What classic option do you want in MK7
posted06/06/2005 06:12 AM (UTC)by
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04/28/2005 11:32 PM (UTC)
What good old classic option do you want in MK7 do you want Brutality? Test yout Might/Sight? Post it here

05/09/2005 11:25 AM (UTC)
The 2 VS 2/3 VS 3/4 VS 4 tournament modes. Friendships would be nice too.
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05/09/2005 02:37 PM (UTC)
Leave to rot:
Babality, Friendship, Animality, Brutality

Lets resume with:
Test your might, Test your sight, Endurance mode,
05/09/2005 06:18 PM (UTC)
Options I'd like to see brought back for MK7:

Test Your Might/Sight (and add one or two more little bonus games)
Pit Fatalities (Death Traps didn't really do it for me. I like to play and win with skill)
MKDA abilities like Power Up, Reversal, etc (again, add a few new ones to the list)
Friendships (I might be alone on this one. They're a nice touch, and unique)
Chess Kombat (best part of MKD, imo)
Hara Kiri (a good idea, but quite a few were boring or dumb)


Death Traps. (still don't like them, but I can accept a few)
Stage Weapons (the MKD ones were pointless)
Puzzle Kombat (fun at first, but probably best as a one off)
Endurance (don't really have an opinion on this one. Don't miss it, but wouldn't say no to it)

Leave out for good:

Animalities (a new low for MK)
Brutalities (seen one, seen them all. Li Mei did it in a Fatality anyway)
Babalities (cool at first, but gets old quickly)
Konquest (keep adventure games seperate from the beat em ups please)
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05/10/2005 03:19 AM (UTC)
Team matches, like the ones featured in MKT. 2 on 2, 3 on 3...awesome.

I agree with Red_Dragon...NO death traps, but definitely bring back Pits. Its more satisfying.
05/19/2005 10:17 AM (UTC)
One button FATALITIES!

i know evry body thinks
its stupid but why not? turn it off if ya dont like it furious
the same as MK trilogies one button fatality cheat on or off
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
05/19/2005 01:09 PM (UTC)
Definitely bring back the bonus stages - Test Your Might/Sight and include some new ones.... How about Tug of War?? LOL

But the thing I'd really like to see is back to the old school Endurance matches!

They really did test the players' skill to the limit - I fondly remember getting my butt kicked by the combination of Sonia and Liu Kang on MK1 on endurancefurious
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In the words of the almighty Bender: Bite my shiney metal a$$!

05/26/2005 02:11 AM (UTC)
Wow, that tug of war idea is awesome!
I'd personally love to see:
Animalities, I loved 'em!
Brutalities: Always fun to have a challenge
Hidden goodies like backwards messages, characters, and levels. That added so much fun to the games.
Endurance, definately.
Test your might/sight
Pit fatalities, makes it harder for the cheap shooters to make a sleezy win.
Friendships and sarcasm in the endings. I loved that MK had a sense of humor, that's what separated it from other fighting games. It seems like they're trying to hard to make it serious lately, it's not a fun!
Chess kombat, maybe remodeled a bit; and another form of puzzle kombat.

Those are just my opions, hope I don't bore or offend!grin
05/27/2005 03:56 PM (UTC)
brutalties and 8 player kombat
05/27/2005 09:20 PM (UTC)
ALLmasked Wrote:
One button FATALITIES!

i know evry body thinks
its stupid but why not? turn it off if ya dont like it furious
the same as MK trilogies one button fatality cheat on or off

I agree! its so hard to remember everyones fatality! hara kira, etc! come back 1 button fatality!!!!
05/27/2005 11:58 PM (UTC)
I think they need to make a 2-D classic style version of it that you can unlock or just play. This would surely satisfy every MK fan.
05/28/2005 03:35 AM (UTC)
All I want back is Choose your destiny from MK3-MKGOLD.. it's such a pain in the ass having to face the same array of opponents every time in Deception... I have unlocked every stage and character, and whenever I play arcade, almost 75% of the time, Sindel is the first character I have to vs., then li mei, then kenshi and so on... and where the hell is Kabal? the computer NEVER selects Kabal when you've unlocked everything.. also it's a shame when you can't even play at the red dragon temple or the pit 1... come on Midway, fix your damn bugs before you release a game! this is so annoying..
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05/28/2005 05:26 AM (UTC)
Definitely agree with the people about endurance matches. I'd love to see those return.

Also, the secret stuff. The Krypt is basically the "secret center" of the games now and I don't like that. I don't need the kombat kodes, but how about some hidden characters? How about actually finding stuff and unlocking it that way instead of getting koins.

I'd also like to see the 2 on 2, 3 on 3 and 4 on 4 matches return.

As for all of the "alities" and minigames and all that crap, I say keep it away from MK. Make the fighting game better, and build on options that work with the fighting game, not seperate from it. One minigame is fine, but MK:D seemed to be nothing but minigames. The fighting game didn't have a survival mode, a tag mode, a time attack mode and basically all of the other modes that go with a fighting game and are an industry standard by now. I know the MK team likes to be different and that's fine, but make something different as far as modes go with the fighting game itself.

As I've said before, I'd love to see a create a character mode that would allow you to create your race, sex, eye color, hair color/style, etc with alot of clothing items, weapon styles, fighting styles and special moves to choose from. You could have premade background pictures to choose from for the select screen, their character bio as well as their ending. All of which you could write. All of this stuff could be available in the krypt and opened through other fighting modes like versus, arcade, tag, survival, training etc. This would give you incentive to play these other modes and at the same time reward you with something that you can use in those modes as well as arcade, versus etc. People could trade or wager items in online matches. This is the type of mode that I would want to see, and with an MK style, it would have the potential to be an amazing leap forward for the series.
05/28/2005 03:40 PM (UTC)
Like a 2 player practice mode
And a practice mode to practice fatalities
05/29/2005 02:03 AM (UTC)
How about health recovery? That was an option on Mk Triliogy back in the late 90's I kinda hated it then, but now once I look at it, It's more life like you know what I mean. And How about a "Bullet Mode" or "Focus Mode" slow things down so you can block or attack and make better combos. Oh and a run button for the love of god. What else...?!?
06/06/2005 06:12 AM (UTC)
I hate Endurance matches; why does everyone like them? All you do is fight two chacters!! And please, no run Button!

Bonus stage are a must; maybe have a couple of new bouns games!!

And maybe have a couple of stage Fatalities as well as Death Traps!!
E.X. goro's lair you can do the stage fatality(spike on the ceiling) anywhere, no matter where you were at! And like the red Dragon temple the bottom glass never broke, so why not have a stage fatality at the bottom floor and crush the fighter!!!

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