What do you think of this review?
posted04/20/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)by
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08/13/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
I know I probably shouldn't have made an entire new thread for this, but this review low key rustled my jimmies so hard I feel like I need to see what others think lol

I almost feel a little ashamed for pretty much giving this site free promo but man I didn't like this review lol

If you can, read the whole thing, and let me know what you think. I might just be overreacting lol

04/19/2015 10:53 PM (UTC)
Well they did say "The story really is as dumb as "person gets mad, person tries to kill other person, person who doesn't die remains mad." "

So I agree with them. I didn't read the full review but me and them have the seem view on the story.
04/19/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
They did mention the story, which is fine, not everyone is going to like it but their problems with it are pretty trivial, for example, its length. Saying they are forced to play through "6 hours of it" when you don't, you do for Shinnok but im pretty sure all of the cut scenes are skippable for people who don't care about the story and just want Shinnok lol

Then they say that the fatality graphics/visuals have not improved from MK9, they aren't saying the fatlaities are bad, but that visually, they aren't more detailed or better looking than MK9 lol makes me think they didn't even play the game.

04/19/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
Haters gonna hate. Just ignore it, and certainly don't give the site anymore hits, by encouraging people to click on it, lol.
04/19/2015 11:37 PM (UTC)
a best way to review a game is to rent it and play it yourself instead of relying on someone else thoughts on it.it's pretty fucking stupid to let another person dictate what i should and shouldn't play.too much biased opinions out there.
04/19/2015 11:49 PM (UTC)
lol they thought Ferra was the giant beast and Torr the little girl. These guys are clearly idiots
04/20/2015 12:08 AM (UTC)
Lol I know, I feel guilty for giving these asses free promo but I couldn't resist because of my rustled jimmies. These guys just seem like people who have a some sort of issue with MK specifically.
04/20/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
What the hell, the details on the fatalities are way better than the MK 9 what the hell are they talking about? And ok I get it, people hated the story mode, people also hated the story mode in MK 9. I didn't know people play games for the story, when I was growing up the gameplay was the main focus
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04/20/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
Well depends on the game for me. Example MK. Yes I play for gameplay, but I love the mythology and story of Mk very much. Other games I don't care about story
04/20/2015 12:53 AM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Well depends on the game for me. Example MK. Yes I play for gameplay, but I love the mythology and story of Mk very much. Other games I don't care about story!Q
04/20/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
Either way, I genuinely enjoyed MK9's and MKX's story. It sure as hell beat the narrative we had in Shaolin Monks or Deception. The writing, the acting, everything is a lot better now.
And it is challenging to write a narrative around people engaging in one on one fist fights, so obviously there is a level of suspense of disbelief that has to be implemented with Mortal Kombat. Some people might like it, some might not, no big deal. People can hate the story of any given game. But if the dude is nitpicking the fatalities and the presentation of this game, that's just a clear sign that he's just got a problem with it, or some kind of bone to pick with MK. In which case, he probably shouldn't be reviewing it.
I mean, I've got some game franchises that I've grown to hate for one reason or another, so if I tried to review their newer installments, I'd probably come off as a big, whiny troll with no basis for my critique. Although having said that, even I'd try to be objective about it. This person needs to grow up.
04/20/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
Exactly lol you can tell he has some sort of issue with MK by reading this review, like saying the rating should be an "I" for immature lol

I am not the kind of person that gets offended whenever somebody says something negative about something I like, I usually don't care but seeing as how some people use reviews to decide if they should buy a game or not I feel like the reviewer should try to put their personal bias aside in reviews, or actually play the damn game.

I can understand getting Ferra and Torr mixed up especially if you don't care about their names, but when you continue on to say that the fatalities in this game are no better visually than MK9, I feel as though this guy didn't even play the damn game, or just played it and wasn't paying any kind of attention to it at all, which kind of takes away any credibility to the review.

I just hope nobody out there uses reviews to decide if a game is worth it or not and comes across this load of shit lol
04/20/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
I want to Fatality whoever wrote that. They don't know shit. They even said there were only 6 new fighters; there are 8. That proves that they...um...oh yeah...don't know shit.
04/20/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
This article reeks of Capcom favoritism, they didn't name the characters correctly, and 6 hour story mode? i wish the story mode was that long lol. These guys don't have a clue.
04/20/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
"Mortal Kombat will turn 23 years old later this year, but from the look of its latest iteration, the fighting game franchise still carries the raging insecurities of a teenager. With every sequel, the game’s designers—once employed at Midway, now working at NetherRealm Studios—have amped up the series’ technology, plot, and demeanor, desperate to be taken seriously. That’s never been more apparent than in Mortal Kombat X."

This was the only part of this claptrap that I read before hitting the "back" button. The writer comes off sounding like some jilted ex-lover.
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