What are the revenants?
posted04/18/2015 07:46 AM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
I felt like this one deserved its own topic. Out of all the things MKX was inconsistent with in story mode, one thing really confused me playing through again.

What the hell are the revenants supposed to be? Are they the same people? Their souls corrupted? This is what I figured, but Smoke says "I'm not Smoke, my name is Inimra." Which implies that it could be demons just piloting their bodies, but that wouldn't explain their memories.

Seeing as these characters were a key part of the story and the fates of the old good guys, I figured it's worth posing the question of what actually happened to them.
04/17/2015 11:23 PM (UTC)
The whole revenant angle was so confusing in the story mode that I get headaches thinking about it.

BTW, Smoke is saying, "I am Enenra," a reference to his MK9 ending.
04/17/2015 11:29 PM (UTC)
They're clones as shown when Johnny almost became one. I just wonder where Jade is and whether they're free once
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Shinnok becomes a disembodied head.
04/18/2015 12:43 AM (UTC)
The best I can do is they are just resurrected and corrupted souls given new forms by Quan Chi. Hence how Kuai Liang easily got his human body back.

Though the Jax chapter confused me with him saying that Kitana was going all Noob Saibot on us and was fully in controll of herself and was happy with who she was now.

I mean...what? Is that how that works? Jax should know better shouldn't he? While they are under Quan Chi's spell they still have all the knowledge they did when they were alive it's just now they are corrupted and guided by evil. I mean before he was restored he seamed pretty okay with what he was and what he was doing.

Unless they really are in control there and can simply be talked out of being evil as we were shown in Kung Laos ending...uuugh

Also...was Scorpion just a revenant now instead of a hell spawn specter? And...is he not that anymore? God Vogel what the hell.
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04/18/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
I simply gathered that their souls were corrupted. They were in control, but not in control, if that makes sense.
04/18/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
I think they are just corrupted versions of their former selves, meaning they have free will to an extent, retain their memories and all of that, but are corrupted/evil now.

As for what Jax said I think he just means her corrupted self enjoys it, not the "real" Kitana, the same way Jax himself seemed to have no problem working for Quan Chi when he was a revenant, but clearly isn't proud of the things he did for him once he became his "real" self again.

04/18/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
I just wonder what makes them different from Scorpion and Noob since those two aren't grey and glowing like Dark Kahn.
04/18/2015 07:04 AM (UTC)
SpellcraftQuill Wrote:
I just wonder what makes them different from Scorpion and Noob since those two aren't grey and glowing like Dark Kahn.

Yeah asked the same.

And we'll Noob and Scorpion got some super special powers. While the revenants not.
04/18/2015 07:18 AM (UTC)
SpellcraftQuill Wrote:
I just wonder what makes them different from Scorpion and Noob since those two aren't grey and glowing like Dark Kahn.

Well, one possibility may be that they weren't evil to begin with. I mean, Scorpion's spirit was filled with hatred and the need for vengeance, since he lost his family to what he thought was the Lin Kuei, so his spirit was tainted to the point where he willingly gave himself to Quan Chi to get a chance at Revenge.
And while Sub-Zero may not have had as strong of a vendetta, it's been established that his soul was "tainted with evil", so once he died, his evil soul was probably more susceptible to just naturally turning into something like a wraith.

But all the other guys, deep down, they were all good. (Aside from Sindel maybe, but even then, who's to say just what kind of curse it was that made her evil? She could've been a sort of a living revenant in the first place.)
Point is, maybe Revenants are just good souls that are corrupted with evil against their wills.
04/18/2015 07:28 AM (UTC)
Aside from Sindel maybe, but even then, who's to say just what kind of curse it was that made her evil? She could've been a sort of a living revenant in the first place.

Pretty sure that when Quan Chi resurrected her in Earthrealm, he said something about 'adjusting' her to Kahn's liking.
04/18/2015 07:35 AM (UTC)
swampcrash_unknown Wrote:
Aside from Sindel maybe, but even then, who's to say just what kind of curse it was that made her evil? She could've been a sort of a living revenant in the first place.

Pretty sure that when Quan Chi resurrected her in Earthrealm, he said something about 'adjusting' her to Kahn's liking.

Yeah, but the point is, whatever Quan Chi did didn't necessarily mean that her soul was now filled with evil. For all we know, she was being possessed or influenced by Quan Chi, or another outside source, like a demon.

I mean, heck, I don't know, it's not like I'm John Vogel, lol. But as far as the Revenants are concerned, my best theory is that what makes them different is that they're good souls that were forcefully corrupted, as opposed to characters like Noob and Scorpion, whose souls were tainted with evil in the first place.
04/18/2015 07:46 AM (UTC)
Ask the guys at Naughty Dog & Way of the Warrior... They had "Grey" / bad versions of guys way back in the day and it was stupid (Major Gains/Major Trouble, Dragon/Black Dragon, Fox/Voodoo)...

MKX story sucks so bad that they had to rip shit off from one of the worst games ever made hahah
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