Where do you RANK the new characters now?
posted04/20/2015 10:06 AM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
So, you've had a few days to get acquainted. Where do you rank the new characters now, taking their play styles into account? Did your expectations change?

1. D'Vorah - Fast, excellent range, great zoner and close up. Pivotal in the story.

2. Erron Black - Great mix-ups, amazing close game. Still oozes cool.

3. Cassie Cage - All round great game, love me some Sassy Cage. Also has my favourite ever MK fatality (selfie).

4. Takeda - Insane range, fun to play

5. Jacqui Briggs - I still hate her, but concede she is really fun to play, probably has the best zone game if that's your bag. The biggest leap up the ranks (she was my bottom placer pre-game).

6. Kung Jin. Find him cumbersome, but that dive kick is awesome and he isn't the Green Arrow clone I was expecting. Still a bit dull. Making him gay seems an over-compensation to make him more interesting.

7. Kotal Kahn. Kotal was my number 1 man pre-game. I still think he's a great *character*, but he's extremely slow and difficult to pick-up. Can't gel with the play style at all. Massive dive. Still - great *character*.

8. Ferra/Torr. Poor Ferra/Torr. This is an interesting design. I really wanted to like them but they're a pain to pick up and play. Even their ending alludes to this being their one time MK gig.

So, surprises wise... Kotal Kahn is still my favourite character but I find him too slow/hard to pick up. Jacqui is still a trash character (imho), but I concede she plays okay. Ferra/Torr are the no-hopers many fans pegged them for (sadly. I still ADORE Ferra).
04/18/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
1. Cassie Cage- Her personality is perfect. Her fighting style is really. Her moveset is very fun. Cassie reminds me of myself so thats why she is my main. Her Seflie fatality is definitely the best in the game too.

2. D'Vorah- Her moveset is pretty cool. The reason I love her though is because of story mode. Wow. She was amazing in story mode. She stole the show. D'Vorah's voice is great. They pulled her off perfectly.

3. Kung Jin- When I read about him on the casting call, i hates him. I thought he sounded so stupid. But after seeing him, I like him a lot. His bojutsu style is very fun and he is one of my mains. I also like that he is MKs first gay character. Being gay myself, it feels good to have representation in the game.

4. Erron Black- Erron is really lacking in the personality and story department, but he is very fun to play as . They really did him well.
I wasnt sure how they were gonna do it, but alas they made the cowboy work. I like the twist that Shang slowed down his aging process too

5. Jacqui- I thought she was gonna be boring and a Jax copy, but I was wrong. She is so much fun in-game. Her style is fun and her trashtalking is do great. She says stuff like "Say my name , Bitch!"

6. Kotal Kahn- He is a great character....... in the comics. He was such a douchebag in the game. I was on Mileenas side. Why is he refusing to free Edenia? He style is also really hard to learn. He came out kinda meh.

7. Ferra/Torr- Ferra is a lot of fun. Shes funny and adorable. Torr however, is kinda boring. Their moveset is meh and they were lackeys in the story. They had a lot of potential but didnt live up to expectations.

8. Takeda- I honestly can stand him. I dont understand how Kung Jin and Jacqui got hate when we have Turdkeda over here. His personality is boring. Very Boring. His voice sounds dumb. His appearance is incredibly boring. His yellow headband is ugly and his armor is generic. His style is unique, Ill give him that. But the whips arent my style. Idk I just dont like him at all.
04/18/2015 11:12 PM (UTC)
Overall I think they're all pretty successful.

1. D'Vorah is far and away the strongest new character. She's the best new MK cast member in a very long time.

2-5. After her, I like the new kids a lot. Cassie and Jacqui are my favorites -- I love their BFF banter -- but I'm very intrigued by the possibilities with Kung Jin's story and Takeda is a lot of fun and has a great design.

6-7. A tie: Kotal Kahn is a great concept but the execution gameplay-wise is not doing it for me. Ferra/Torr is a concept I was skeptical about, but they work really well in-game.

8. Erron Black is a lot of fun to play and his design is cool, but there's not a ton going on there. I'd like to see how he develops, though, because I'm sure he'll be around for a while.
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04/20/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
#1 Erron Black Revolvers and Cowboys are my shit.
2# Jacqui she sexy
#3 Dvorah I like her voice
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04/20/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
A lot of thinking since watching gameplay and the story on youtube god I wish I had the game right now I am jealous lol.grin Anyway this is my top 8.
7.Kotal Kahn
5.Cassie Cage
4.Kung Jin
2.Jacqui Briggs
1.Erron Black
04/20/2015 04:59 AM (UTC)
1. Cassie Cage
2. Takeda
3. D'Vorah
4. Jacqui
5. Erron Black
6. Kotal Kahn
7. Kung Jin
8. Ferra/Torr
04/20/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)
1. D'Vorah
2. Cassie Cage
3. Takeda
4. Ferra & Torr
5. Jacqui Briggs
6. Erron Black
7. Kotal Kahn
8. Kung Jin
04/20/2015 09:27 AM (UTC)
1) Erron Black ( he's the MK character that should have been made ages ago, lacking story but the mystery fits his character very sleek and stylish.)

2) Dvorah ( Walked out of a masters of the universe cartoon, but she brings new variety to Mk's reptiles, centaurs and shokan, plus she's cute.

3) Jin ( initially I thought he would be duller than Kang and Lao but he turned out quite the opposit, just drop the "Kung" from his name)

4) Cassie (brimming with personality and a crowd pleaser, she needs better outfits though)

5) Takeda ( he's already popular )

6) Jaquie ( she has potential that can be further developed)

7) Kotal Khan (boring)

8)Ferra Torr ( failed)

04/20/2015 10:06 AM (UTC)
1. Kung Jin - I love how he plays, particularly the Shaolin variation - the Chakram works well for a Jade player, and all his bow attacks remind me of Green Arrow whom was a favourite of mine in Injustice. He was a bit of an idiot in story mode but I liked his backstory.

2. Cassie Cage - I've yet to really explore her gameplay wise, but from what I have seen she's a lot of fun. I still find her hilarious and she was great in story mode. Hope she gets some cool DLC alts down the line.

3. D'Vorah - Again haven't played her a ton, but I like what I see. She was a nasty bitch in story mode, and I think they've created a great villain that I hope to see more of in the future.

4. Erron Black - He's a bit bland personality wise but I still like his design and he is a lot of fun to play as!

5. Takeda - I like him, but he could never replace Kenshi for me. His moveset seems cool but I've yet to explore him fully.

6. Jacqui - I still find her appearance incredibly bland but she is fairly fun to play as and she does have a bit of personality.

7. Kotal Kahn - I was hugely disappointed in Kotal, from what I had seen of him I gathered he wouldn't be my kind of character to play as, but had high hopes for him in story mode. He came across incompetent, boring and a bit of a dick. I hope they give him a deeper backstory next time or I would rather he didn't return.

8. Ferra/Torr - They were practically non-existent in story mode and their play style is far too slow for me. I still like their concept, but I feel it could have been executed a lot better.
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