..:::::What Now For This Character:::::..(Currently Discussing Kira)
posted11/15/2010 05:30 PM (UTC)by
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02/26/2006 05:14 PM (UTC)
I remember that M0s3pH did a thread like this years ago but it sort of didn't carry on. I intend to try and get a big respnse from this and, try and get an analysis on every character.

-This is sort of what will happen, I will post the character that we will discuss. And you will post your ideas and say what you believe this character should be doing in the future games.

-I don't want any responses like "This character shouldn't be in future games" I want you to post and say if they are in the next game what they should be doing.

-Anyway there are about 60+ characters in the MK universe, and intend to get through them all. Maybe I will try and get ideas on the likes of Chameleon, Meat and Tremor. You know various characters like that. To try and give them sort of an idea or any vague purpose about what they should do in the future games.

-I will be on this website very regularly, so the updates will be very frequent, I will even try and update and Edit this first post so that I can put down the character name and post what peoples general thoughts and feeling on what the character should be like.

-The character ideas posted will be in no particular order. Although I might try and leave some of the more popular characters towards the end of the posting.

-So yeah try to keep it constructive and, have fun posting.

First up is


10/10/2010 10:25 AM (UTC)
Well I might as well set the tone and get this thread rolling.


Over the years Baraka has been aligned with the bad guys, and has played a fairly significant part in Mortal Kombat. However I think it would be very easy to turn Baraka and the Tarkartans, on to the good side. I think they could very easily revolt against Shao Kahn. In fact I think Baraka would make a great neutral character, the kind of loose cannon character that would just lash out at anyone and everything. I think maybe something happens to the race genetically, perhaps making Baraka more of a primal sort f creature. I don't know I think that would be a good idea.

OR maybe we could see more of "General" Baraka, maybe he really is a master tacition and war hero for the tarkatan race. I maybe wouldn't mind seeing Baraka getting corrupt, and introducing a new tarkaten character that goes against Barakas ideals, sort of giving him soemthing to do in future games he might not have a major involvement in. However this would have to result in making the Baraka character more intelligent.

I also wouldn't mind Baraka taking on sort of a mercenary role, maybe certain characters would want him to perform certain deeds. The Tarkarten race do not have much of a soul so they would have no problem, at least an ethical problem in doing someone elses handywork. But this would have to lead to Baraka gaining something. Financially I don't think the Baraka character would be bothered at all. Maybe he could be given a certain amount of power in the realms. He already has power in Outowrld. But just for instance, maybe Hotaru would want the Tarkatens to "help" restore order in the Orderrealm. And in return Baraka would get a certain amount of power their. Maybe being able to access certain armouries and other resources.

I don't like to tamper with a character to much, but maybe Shao KAhn could be fed up and say "This isn't working" about the tarkaten race. And perhaps he could genetically modify Baraka as a test, leading to Baraka being a mutated monster. And this could set the tone for him to be a sub-boss. But again I don't know if this would work because I do not know how much they would want to change the character.

More intelligence in Baraka is something I would like to see. In the most recent games he has the image of a brainless monster. With the saliva protruding ffrom his mouth. I don't know maybe they should make the character more stable. More mentally stable. And again this would make him much more believeable as a general.

10/20/2010 08:39 PM (UTC)
"I don't like to tamper with a character to much, but maybe Shao KAhn could be fed up and say "This isn't working" about the tarkaten race. And perhaps he could genetically modify Baraka as a test, leading to Baraka being a mutated monster. And this could set the tone for him to be a sub-boss. But again I don't know if this would work because I do not know how much they would want to change the character."

That sounds awesome! Sorry, I don't really have any other ideas, but I really like this one for Baraka!
10/20/2010 08:51 PM (UTC)
Thanks man...Hopefully I can get a few more posters before I move on.
10/21/2010 02:58 AM (UTC)
I've always really like Baraka and really the only way I personally thought of to change his story is him become a neutral force that wants total power and will take out anybody in his way. I mean he does have his own race to control lol. Personally I'd like both him and Reptile(My Favorite) to get more detailed and involvement in the story than "Evil Henchman"
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10/24/2010 08:57 AM (UTC)
In Deception, there was a Tarkatan who said he would challenge Baraka for controll of the horde, so I think their should be Tarkatan civil war, but instead of it being a male that wants control, make it a female. A change to his henchmen role in the games.
10/28/2010 10:03 AM (UTC)
Ok next up for discussion is....

10/28/2010 03:25 PM (UTC)
Ehh i was never big on the whole Orderrealm/Chaosrealm thing. Really all I could think of is to personify the Vendetta Dairou has against him. Maybe have Dairou kill Hotaru. Then because Hotaru served Onaga in his blind want for order he would descend into the netherrealm. Then there Shinnok or Quan Chi could make him a deal and go from there. Sorry I know it's not very creative but he's not really one of my favorites so the dedication to a good story isn't there that much lol
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Mortal Kombat -------------------------- 7/10
Mortal Kombat II --------------------- 9.5/10
Mortal Kombat 3 --------------------- 7.5/10
Mortal Kombat 4 ----------------------- 6/10
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance - 10/10
Mortal Kombat: Deception ---------- 8/10
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon ------ 4/10
Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe -- 7/10
Mortal Kombat (2011) -------------- 9.5/10

10/28/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
I liked the order vs chaos thing, they should consider expanding it, it adds alot to the universe. Hotaru himself is a great villian, and I think he should play a more central role in future games. Perhaps Orderrealm cutting a deal with Outworld to police the realms (of course Outworld would just be doing it to conquer other realms, they'd be decieving Hotaru and Oderrealm)? So Hotaru basically becomes a lackey for Shao Kahn.
11/09/2010 05:45 PM (UTC)
They definitely need to develop hotaru's character alot more. They should expand the whole orderrealm/chaosrealm through other media like comic books or novels
About Me
11/10/2010 11:18 PM (UTC)
I actually liked the Orderrealm/Chaosrealm, but in that the characters, not the settings themselves were good. I'd feel better if it was relegated to a sort of civil dispute in Outworld between certain colonies. I don't know, I jsut never felt that the Oder/Chaosrealms ever fit into the MK Universe, at least not as their own realms. As for Hotaru specifically. I always enjoyed his character, and the lengths he went to to uphold the law. That Chaotic Good aspect he had to him made him interesting. His outfit was creative, but I still feel it was too... pristine for the MKU. If they can tweak his outfit a bit and make his powers a bit less generic (fire... WOO) then I could really get behind this character
11/11/2010 03:43 PM (UTC)
I see very much potential for this character. There can be many ways to explore him.

For one I would love to see him take on a sort of phsycopath role, where he is so hell bent on bringing order, he actually does the oppsite and introduces anarchy...I don't know, somewhere to the point that he would brutally kill somebody for the littelest crime, and he would do it with no remorse, this could lead to an even bigger rebellion in the orderrealm, and it could make for an interestng story, and the character would get a more emotional feel about him.

Expadning on the order thing, he could sort of train people who want to fight for order, and he could try and lead armys to take over different realms, this could possibly even lead to faction wars with every realm sort of having an army and a team. And obviously Hotaru would be the great leader sending them into battles.

Also we could go completely opposite of the phsycopath route and possibly turn him into a key peacemaker amongst the realms, fairly deducing bad situations using his order ideals. Although this would make him a key character, and we already have plenty as it is, however much an interesting character he could be.

It might be a good idea if Shao Kahn where to hire Hotaru, sort of as a corrupt cop, or even a right hand man...Someone who will restore a little order to situations by any means necessary. Or Kajn could even get Hotaru running an Outworld jail, and whoever enters the jail is as good as dead...You know that kind of thing.
11/15/2010 05:30 PM (UTC)
Next up for discusison...

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