What character surprised/disappointed you?
posted04/20/2015 04:00 AM (UTC)by
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03/04/2015 01:05 AM (UTC)
Which characters surprised you and which characters disappointed you?

I was surprised by Takeda, not gameplay wise but personality wise, the only thing I don't like is that I found both his costumes to be bland.

Special Forces Sonya surprised me, it's actually my favorite variations, and very fun to use.

I was disappointed by Quan Chi, he has an awesome design, but terrible gameplay, slowest character in the game, and if the enemy gets you in the corner it's game over.

Kotal Kahn is also lacking, hard to use and very slow, they also made him very stupid story wise, ruined the comic character, if Shao Kahn was told Shinnok was destroying Earthrealm he would have simply go there and kick his ass, not try to please him.
04/19/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:I was disappointed by Quan Chi, he has an awesome design, but terrible gameplay, slowest character in the game, and if the enemy gets you in the corner it's game over.

He has one of the fastest anti airs in the game, he's also not meant to be a close range character.. He's best in his summoner variation to zone.
04/19/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
Even though I have not finished the story yet, I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised by D'vorah, turned out way better than I was expecting.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The other character the surprised me story wise (so far) has been Sonya, I wasn't expecting a lot from her but she gets some aweome points for beating the shit out of Qaun Chi and busting his balls, literally lol

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The whole Scorpion and Sub-Zero working things out surprised me quite a bit as well, im really happy that finally happened, oh and Scorpion beheading Quan Chi, holy shit I have been waiting for that to happen for a long ass time, legitimately brought a smile to my face lol
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04/19/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
As satisfying as it was to watch Quan Chi and Shinnok finally eat shit, I felt like it was something they should have put off for another game. They were simply built up too much at the end of 9 to be plausible threats, and now with them and Mileena out of the way, it doesn't leave much in terms of conflict, barring maybe Kotal's forces and internal strife with Raiden turning.!Spoilers> Jacqui turned out to be slightly more three-dimensional than I anticipated, but not much. Still, I like her personality and gameplay style. Kung Jin blew all my expectations out of the water, I was not expecting to like him as much as I did. I still take Fujin's absence from the roster as a huge personal blow, especially after that savage comeback he had in the first chapter. Erron, Ermac, and Reptile kinda stood around and did nothing. They were nowhere in my top 5 to begin with, but that just felt cheap. My biggest disappointment has to come with Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kitana. Again, these characters aren't my personal favorites, but to lead us to a completely different conclusion in the marketing campaign than what actually happened with them was incredibly deceptive, and makes me fear for what the NRS team thinks they'll get away with next time.
About Me

The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

04/19/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
And I apologize for my wall of text and lack of spoiler tags the formatting on this fucking website is not working for me today
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04/19/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
I'm still pretty terrible at the game, but Kano has been growing on me the past day or so. I've never been a fan of Kano, but I'm really liking him. Not sure if it's just his new design or whatnot, but he definitely seems funner than I was expecting.
04/19/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
Kotal is disappointing me. He was one of the new characters I enjoyed most in the comic, but I don't enjoy playing him at all. I find him super clunky, and he's probably my worst character.

I think Jacqui is surprising me. I enjoy her more than I expected to, and she kicks ass in the mobile game.

I also enjoy Cassie a ton, and I like Ferra/Torr's humor, but I expected to like those things.
04/19/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
I was very suprised by Ferra/Torr. I usually hate big characters, I find them slow. But him/her are fast and fun to play.

I was really disapointed by Jacqueline. I kind saw it coming. But what really pisses me off it the concept art info we get. It's clear that by the time NRS got to her, they where out of fresh idea and where tired.
04/19/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
I've always liked Sonya, but her combos are a little too easy. Lots of XXX sort of thing. Fun for a while maybe. We'll see.
Goro is huge fun. Totally unexpected.
Sub Zero is quick, which is a big change from MK9.
04/19/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
I seem to be in the minority. I didn't think I would like Kotal at all but he's now one of my faves. A bit slow, but I can pull off some devastating combos with him.
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04/20/2015 04:00 AM (UTC)
Kotal is garbage. Sorry to his fans, no offense but I despise him. Alway's have.

My boy Shinnok is great! Love him! His Bone Shaper is my shit. Erron is still my fav new character. And believe it or not Kano plays just as good as he did in MKvsDCU. He was my main in that game and I love him in mkx. I'm kinda wishing his cannon ball would go back to Back, Forward O. But bfx is ok.
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