What changes would you make to the current MK characters for MK7?
posted11/03/2005 03:34 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/23/2003 03:56 AM (UTC)
Be it appearances, fighting styles, or storylines. This isn't about the fighting engine or game design, but rather the characters themselves.

Scorpion- should get off his high-horse and go back to being a rebel-without-a-cause instead of the Elder God's b*tch.
Sub-Zero- should have his scar back. It's just a much his trademark as Scorpion's spear. Also, give him a lasting nemesis instead of one-shots (Noob, Cyrax, Scorpion, Quan Chi, Hotaru, Mavado... who is his chief rival?)
Liu Kang- can and should stay dead.
Onaga- should return, albeit differently. Like Shao Kahn in MKIII, he's too good for a one-shot boss.
Shujinko- can die of poisoned fish-heads for all I care....
Raiden- should still be evil. I liked this story change, although I want to see how his new attitude affects everyone else (he was the Earthrealm warrior's mentor... is he now their enemy?)
Kitana- needs to be a better fighter, more in line with her assassin days, and not so princess-like.
Li Mei- her ending really leaves me hanging and I want to see if she'll be good or evil in the next game, dead, or on a path to destruction or redemption.
Mavado- is he dead? I don't know. But the Red Dragon was introduced and then completely dropped. They need to be expanded upon.

That's all for me. What would you change?
10/29/2005 12:13 PM (UTC)
- Onaga really could return, and I hope that he is in his original body. Maybe Sindel did not was sucessfull in that spell, and Onaga revived in his original body.

- Kenshi had a great potential in MKDA, but in MKD I hate him. His revenge against Shang Tsung was over. He was serious damaged against Mavado. I hope that he dont return, and stays dead, like Hotaru ending.

- Scorpion - I think that he could get a new task. The gods could give him a new mission: Kill Raiden. The god of thunder already did a lot of wrong things in the eyes of Elder Gods. Would be cool.

- I like the new Sub-Zero. But the origins of his powers could be more explained. Probably some one of outworld that used ice powers run to Earth Realm and build the Lin Kuei clan. Sub-Zero should discover that.

- Jade and Tanya rivalry should be more improved. Make a reason for that. What about Tanya's father, he is alive, dead? Sindel killed him to make Tanya a traitor of Edenia?

- Mileena will continue to pose as the fake princess. I think that Bo Rai Cho could discover who is the princess now, and Mileena kill him for good.

- Baraka and Hotaru rivalry could be revived again. Onaga choose Hotaru to be his main general and leave Baraka in the second post.

- Hotaru and Dairou - Hotaru could betray the Orderrealm to stays in the side of Onaga who he is the perfect ruler of realms in his opinion. That would make the seido call Dairou and offer the right to return to the army if he kills Hotaru.

- Liu Kang - he should get revived, but I think that a new thing could happen. The Mortal Kombat champion received the gift of the longer life right? But Liu Kang dead and he is not the champion. I think that MK Tournament could have a curse: if you lose the tournament, you will get old more and more. So the loser would need souls to become alive. Just a crazy idea that I had.

Characters that really i think that should stay out:

- Kira and Kobra - make them killed by Onaga. They was too confident in their abilitys and go to challenge the Dragon King. They are dead now.

- Havik - Kabal should kill him, after discover that he wants to ressurrect Kahn. It was Kahn squads that injured Kabal years ago in Earth Realm invasion.

- Shujinko - Raiden should punish him. Forever.

- Ashrah - nothing more here for her. She could kill Noob or release the wraith of his body. She gets her ascension.

- Darrius - could be killed in Orderrealm by Hotaru.

- Nightwolf - in his trip for Netherealm, is body was full of evil and he will not escape from there anymore. Maybe he is searching for a legendary sword to make him escape.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/29/2005 02:23 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

Raiden- should still be evil. I liked this story change, although I want to see how his new attitude affects everyone else (he was the Earthrealm warrior's mentor... is he now their enemy?)

He is not evil. I have no idea how many times this has to be stressed.

Anyway, Raiden himself needs to mix this new personality with the older personality. He needs more depth. They also need to fix his staff weapon style as it was tragically flawed in MKD.

Liu Kang should go back to being dead. I like him and all, but he needs to be dead.

Kung Lao has to return and just be supreme badass as always. tongue Hopefully he won't be tied down by lame revenge plots as I'm sick of seeing those.

Bring back Mavado and fix his styles. Don't bother with any stupid resurrections either.

Jade needs to have her Fan Zi style sorted out and have the huge delays she has on alot of her attacks shortened as she's horrid for it. Her outfits own, though a little more should be done with the first. A full blown Amazonian outfit with a headdress and leaves or whatever would probably look great on her. Also sort her story out and give her something new. She's got better things to be doing than running around after Kitana and Sindel.

Mileena needs a few long combos in Sai. Her new story should continue and deter her as far away from Kitana as possible.

Tanya needs her whole story restructured and rewritten as it plain sucks. She has potential but they're not using any of it and she's going to waste because of it.

Scorpions Hapkido stance is a little too fast and dominating and some of that speed needs to be removed. Also the sword he has is abusable to hell and that needs to be made a little less safe. His story is a basic stall attempt and the sooner he gets his revenge the better. Stop delaying the story and get on with it.

Sub-Zero needs a story change also as he's gotten pretty boring. His styles all blow along with his specials and those need to be changed or adjusted to make him a better competitor.

Kenshi is plain bad. Awesome character concept, poor execution. His moves, styles and story all suck. His look isn't all that swordsman like at all. Change it all!

Ashrah is great as she is, minus her story. We need more depth and character development here for her to truly shine.

Bo Rai Cho can die already.

Baraka is awesome. His Blades stance is too abusable though and should be made a little less safe.

Dairou can die too. He was badly implemented. I hate his primary outfit and his specials.

Ermac owns. I think he needs a bit more depth to his own story and more character development as well as some style improvements and he'll be great.

Darrius can die also. He's a waste of space and time.

Kira needs a better look, her own styles and specials rather than rip-offs of everyone else's stuff. She also needs a different story and get her out of the Black Dragon. They suck.

Kabal wasn't too bad, but his styles left alot to be desired. I hate his stupid story as well. I find it hard to understand how an Earth warrior suddenly turns evil and decides to reform the very clan he despises. It's all wrong.

Havik is an excellent concept. He's fine as he is. I hope they'll add some of the costumes for him that they never used that were unlockable in the Krypt as they looked great. If anything should be changed, it's his weapon style. It does him no justice. His specials could use some tweaking too.

Hotaru rocks. All he needs is some new outfits, further development and a few extra specials and longer combos.

Kobra can die too.

Li Mei is great. Sadly she's too technical a fighter to get used to and she needs more to her styles to help get around this. Her story is going great and it'll be interesting to see what happens to her next game. The fight within her to be good or evil is great.

Shujinko must die! Raiden or anyone else who kills him will be doing us all a favour.

Nightwolf is ok, but he's somewhat abusable. His charge needs to be more punishable and his Tomahawks could use a few more moves. If he's to have Tae kwon Do again, it needs to have the Nitro Kicks move branch into the weapon stance like Sonya's did in MKDA.

Sonya needs a whole new story change and I hope they drop the Special Forces and Black Dragon nonsense. It's brought her down and it's sad to see this happen to the first femme of MK.

Jax - See Sonya. Also, he needs to lose the ghetto nonsense as it's plain annoying.

Smoke is good but I'd prefer him to be solo and somewhat insane maybe. His own story is turning into a joke and he's heading the path of Cyrax - namely into rubbish.

Noob Saibot is a badass. His story rocks and I'll be interested to see where it goes.

Sektor is a badass also and needs to be back with his Tekunin army behind and making all aware of his presence.

Onaga must die. He was a poor boss and very embarrassing.

Sindel needs her styles improving along with her damage potential. She also needs a story revamp.

Kitana also needs a story revamp and needs to be more ninja assassin. I'd love a mix of both elegant princess and ninja assassin. She'd be perfect.

Johnny Cage should die again and stay that way or find a new purpose. I'm fed up of his lame story. He needs to stop being the joke of MK.

Fujin must come back and be the badass he was in MK4. He's a great character and should never have been cast aside. He has potential. Let's just hope he isn't to like Raiden.

Shang Tsung if he returns is fine as he is. I'd prefer for them to stop casting him as a weakling though. He was somewhat made out to be pretty pathetic in MKD's intro.

Quan Chi is awesome. He has interesting things ahead of him. I look forward to seeing what they do with him.

I got a little carried away here. Lol! I'm done now.

10/29/2005 09:04 PM (UTC)
I love you tgrant. I agree completely with everything you just posted.
After all the changes SM made... I'm a little hesitant to want changes to the characters....
10/30/2005 04:39 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao- MKDA started to build him up as a hero, with Liu's death. I think this should be continued, as Liu's time is over, and Shujinko didn't cut it as a hero. I think that with Raiden going crazy, Kung Lao should be the main good guy to stand up to him, and try and bring their old friend back to his senses. To help build him up again after MKD shat on him, they should give Kung Lao a big victory, perhaps over Goro.

Li Mei- I do not think she should become fully evil. Instead, I would have her trying to fight the evil inside her, while trying to get back at the man who put it there, Quan Chi. Maybe she should try and get hold of Ashrah's sword from the Netherrealm.

Mavado- Badly needs to return, as there's so much more to him. He has an alliance with Quan Chi, rivalries with the new Black Dragon, Special Forces, Kenshi and potentially Sub Zero. If not ressurection, then an "I was badly wounded, but survived" plotline.

Raiden- I love the new "Dark Raiden" plot and hope it carries on (but lose the black outfits, they're just not right). Although he kills Shujinko, he is not truly evil, just misguided. He's driven by protecting the Earth, and thinks what he is doing is for the best.

Mileena- I like the fact that she no longer needs Kitana around to be meaningful. I like her Kitana impersonator ending, and would like to see them go with that. My idea is that, she is ruling disguised as Kitana, and also using Raiden, encouraging his new violent madness against other heroes.

Quan Chi- Has to come back after all his build up. He's defeated many heroes, plus Shang Tsung, Quan Chi could be the next big thing in MK villains. Should definetely play a big role for future MK's, maybe bring back the Brotherhood of Shadow, now led by him. I'd also like to see his MKDA living weapon concept as a reality.

Johnny Cage- Love him or hate him, imo MK needs him. MKSM proved that Johnny is a great character for light releif, plus he has more personality than many fighters. He badly needs more depth to his storyline though, and I think he should be another fighter trying to talk sense into Raiden.

Sareena- Badly needs to show up in a mainstream MK game, with a new set of moves. She already has a deep storyline, and could be involved in the fight between Sub Zero and Noob, or even against Quan Chi, there's a few possibilites here.

Havik- Best of MKD's newcomers, and has the most potential for a comeback. There are too many possibilities for a man who's aim is to cause chaos to leave him out, and I see him as a potential threat to everyone, good, bad or neutral.

Reptile- He's MK's most evolving character, so he should stay around. I prefer him more in his lizard man form, like MKDA or MKSM. He should still be part of Kahn's evil army, but promoted to general or something, and less of a buttkissing servant.

I'll do more ideas as I come up with them.
10/30/2005 05:58 PM (UTC)
Condense most peoples hand-to-hand styles into one.

Add more branching combos

More variations on each special move (eg high, low harpoon)

Improve movement

make controls as intuitive as possible- so each character share as many controls as possible with eachother for similar moves, whilst maintaining their individuality.

Make all the ladies really fit.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/30/2005 06:42 PM (UTC)
Hecate Wrote:
I love you tgrant. I agree completely with everything you just posted.

Lol! Thanks. It's nice to see others on the same train of thought. smile
11/02/2005 11:41 PM (UTC)
I'd have Noob Saibot be his own character seperate from Smoke. I would have Noob Saibot be a neutral force just like Scorpion. I don't know how a wraith fights but I remember in the classic games he would be able to duplicate himself. I think it would be cool if you could have a move where like a shadow of Noob Saibot could grab the opponent and have the same effect as Sub-Zero's freeze where the opponent can't move.

I would also change Liu Kang's look. He has looked the same since Mortal Kombat 2. After playing Shaolin Monks I hope to see some new moves added in for him from that game. The fire uppercut was cool and I think it would be a neat special move in the next Mortal Kombat.

I don't know what is going to happen to Reptile now, but I think he would be different after being taken over by Onaga. I think it is time for Reptile to become a force on the side of good. Reptile has the potential to become a good guy and he has been abused by his masters for so long. I wonder how the good guys would treat Reptile knowing he was an enemy from the past.

I would make Raiden a big threat in the next game to come. I hope they shed more light on how the realms were created and how Raiden is aware of the One Being. It suprises me that Raiden has never mentioned the One Being to Liu Kang and the others before, being a god himself he should know about the One Being right? I would add alot of cool special moves and bring back that electric grab from Mortal Kombat 2 but slightly different. I would like to see a move given to Raiden from his ending in Deception. Like he has a current of electricity run through his opponent just like Shujinko was forced to endure like in Raiden's ending.
11/03/2005 12:18 AM (UTC)
I think that they should add more to the Ashrah storyline. She says that her and her sisters served Quan Chi. Possibly her sisters are Sareena, Kaia, and Jatakka? That would be cool, involve them somehow in her storyline.

Involve Kira and Kano somehow... possible love interests? Or rival Black Dragon members? Or we could have a Kira and Sonya rivaly... THAT would kick ass!

Bring back Reptile and add Khameleon too. Again... possible love interests?

If Kitana comes back lets give her something else than the Fan Decap fatality. She could keep her Kiss of Death, just vamp it up a little bit. But she needs a new fatality. Keep the feud with Mileena alive also, it's a great storyline.

Intensify the rivalry with Jade and Tanya also...

LEAVE LIU KANG OUT! He's getting old.
11/03/2005 02:25 AM (UTC)
This is a good thread. I'm going to post a few characters at a time since I don't want to take up too much space with one post. I want there to just be 1 unarmed and 1 weapon style.


Look: I think his Shredder type look is great and he should keep it though I would like to see the Dragon Medallion on the same spot as it was in his MKDA alternate costume. I did like his MKD alternate costume, but I think his hairstyle should be more like it was in MKDA. If he's going to have a ponytail, it should be thinner and a bit longer. His skin should have more of the complextion as it had in MKDA. As for the scar, well, I think it's fine that it's gone as long as there is logic to it such as his scar eventually healing or something...His MKDA alternate costume and maybe even his MKSM costume would be cool to see.

Fighting Styles: I think Dragon is a good fit for him, but he should use the bow stance (aka front stance), namely a higher, thinner one for more mobility. He should still have good pokes in it. Dragon needs its locking, twisting moves. His Roundhouse Kick in it should either stun the opponent in the face or sending them flying a bit so that they fall to the ground for an oki. I think a couple more kicks or so would be nice to see such as a sweep kick. The Kori Blade was good in MKD. 2 should either be a stun move or it should be replaced with 3 (the chest slash move) and that move could be a stun move or at least a move that gives Sub-Zero some space. With 1, B + 1 making U + 1 practically useless (except when it comes to style changing combos), U + 1 should either go or it should make the opponent's time on the ground last longer than 1, B + 1 would. The kicks in Kori Blade (MKD version) sucked ass and I would like to see the kicks from Dragon incorporated as long as there are improvments and additions like the sweep kick.

Special Moves: Well, I think he should have all of his moves from the MK games he's been in except for ones like the Ice Rain and Ground Freeze. The Freeze should have a charge to it. The Ice Shaker should definitely have a cancel. The Ice Clone should be able to be done in the air like in the classic MKs.

Storyline: Well, there should definitely be more explanation on his race and their connection to Outworld and whatnot. Noob Saibot, Smoke, Sareena, Sektor, Mavado, Scorpion, Frost, and maybe even Ashrah and Kenshi should have connection to Sub-Zero's storyline depending on the direction they'll take with him for MK7. To me, Sub-Zero has one of the best storylines and he has so much potential, it's crazy.

Fatalities: He had really cool ones (no pun intended of course tongue). I would like to see those again as well as some new ones.

Noob Saibot

Look: I really liked that one Noob concept in MKD's Krypt (the one on the right of the concept with the 3 different Noob looks) but it should have the leg pads with the eclipse design and the symbol on the sash from the concept look on the left of that set and maybe more of a grim reaper-ish type hood. He should go back to have the glowing dark blue eyes look.

Fighting Styles: I actually think Monkey fits him well. It really needs those flipping, leaping, and rolling techniques as well as lots of tricky type stuff to make Noob really hard to master. D + 4 needs to be much slower. 1 should be fast and safe. For his weapon, I think he should either use a Scythe or a Kusarigama. I guess since I want him to have a grim reaper-ish type hood and since he had this weapon in MK4/MKG, I think he should probably go with the scythe. It could be complimentary to the Monkey style in terms of range in that Monkey would be more in the closer range while the Scythe is more on the longer range.

Special Moves: I think he should have all of his special moves from MKT, but his Shadow Cloud be adjusted so that it isn't broken. I had been thinking of a move like Sub-Zero's Ice Clone which I call Shadow Clone and it basically has the same effects as his Shadow Cloud except that the Shadow Clone will be a bit slower than the Ice Clone.

Storyline: Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Ashrah, and Sareena definitely need to be involved with his storyline. I like how he's stepping up, becoming more than the whole spy and assassin role he's had since MK2. I really look forward as to how his story goes. The Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot conflict should be deep and dark. He should try to get Sareena to join him if the two ever come across each other somehow. When it comes to him and Scorpion, either he shoud try to have him elimated for good or maybe he should thank Scorpion for being responsible for his becoming of a wraith and maybe even try to get Scorpion to join him as one of his generals.

Fatalities: I think his fatalities should revolve around darkness and shadowy stuff.


Look: I like his MKD primary costume look a lot. I would really like to see the Monster look he was originally supposed to have for his alternate costume.

Fighting Styles: I think he should use Ninpo Taijutsu (aka Ninjutsu) as his fighting style since he is a ninja and that the founder of Scorpion's ninja clan founded the style of Ninjutsu (in terms of the MK story of course). For his weapon, Scorpion should use a Shinobi Katana which would be much like that of a Wakizashi which is shorter than the Daito Katana the Samurai use but longer than the Tanto, which is like a knife or short sword.

Special Moves: More should be done with his Spear. I'd like to see the return of the Fire Breath and there should be a charge to it. I'd like to see the return of his Teleport Punch and Forward Leap Punch. His Teleport Attack in MKD sucked major ass. The Teleport Punch can help him get out of death trap situations and the Forward Leap Punch can act as a tricky, psych you out type move.

Storyline: Aside from the whole Champion of the Elder Gods thing with trying to stop Onaga, perhaps he and Shujinko should come across paths again. Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot should definitely tie into Scorpion's storyline. Quan Chi is a maybe. Perhaps he should be for a bit later. A Sub-Zero/Scorpion team up against Noob Saibot would be cool to see and I think if Scorpion does come across Noob and learns about the truth behind Noob's identity, Scorpion should feel a sense of responsibility in the sense that he had some part in the creation of Noob and with Noob being a threat, Scorpion should want to eliminate him, but Sub might want to save him, believing that there's still good in his brother which should create a bit of conflict between Sub-Zero and Scorpion.

Fatalities: His spear related fatality in MKD and MKSM were both great and I would like to see them again. Maybe he should have his Toasty fatality again though it needs to be more detailed as in more vicious. He should basically blast out flames out of his mouth and we should see and hear the opponent's agony and the burning details should look great. Before blasting, his head and eyes should ignite.


Look: I really like the ethereal look he had in MKD and I hope they still have that though his pants shouldn't have holes in them, imo. His more robotic look was also pretty cool.

Fighting Styles: I felt that Mi Tzu was an interesting and cool choice for him. For his weapon, he should either use the Double Hammers (I'm talking about ones that are light) or the Kwan Dao since those are weapons used in Mi Tzu.

Special Moves: His Stinky Cloud is a cool move though I think it should be changed to Smoke Cloud. Stinky would fit more for Bo' Rai Cho. tongue He should have his Smokeycut and Invisibility. I'm not sure about the spear though.

Storyline: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, and maybe even Ashrah should tie into his story. Smoke should probably still be on Noob's side as his top guy. Either that or Smoke breaks free from Noob's control and finds and joins Sub-Zero. It could go in different ways...I do see potential for his story.

Fatalities: His MKD fatality was awesome I would like to see that again but a bit more brutal. His other fatality should involve smoke somehow. I'm not quite sure what.


Look: I liked both of her costume looks from MKDA. Her face in her MKDA alternate costume is ugly and they should fix that. I don't know why they did that when her in game face up close actually isn't that bad although, she looks a bit older than what I would like her to be. She should be young, probably around Li Mei's age like early 20s.

Fighting Styles: Well, I think Tong Bei and her Ice Daggers are fine for her. They just need to be worked on a bit in terms of gameplay.

Special Moves: Her special moves from MKDA are fine. She needs new ones and ones that are different from Sub-Zero's.

Storyline: Her storyline should definitely tie into Sub-Zero's storyline. Either she should change for the better or still be power hungry. Maybe she should join forces with Noob Saibot. Her past needs to be revealed some as well as her discovery of her heritage.

Fatalities: She needs new, distinctive, better quality ice-related fatalities.
11/03/2005 02:44 AM (UTC)

Go with the insane, twisted psycho bitch thing its working beautifuly

Jade & Tanya rivalry evolved


See my bio in the idea thread thingy...also needs a sex change she's been a man too long. Bring back MK4 look!
About Me

"I have heard it said that it is better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Do you know what I mean?"

11/03/2005 03:34 AM (UTC)
I want to see Kabal start throwing his weight around a bit more as the new leader of a nearly destroyed clan. It be cool if we saw a bit of his face too, in a fatality or a alt. costume.
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