What extras do you want to see in MK7?
posted04/27/2005 05:25 AM (UTC)by
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
I will try to make a comprehensive list, and maybe keep a tally of all that is voted on. If there are new ideas and two or three like the idea, I'll include it in my post. Here is what I have so far:

Extra Modes:

No extras AT ALL: 0
Chess Kombat: 0
Konquest Mode (MK:DA): 0
Konquest Mode (MK:D): 0
Puzzle Kombat: 0
Kreate a Kharacter: 0
Test Your Might: 0
Test Your Sight: 0
Endurance Matches: 0
Survival Mode: 0
Tag Mode: 0
Time Attack Mode: 0
4 Player fighting: 0
Kumite Mode: 0
Online Fighting: 0
Classic MK Games: 0
The Krypt: 0
Watch Mode (from DOA Online): 0
Level Editor (Never been in a fighting game): 0

Extra Items:

Hidden Characters (MK:D/MK:DA style): 0
Hidden Characters (MK1/MK2 style): 0
Character Bio Cards: 0
3D Cinema Endings: 0
3D Cinema Openings (for each character): 0

This is all I have so far. Please feel free to suggest things that I should add to this list. Please don't post more than once, as it could get confusing. If no one takes to this thread, then I'll probably ditch it after a while, but we'll see. Oh, and if you need anything explained (like Watch Mode from DOA being online, where two players fight and other people watch the match) then just give me a holler either in the thread or PM me.
My list according to what I like and what I actually use in fighting games.

Extra Modes:

Test Your Might

Test Your Sight

Endurance Matches

Survival Mode

Tag Mode

Time Attack Mode

Practice mode = a good one with many options and that let's you record juggles to the AI.

A ghost fighter = the computer copies your play style and learns your juggles.

4 Player fighting

Kumite Mode

Online Fighting

Classic MK Games = I'd like a 2D old style version of the same game with updated game play.

The Krypt I'd like more of a store so I know what I'm buying right away and don't waste time with the worthless stuff.

Watch Mode (from DOA Online)

Extra Items = Not really necessary IMO but it can be pretty cool to customize your fighter.

Hidden Characters = I'd rather just have all the fighters up front and ready to use. It's kind of a pain to have to unlock everybody for me.

3D Cinema Endings = Would be nice but not necessary It's also kind of a waste of time because once you see an ending movie a couple times you just skip it in the future. Why waste time on something you are just going to skip anyway.

3D Cinema Openings = Just for the intro movie showing the main plot.

If they have intro stuff, just have it be like in Tekken 4 and Tekken 5 where they just have a few drawings and a voice over telling what's going on.

I also want downloadable stuff = costumes, stages, moves, glitch and property fixes. Maybe juggle training segments for Practice mode.

Like what you have in VF4 where they have an bunch of example juggles.

Other players would make the juggles, upload them to the Midway server and you could download them.

The computer would then use those juggles on you.

You could do the same thing with Ghost AI fighters.
About Me

04/17/2005 05:05 AM (UTC)
The extras i want is
test your might
the kypet
and all the ones bleed sentsmilesmile
04/19/2005 04:02 AM (UTC)
1.Chess and Checkers Kombat. No puzzle, Puzzle kombat was to hard!

2.Test your Might and Sight.

3.Konquest like MKD's

4.Fight Secret Characters, like in MK2 and 1

5.Tournament Mode

6. Tag Team Kombat

Thats about it.grin
04/24/2005 07:40 AM (UTC)
1) Konquest (MK:DA style, but crossed with MK:D's in a way. I'd like an interactive storyline mode for EACH character, but not just where you are forced to learn nothing more than the moves. Should be something like Soul Calibur 3 is rumoured to contain.)

2) Survival mode (Should be able to set the number of opponents you will face, and it should have extra features unlockable for it as well).

3) Extra Weapons (This was only in SC, but it would work nicely for MK. Everyone has a weapon set with a number of different weapons with different properties... perhaps even special moves exclusive to that weapon).

4) The Krypt (More concepts, less team pictures. Weapons and characters could be unlocked as well).

5) Test Your Might/Sight (Classic MK games)

6) Secret characters like MK:D (Playable)

7) Secret characters like MK1/2 (Non-playable... or if they are playable, make them very difficult to unlock).

8) Practice (This isn't an extra really... every fighter has it. But I consider it an extra for Midway to actually give MK a decent one with options).


That's about it. I will vote for "NO extras" if I have to sacrifice these things for a fighting engine that works.
04/24/2005 10:50 AM (UTC)

- Test Your Might
- Test Your Sight

- Test Your Strength: Self-made, 2 characters have an arm wrestle, and who's ever arm goes down first wins. In order to make your opponents arm go down you have to either press a button combination fast, or do a pattern similar to what "test your might" does.

- Konquest Mode: Like in MKDA, except you fight more characters and such. Your should be able to interact more, and do more missions rather than learning moves all the time.

- Adventure Mode: Each character having there own unique and distinctive adventure mode, where characters stories are played out from there beginning to MK7. This means characters will come across and defeat there enemies, as well as run errands/missions just like in there story-line. So if your Baraka, one of your missions would be to lead the attack against Kung Lao and the shaolin monks. Baraka would go around slashing random monks everywhere, and depending on the difficulty level, the monks would either throw little punches here and there or fully defend themselves. Each monk would have half of a full life-bar that each character has in arcade mode. So Baraka would have to kill.....lets say 20 monks, and after that he would have to be prepared to fight Kung Lao, whom has a full life-bar and is far more challenging. After defeating Kung Lao, Baraka would report back to Shao Kahn, who will give him his next mission. If your playing as Kung Lao, it would be your duty to kill a certain amount of tarkatans and then be ready to fight Baraka. As you go further, your characters storyline goes deeper. So if your still Baraka, lets say that you'd now be in MKD, where you'd expect to have encounters with Sub-Zero and Mileena. If your playing as Scorpion, alot of your missions would be going after Quan Chi and Sub-Zero. You'd also have to have random fights with Moloch and Drahmin.

- Tag Mode
- Endurance Matches
- Online Fighting

- The Krypt: Tons of stuff that are worth unlocking, such as concepts, sketches, future MK characters, MK Comics, MK Comic characters, unlockable characters, character renders, weapons, secret alternate costumes, etc. I'd want each koffin to cost alot though, so it would make the game alot longer.

- Puzzle Kombat
- Hidden Characters (MK1/MK2 style, and very difficult to find and defeat)
- 3D Cinema Intro
- 3D Cinema Endings for each character
- Practice Mode
- Weapons Mode Only

- VS Screen Back: Not a mode, but I just thought i'd mention this because it was pretty cool back in the MK3 days. I'd also want those code generators at the bottom again. You could use those for special modes and to unlock super secret characters.
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It's offical. you Suck!

04/24/2005 03:40 PM (UTC)
here's what I think would B cool

1. Chess Kombat (a little bit better)
2. test your might
3. test your sight
4. endurance mode
5. Konquest (MKDA style)
6. Choose your destiny
04/24/2005 04:03 PM (UTC)
No extras AT ALL: No
Chess Kombat: No
Konquest Mode (MK:DA): Yes
Konquest Mode (MK:D): No
Puzzle Kombat: No
Kreate a Kharacter: Yes
Test Your Might: Yes
Test Your Sight: No
Endurance Matches: Yes
Survival Mode: Yes
Tag Mode: Yes
Time Attack Mode: Yes
4 Player fighting: No
Kumite Mode: No
Online Fighting: Yes
Classic MK Games: These can have their own kompilation.
The Krypt: Yes
Watch Mode (from DOA Online): Yes
Level Editor (Never been in a fighting game): No
Hidden Characters (MK:D/MK:DA style): Yes
Hidden Characters (MK1/MK2 style): No
Character Bio Cards: No
3D Cinema Endings: Yes
3D Cinema Openings (for each character): No

That's pretty much what I want to be in it.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

04/26/2005 07:18 PM (UTC)
This is what I would like to see:
Extra Modes:

The Krypt (less coffins and more rewarding videos, pics, etc.

Tag mode + team mode

A really good adventure mode (kinda like konquest except you fight like on mksm)

Extra Items:

Hidden Characters MKD style (if you mean usable)

Character Bio Cards (for each character)

3D Cinema Endings (for each character)

3D Cinema Openings (for each character)

04/26/2005 08:12 PM (UTC)
I would like to see:

Arcade Mode.

Mini-Arcade Mode (U fight as the minaturised version of that character- like the Puzzle Characters. With One Different Fatality from main arcade and a Friendship.......Mk has alsways had a bit of humour/fun thrown in so this might bring it back).

Chess Kombat.

Puzzle Kombat.

Test Your Might and Test your Sight.

Survival Mode.

Tag Team Mode.

Practice Mode

Unlockable characters.

Hidden Characters who are Playable.

Hidden Characters who are Non Playable WITH Finishers.

Video Endings and perhaps a spoken Bio.

The Krypt.....with Artwork and Videos and the unlockables.

Konquest. Like ~Crow~ said, a mixture of MKDA and MKD. U do a walkthrough for each character. if not, only like MK:DA.

Hidden Fatalities. I think each character should have THREE fatalities each. Two would be normal fatalities, and one Weapon fatality. One fatality could be unlockable for each character.
04/27/2005 05:25 AM (UTC)
My list is the following:

Konquest Mode (MK:D).
Puzzle Kombat.
Kreate a Kharacter.
Test Your Might.
Endurance Matches.
Survival Mode.
Tag Mode.
4 Player fighting.
Online Fighting.
Classic MK Games.
The Krypt.
Level Editor.

Extra Items:

Hidden Characters (MK1/MK2 style).
3D Cinema Endings.
3D Cinema Openings (for each character).
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