What if Shao Kahn wasnt so stupid after all?
posted06/16/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/23/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
Something that is a bit... disappointing? Is that Shao Kahn was defeated by... a formality. Raiden's plan to defeat him was to let him step on earthrealm, and as the "contract conditions" stated that he couldn't do that if he didn't win the right by mortal kombat tournament, then the elder gods would punish him.

But was Shao Kahn really that dumb? He knew the consequences of his actions as well as Raiden, I don't think he really charged forward to take the realm without any sort of backup plan.

This is a guy that got his position through cunning instead of force. This is the guy that didn't let meet the Deadly Alliance himself and instead let them kill a clone. Shao Kahn is intelligent, not just strong, and have backup plans.

So here is my theory, I think that Shao Kahn though that he was strong enough to avoid any punishment the elder gods could inflict on him and that's why he tries anyway, but as the conquest of earthrealm had been particularlly hard, instead of risking everything he got a backup plan.

Somehow, through sorcery, he (or someone) made a new body and put that body in hibernation so in case of Shao Kahn's body being destroyed, his consciousness would inmediately jump to this new body (been done before in sci fi stories).

I think the body was Kotal Kahn, and that it was stored in some kind of tropical jungle in Outworld, and this is why he looks aztek and why Ferra/Torr that with their dialogue could be lackeys, also look like comming from that kind of area.

While gaining strength in this new body, Shao Kahn adopts a new identity and makes the people on this area venere him as a god. His personallity also might change a bit both because of the new body (with new brain) and because of his past experiences traumatizing him, so he now focuses on striking back at the elder gods and is trying to make himself a god to defeat them.

This could be an interesting twist if happening at the same time than Shinnokh's try or even later while they're weak.

Some people believe he might be the son of Shao Kahn, but it doesn't make sense he's the son because we would've known about him (unless he's a bastard born in one of the conquered realms maybe?).

It's just some random idea but honestly I can't believe Shao Kahn was fool enough to put his feet on earthrealm knowing what could happen.
06/16/2014 06:56 PM (UTC)
Because of the retconning, Shao Kahn's character was made dumb simply because Quan Chi was the prominent villain of the story. In the OT, Shao Kahn's MK3 story was the result of a back-up plan that tied into a deeper, more intricate story. Basically, he could cheat with a technicality by having Sindel reborn on Earth and going there to claim her. It was just a matter of Shinnok holding up his end of the deal.

When it comes to Kotal Kahn, I'd rather he not be Shao Kahn in a new body. I'm thinking that Kotal is either Shao Kahn's father or brother. The thing to remember is that Shao Kahn was originally Outworld's protector god. So if he were to be killed, he would eventually be reborn.
06/16/2014 06:59 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Because of the retconning, Shao Kahn's character was made dumb simply because Quan Chi was the prominent villain of the story. In the OT, Shao Kahn's MK3 story was the result of a back-up plan that tied into a deeper, more intricate story. Basically, he could cheat with a technicality by having Sindel reborn on Earth and going there to claim her. It was just a matter of Shinnok holding up his end of the deal.

When it comes to Kotal Kahn, I'd rather he not be Shao Kahn in a new body. I'm thinking that Kotal is either Shao Kahn's father or brother. The thing to remember is that Shao Kahn was originally Outworld's protector god. So if he were to be killed, he would eventually be reborn.

Totally forgot about the Sindel technicallity, my bad I didn't remember that I knew that >.
And where is stated that Shao Kahn was originally Ourworld's protector god? He wouldn't have needed to poison Onaga to take the throne in that case.
06/16/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
Something that is a bit... disappointing? Is that Shao Kahn was defeated by... a formality. Raiden's plan to defeat him was to let him step on earthrealm, and as the "contract conditions" stated that he couldn't do that if he didn't win the right by mortal kombat tournament, then the elder gods would punish him.

But was Shao Kahn really that dumb? He knew the consequences of his actions as well as Raiden, I don't think he really charged forward to take the realm without any sort of backup plan.

This is a guy that got his position through cunning instead of force. This is the guy that didn't let meet the Deadly Alliance himself and instead let them kill a clone. Shao Kahn is intelligent, not just strong, and have backup plans.

So here is my theory, I think that Shao Kahn though that he was strong enough to avoid any punishment the elder gods could inflict on him and that's why he tries anyway, but as the conquest of earthrealm had been particularlly hard, instead of risking everything he got a backup plan.

Somehow, through sorcery, he (or someone) made a new body and put that body in hibernation so in case of Shao Kahn's body being destroyed, his consciousness would inmediately jump to this new body (been done before in sci fi stories).

I think the body was Kotal Kahn, and that it was stored in some kind of tropical jungle in Outworld, and this is why he looks aztek and why Ferra/Torr that with their dialogue could be lackeys, also look like comming from that kind of area.

While gaining strength in this new body, Shao Kahn adopts a new identity and makes the people on this area venere him as a god. His personallity also might change a bit both because of the new body (with new brain) and because of his past experiences traumatizing him, so he now focuses on striking back at the elder gods and is trying to make himself a god to defeat them.

This could be an interesting twist if happening at the same time than Shinnokh's try or even later while they're weak.

Some people believe he might be the son of Shao Kahn, but it doesn't make sense he's the son because we would've known about him (unless he's a bastard born in one of the conquered realms maybe?).

It's just some random idea but honestly I can't believe Shao Kahn was fool enough to put his feet on earthrealm knowing what could happen.

"How easily he was fooled... " these are the words spoken by Shinnok about Shao Kahn.

06/16/2014 08:34 PM (UTC)
When Shao Kahn was the protector God of Outworld, Onaga was the Emperor. He has the ability to resurrect fallen fighters. So the most logical way to kill him and take his throne would be to poison him. A direct confrontation would take forever. Luckily being a Protector God of Outworld, Kahn was likely trusted by Onaga at the time.
06/16/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn IS that stupid. In ALL interpretations of him, he's tried to invade Earthrealm and merge it with Outworld. And the result would have been the same, because he would break the rules of Mortal Kombat no matter what.

So no, it has nothing to do with Quan Chi in MK9.
06/16/2014 08:57 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Shao Kahn IS that stupid. In ALL interpretations of him, he's tried to invade Earthrealm and merge it with Outworld. And the result would have been the same, because he would break the rules of Mortal Kombat no matter what.

So no, it has nothing to do with Quan Chi in MK9.

Well I forgot on the opening post about the Sindel cheat, planting her on earthrealm so he could pass, so there was some planning there.
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06/16/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

When it comes to Kotal Kahn, I'd rather he not be Shao Kahn in a new body. I'm thinking that Kotal is either Shao Kahn's father or brother. The thing to remember is that Shao Kahn was originally Outworld's protector god. So if he were to be killed, he would eventually be reborn.

I'd rather he not be related to Shao Kahn. Isn't Kahn supposed to be a title?
06/16/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)

Etymology of the word Khan. In short, it can work either as a surname or a title.

I would definitely be surprised if they didn't bring Shao Kahn back in later games, but I don't think he'll make an appearance in MKX. It wouldn't mesh with the theme they seem to be going with thusfar.
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