03/05/2007 08:17 PM (UTC)
Explain how Sindel is cheap in MKD and MKA. Since you say she is, that's implying that her gameplay is really good in those games.

I doubt MKA's memory was stuffed to death. I'm sure a lot more could be put in that game.

Motaro losing his hind legs is not due to memory issues. It's due to programming issues. The graphics reduction is not due to memory issues either and the same also goes for things like the Krypt.

Their plan for MKA was to wrap things up and give closure to this generation's storyline.

How will the developers put earnest efforts in making the games better if they were to have to release a game every year and have to focus on different aspects of the game? Think about it.

How was MKD's gameplay better than MKDA's?

Neither MKDA nor MKD had any of the following:

throw escapes
wake up game
counter hit
smooth, fluid animations and feel
proper risk/reward system
proper frame advantage/disadvantage
wide array of useful moves per character
proper testing
string combos
overall logic

I'm sure there are other things, but the ones I mentioned came to mind.

MKA still lacked the things I mentioned though it did have parries and a wake up game. Too bad the parries were stiff and all of the wake up moves are 100% sidesteppable.
03/06/2007 05:44 AM (UTC)
How on earth does "cheap" imply anything good? Sindel's cheap in MKD/MKA, meaning gameplay-wise she sucks. "Suck," maybe that's a word you can understand better.

MKD's gameplay was better than MKDA's gameplay in a couple of different ways. The most noticeable way for me was with the combos...
To fully execute a combo in MKDA, you couldn't press all the buttons together and then expect for your character to perform the combo completely. You had to first press the first buttons needed for the combo, wait for your character to perform the first set of moves, then press the rest of the buttons afterward.
In MKD, you can press all the buttons right after one another and your character will completely perform the combo automatically from there. You didn't have to strike the buttons in paces or in pieces. You can just do it all at once without worry. Which made the gameplay much easier and smoother.

Anyway, everything on that list you mentioned about what MK's gameplay lacks... How will time promise those things? And don't say "I never said time will promise them" because that is exactly what you are suggesting. You're saying MK's gameplay sucks and lacks because the developers never have enough "time."

I can tell you want a more intricate type of gameplay. I do too. I like the parries and new features from MKA. I wish there were more, but time alone has nothing to do with providing anything like that. If the developers don't plan on adding those things on your list, what good will time do? Let them have 4 years to make the next MK game, and if "string combos" isn't the direction they wanna take the next game in, then string combos won't be in it.

See what I mean? It's their plans, ideas, and goals that make MOST of the difference. Time helps, yes, but only with how well the plans are generated. Having lots of time results in less glitches, not new features or gameplay additions, unless they are something the developers have decided on adding.

So if the MK team had a decade to make the next game, throw escapes, counter hit, smooth fluid animations and feel, proper risk/reward system, proper frame advantage/disadvantage, wide array of useful moves per character, proper testing, string combos, and overall logic would all be in the game?

That is precisely what your suggesting. That's precisely what you're arguing.

I think 2 years for MK8 is a good amount of time, but why can't they make MKSM 2 or another spin-off and stick to what they said they would do as well? So they'll have less time... Who cares? If the ideas for the games are cool, then the games will be cool, just generated somewhat imperfectly(meaning with glitches here and there). MK8 will have glitches, so what's the bid deal?
03/06/2007 08:52 AM (UTC)
Shouldn't you change the name of this topic?
03/06/2007 09:44 AM (UTC)
The Bitch, Ed Boon has always wanted to add certain features (e.g ripped clothing as the fight continues) in the recent mk games right, but those features were never implemented because Ed Boon complained that he didnt have enough time to implement those features.

If Ed has more time to develop a game. The game should be more polished and it should resemble what he intially planned for the game even more.

Waiting an extra year or so for a game isnt that bad. Are you just so patient? If so, play other fighting games out there.
03/06/2007 11:03 PM (UTC)
The improvements you mentioned aren't enough to make it good. It lacked so many basic essential things that other fighters have had for many years already, making MK way, way behind.

I never said more time will promise it. I said that more time makes things more likely, especially since Boon knows about the gameplay problems and has been trying to fix them. The problems stem from a combination of little time, poor execution, and having to work on other parts of the game. It's pretty clear that they have been trying to fix the gameplay, but things like time restraints tamper with their ability to pull things off as well as they'd want to.

For you to say that I'm suggesting that more time promises improvements is wrong. Again, you have a knack for misunderstanding things. Try to read my posts carefully. It actually helps.

Also, you again fail to understand a point that I made before about the ideas, concepts and all that. They may look great on paper, but when they are being executed, the results have been sub-par or worse and the past games are proof of this.

I'm sure MK8 will have glitches, but if they are minor glitches and aren't glitches that greatly break the gameplay, then things should be fine. I don't understand why you are so impatient. What's the problem with waiting 2-3 years? Also, regarding the term "cheap", it's synonymous with terms like "broken", "overpowered", etc. So when you use the term "cheap", that's saying that Sindel is overpowered, thus meaning she'd higher up in the tier ranking. Saying that she sucks is saying the opposite of cheap/broken/overpowered...whatever. If you learn how she plays in MKD and MKA, you COULD beat some characters that are better than her. However, the chances are slim due to not having many useful tools to work with. I will note that the amount of useful tools isn't as important as the level of usefulness of the useful tools. In Sindel's case, they can be useful, but they are not nearly as useful as the tools characters like Dairou have.
03/07/2007 12:47 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
The Bitch, Ed Boon has always wanted to add certain features (e.g ripped clothing as the fight continues) in the recent mk games right, but those features were never implemented because Ed Boon complained that he didnt have enough time to implement those features.

If Ed has more time to develop a game. The game should be more polished and it should resemble what he intially planned for the game even more.

Waiting an extra year or so for a game isnt that bad. Are you just so patient? If so, play other fighting games out there.

to what i have been hearing since Deadly Alliance, it seems that Boon doesn't have time for anything. That was the whole reason why there were one fatality per character on DA.
03/07/2007 06:26 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I guess you're right, Jolly. But I still want a new MK game out every year. Why can't they put more people on the MK staff to make this happen or something? I mean, they SAID they would, then out of nowhere it's like they never said anything. That is just wrong on so many levels.

But also, your not completely right. All the features that never make it to a game because of time problems are always included in later games. That's why MKD came with multiple finishers. And the torn clothing and stuff is rumored to be coming for MK8. So the features ARE implemented sooner or later.

I guess this topic has become an argument of opinions. Since I have been overall content with the latest MK games ('cept MKA), I would love having a new MK game out every year. But since you guys have been, I don't know, unhappy or unsatisfied with the latest games, you prefer that the MK team takes lots and lots of time to make the next installments.

Let's just leave it at that, especially cuz I've gotten rather bored with this repetitive debate. And cuz we'd just be arguing in circles anyway.

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03/07/2007 06:35 AM (UTC)
I just hope your naivete does not leave you completely struckdown when MK8 comes out.
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03/07/2007 08:14 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Yeah, I guess you're right, Jolly. But I still want a new MK game out every year. Why can't they put more people on the MK staff to make this happen or something? I mean, they SAID they would, then out of nowhere it's like they never said anything. That is just wrong on so many levels.

Money...yep, that's why. If you think about it it litterally, and personally>>Then work your way up the "pyramid" that is a company...it becomes clear.
"Supply and Demand".

1. The "MkTeam" are individuals with families that have to be paid for their work. To feed thier families and pay the bills...

2. Thier "Bosses" (Ed Boon and then his bosses, Midway) demand a product. The MkTeam are the producers(that's really obvious, I'm not trying to seem a way)

3. The MkTeam, as the producers...want to make "Mortal Kombat", a specific game, based on the ideas and concepts they have in mind and from the information they recieve from us fans....they have thier meetings and such ALOT at this stage. Getting everybody who will work on the game together, and delagating responsibility for whatever part(s) of the game.

4. Once the ideas and concepts are gathered, and put on paper(mostly written) rough drafts and prototypes are produced. More and more fazes occur to get the Cast, Relative Story, Gameplay Ideas...ect ect together. Here is where large amounts of time start to get used up....People are drawing alot of things. Finding, or bring to the table thier inspirations for what the game will look and feel like. (now-days, it's always a crap-load of hrs on the computers)

5. They're making the game. Adding and subtracting things trying different "cool" concepts out to see if they will work in the final product....Umm, pretty much, they got thier gameplan together and taking anymore suggestions or concepts into consideration is minimized greatly. Y'know, leaving the door open for more little stuff, but sticking to the plan to get a game done is a great issue.

6. More and more meetings, check in with all the artists and their progress...Which systems to release on, Where in the world to release, Online accomodations...ect ect..
More and more meetings...

7. They release a render or something small to us!! Yay! Maybe an interview that devulges something really juicy about the game...The game still may be in production stages...but their probably just making all the systems contoller adjustments and such...maybe putting the finishing touches on renders, media...

8. Game releases!!


Now, say all those steps take at least a 2 months at a time. The game you want in a year would take 16mo(almost a yr and 1/2). O.k., now imagine before #1 Miday says:

Here's how much money we're going to spend on this game, only this much will go to paying the MkTeams' salary during production, this part will go to Avertising the game, this much will go to "other" merchadise @ release(Official books, little things like that), , this is what we expect to make off this game and all it's merchandise, And OH!... this is when we're going to release this game....Go. If you're not done in time we'll doc your pay or fire you...See ya in a year! Bye!!


But, see what I mean there?
Midway is probably not so cynical, but you get the just of what I'm trying to say. Somewhere in between #1 & #5 the MkTeam has to delagate not only the project sections, but they also have to set a time scale for when Boon(or whoever) can pay people to be done with that part of the game. "The time to work on that particular part in the game will run out with the money to pay his/her salary before release". Reduce what you have to pay for(people, merchandise, advertising..ect), maximize what you make off the product(1 million copies sold after release to re-coup the money Midway spent making the game).

There's peoples' salaries attatched to: Gameplay systems, and Graphics systems, and Storyline development....and Mini-games, and Conquest modes, and Kreate-a-fighter, and Online differences per system....and....and....and.

So, just hiring more of an MkTeam isn't so reasonable...or more likely, it might not be feasible, considering how much money Midway wants to spend on a game. The "bucket-o-money" Midway provides for production is not only for Mortal Kombat and team...from paying peoples salaries...to advertising, press and release time.
03/08/2007 12:32 AM (UTC)
Well, gee, despite all you posted, Midway itself still said they'd release a new game every year. So because of that, it's clear that they know they have the resources to accomplish this.

What I said about adding more people to the MK staff was just one quick idea I had for Midway to release a new game every year more easily. I'm sure there's plenty of other ways they can "figure something out" to make it both possible and easier.

And also, MK is one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. You really think money is a major issue here? Ed Boon and the rest of the team are already rich. Feeding their families and paying the bills is no crisis. Not even close.

I mean, I know they wouldn't want to start getting paid less, so that's a good reason why they probably shouldn't have an enlarged staff, but you make it sound like if they're gonna go bankrupt or something, which is far from true.

And the things u posted above could be solved by Midway simply giving the MK team a bigger budget. Again, something they probably wouldn't wanna do, but I'm just saying, it's not impossible.
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03/08/2007 08:56 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Well, gee, despite all you posted, Midway itself still said they'd release a new game every year. So because of that, it's clear that they know they have the resources to accomplish this.

Yea, that's exactly right..."Resouces" = "Trade" = "Money"..
Midway is the metophoric "head", the MkTeam is the metophoric "arms or legs"...

Try to think of a matrix of business transactions... a verbal contract is all that's binding. Also, you'd have to clarify "new game every year" as they meant it for it to bind them to that verbal contract.....They are actually, doing what they said they would do. "New game every year" doesn't exclude regurgitation....unless disclosed in-said-verbal contract.

Basicly, what I tried to convey there in my last post is how unreasonable a task, creating a Brand New game every year would be. All we'd probably get is 1/3 to maybe 1/2 a game...and a crap-load more "not finished" stuff on the disc.

I question your sense of worth...

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
What I said about adding more people to the MK staff was just one quick idea I had for Midway to release a new game every year more easily. I'm sure there's plenty of other ways they can "figure something out" to make it both possible and easier.

Not without considering more money to move the project along.
It's a business. Nothing moves without proper motivation...business "trade"
works like a hand-shake. If the MkTeam has a hand out to shake Midways' and make a deal, we all get what we want...A game and some possible merchandise. But Midway won't "shake" on making a brand-new game every year because it would cost too much to get something like that done(more employees to pay more consistantly, instead of "one shot, one game, big payday on that game. Instead, Midway "shakes" in agreement to release a regurgatated "new-game every year".

So you see, "figure something out" evolves from a deal//contract//"hand shake" if you will....To motivate the deal...you have to be talking about money...They go "hand-and-hand".

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And also, MK is one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. You really think money is a major issue here? Ed Boon and the rest of the team are already rich. Feeding their families and paying the bills is no crisis. Not even close.

YES! By now, the Mk Franchise is a teenager, so they know they're way about a contract or two. The thing is..It's a bunch a business transactions that happen in order to move things along...So money is Always an "issue". So much so that it places restrictions what the MkTeam can do and when...under the Title Mortal Kombat....By way of Midway.


I think you underestimate the tax Midway charges. lol ... Corporations collect "dues" from their subsiduaries to turn a profit. Like paying your landlord rent to live in thier "house". Or for Mortal Kombat...for the parent company Midway, to house their name.

Midway takes care of just about everything outside of actually producing the game. Advertising, distribution(domestic and world-wide) any of the merchandise you see with the Midway logo associated with Mk....everything non-production related is what Midway does for Mk.

What that means is, if the midway logo isn't on it, but the Mk dragon is...the MkTeam might have brokered the deal themselves, to put extra money in thier own pocket....a "Venue" is what it's called I believe. Which then again..Midway allows the Team to construct//broker alone so they still have a "hand" in everything.

Let the team(namely Ed Boon as the representative) deviate from that "hand-shake" or deal and try to construct//broker more venues then they're supposed to...?... Then the deals' likely off and Midway reeps the greatest benifit.

The thing is like I mentioned, Mortal Kombat is in it's teenage years as a franchise. And like you said, they've made their parent(Midway) ALOT of $dough$. What I speculate is that with the success of the last few games, Midway will let off the "shackles"///Control over what happens with Mortal Kombat, aaand we'll get to see that spectacular game they've always wanted to make and we've always wanted to see....

The way you'll be able to tell is that the game should be slightly different in feel, but overall greatly improved over the original concepts of the 1st - 3rd Mk games.....But we'll see.
Cuz those were the raw ideas of what sold and made the game so popular in the first place...those were more of what the producers intended.

Most recenlty what we as fans have been exposed to since..say Mk4, are the demands of the parent company and all that binds Mk to Midway...

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I mean, I know they wouldn't want to start getting paid less, so that's a good reason why they probably shouldn't have an enlarged staff, but you make it sound like if they're gonna go bankrupt or something, which is far from true.

Oh, sry bout that, it's just you don't seem to be aware of the business economics envolved....so I felt it nessasary to share the basics with you...

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And the things u posted above could be solved by Midway simply giving the MK team a bigger budget. Again, something they probably wouldn't wanna do, but I'm just saying, it's not impossible.

You are exactly right again. More money and the control to do with those moneys' as they see fit is what will make us another fantastic Mortal Kombat game. It's the core of what I'm hoping has happened since they finished MkA. "Contracts Re-negotiated".....as far as being a "teenage franchise"....Mortal Kombat should....should get more responsibility, and be able to pay thier own MkTeam instead of Midway.

The possibilities go through the roof once you're paying yourself.
1. Spend as much (or as little) time as needed to produce a good quality product.
2. No "parental company" dictating..(elliminate the middle man - -Bye bye Midway...eventually...No more "dues" to pay.)
3. Profit, Profit, PROFIT!! Yay!(you always benifit more from producing a product that you recieve direct moneys' back from. You can employ according to your budget because you should have more money to spend....No more "dues" to pay.)

Meh...hope I helped .....somebody
I'm outta here for now..
03/08/2007 11:01 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Ed Boon and the rest of the team are already rich. Feeding their families and paying the bills is no crisis. Not even close.

Families?! Hahaha. Good one.
If you think that this dance is about pleasing you and not about getting money from your pocket, then I've got some really nice bridges in Singapore to sell you. If they think for two seconds that making a new game every year is going to cost them instead of benefit them, they'll drop it cold turkey.
03/24/2007 04:26 AM (UTC)
To go back on Topic, can I ask where everyone is hearing about Mortal Kombat on the DS? I havent even heard rumors of this yet.
03/24/2007 10:29 AM (UTC)
Try using the "search MKO" thing.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/30/2007 05:07 PM (UTC)
If the MK team is working on MKA for the wii and the DS, does that mean they had to put off working on MK8? If so I feel like they should have just left MKA as is and moved on to work on MK8, because I think all that time would have been very valuable and paid off. Thanks a lot Midway.furious
03/30/2007 05:31 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
If the MK team is working on MKA for the wii and the DS, does that mean they had to put off working on MK8? If so I feel like they should have just left MKA as is and moved on to work on MK8, because I think all that time would have been very valuable and paid off. Thanks a lot Midway.furious

Actually, Ed boon's boys arnt working on the Wii version of MKA, it's another team. Good chance it's the same story for the MK DS game.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/01/2007 08:39 PM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
If the MK team is working on MKA for the wii and the DS, does that mean they had to put off working on MK8? If so I feel like they should have just left MKA as is and moved on to work on MK8, because I think all that time would have been very valuable and paid off. Thanks a lot Midway.furious

Actually, Ed boon's boys arnt working on the Wii version of MKA, it's another team. Good chance it's the same story for the MK DS game.

Oh now that's good to now. I sure hope it's the same story for the DS game and that they are already working on MK8 as we speak.
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