What Kombat do you want in MK9?
posted03/18/2010 06:43 AM (UTC)by
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05/14/2008 12:00 AM (UTC)
Tell me what you think the Kombat in MK9 should be like. How should characters move, and fight. What is the fighting system like. This isn't so much what you think will happen, but rather what you want to happen.

I want a similiar system as MKvsDC by having super moves injected into combos and I want pro moves. However, there are some changes I want. The only move I want every character to have is the uppercut. A side from that I want there to be a lot of differences between characters.

As soon as you pick a fighter I want him/ her to jump different, and move different. That includes animation and speed. This would make it so some characters would be at an advantage when in the air, and other characters would be at an advantage when grounded. In MKvsDC characters threw punches and kicks differently, but everybody jumped the same way, and every character was the same speed movement wise. I also want each character to have a really different strategy of fighting. In previous MK games it seems like every character's strategy was the same, and that was get in close and get a fat combo. I understand some people would play differently like the super move spammers, but every character is made to just have that big combo. I want other characters to have different strategies. Like have a fighter who keeps his distance, with short range and long range projectiles. There should be a big strong guy like Goro who may have small combos, but he's does a lot of damage by timing a big punch or a throw. There should be a more defensive character who capitalizes on his opponents by having a lot of counters. I do realize it's hard to make every character play different, but there shouldn't just be one strategy with MK fighters.

If you look back to the last gen. MK games it was simply try to dial a combo on an opponent and that's about it. With MKvsDC it gave you freedom to create your own combo, but trying to get a big combo was each character's specialty.

So to wrap it up. Each character should feel different, and they should have a wide variety of strengths, and weaknesses.
03/16/2010 01:57 PM (UTC)
I agree with what you say.

Huge characters like Goro, Motaro etc. should move slower and generally be less agile and you should try to stay away from them as much as possible. It should be something like "hit and run", however, once they catch you, you're in trouble, 2 or 3 hits and 25-30% of your energy meter goes down.

I imagine characters like Shinnok and Sindel having their style of fighting based more on magic (various projectiles, teleports and traps) and less on martial arts. I'm not saying they wouldn't know how to fight hand to hand, but I think that should be more like a back up thing for them.

I think Sub-Zero and Fujin could be good defensive characters, since most of their special moves are "catch the opponent in a trap" type. I definitely want to see Sub-Zero's ice clone back.

Maybe characters like Kitana, Mileena and Tanya could take more damage from the hits, but they would make up for it with their speed/agility.
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03/16/2010 02:27 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure if you ever played the game BlazBlue, but you would love it. Every character in that game plays different. Given there are only 12 fighters, but it's still nice for a while.

I agree with what you said though about characters playing differently.
03/16/2010 06:02 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I'm not sure if you ever played the game BlazBlue, but you would love it. Every character in that game plays different. Given there are only 12 fighters, but it's still nice for a while.

I agree with what you said though about characters playing differently.

You have know idea how many times I could have bought that game. I have paced back and forth deciding if I should buy it or not. My problem with the game is the anime. I hate anime, but I heard the fighting is really good. It is probably at an affordable price now so Im going to get it as soon as see it some where.
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03/16/2010 08:16 PM (UTC)
I went back the other night when I was bored and put in a new file to MKDA. And I must say I am really happy I did.

MKDA, to me, just braught that feeling of a game that wants you to dedicate to get everything. Konquest in MKD still remains better in my opinion. But i LOVE konquest in MKDA for the fact that it just dump all the back story you could ever want, right into your lap. even if its just text.

the difficulty and vastness of the krypt to konquer. is going to take a great chunk of time even with infinate coins. 676 coffins and gamesaves is dedication.

although they dont have another 676 thigns to put in the game. If they could com up with it and make the koins extremely hard to get. Id be very very happy.

I wanty the next game to play like mkvsdc in terms of movement and combos. I dont like the Rock Paper Scissors grab syste. GET RID OF THAT. or the transitional battles. I could deal without it.

Make it a real struggle and not just an experiece. Make the hardcore gamer really have to dive into this one. add the backstory in a 10 lvl character specific konquest aswell as the kombo challanges. give the player a real in-depth 20 level experience with the character.

add gore, 2+ fatalities, harakiri, mkvsdc engine. a good intro, fmv/standard endings. hopefully canon tho. add profiles so i can track my W/L ratio in some sort of way. just expand on the whole experience jsut a little.

I have a good feeling about MK9. Im hoping im not wrong.

03/17/2010 08:08 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
I went back the other night when I was bored and put in a new file to MKDA. And I must say I am really happy I did.

MKDA, to me, just braught that feeling of a game that wants you to dedicate to get everything. Konquest in MKD still remains better in my opinion. But i LOVE konquest in MKDA for the fact that it just dump all the back story you could ever want, right into your lap. even if its just text.

the difficulty and vastness of the krypt to konquer. is going to take a great chunk of time even with infinate coins. 676 coffins and gamesaves is dedication.

although they dont have another 676 thigns to put in the game. If they could com up with it and make the koins extremely hard to get. Id be very very happy.

I wanty the next game to play like mkvsdc in terms of movement and combos. I dont like the Rock Paper Scissors grab syste. GET RID OF THAT. or the transitional battles. I could deal without it.

Make it a real struggle and not just an experiece. Make the hardcore gamer really have to dive into this one. add the backstory in a 10 lvl character specific konquest aswell as the kombo challanges. give the player a real in-depth 20 level experience with the character.

add gore, 2+ fatalities, harakiri, mkvsdc engine. a good intro, fmv/standard endings. hopefully canon tho. add profiles so i can track my W/L ratio in some sort of way. just expand on the whole experience jsut a little.

I have a good feeling about MK9. Im hoping im not wrong.

Yeah MKDA is an awsome game, and it's the game that got me back into MK. I loved the krypt, because it added serious replay. I would write more bu I wrote a whole review in the MK review thread.
03/17/2010 12:57 PM (UTC)
I would love the fighters to be completely personalised. Look into the life and experiences of the characters, and from that, draw their fighting styles out. Scorpion, as a ninja, should probably use a lot of ninjitsu-style moves and such.

Weapons are tricky for me. I like how some characters use weapons, and it seems like a step back to remove them, but perhaps not every character should use one? Does this unbalance gameplay? Perhaps a little bit, but I am more into realism and story. There could be a way to implement weapons without it really leveling up some characters too much. Some weapons could be exclusive to special moves and such.

My hope is for a realistic fighting game. A character with spiked knuckles on their hand, for example, should have more effective punches than a character without. Some characters can depend more on effective specials, and all that jazz. Mastering the character then becomes essential.
03/18/2010 06:43 AM (UTC)
You-Know-Who Wrote:
I would love the fighters to be completely personalised. Look into the life and experiences of the characters, and from that, draw their fighting styles out. Scorpion, as a ninja, should probably use a lot of ninjitsu-style moves and such.

Weapons are tricky for me. I like how some characters use weapons, and it seems like a step back to remove them, but perhaps not every character should use one? Does this unbalance gameplay? Perhaps a little bit, but I am more into realism and story. There could be a way to implement weapons without it really leveling up some characters too much. Some weapons could be exclusive to special moves and such.

My hope is for a realistic fighting game. A character with spiked knuckles on their hand, for example, should have more effective punches than a character without. Some characters can depend more on effective specials, and all that jazz. Mastering the character then becomes essential.

I'm not really sure if I like weapons or not.In MKDA-MKA I always saw them as a big advantage, and it almost made the other styles worthles. However, you couldn't chain big combos with weapons, but still they were better than the other styles. I kind of liked them in UMK3 were they would just randomly appear. I also liked them in MK4 where it was hard to pull them out, and they didn't last long. It almost made them like a special move. Howver I like the way MKvsDC did it the best. Some character's weapons would appear in certain special moves. Only two characters had both weapon and hand to hand style. I liked how it made the character special, and it made it so you would have to master the weapon style in order to truly master the character. I would like it if they made it so one character had both styles. This would make it so that character was unique, and had his/her own strategy.
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