What kind of Sub - Boss should MK 7 have?
What kind of Sub - Boss should MK 7 have?
posted06/20/2005 12:43 AM (UTC)by

What kind of Sub - Boss should MK 7 have?
1. Huge like Goro, motoro, etc.
2. Regular size like every normal Charcter
3. Double team like noob-smoke
4. A returning Character like goro did in MK 4.
I rather Have the way it should always be,a hugh Characther!! I was not to thrill that noob-smoke were sub-bosses; I would rather have them Seperate!! Anyways What kind of Sub - Boss should MK 7 have?
1. Huge like Goro, motoro, etc.
2. Regular size like every normal Charcter
3. Double team like noob-smoke
4. A returning Character like goro did in MK 4.
I rather Have the way it should always be,a hugh Characther!! I was not to thrill that noob-smoke were sub-bosses; I would rather have them Seperate!! Anyways What kind of Sub - Boss should MK 7 have?

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I would like something really different. Like a new mode just for the sub-boss, where you have to fight the Dragon Kings army or something (like shaolin monks?). I would also like to see something like in the MK movie where you have to fight a load of dead warriors (maybe even some characters from past MK games).

Hmmmm it all depends on who the end boss is.
Personally, I think that they should go for something completely new.
Perhaps they could have a double team, but not a tag-tam.
Like for example, remember in Streets of Rage the video game, level 5, you had to fight two green versions of Blaze. Or when u fought Juli and Juni in Streetfighter Alpha 3.
A female sub boss would also be a good change.
Personally, I think that they should go for something completely new.
Perhaps they could have a double team, but not a tag-tam.
Like for example, remember in Streets of Rage the video game, level 5, you had to fight two green versions of Blaze. Or when u fought Juli and Juni in Streetfighter Alpha 3.
A female sub boss would also be a good change.

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MKKitana Wrote:
Hmmmm it all depends on who the end boss is.
Personally, I think that they should go for something completely new.
Perhaps they could have a double team, but not a tag-tam.
Like for example, remember in Streets of Rage the video game, level 5, you had to fight two green versions of Blaze. Or when u fought Juli and Juni in Streetfighter Alpha 3.
A female sub boss would also be a good change.
Hmmmm it all depends on who the end boss is.
Personally, I think that they should go for something completely new.
Perhaps they could have a double team, but not a tag-tam.
Like for example, remember in Streets of Rage the video game, level 5, you had to fight two green versions of Blaze. Or when u fought Juli and Juni in Streetfighter Alpha 3.
A female sub boss would also be a good change.
A more advanced Sheeva might be good. I would like to see a spider-like character too.

The best idea I've heard is Crow's...
Take the tag team idea from MKD's Noob-Smoke, and take the idea of MKDA's Shang and Quan Chi as bosses and combine them.
Sooo the idea is this: Shang Tsung is the Sub-boss, AND so is his head Shadow Priest. They fight as a tag team, but you fight them both at the same time...
Two lifebars to defeat, like an endurance match, but u are fighting them both.
And with the next generation of consoles, such a battle should be possible.
Just think, it would be like the intro of MKD - and you'd be in Raiden's position.
It's the best idea I've heard so far for a sub-boss.
Take the tag team idea from MKD's Noob-Smoke, and take the idea of MKDA's Shang and Quan Chi as bosses and combine them.
Sooo the idea is this: Shang Tsung is the Sub-boss, AND so is his head Shadow Priest. They fight as a tag team, but you fight them both at the same time...
Two lifebars to defeat, like an endurance match, but u are fighting them both.
And with the next generation of consoles, such a battle should be possible.
Just think, it would be like the intro of MKD - and you'd be in Raiden's position.
It's the best idea I've heard so far for a sub-boss.

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I think the Sub-Boss or Boss character shouldn't be something extremely huge, since it's been shown that just because they're huge, doesn't mean that they're hard to beat, especially in a 3D brawler. I'd like to see something more along the lines of Zone of the Enders. Where the boss character should just outclass the player character in all aspects. That way it woul take actual sckill to beat the boss. The sub-boss or the boss character could be the same size as the nomral character, just much more powerful.
Like MKKitana said, it depends on who the boss is.
If the boss is once again Onaga, I think Li Mei should be the sub-boss. Yes, I said Li Mei and those who are familiar with Li Mei's MK: D ending should know what I'm getting at. I think Li Mei should join Onaga's side and become his queen. It would be interesting to see. I wouldn't want her to be changed into anything monster-like of course.
I don't want to see her dragon-like or anything. I really like how they greatly improved her look in MK: D, namely in terms of the hair and face. But when it comes to MK7, she should have an evil (but sexy) look to her, but nothing skimpy.
Perhaps who you use could determine who you will fight as the sub-boss and also the boss.
For example, let's say you choose Sub-Zero. Smoke or Hotaru could be the sub-boss while Noob Saibot is the boss.
If the boss is once again Onaga, I think Li Mei should be the sub-boss. Yes, I said Li Mei and those who are familiar with Li Mei's MK: D ending should know what I'm getting at. I think Li Mei should join Onaga's side and become his queen. It would be interesting to see. I wouldn't want her to be changed into anything monster-like of course.
Perhaps who you use could determine who you will fight as the sub-boss and also the boss.
For example, let's say you choose Sub-Zero. Smoke or Hotaru could be the sub-boss while Noob Saibot is the boss.
think at least one boss in the game should be huge because it makes it more fun to play the end part of the game. I think motaro or someone new who is even bigger should be the sub boss and shinnok should be last because it was stupid to make him so weak in MK4

I'd like a normal sized fighter that is just extremely powerful.
He should have devastating attacks and powerful juggles.
A strong fighter, like Feng Wei in Tekken 5.
Stun attacks also and some spectacular special moves.
He could be the serious type attack dog character.
I see him with a burgundy and black
Arabian / Barbarian / Chinese looking costume.
No shirt, maybe a hood and ninja mask, baggy pants with cool looking knee and fore arm guards. Maybe. A large ornate belt, sort of like the one Sub Zero has in MKD but with mode designs in it.
He would be very muscular, like a body builder, or just very thick, not necessarily too defined.
Like Bolo Yeung.
If he wins, he just looks at the opponent, then turns to face his master and bows.
Or he could just glair at you with no emotion, then walks away.
He should have devastating attacks and powerful juggles.
A strong fighter, like Feng Wei in Tekken 5.
Stun attacks also and some spectacular special moves.
He could be the serious type attack dog character.
I see him with a burgundy and black
Arabian / Barbarian / Chinese looking costume.
No shirt, maybe a hood and ninja mask, baggy pants with cool looking knee and fore arm guards. Maybe. A large ornate belt, sort of like the one Sub Zero has in MKD but with mode designs in it.
He would be very muscular, like a body builder, or just very thick, not necessarily too defined.
Like Bolo Yeung.
If he wins, he just looks at the opponent, then turns to face his master and bows.
Or he could just glair at you with no emotion, then walks away.

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First of all u are all nerds. Second of all i would like to se some kind of survivel for a sub boss like the dragon kings army ot barakas clan. And a cool minni game would be secret agent stryker.(please dont fatality me)

The concept of bosses and sub-bosses in a fighter are lame. I want a level fight with a fighter, not a screen streching superpowered monster. But bump up the AI so it feels i have done somthing. also smarter and cheaper are 2 diferent things. Im looking for a solid 1 on1 finght against a smart, but equally evil enemy. Raiden would make the perfect Boss, but take the street fighter approach, even ability, 1 on 1, fight untill someone dropps.

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The sub-boss should depend on the character you choose. For example if the player fights as Sonya, the Sub-Boss would be a really tough and ferious version of Kano( kind of like the angry iori from K.O.F). I think that would be really cool.
MK has lots of normal fights and if the bosses were just harder versions
of playable characters it takes the fun out of getting to the end of the game
it's pretty exicting getting to the boss, making a kano a boss for sonya for
example would end in disapointment for me because it's the climax of the game.
of playable characters it takes the fun out of getting to the end of the game
it's pretty exicting getting to the boss, making a kano a boss for sonya for
example would end in disapointment for me because it's the climax of the game.

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I guess I see what you mean, perhaps before the sub-boss your fighter fights his or her nemesis. I would, however, like to see a Sub-Boss that changes its form continuously. For example, in the first round he's an ordinary fighter, but when you reach the final round he turns in to like a big giant or something. Kinda like the Abyss from MvC2.
I like the idea of fighting the player's Nemisis for a sub-boss.
Although I think what king jolly said was good when he changes after every round but I'd like to see a mental change, not a physical change; kinda like your first idea.
Ex: Sonya's sub-boss would be Kano --
Round 1: is just regular old Kano with high AI because he's a sub-boss and he deserves some brains --
Round 2: he get's so pissed off that he kinda get's that DBZ anger look where they grow a bit buffer, pop a few veins, red eye pupils, evil-like stance, anything else that makes them look really evil and pissed (like Evil Iori).
Also they should increase it's AI alittle more and increase his speed/strength so he moves 2X as fast and hits 2X as hard. Making him a lot harder then he was in the first round.
Same with the chicks, except the buffness and veins. They should just look more pissed with red eye pupils and kinda teared clothing with an evil-like stance.
Although I think what king jolly said was good when he changes after every round but I'd like to see a mental change, not a physical change; kinda like your first idea.
Ex: Sonya's sub-boss would be Kano --
Round 1: is just regular old Kano with high AI because he's a sub-boss and he deserves some brains --
Round 2: he get's so pissed off that he kinda get's that DBZ anger look where they grow a bit buffer, pop a few veins, red eye pupils, evil-like stance, anything else that makes them look really evil and pissed (like Evil Iori).
Also they should increase it's AI alittle more and increase his speed/strength so he moves 2X as fast and hits 2X as hard. Making him a lot harder then he was in the first round.
Same with the chicks, except the buffness and veins. They should just look more pissed with red eye pupils and kinda teared clothing with an evil-like stance.
It does depend on who the main guy is, but personally i would love to see the return of Kintaro. Say he wasn't dead and all that talk was just rumors, when he is actually being held somewhere like in a dungeon. He would be freed by the main guy and in return Kintaro would work under him.
As for the completely new sub-boss idea, yeah i can understand that. But, sometimes that dosen't work out so well. Take Onaga for instance (i know he isnt a sub-boss, but) Onaga was a kool idea for the game to be based on, but a lot off ppl didnt like him. Really i didnt like how noob-smoke was the "sub-boss" of deception since they had no relation to Onaga in their stories.
The way i see it, Kintaro was the baddest of all the classic and recent sub-bosses. I just hope that if they did bring him back that it wouldnt work like when they tried to bring Goro back in MK4.
As for the completely new sub-boss idea, yeah i can understand that. But, sometimes that dosen't work out so well. Take Onaga for instance (i know he isnt a sub-boss, but) Onaga was a kool idea for the game to be based on, but a lot off ppl didnt like him. Really i didnt like how noob-smoke was the "sub-boss" of deception since they had no relation to Onaga in their stories.
The way i see it, Kintaro was the baddest of all the classic and recent sub-bosses. I just hope that if they did bring him back that it wouldnt work like when they tried to bring Goro back in MK4.

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Smoke01 Wrote:
It does depend on who the main guy is, but personally i would love to see the return of Kintaro. Say he wasn't dead and all that talk was just rumors, when he is actually being held somewhere like in a dungeon. He would be freed by the main guy and in return Kintaro would work under him.
As for the completely new sub-boss idea, yeah i can understand that. But, sometimes that dosen't work out so well. Take Onaga for instance (i know he isnt a sub-boss, but) Onaga was a kool idea for the game to be based on, but a lot off ppl didnt like him. Really i didnt like how noob-smoke was the "sub-boss" of deception since they had no relation to Onaga in their stories.
The way i see it, Kintaro was the baddest of all the classic and recent sub-bosses. I just hope that if they did bring him back that it wouldnt work like when they tried to bring Goro back in MK4.
I couldn't agree more!!!1 But for the love of god please give Kintaro a Fatality!!!!!!!!!!!!
It does depend on who the main guy is, but personally i would love to see the return of Kintaro. Say he wasn't dead and all that talk was just rumors, when he is actually being held somewhere like in a dungeon. He would be freed by the main guy and in return Kintaro would work under him.
As for the completely new sub-boss idea, yeah i can understand that. But, sometimes that dosen't work out so well. Take Onaga for instance (i know he isnt a sub-boss, but) Onaga was a kool idea for the game to be based on, but a lot off ppl didnt like him. Really i didnt like how noob-smoke was the "sub-boss" of deception since they had no relation to Onaga in their stories.
The way i see it, Kintaro was the baddest of all the classic and recent sub-bosses. I just hope that if they did bring him back that it wouldnt work like when they tried to bring Goro back in MK4.
I couldn't agree more!!!1 But for the love of god please give Kintaro a Fatality!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with vomit. It would be cool to see Goro and Kintaro work together. I'd also like to see them bring back Motaro though and maybe Sheeva could be a sub-boss too. I juct liked the classic sub-bosses better than the new ones and would like to see them come back.
I agree with vomit. It would be cool to see Goro and Kintaro work together. I'd also like to see them bring back Motaro though and maybe Sheeva could be a sub-boss too. I juct liked the classic sub-bosses better than the new ones and would like to see them come back.

Kintaro did have a fatality, sort of. if you count Shang Tsung's morph. also I like the idea of a round 2 rage, but what happens at round 3? is he done being pissed? But twice as fast AND strong? I think it should be one of (and it would depend on each fighter) 2x speed, 2x power, 2x defense, or no tick dammage on blocking. Like Liu Kang or Kung Lao would get the speed boost because of their stature. Jax would either be power because of his implants, or no tick, because he has unfealing metal arms. A guy like Kano would get defense, because when youre angry you react to pain differently, and he is the angry type.
I like that idea of abilites depending on stature.
Round 3 hmm..... I guess if it was 3 rounds then the first 2 would be easy/normal and the 3rd would be pissed. Same with 4th, so mainly they get pissed on the last round (whether it's 2, 3, or 4 rounds) and then when you beat them on the last round you kinda get this cinema where he surrenders to you and says "I have failed, forgive me" and begs or something, I dunno.
Round 3 hmm..... I guess if it was 3 rounds then the first 2 would be easy/normal and the 3rd would be pissed. Same with 4th, so mainly they get pissed on the last round (whether it's 2, 3, or 4 rounds) and then when you beat them on the last round you kinda get this cinema where he surrenders to you and says "I have failed, forgive me" and begs or something, I dunno.

I ment when you win 1 the enemy gets pissed. then if you lose does he stay angry or become normal (This is for 2 round fights)? But i like your idea about 3+ rounds
I think even after losing the opponent should stay pissed because the people can cheat there way through it.
Ex: If I was playing Kano in a 2 round match and I beat him Round 1 and he gets pissed. Then I would purposly lose just to get him to cool off and easily beat him and move on to the last boss.
That wouldn't be much of a sub-boss if he were to cool off after beating you, no matter how realistic it seems.
Besides, as I mentioned earlier, the opponent should always stay pissed on the last round you have against him (Meaning, he stays pissed off (the whole time) when you need one more win to move on to the next round)
That means, if you need to beat him one more time (2 rounds) and he decides to beat you once and make it round 3, you're still gonna need to beat him one more time; so it really doesn't matter how many times he beats you, as long as you need to beat him one last time he should stay pissed, just so the MK losers won't cheat their way out.
Get what I mean?
Ex: If I was playing Kano in a 2 round match and I beat him Round 1 and he gets pissed. Then I would purposly lose just to get him to cool off and easily beat him and move on to the last boss.
That wouldn't be much of a sub-boss if he were to cool off after beating you, no matter how realistic it seems.
Besides, as I mentioned earlier, the opponent should always stay pissed on the last round you have against him (Meaning, he stays pissed off (the whole time) when you need one more win to move on to the next round)
That means, if you need to beat him one more time (2 rounds) and he decides to beat you once and make it round 3, you're still gonna need to beat him one more time; so it really doesn't matter how many times he beats you, as long as you need to beat him one last time he should stay pissed, just so the MK losers won't cheat their way out.
Get what I mean?

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Mulletman Wrote:
First of all u are all nerds. Second of all i would like to se some kind of survivel for a sub boss like the dragon kings army ot barakas clan. And a cool minni game would be secret agent stryker.(please dont fatality me)

First of all u are all nerds. Second of all i would like to se some kind of survivel for a sub boss like the dragon kings army ot barakas clan. And a cool minni game would be secret agent stryker.(please dont fatality me)
And you're a n00b.
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