What new ideas or concepts would you like to see introduced in MK7?
posted12/31/2005 05:22 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the post queve, I thought that it was a good idea, what with all of the creative minds on this site. I mainly wanted to hear what other people had to say about what could be added to MK7, so I'll try this thread again.

I was wondering what new ideas or concepts you would like to see in Mortal Kombat 7. It can be on any aspect of the game, big or small. Whether it be gameplay elements and the vast area that topic covers to graphics, storyline, game modes, characters....Anything. I don't mean this to be a thread that basically says "fix what's broken" or "bring back Sonya." I'm talking about innovative ideas for MK. Obviously the MK team should fix things like infinites, and bringing back Sonya isn't a new idea or concept. Get my drift here? I'll try to remember the ideas that I had, flesh them out a tiny bit, and then post some more later.

1) Animated select screen & Vs screen: I always liked this in the arcade version of Killer Instinct. Much like queve said: Rayden's eyes have electricity going through them, Kano sharpens his knives on one another or maybe licks one of them and spits the blood from his tongue out, Kung Lao runs his fingers along the brim of his hat etc etc. It's little touches like this that add style to a game.

2) Create a character mode: This should be MK's big mode for MK7. It is still something that's worth using in the fighting mode, as well as adding a collecting/unlocking element and allowing players to use their own creativity. This would be create a character MK style. Everything from skin color to arm bands, hair styles to world of origin, fighting style/weapon style to sash type and color. We also get to unlock blank templates for storytelling with intro's and conclusions and a whole slew of special moves and fighting styles that didn't make it into the next game. Best of all, we could take our characters online, bet koins, create items, trade characters, and read up on what others have created.

3) Reduce number of styles: 3 is too many, I'd be happy with 2 styles. One hand to hand and one weapon. The MK team could concentrate on making those two styles unique and FUN to use for each character.

4) Split the character select screen: If we played it by alignments (good, evil, neutral) we could have two or three select screens, allowing for bigger pics of the characters and more action on screen. Maybe you get your choice of 3 representatives, you pick one, and you get to use anyone in their faction.

5) FMV endings AND intros: Good actors, a good story, and all of it brought to life by good video animation. No more words and a picture, most of us are ready to see what this next gen game has to offer. Like queve said, nothing fancy, but enough to convey the story in an involving manner.

6) 3 on 3 tag mode: Imagine how aweome it would be to have two partners. You can tag in either one at any time and even perform triple team moves.

7) Counters/reprisals, escapes, retreats: I'd like to see a counter system that allows defenders more options than simply absorbing block damage or using 1 of 3 sputtering counter moves. Any character should be allowed to counter with a counter attack of their own (either a striking counter or a throwing counter. However, attackers should be able to recover when they've been countered. It could be continuous with the speed increasing until it's too fast and one person can't counter. It would only last for maybe five exchanges though. At any time, a player can do an escape move if the countering person is trying a throw, or a retreat move which basically pushes the attacker away while the defender flips or rolls back to safety. Only counters would cause damge though, and the damage level increases as more counters are thrown in.

8) Add a Krypt bonus of MK's history: I think that longtime MK fans deserve this. Alot of us have tried to piece together MK's broken and seemingly improvised storyline. Many of us like the story obviously, but the contradictions need to be ironed out. Who's dead? When did they die? Think of the bonus footage in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 and you're on your way.

9) Press block, but no holding block: This would go a long way toward eliminating the turtling that alot of people do in MK. If a character is going to be hit with a punch or kick, they should press the block button near the point in time of impact. People don't fight by standing and holding their arms over their faces for long periods of time and videogames shouldn't allow that either. Faster moves getter a longer window with which to block, but there would be balance for the characters.

10) Change style to realistic: MK has had a very plastic look to it for some time now. That's not to say that other fighting don't, but MK tends too look that way more so than others. I'd like to see the fighters look as realistic as possible as well as the fatalities. No more 800 rib cages or bloody popcorn. I want to see goo, blood leaking from a slit throat, gurgling gasps for breath, etc etc. MK should shock the hell out of people.

11) Vendetta matches: I miss mirror matches. But instead of bringing those back, I'd like to see a vendetta match where, before you ascend to the bosses, you must take out your worst enemy in the tournament. You talk a bit of trash before the match, some plot is revealed, and then you face a rather hard version of your opponent.

12) Backup: Each character should have a backup character that comes in and attempts to perform a move that's either a strike, a projectile etc. Kinda like noob popping in, throwing stars, and disappearing in MK:D. It would allow us to see more characters, even if many wouldn't be selectable.

I have other ideas, but I'll check back tomorrow. Thanks again Queve! I'll post some thoughts your ideas tomorrow as well, I definitely dig them.
12/30/2005 01:48 AM (UTC)
Check the General Discussion forum for the post on this. Basically, the server that the site was on was corrupt or something, so they had to shut it down for a day or so to rejig it, which resulted in a lot of posts before the last archive being lost. I guess your topic was one of these.
12/30/2005 01:56 AM (UTC)
I remember your thread. The thing is the site had a server problem and some posts/threads/submissions were deleted.

Sadly, your thread was one of those, it was really really good, and this was another thread I answered in a very long reply. Try to edit this thread and create the same title and write once again your ideas, it was good, I will do so as well, of what I can remember:

*Gameplay improvement:

I have stated before that I have no gigantic trouble with Mks gameplay, I have fun, and it must be because Im no fighting game expert, for I don’t completely understand all the major faults Mks gameplay has, and Im glad I don’t, if I would, maybe I wouldn’t have fun with the game like the others who hate it and complain because of those faults.

Obviously it can be better, and as much as I love the 3 fighting styles system, I think it needs to go to be replaced by a new better system, or maybe they just need to add more depth to it.

*Animated VS Screen:

I was really sad when MKDA didn’t give us a VS screen; I thought we would have the VS screen back since the early original character select screen had characters in VS poses, they looked really good.

I have always loved the idea of seeing an animated VS screen. It would be awesome to see Sonya glare with sarcasm for example and do some sort of tough movement or even pretend to send you a kiss, or Mileena to look innocent and then take her veil off, Rayden do some thunder attacks or glare with electric eyes, Kitana take our her steel fans in fashion, etc.

*Animated Bios:

They did it in Mk4 and they looked great IMO, but could look so much better. I loved the way Quan Chi smiled in a sadistic way while taking out a bloody skull out of no where, Sonya simply smiled with sarcasm, Tanya glared with a bad ass attitude, Fujin turned into a whirlwind, Sub-Zero froze entirely, etc. It would look great to see the characters move in their bios, not just pics.

*FMV Endings:

Its really time to see those back. They don’t need to be graphically gorgeous and expensive, but obviously better then the Mk4 ones, and EVEN THOSE are much better then the 2 text pics we have received since the start. They need to make sure they get good voice actors though, it was stupid the way Mileena, Kitana, Goro, Kung Lao and Rayden among others spoke in their FMV endings in MKGold/4.

* Time to see flesh, organs and meat: Gorier Fatalities:

I seriously hate that when a person explodes or something, you can only see a bunch of popcorn like meat and torn body parts, we need to go back to the Mk2 days when the victim would actually leave intestines and organs behind, and that looked realistic. Mk4 also had a good set of organs and bones in the end, that should return.

* NO MORE Decapitations and Explosions:

Im sick of them. They don’t look original nor interesting anymore. Unless they make them look good, don’t even bother bringing those 2 things back. The explosions look stupid (where are the real internal body parts?) and the decapitations boring and repetitive, it started great with Johnny Cage, but when they gave it to so many others it lost its charm. Johnny Cages MK4 decapitation looks awesome, that could return, but only if they make them that interesting.

I will post more ideas later, I don’t remember all of what I wrote.
About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

12/30/2005 05:42 AM (UTC)
Sorry, could someone remind me how do a line break? I didn't mean to post all of that as one ginormous paragraph.
12/30/2005 02:26 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Sorry, could someone remind me how do a line break? I didn't mean to post all of that as one ginormous paragraph.

Its just Enter. Or "< bee arr / >" where "bee arr" = "br", right? And without the spaces. You need to do it twice to get a line in between.
12/30/2005 03:49 PM (UTC)
Choose you weapon screen, and a create a player mode. For god sake get rid of Konquest, We know how to play the game. Also I just rembered in MKDA if you had max blood on , the blood would roll off the fighters and stay on the floor. In MKD it doesnt. I miss that, a lot.
12/31/2005 05:22 PM (UTC)
I dont like the idea of being able to choose your styles or weapons.

It takes some essense of the characters IMO.

Like, Kitana and Mileena have their trademark weapons, but the idea of letting other characters play with their weapons is just...I dont know, I dont like it.

Sadly, that happened in MKDA (for Mileena) and in MKD for other characters (Kali Sticks, sword, etc).
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