What would YOUR New-Genre MK Game Be?
posted03/09/2005 02:41 PM (UTC)by
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02/26/2003 05:35 AM (UTC)
Ok..I THINk I have the right forum for this topic..lol
We've heard talks from Boon interviews that he and the team are very interested in taking MK in different directions and exploring new genres with the game. That's pretty evident in puzzle, chess, and now Shaolin Monks coming out. So my question to you is, what genre, or already existing game, would be great with an MK theme to it?

My answer is an MK style Diablo 2. And overhead type hack and slash adventure that spans different realms, requires some teamwork online, and has a vast ammount of items to find and equip your characters with. Characters level-up of course.
You could play as the forces of good (Outworld armies, Earthrealm explorers, maybe even a Seidan guard) or evil (a member of the Tarkatan hordes, a wraith from the netherealm, a shadow priest, a member of Shao Kahns militia that went freelance, etc). Of course, if you do find rival parties, you can fight them.
I just think it would be really cool exploring the ancient beetle lair, encountering massive hordes of tarkatan, defeating them, and gaining whatever secret treasures may be inside.

An entirely do-able project. What are your ideas?
11/25/2004 04:59 PM (UTC)
Final Fantasy style!
11/25/2004 05:07 PM (UTC)
As I stated in deception forum. I think all games like chess kombat, and puzzle kombat all games like that should be left out of normal fighting MK games so more time and be focused so a better MK game and be pumped out when ever they do come out. Those mini like games Deception should never again be in a MK game, instead should be on there on game disc. Sort of like Mario Party , but Mortal Kombat style.

Answer: Mortal Kombat party :.\ ( A name that will do MK party game justice)
11/25/2004 05:08 PM (UTC)
Hahah final fantasy based would be umm very weird lol
11/25/2004 05:24 PM (UTC)
Like, omigod. Mortal Kombat: Rodéo Drive. (For those of you who don't know, that has nothing to do with horses and cowboys ;) )
03/09/2005 01:06 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
Ok..I THINk I have the right forum for this topic..lol
We've heard talks from Boon interviews that he and the team are very interested in taking MK in different directions and exploring new genres with the game. That's pretty evident in puzzle, chess, and now Shaolin Monks coming out. So my question to you is, what genre, or already existing game, would be great with an MK theme to it?

My answer is an MK style Diablo 2. And overhead type hack and slash adventure that spans different realms, requires some teamwork online, and has a vast ammount of items to find and equip your characters with. Characters level-up of course.
You could play as the forces of good (Outworld armies, Earthrealm explorers, maybe even a Seidan guard) or evil (a member of the Tarkatan hordes, a wraith from the netherealm, a shadow priest, a member of Shao Kahns militia that went freelance, etc). Of course, if you do find rival parties, you can fight them.
I just think it would be really cool exploring the ancient beetle lair, encountering massive hordes of tarkatan, defeating them, and gaining whatever secret treasures may be inside.

An entirely do-able project. What are your ideas?

I'd like to expand on this idea. In regard to the playable characters. Let's say you pick an alliance for example Earthrealm's warriors. If you pick Liu Kang you start off with basic punches and kicks for when you click and hold the mouse button down on the enemy. Your basic skill would be the flying kick and the fireball. As you progress through the game you can obtain different items of clothing that benefit Liu Kang. So in other words you can watch Liu Kang change from his Mortal Kombat 1 appereance all the way to his modern day appereance.

If you ever played Diablo 2 you would know how the special moves would work in this game.

I like that idea alot.
03/09/2005 02:41 PM (UTC)
I think It would be amazing if they'd make a game for Kitana. A RPG game. You start looking teenage, you learn various martial arts and weapons over thousands of years then you become the perfect assassin. You do missions with Jade, Mileena, some Shokans, some Tarkatans, Shang Tsung, Reptile..... and one day the Mortal Kombat begins and you have to face different people, and then your previous allies become bosses. Some like Jade, would turn on your side when defeated, and some would be true bosses. And this could blend in with Sindel's ressurection story, the shokan alliance, Liu's death and her brainwashing and finally, this would conclude with MK7 story.

That would be awesome !
She'd gain multiple fighting fans, and various weapons (projectiles and others) and you could put points in the stats you want. This could play either a la Diablo or either a la Final Fantasy.


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