Where is the Potential People See in Frost?
posted01/11/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)by
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06/23/2012 07:51 PM (UTC)
To me, Frost is Sub-Zero, but with tits. By the way, before you ask me if I like Sheeva, I DON'T. She's a horrible character.

"Her dedication to fighting and learning is overshadowed by her arrogance"

Well, that's just great. She's fucking full of herself. Frost is apparently narcissistic and jealous, if there's anything I dislike, it's those characteristics.

The only thing good about her - is her ending; which she dies in. It's considered to be one of 3 tragic endings in the game (other 2 being Scorpion and Li Mei). Well, I don't find it tragic, I find it to be great. I'm glad she's dead.

Now for the purpose of this post. If you're a fan of Frost, where's the potential that you see?
01/03/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
Myself , I saw her potential in her becoming a "Nightwing" to Sub-Zero (Batman). Another option for her was to become a anti hero with a twist. If Frost ever comes back she needs far more ambition than over throwing Sub-Zero and turning everything into a frozen wasteland.

Like most classic MK characters she needs:

A. A real alignment. Is she good or bad? No NEUTRAL characters like in the post MK4 games. I'm not talking about characters like Scorpion or Ermac. We need character to fight for SOMETHING IMPORTANT and not just for personal glory like Frost, Havik, Nitara, Ashrah, and ect.

If she is good, align her with good characters, give her a group of characters sort of like in Deadly Alliance with Sonya that she can come into conflict with that helps define her. I hope she is never evil, because it would be so cliche, to have one good ice powered hero and one evil ice villain. Also, just because a character is not formally aligned with evil or good , doesn't mean they can't stand for something on a moral compass(somewhat like Jerek).

B. Give her a real GOOD reason for showing up in the game. Every new character in MK Deadly Alliance, Deception , and Armageddon were either pawns, little minions, or characters that had nothing to do with the main story. MK Deception is massively guilty of this.Characters from Orderrealm, Chaosrealm, and Havik were pointless, to the main plot of Dragon King.

None of the post MK4 characters , including Frost don't have any sort of ambition nor personal stories that anyone can attach themselves to. There is no real pay off for wanting them fail or succeed. MK1 to MK4 characters are the best because they stories people can attach themselves too.

The problem with Frost, and most of the post MK4 characters, is she has no real direction or purpose in the MK universe. Myself , I like her design, but is about it. Take away her goal of getting the Dragon medallion , she is just another cookie cutter villain psycho that blames everyone for her failures and does nothing new or important to the overall story, just like post MK4 characters.

When it comes down to post MK4 characters they are just filler one shot characters.

C. Give her a real character. What made the classic characters special were that we can identify and relate who they were. It didn't matter if the character was a villain or hero, their actions hinted in their bio and ending helped define their character. Mileena is a evil character, but she is also sympathetic. Shang Tsung may have been Khan's minon, but he was a interesting as a character because he was always up to something.

Frost or any other character should not just be a simple minion to any other character. Other than a lust for power, we don't know what Frost is like as a person. Her character needs to be established ,so she can become interesting and relevant to the overall story.

I have my doubts after the current team of MK writers botched their own games ( Deadly Alliance, Deception, and Armageddon). Also , made a mess out of the MK mythogy with MK 2011. I have to say, all the new characters do look interesting.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/03/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)
Hey, if the series ended Sub Zero's career, chances are; we would have Frost.

Im not big on Frost, but she has potential. She wasnt a bad idea, I just think she needs better special moves. Storywise I dont care about her story. She's simply just a half ass female sub zero no matter how screen writers may sugar coat it.
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01/05/2015 11:48 PM (UTC)
Quanchi9 Wrote:The only thing good about her - is her ending; which she dies in. It's considered to be one of 3 tragic endings in the game (other 2 being Scorpion and Li Mei). Well, I don't find it tragic, I find it to be great. I'm glad she's dead.

In none of her endings did she die. In MKDA and MKD she ended up encased in ice, frozen but not dead.
She, along with everyone else dies in the Armageddon battle, but that's not what you meant, is it?

I preferred her long combos in MKDA, but MKA introduced more specials, making her more on par with Sub (and everyone else). Her character motivation is a little one-dimensional, but that leaves a lot of room for improvement and expansion. As for fighting styles, there's nothing wrong with having more than one ice user per game. It doesn't take away her individuality.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/11/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The potential is in the comics, apparently. wink
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