What I want in the next MK...
posted11/20/2007 05:13 PM (UTC)by
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11/19/2007 06:31 PM (UTC)
First of all Fatalities need fixing. Bring back the old system but don't put in overly stupid fatalities. For instance, in DA they changed Sub Zeros spine rip so you pull out the whole skeleton. Now im not to sure, but isn't it a bit strange they dont just become a puddle? Why do they just, fall over? And Kano's open heart surgery. How come he pulls out four organs? Just a heart was good, it was brutal but not overy brutal. Now add wepon fatalities, if you finish somebody holding a wepon you can chose to do wepon finishers. I don't mean just stabbing them, have Sub Zero impale them through the head and freeze the sword in, kick them back so the sword is stabbed into the ground and they are suspended!

Next up I talk about game play, keep it mostly the same. However change deathtraps. Make it harder to use them. If you throw them onto a furnace with full heath have them jump out over you losing alot of health and leaving them open. If they have low health THEN they should die. Another problem is ranged attacks, using Scorpion I can pull the opponent in, upper cut, pull in, upper cut (I don't actully do this). Improveing round time, make them longer! Using Baraka I can finish a round VERY quick, on the other hand if im fighting a good opponent it can drag on, and on, AND ON! Make moves do more damage but be easier to dodge, that way fighting good opponents will be even as you will put more thought into not being hit then just getting off as many moves as you can.

I will post more later.
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