What about Dark Raiden as big boss for next MK?
posted06/27/2011 05:59 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/26/2006 08:42 PM (UTC)
Someone talked about it somewhere and I think it,s a great idea. Make dark Raiden look a little more badass and you must take him out to save the day. I think Raiden, with his elder god and Mk veteran status, would make a great boss. Better than Onaga or Blaze or Shinnok for that matter.
12/04/2006 11:25 AM (UTC)
that would be awesome if he was a boss.grin
12/04/2006 01:39 PM (UTC)
100% sure he will be the final bad boss in the next game.
Trust me,i know,i don't know how,but i know.
Wouldn't that be something I mean Raiden the ultimate symboll of Good in Mortal Kombat finally looses it and becomes the boss. But I don't think he would betray Earthrealm. But Raiden as a boss would be cool. He's a God not like that joke Shinnok. Would it surprise me not really. "Finish HIM!" No more Raiden.
12/04/2006 11:28 PM (UTC)
This has been suggested before; I think Dark Raiden suits the boss role perfectly.

If too many fans want the Light Raiden, then IMO, their should be two Raidens - but either way, I like the idea of having two Raidens. It would go something like this...

Raiden fought desperately to overcome his dark side, but it was too late, for the darkness has already tooken over his mind state. Raiden has very few options - he can selfdestruct again but risk a possible comeback in a state of chaotic, pure evil, or he can try to fight off the darkness in his current state, which is already taking over him. In a last, desperate attempt to save himself, Raiden powers up to the max, something no one has ever seen before. His power goes beyond, and in doing this, Raiden hopes that he will rid himself of all evil energy. But when Raiden pushes himself even further, beyond control, his power collapses on him; he gets knocked out.

Several hours later, he wakes up all bloody with broken bones, his life barely hanging on the edge. Fujin or another Earthrealm warrior finds Raiden and heals him, but Raiden tells him/her to leave because of unfinished business. Upon recovery, Raiden is now Neutral, just like he was in MK1. However, Raiden senses himself in two now....as if his negative side is now a being by itself. Dark Raiden is now a character on his own; Raiden knows that he is just as powerful as himself - if not more.

Dark Raiden has red or pitch black eyes, and the blue lining that he had on his outfit is now dark blue or dark purple. The eletricity that circulates around him is pink/purple, and Raiden's face looks a bit more skeleton-like (veins popping out, no lips, just teeth). He is still very intelligent, and wants to destroy Light Raiden along with Shao Kahn. Dark Raiden will be the next big villian.

Just my ideas.
12/05/2006 03:08 AM (UTC)
Only way I would want Dark Raiden as a boss is if we find out he was an imposter (or the real Raiden possessed) and by defeating him we get the Light Raiden back. But then we would the whole 'evil' twin thing which has already been done to death with the Kitana/Mileena story.
12/05/2006 03:12 AM (UTC)
No way. Unless they make it EXTREAMLY awsome than I guess so, but with Midway im not going to take that chance. So i say no. Sub-boss would be more exceptional for me.
12/05/2006 03:18 AM (UTC)
Sure, if they did it right. Raiden's character is starting to get stale anyways, the dark image made him better than before, but now that's dieing out and they should just give up on these characters. Make our favorite God go out with a memorable bang, tragic and emotional. I mean, what they did to him in MKA - I don't want to see that. If he goes muy loco he should help no one.
12/06/2006 02:05 AM (UTC)
yea he should be a boss i mean cmon he dark, sounds evil, sounds crazy,
and hes really powerful.
12/06/2006 05:38 PM (UTC)
Ugh. Dark Raiden was okay for one game. But two, or even more? No thanks. I'll stick with my favorite character as he was.
12/07/2006 12:57 AM (UTC)
IamTheS Wrote:
Ugh. Dark Raiden was okay for one game. But two, or even more? No thanks. I'll stick with my favorite character as he was.

That's completely stupid. Raiden was the same for 10 years, and then when he goes a bit mad for 4 years or so, you think that's too much?

I'd love to see Raiden as the main boss.
12/07/2006 07:09 PM (UTC)
I'd rather not have Raiden involved in the next events of Mortal Kombat, i'd have him be a legend of the former generation and the Earthrealm warriors look upon the thunder god Raiden an example of how emotions can make even a god fall.
12/07/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
Raiden's been around and a smbol of MK. To tell you the truth, I would bring back the god of thunder with a new look,but keep the hat,he has to have his hat to be raiden.
06/27/2011 02:37 AM (UTC)
that would be awesome!he would make a cool boss.
06/27/2011 05:59 AM (UTC)
bad10 Wrote:
that would be awesome!he would make a cool boss.

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