What would you think about that storyline idea for MK7 (involves Rain and Stryker)
posted12/17/2005 03:35 PM (UTC)by
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12/16/2005 04:39 PM (UTC)
I was thinking about a new story for Rain...he could be ressurected by Havik(considering Kabal never takes the Onaga's heart) and trained the way of Chaos to help in the war against the realm of Seido. Havik tells Rain that the only way he can back to Edenia is by helping him or else he's take his life again.

Rain must then face old rival and leader of the Seidan Guardsmen new sneaking stealthy assassin team, Kurtis Stryker. I was thinking about how Stryker and Rain could have face off during the earthrealm invasion and the fight would have ended in a draw. It would be Round 2. Rain, with new powers and Stryker with new powers. Stryker would have an Hotaro-like armor(but sneaking suit like) with razor sharp night sticks as weapons and Rain could be using Nunchaku(seriously....he needs a fun weapon and nobody's using nunchakus...everyone as a sword).

So, while the regular Guardsman prevent Darrius' revolution from taking over the city, Stryker and his team invade the Chaosrealm to prevent them from going in the realm of Seido.

Rain would then turn into an awesome ninja(weather powers, chaos powers and Nunchaku) while Stryker would be an all new character Solid Snake-like assassin.

Good idea? I love it. Rain could eventually help Havik take the realm of Seido over and he would be lifted from his "curse"(stuck to help Havik or die again).
Btw, sorry for my so-so grammar. I'm from the Province of Quebec and I'm not 100% bilingual.
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12/17/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
How did Stryker become part of the Seidan guard? I thought he died a while back. Even if he didn't...What's he doing in the Order Realm? One other small nitpick. Nunchucks? They were Cage's weapon in MK5 and Liu Kang's weapon in MK6. I like that you're going in different directions with old characters, as many characters tend to stay in the same, stagnant storyline (hello Sonya, Kano, Jax) though I personally hated the order versus chaos plotline and thus I'm biased when I say that I don't like that direction for Rain and Stryker. So I'm not downing your idea for them, my issue is with that plotline, not yours. Last thing, why is Rain cursed to do what Havik wants him to do? Just because he raised him from the dead? I like the idea of Rain and Havik together though. You should definitely try some ideas with that combo. Good post man. Keep the ideas coming!
12/17/2005 12:16 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang is using Nunchakus in Deception? Damn...I still haven't unlocked him, so I couldn't know. I need to come up with another weapon then....

Well, my idea was that, since Havik needs help, he puts a curse on Rain when he ressurects him. Rain isn't competely ressurcted and he won't be unless he helps Havik gets what he want.

Of course, it could end with Rain beating Stryker but deciding to stay with Havik as a cleric of Chaos.

Also, Stryker never died in Mk3. I also heard that in Konquest mode, he says that he's aspiring to become a Seidan Guardsman. Forshadowing? Could be, so I build my story upon that.

But I agree with you..the whole "order VS chaos" thing is kinda lame but I got over it and it's cool in someways. A lot of things could come from that feud.tongue
EDIT : Well, I have a new idea. Since in my idea Rain wouldn't be completely ressurected, how about a Scythe. That would be awesome.
12/17/2005 01:18 AM (UTC)
not a bad idea, it could add alot more to the chaos/order war if charaters we already know took sides in it.
12/17/2005 06:13 AM (UTC)
who wins i hope its striker
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12/17/2005 07:13 AM (UTC)
Mmm... I appreciate the effort, but I don't think I'd like that.

Stryker's best left either dead, or as fodder for the Earthrealm Special Forces (arguably the most logical place for him).

I'd like to see Rain gain some identity of his own (an entirely new look, for sure), but I'd probably rather something that sees him alone, or back in Edenia.

Nice work, though.
Even though I didn't really like Hotaru, or their involvement in Deception, it'd be interesting to see how the Seidan guard could be elaborated on in future games and storylines.
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12/17/2005 07:45 AM (UTC)
Quote: "Well, my idea was that, since Havik needs help, he puts a curse on Rain when he ressurects him. Rain isn't competely ressurcted and he won't be unless he helps Havik gets what he want."

I don't know why Havik needs anyone's help, but I definitely like the idea of partial ressurection, or ressurection and control. Good ideas man!
12/17/2005 03:35 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Quote: "Well, my idea was that, since Havik needs help, he puts a curse on Rain when he ressurects him. Rain isn't competely ressurcted and he won't be unless he helps Havik gets what he want."

I don't know why Havik needs anyone's help, but I definitely like the idea of partial ressurection, or ressurection and control. Good ideas man!

Well....you can't take over a realm by yourself, can you? And I don't see Havik and Darrius teaming up anytime soon. Havik would just want to add one more warrior to his side.

I'm still wondering what weapon Rain could use. Nunchaku are already used(Cage, that I forgot, and Liu Kang, that I still haven't unlocked).

What type of weapon do you would suit Rain? I don't want him to have a sword. Everyone has one.
EDIT : Just realized I had already found a weapon for him. A scythe.
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