginning of a new story.

I doubt we'll be seeing Onaga return this time around, mainly because that would require Shujinko to return, and we all know that's not happening.
04/08/2014 08:29 PM (UTC)
Return of Onaga need not be associated with Shujinko. Heroes can gather Kamidogus to stop Shinnok this game even.

In most stories of Mortal Kombat work Arch. Shao Kahn was the first, the medallion was second and now we are at the Arc prevent Armageddon.
04/09/2014 03:51 AM (UTC)
Well, it's going to deeply depend on how the story plays out. I honestly can't give an answer for this because we might enter a Deadly Alliance-Deception era again, or something completely new. It's just, I'd like to be more concerned as to what the story is going to pan out into rather than worrying about its ending right now.
04/09/2014 11:53 AM (UTC)
This Mortal Kombat was the MK1 to MK3. I think the next will be MK4 and MKDA and finally MKD and MKA last Arc. After that will start a new arc.
04/09/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
Return of Onaga need not be associated with Shujinko. Heroes can gather Kamidogus to stop Shinnok this game even.

In most stories of Mortal Kombat work Arch. Shao Kahn was the first, the medallion was second and now we are at the Arc prevent Armageddon.

Shujinko is the reason Onaga was able to return, so if Shujinko is not present, Onaga most likely won't be either.

The only other way I can see Onaga returning is if someone resurrects him.

Odemuitascastas Wrote:
This Mortal Kombat was the MK1 to MK3. I think the next will be MK4 and MKDA and finally MKD and MKA last Arc. After that will start a new arc.

I'm pretty sure the reason the reboot was initiated was to do away with the Armageddon story arc, so I'm almost certain we'll never see that again.

As for the Deadly Alliance, Shang Tsung is currently dead, so there is no chance of the duo uniting once again. I very honestly think the reboot is only going to extend up to Mortal Kombat 4. Besides, MK4 has a story grand enough to be told in its own game, especially considering it now takes place in an alternate reality.
04/09/2014 08:38 PM (UTC)
Shujinko grants only Kamidogus back to Onaga. His return depended on the Deadly Alliance and Reptile. Like the Deadly Alliance was used to prepare the return of the Dragon King. Whether any group can do it, the heart and the army of Onaga are weapons for anyone to stand out stand out as a force apart the invasion of Shinnok. Soon the Lin Kuei or even if revolverem finally put a history of Reptile, can do so with some allies, which is also an opportunity to highlight characters that are usually henchmen. The only requirement here is Tsung for his habidade with souls (the Quan Chi can provide information to prepare a fall from his master potential) and dead return in Mortal Kombat.

The Kamidogus can be used to imprison Shinnok, just need someone in the forces of Light that secretly work for Onaga or for some reason want to be your return. And the late Jade put on a new player who may have some interest in Armageddon.
04/10/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
If Reptile does not wind up in the chamber that houses the Dragon King, Onaga doesn't have a genetically similar vessel to inhabit. If Onaga remains an egg, Blaze is still bound to protect it. Meaning, if the events that lead Reptile to enter the magma chamber do not occur, Deception and Armageddon- for the time being- are averted.
04/10/2014 01:06 AM (UTC)

I hope you're correct. I like that Netherrealm started over with a new time line and seem to be focusing on a cohesive story. The Armageddon story seemed like it was an afterthought and just thrown together in order to make every MK character playable. I want to see Shinnok really get his due and have his story fleshed out over the course of the entire game. MK4 has the most limited story in the series so far and this is Netherrealm's chance to make up for that.

Being that I started this thread to get prediction's (not wishes), I'll stick with my guns and say Onaga will be introduced at the end of story mode, or at least hinted at. If I'm wrong that's fine with me because I trust Netherrealm to deliver the goods and not disappoint.
04/10/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:

Being that I started this thread to get prediction's (not wishes), I'll stick with my guns and say Onaga will be introduced at the end of story mode, or at least hinted at. If I'm wrong that's fine with me because I trust Netherrealm to deliver the goods and not disappoint.

Deception's story is so far away from Mortal Kombat that it is highly unlikely NRS will venture back to it.

The majority of the new characters in the game have nothing to do with the even the story of Deception, let alone anything else in MK.

While Deception is sickeningly fun to play and it will always be one of my favorite MK games, I am aware that the story is ultimately shit, and it's best left alone.
04/10/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)

The Deadly Alliance and Deception story arcs have almost certainly been averted. Shang Tsung is dead (at the moment), same with Shao Khan, among other things that have changed from the old time line. If Onaga returns, it would have to be under different circumstances.

But like I said before, I could be (and most likely am) wrong. The reason I speculate Onaga being in cliffhanger ending at the end of MK10 is for the simple reason that he was the next big baddie after Shinnok in the original time line and the deadly alliance between Shang Tsung and Quan Chi seems highly unlikely.
04/11/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
I'm pretty sure the reason the reboot was initiated was to do away with the Armageddon story arc, so I'm almost certain we'll never see that again.

Problem with that is, they haven't actually deleted any of the things that caused Armageddon.

Daegon is currently alive, awake, and running the Red Dragon gang somewhere offscreen. Blaze is currently in Outworld, guarding an egg. And Taven's asleep in a rock. These characters aren't dead and we know they haven't been erased from history via retcon because Raiden saw them in his visions.

The only way to never see the pyramid and the plot of MKA again is for someone in the damn game to realize this shit, to realize that stopping Kahn from winning doesn't stop the REST of the event from happening AT ALL, and go KILL Blaze early, before he can summon it.
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04/13/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
I have a feeling that MKX would primarily focus on Shinnok's invasion. I could see some element of the Deadly Alliance forming. It would have to be done in a way that also takes care of these huge MKA plot devices.

Taven/Daegon/Blaze still has me worried. Not even sure what to expect. Part of me is convinced that we will see "Hornbuckle" represented in some form. Whether that is to alter something is up to NRS. Him vs Blaze as a flashback element to tell an altered path would be something I would accept, I suppose. I just assume that would be their #1 card to play.

I have no problem with NRS taking their time. MK4 offered a very gritty, dark feel. I really hope they focus on that era in MKX. Truth being told, though. I really feel that a lot of the team might want to get through the MK4 plot as soon as possible. MK4 was received rather differently.

I'll put it this way. As long as they try to do something fresh and create a new direction, I can't really blame them. MKA was too messed up. I don't want another DBZ.
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