What direction should MK8 turn for in order for you to support the game??
posted12/26/2006 07:44 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2003 03:46 AM (UTC)
I was just thinking the first time I played street fighter ( I only played it briefly)
and it was amazing nontheless, but the kid I played it with defeated me all the time.

I always picked that guy that looked like a monkey, and tried electrocuting him, and he always picked different characters, but mainly that guy who uses his foot to kick you.

In any case before I stray off the subject, what direction should the new MK head for?? Ed said this MK would have all new graphics, characters, fighing capabilites, and the such.

What are youre preferrable ideas on how many characters should be in, how the fighting should be like, and all of that stuff?/ (for MK8)

Well, happy discussing..
12/16/2006 05:49 AM (UTC)
I hope to see the Mortal Kombat story have a focus to it. Mortal Kombat was supposed to be a tournament, yet there was no declared tournament involved in the story since Mortal Kombat 2. I would like in the plot for the next story to have every character connected in a way. Instead of randomly having each character go up against each other when their story implies that they never cross paths, or are fighting on the same side.

Another thing that I would like to see done is more depth to the actual fighting game. Don't get me wrong, Armaggedon was fun, however all of the characters felt the same when it came to the combo system and there was no depth to actually mastering someone.

Also, I did not really enjoy the Kreate-A-Fighter mode in a Mortal Kombat game. One of the things that drew me into the story was the actual plot and the characters themselves. I would not like to go online and fight someone who buffed up their character to demolish all of the characters programmed into the original game.

12/17/2006 06:29 AM (UTC)
Well before they jump on the next gen games, they need to redo MKA or something.
12/17/2006 01:33 PM (UTC)
First of all,there are many directions the game could go in but here is the dos & donts i am praying for:

1) please dont change the controls...if the controls change i wont even consider playing the game....and if the controls do change..well atleast make it so you could have options to have classic controls

2) Dont take away all of the classic characters but take away atleast half of them....also give some of the not so favorite characters a chance to prove there likeness...for instance kobra...it seems no 1 liked him but if his look and moves were changed so he didnt look like a ken rip off from sf he might actually do some damage in the series...other characters on the back burners also include kai,nitara,nightwolf,kira,ect....give em a major role an see how it takes.

3)dont get rid of kreate a kharacter...make it more balanced and upgrade the options within it to make it better.

4) please do get rid of the silly mini-games...add more to konquest or if anything...bring back test your might or sight...make the other mini games a whole other game or something because its not heping the game any.

5) do change the fatality system,i think alot of fans will agree that the classic fatalities are alot better...i would rather pull off one larger button combo and watch the finisher than keep having to interact...plus the system isnt as unique for each character.

6)dont keep the krypt...just make a cheat options menu so when something is unlocked you can turn it on or off and sell the standard game with a seperate disk with the making videos,concepts,pics and other media on it...why only do seperate disks with special edition games?

7) do make some new game modes if possible...perhaps tag team endurance,survival, or even a battle mode with 4 or more players battling at once...kinda like a battle royal

8)do make more than one boss....i think there should be more than one major boss...perhaps a different one for each difficulty or atleast make the bosses from konquest mode playable

9) lastly...besides all other things that are obvious...the storyline needs to tighten up loose ends so please do fix the storyline..the fans of the story will really appreciate that....believe me...everytime ya bring the topic up someone has something to say about it so...that is what needs alot of work
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XBL GamerTag: Rexx Doom PS3 ID: Thor75

12/17/2006 06:52 PM (UTC)
I wanna see a more realistic brutal feel to it. No health meters, no rounds, just fight till one has been beat down and then go back to the cinematic finishers. Where I can hit a four button combo and set back and watch a show. Not everything has to be interactive. Don't ruin the fatalities by thinking we have to have control all the time. Seriously, the KAF is ok but I wish they all had unique preset fatalities, because that would have been awesome. I love nothing more than to say to my wife," Watch this" and then see her shake her head in disgust after Sub-Zero just crushed someone's skull with his boot. Now I have to keep pressing damn buttons and really can't get any fun out of it. And if I screw up they sometimes die after a kick in the gut and a slap in the face? C'mon.confused
12/17/2006 07:41 PM (UTC)

Characters: I don't like what you guys are saying about tons of new characters! We already got new characters, aka Kira,Ashrah,Mavado ect. that has tons of potential! Also, Chameleon,meat,kintaro,sheeva,motaro ect. also has tons of potential that wasen't used in armageddon!!!!! So really think about this before you guys just go creating new characters!
12/26/2006 07:44 PM (UTC)
It should start respecting the females more, giving them more signifance in story, making them better fighters, and stop ridiculing them by forcing them to go to battle in their g-strings.

The MK universe is appearing more and more sexist to me. The girls are all dressed in ways that reduce them to nothing but body parts while the men hardly show any skin (at least not their ass). How would guys like to see Scorpion fight in a g-string? Ed and Midway are so inconsiderate of their female fans, and why?... Because they think they don't have any. Or they simply ignore them which is even more infuriating.

Also, because Sindel is most likely not going to return for next-gen, Ed Boon better come up with a great female replacement to keep me interesting in at least one character. Now, I like other female kombatants besides Sindel but none of them compare.
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