What I think MK8 should be about
posted03/20/2007 05:19 PM (UTC)by
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Firm Turtle

Member Since
09/25/2006 11:36 PM (UTC)
Ok here it is:


Taven and the other elder gods created a powerful weapon that could create anything or destroy anything. With the impending doom of the realms approaching Taven would wait and eventually recreate the realms. Instead the weapon gained self awareness and created it's self a body and fought with the Elder gods. After defeating the elder gods the Entity went mad with power. The surviving Kombatants with new god like powers rush to confront the enemy. Some wishing to undo Armageddon and others wanting to creat a universe in which they reign supreme! This battle will destroy what we knew and open a doorway for new begining.

The kharacters will have sweet new costumes.
There should be no more than 15 kharacters
Scorpion, Sub Zero, Taven, Daigon, Noob Saibot, Reptile, and 9 others

Scorpion: Only wants the power to destroy his enemies and return his clan and family to life.

Sub-Zero: Wishes to turn Frost good, turn Noob good, and ressurect the cryomancers.

Taven: Wants to turn back time to where all his family were still alive and stop mortal kombat from happening.

Daigon: To create a universe in which he reigns supreme.

Noob Saibot: To turn back time and kill shang tsung and prevent his death.

Reptile: To Create a universe in which every being was a zatteran and he was the only god.

KaK should return and have even more features than before
Konquest will be about a Fighter sent by Taven to acquire materials to build the omni weapon.

Thats what i think.
About Me

Your Soul is mine

03/20/2007 05:09 AM (UTC)
well it should deninally follow a few of the ending in MKA. Like scorpion is tracking down Quan chi for kidnaping his son. Cyrax turning human again. Reptile turning back to his regular form. Well just watch a couple of the MKA endings follow it from there.
03/20/2007 02:30 PM (UTC)
Well it works pretty well but wasnt mk8 gona start with a clean slate. u know with new characters and moves. The only characters i see comin bak r probably the immortal characters like scorpion and raiden furiouswow
03/20/2007 04:15 PM (UTC)
Reneo Wrote:
well it should deninally follow a few of the ending in MKA. Like scorpion is tracking down Quan chi for kidnaping his son. Cyrax turning human again. Reptile turning back to his regular form. Well just watch a couple of the MKA endings follow it from there.

I disagree, because most Armageddon's ending...especially the one you mentioned...sucked and are better off ignored.

chaosorder Wrote:
Well it works pretty well but wasnt mk8 gona start with a clean slate. u know with new characters and moves. The only characters i see comin bak r probably the immortal characters like scorpion and raiden

Armageddon was supposed to tie up loose ends of the current storyline, but Boon never said every character would be gone. Scorpion and Sub-Zero are definitely coming back. I'd bet on Raiden and I'm sure other characters will return, too.

As for the storyline, it doesn't feel like anything new. It seems to me like just a continuation of Armageddon...which defeats the purpose of having a "new generation." with new storylines. Also the main goal...everyone trying to defeat the god-like deus ex machina to get their fondest wish...seems way too similar to Armageddon's story.

The individual character stories seems weak, IMO. Guys like Scorpion and Reptile doing the exact same shit they've been doing since day one. Also, Noob Saibot is proud of what he is...I don't think he'd want to undo his death.

I think maybe adding more detail to the story and the characters' bios. Also think you should give some new motivations.
About Me

Firm Turtle

03/20/2007 05:10 PM (UTC)
I know i was just saying sum ideas and im sure mk8 will be nothing like this. And yeah the more you think about it the only characters i see coming back would be

Sub zero
and maybe reiko
I say reiko because he was intorduced in mk4 and we knew pretty much nothing about him and then we didnt see him again till mka and we still dont know anything. I think it would be foolish to just kill him before he ever becomes important.
And ure right it does only sound like im continuing mka. But mka did absolutly nothing to tie up loose ends and a lot of endings opened up the story for even more stuff. I guess as always we wont know the true ending until mk8 comes out.
About Me

Firm Turtle

03/20/2007 05:19 PM (UTC)
Oh another thing i thought. In mortal kombat deception scorpion was the elder gods champion is he anymore? If he still is that would be cool to finally see kick butt scorpion a good guy. Of coarse in mka komnquest it seems scorpion's mad at the elder gods but i dont really understand that because if he didnt beet onaga why would the elder gods reward him? I dunno but he would be a cool main character.
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