What will happen in MK8?
posted11/14/2006 07:56 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/25/2006 11:12 PM (UTC)
Just who actually dies? Who gets the power of a god? How did warriors come back from the dead? Did Stryker leave the sprinklers on? What do you think?
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11/09/2006 12:51 AM (UTC)
Personally i dont think any of the endings are canon. Just like Deception, they will likely create their own ending for MK:A.
11/09/2006 02:07 AM (UTC)
90% of the people will be gone or had their powers taken away so their now important anymore....Taven will have beaten Blaze and destroyed Daegon, so the Red Dragon will probably be no more. Sub will be back, so will the Lin Kuei more than likely. Sektor will probably have a more elaborate story line. Scorpion...ah who knows about him. Noob will not be Noob anymore, or Sub-Zero, so I guess you can count him in as a new character. And Quan Chi (unless someone new comes along) will end up being the main bad guy, with a 4 legged Motaro at his side.

This is just my take on it.
11/09/2006 07:28 AM (UTC)
In my opinion, the fact that none of the endings happen really ticks me off. If this game was supposed to tie up all the loose ends, why didn't they make all the endings canon? Anyway, here's some examples on what I think will happen:

Scorpion- No way he's getting killed off, he's Boon's favorite character. He'll most likely ponder a way to strike at the Elder Gods for making his clan nothing but a bunch of cadavers.

Sub-Zero- I'm sure he'll make the cut because he's Scorpion's arch-rival (not necessarily arch-enemy). Their feud has to be kept alive.

Raiden- I think his popularity went down the tube when he turned dark. He'll either get killed off or made a main villain boss.

Liu Kang- I doubt he'll make it to the next-gen games because it looked like there was no way to reunite Liu Kang's body and soul together. Plus, I think he's run his course, time for him to go.

Taven- He might make it to the next-gen games, he was just added to the roster; both he and Shujinko. Or... they'll make it so someone else defeated Blaze instead of him and Taven will die. That's just my opinion.
11/09/2006 05:59 PM (UTC)
11/13/2006 03:58 PM (UTC)
A possible way to take out a majority of the characters is to have the setting of MK8 take place 500 years after Armageddon. This would be a fashionable way to introduce new characters without having the older characters overshadowing them. Also it would be nostalgic because the first Mortal Kombat game took place 500 years after Goro had become the Mortal Kombat champion.
11/13/2006 05:29 PM (UTC)
I think (sadly) all will die exept Taven (and I dont Like him). Maybe some Undead like Scorpian Can Survive the Armageddon, but I don ́t think that we see him so soon again. They will set a Fully new Roster, Exept of Taven, But we can be shure that there will be Story-paralells and old-known Special moves in the new set, MK Without a Spear? Unthinkable.

Let ́s get Suprised.

Keep on Fighting !!! furious
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11/14/2006 07:56 AM (UTC)
I think that after the reception that MK:A has received from fans as well as the media, perhaps Boon will listen to those that have called for big changes. He's already stated that MK8 will be a vast departure for the series, and that Armageddon will be used to basically kill off a very large portion of the characters in the series. With that said:

I can see four or five characters returning at the most. Scorpion and Sub Zero are probably the only characters I'd classify as shoe-ins, but even then, we could possibly see related characters used for them (by that I mean a Shinrai Ryu ninja that's not Scorpion or a Lin Kuei ninja that's not Sub Zero). I think that we'll see some familiarity in new characters in that some might be related directly or indirectly to old characters. But for the most part, I think that the MK team will go with a theory that new = better.

I can also see the MK team finally realizing that gameplay is important. Yes, every MK fan enjoys fatalities, secret unlockables etc, but even the MK team knows that the current fighting system, the core reason for playing MK needs to be scrapped in favor of something more modern (I've read articles that suggest that they'll rebuild the fighting system for the next gen game). I really hope that this is the main focus, and that the new system isn't about gimmicks, as the other updates to the old battle system were.

I'm hoping that the MK team will focus more on the gameplay, the story, and the options for fighting as opposed to adding new modes that have nothing to do with fighting, but the chances of that happening are slim. They keep trying to make this complete game where there's something for everyone and in doing so, they fail at everything. My g/f and I both play DOA and Soul Calibur because they're fun, well made fighting games, not because I like the fighting and she likes some other girly mode. Make a good game and everyone will like it. That's the catch-all.

As far as the storyline goes, I think that we'll see a return to the first mortal kombat in terms of a tournament that's new to the fanbase. Sure, there will be references to the past aplenty, but MK got very far away from the storyline that originally drew fans in to begin with. So chances are, we could see a storyline that involves a fighting tournament, maybe hosted by the Shaolin monks, where a new generation of heroes is born. Of course, that's just a guess, but considering the fact that the original series has basically come to an end, one would think that the MK team would look to start a martial arts tournament style game with a... martial arts tournament.

Either way, I'm very curious to see what emerges from Midway in 2007. Will the graphics be more realistic? Will old school fans be able to latch on to the multitude of new characters (especially considering the recent track record of MK in terms of developing mainstay characters) and just how "new" will this next gen MK be? Has the MK team learned from what they did well in the last generation? What they failed at? Will MK head more in the direction of traditional 3D fighting games or will it continue to try and be unique? The fighting game genre has been stagnant for the last six or seven years, with the big guns coming out every few years with minor additions/tweaks but no real innovation. Can MK innovate in a way that's not gimmicky, develop a solid, next gen fighting system, and be great at the same time? We'll see...

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